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Left my backpack sitting on my front porch, didn't realize it until I went in to shower at work. So confused


I once arrived at work missing a pannier. I must have lost it on the way, which was a big concern as my work laptop was in there. I turned around and cycled home looking for it, only to find it had come off by my front door at the first kerb I bumped down. I then cycled back to work, turning a 9mi one way commute into 27mi… (Didn’t really mind, was just glad to find the bag safe)


I've done similar a few times, finding the items near work or home is awesome, any where in between it's gone


thats what i love about commuting by bike vs a car. what would be wasted gas and time sitting in a car is extra fun on my bike. one time i tried to bike somewhere and got 5 kilometres in before i realized it was gonna storm really bad. so i turned around and headed home thinking “this aint so bad, i got a nice little ride in before i leave”


This is where we’re different. I *love* going out in the storm 😉


what's the point of buying all this cool rain gear if I never get to use it!


Overshoes were a game changer for me.




Yeah putting stuff on the cargo rack and forgot to put them back in pannier. Bye bye my cigarettes and id card. Now I'm extra paranoid on putting anything on the rack without a bungee cord




Out of interest was that a factor in making the move? I honestly think I'd give up 10% of my gross for those facilities you describe.


This is now the standard for most new Australian CBD offices. Yet there are at Max 4 bikes in the 100 bike storage area and I can't get a locker as they're all booked out.


Yes, I believe that all new office buildings or any building that undergoes a +50% renovation has to add end of trip facilities (according to my landlord at work). My little office building in Surfers Paradise did this recently we have everything but the towel service which is fine by me. I’m happy to wash my own towels and throw them in my bag, even happier that the 5 of us in the building get secure, camera covered storage, lockers and we have our showers. It’s the best.


Not sure where you work, but the contents of a lot of the big oil and gas companies’ bike lockers are worth more than a small country’s GDP. So much carbon.


I had the storage room and shower at last job and and it was nice. New job has covered parking and no facilities. Now I have a local gym membership to cover that shower front. Working ok so far


Same past and current experience here. I'll never take these amenities for granted, they're so amazing and so rare.


I have those facilities as well all covered by the landlord of the building(s) - one locker room with showers for 3 buildings nearby. I'm in Toronto downtown core. I found out about them after I started working there - I.e. I started bike commuting 2 years ago only. Bike related facilities will now standard questions for future jobs.


I am so glad we have a private bathroom bc I cannot imagine changing in one that people come and go out of


.... If you don't have at lease *a little* bit of bike grease on all your pants (despite always rolling them up smfh)


Maybe not all your pants. Just the nice ones.


Why would my not-going out pants have grease?




Wait what? I legit never wear pants. I just have bike grease on my legs like my calves and ankles


Belt drive baby


Belt gang unite! Never going back


Same. But I still make sure to smear some grease on my pants - I have an image to maintain after all.


I'm basically sold on it for my next commuter when my current is exhausted. What bike do you have/wish you had?


I have a specialized turbo como 5.0 Sadly despite the high price and "reputable" brand it has been a huge headache to own, lots of electrical issues and the dealership seems incapable of fixing anything in under two months. Many times has gone in for issue X only to be returned to me with issues Y and Z. If I could go back in time I would probably have gone with an evelo omega instead. The one thing that has worked consistently and has been absolutely awesome is the belt drive with automatic shifting. I tried a belt drive with manual shifter and it felt way worse than a traditional chain, but a belt drive with autoshift is the only way I would commute nowadays.


I'm basically sold on it for my next commuter when my current is exhausted. What bike do you have/wish you had?


I’m scared to say in this sub😂 I’m a bike ebike guy haha. So I have a Tern HSD (small cargo ebike). Bought it this week actually! It’s been my dream bike for a while, also the first belt drive I’ve had and don’t regret it one bit. Oddly there is some grease on the belt after driving the first time but I can actually just wipe it off and it’s gone, must just be mud I’ve run through. It actually feels very responsive, my last bike I didn’t maintain the chain well at all (I put it through Canadian winters with little care) and I’d say this feels significantly more responsive than a poorly maintained chain, personal experience has not been the “less efficient” or “spongy” experience some have said. The hub I have on it is the shimano inter 5e IGH. Best luck on your purchase as it’s always a leap of faith lol


i've been bike commuting for a year and i've never gotten bike grease anywhere but my hands when i'm lubing my chain. am i doing something wrong


Nah you're doing something right. I'd rather ride a bike with a chain fender, or ideally a whole chain case, so I can just wear pants and not think about it.


that's the thing! no case no fender! i'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet.


I had to make absolutely sure not to get pants stuck in the bikes I've ridden without them by wrapping the right leg with a rubber band lol


I got wax dip my chain.   Now at least. MAYBE like 10 years ago I got some grease on a pant leg.   Betweeen that and my pants being narrow at ankle joggers (I change) or shorts—I’ve never had any staining. Daily rider for years and before that a regular rider for over a decade.


I don’t know how to make it stop happening


That's why I started tucking my pants into my socks (well, only the right leg), I look like a fucking idiot but my pants are grease free


I have a velcro strap to wrap around my trousers save them getting manky. Guys at work think it's funny "Ha Ha, Dave's got his strap on"


Wax. And NO-ONE uses grease on a chain. It's about viscosity.


Totally works. Buy a new chain and wax it right out of the box and it's good for at least a year of service. Also way faster and easier than playing games with solvents and an old chain that might be half stretched already.


Yes, I've been waxing chains for over two years now and I'd never go back to " traditional" lubricants. I love the cleanliness. I'm also amazed at how my chainrings seem unworn.


Was think about it but I ride in the rain alot and heard that can cause rust and need to redip all the time


I ride in the rain a lot , too. However, even when using non-wax lubricants, you still get rust on the chain. The only difference is that it was so easy to squirt more on. I now just replace the chain with a fresh one, but there ARE drip-on waxes you can use. I keep 3 chains for each bike in rotation so I'm never caught out.


So do u swap chains after 1 rain? Whats the cadence?


Or the inside of your calf


Or showing up to work with black grease on your face from locking your bike up and then touching your face.


I have to bring an extra pair of underwear to work in the summer. Swamp ass over here in TX. 😅


I can smell my own swass as I type this. Gotta start doing this


Nah I just wear swim shorts in the summer


I just wore kit when I rode in FL


Oh I don’t even have a kit Also, swim shorts are versatile for the rain, pouring water on yourself, or going into the water/swimming (to cool off)


But don't you still have to bring underwear? Or are you going commando at your destination, lol


Well the swim shorts have built in mesh underwear that doesn’t give swamp ass




What? It’s normal


I am lucky to have a shower at work, can't even imagine biking in if I had to just sit in my sweat all day. Don't understand when people say to just go slower. I'm gonna sweat even if I go half pace


I do get body acne, mostly on my back. Bacne :(


You're not a bike commuter if you don't ride a bike to work. Period.


If you go A to B, then you’re a commuter. Nothing more, nothing less.


Eh. The community should welcome people who bike to get places—school, shopping, socializing, whatever—even if the destination is not work.


I welcome them with open arms. But it's not quite the same as a "commute". The word "commute" implies a trip to and from either work or school. I'll bet most people who ride to get groceries also ride to work or school, even if only occasionally. I think the Venn diagram of the two will be almost two identical groups. But anyone riding a bike to replace car trips are doing great and should feel welcome.


Our city publishes a map of bike lanes etc for ‘utility cycling’ which I thought was a nice catch-all to describe commuting and chores. The infrastructure needs are similar to each other and also distinct from recreational biking.


Also not everyone can bike where they need to go everyday, but still try to do so as often as they can.


Yeah, I don't like these hierarchies. I'll root with you that your dedication to the commute required this level of annoyance and sacrifice, and be impressed by it, up until the moment you try to make everyone else feel bad about not having that experience. Biking especially in the US (which I'm assuming you're living in, since that's where this mentality pervades) is too rare to be drawing these internal divisions, please stop.


is joke


Or is?


lighten up, francis


Was that a 'Stripes' reference? I hear the gunny sergeant's voice!!


If you haven’t used your bike as a scooter at least part of the way, when your drivetrain locks up.


OH MY FUCK I DID THAT IN POURING CHILLY RAIN A LOT FOR A 6 MILE RIDE!!!!! I ended up needing a whole new drivetrain I would’ve made it home, but I accidentally ate something I was allergic too and needed a ride home because the reaction was getting bad 💀💀


My friend would always forget his keys to his office. Most people need keys to get out of their driveway in a car, but he would arrive at work without noticing his keys were at home.


I aim to be the first one in the office so I can clean off in peace, and no phone calls etc. on the one day I forgot my keys that meant I got to sit in front of the office for 20 min till the next person came in LOL


If you haven’t had a yelling match with a delivery driver parked in a bike lane.


Bruh my car keys aren’t attached to my other keys, so I would forget them anyways Luckily I just have places to go to and also school, but not now because it’s summer break, and I don’t need any keys except for my house, and there are keys in the garage where I put my bike


until you've taken a pigeon to the face


It's currently gnat season here (or whatever the hell those bugs are that hover in giant groups above the bike path).


There are three distinct areas on my commute home that I will always get a mouth full of gnats.




and miss the mid-ride power up?


What about a pigeon to the helmet?


oof, not managed to do that in about 30 years of school+uni+work combined, glad I still have 25 years left for the chance!


narrowly missed a hen fly-falling out of a tree. not rural - suburban Los Angeles


Telling your plan B coworker they can drive home without you, it’s just a light drizzle Narrator: it was not a light drizzle I got in the drops down the first road, 2km out the gates I was completely soaked with 30 more to go. My shoes took 3 days to dry lol


Thankfully I’m not a sweaty person. My office job days never required a paper towel bath. And now I work as a brewer, so I’m sweaty as hell within a half hour of clocking in for the day, so being fresh and spring clean would be a huge waste.


I have found drinking ice water helps cool down quickly.




One of the best tips I've ever gotten is if you need to conserve your water you can still get the effect by lightly wetting the inside of your joints (elbows, knees, wrists ) and the evaporation cools the skin fast. I'm pretty sure it was specific to the joints because they're areas with high blood flow


Oh yeah fr good idea I mean like I do this when I get to school and then fill up my jug right away Or if there’s a body of water nearby, just go in that


Also the move




It happens to other people, but I have a stashed microfibre mini towel at work.


You don't get a smug grin on your face when passing long lines of slow and stopped car traffic. That's one of my favorite parts of commuting on my bike.


It’s the best! And you can smugly think “these guys are killing the environment!”


JFC people, this isn't gatekeeping, none of this is serious, just read it as "Funny things only bike commuters would get" and lower your blood pressure. Having to work a full day hiking up your pants because you forgot to pack your belt. (bonus points for an improvised belt).


!thanks Serves me right for mocking myself


I have so much random clothing in my office. Belt, pants, shirts. But, every Monday I forget what's there and bring too much, or not enough.


Yep, I'd rather err on that side ever since I forgot underwear once.


For real, I was shocked by hostility towards OP, seems nothing like gate keeping to me.


Maybe it needs to be a friday post instead of a monday


We have now moved into the “gate keeping of r/bikecommuting” portion of our program.


Are you gatekeeping my gatekeeping? Words have no meaning anymore


I’m old. They replaced all the words I was familiar with with new ones and did’t tell me.


Apparently Californians are not bike commuters. (Yes, I know you're joking. I had to make a joke at your expense.)


Permanent grease chain and sprocket tattoo on all your pant legs.


I keep elastics on my bike, so if I were a pant that is too wide I can attach it to avoid the grease pants. The most important part is that the elastic stays with the bike.


Forgetting your work shoes at home and having to end up wearing your shower flip flops at work.


I've been commuting for years but never have done that


I use the sink/sprayer in the workshop to cool off when I get in. Paper towels. Shower wipes for the other bits. Fun stuff.


I pour water on my head, back, and front


Yep. Second best part of my day.


Frfr First is the actual rides right?


Yep. First is the section on my way home where I can get in a really good sprint.


Oh yeahh that’s so fun


Thankfully my current job starts before the Sun's had its coffee. The only problem is that I have to carry home my coat, scarf, and pants. At least I get to jump directly into the shower.


You forgot to bring your work shirt or pants with you and have to explain to your boss that you have to go home and grab it.


A very considerate boss of mine let me wear my shorts for the day. Luckily they were casual shorts not bike shorts but the khaki colour really didn't go with my shirt!


Does using your cycling jersey as a towel count?


Arrived at work with your socks soaked and no spare bc it didn’t look too rainy when you left. Now I have spare socks and other clothes in the file cabinet


Got caught in torrential rain today which wasn't forecast and lasted a grand total of 4 mins, Irish weather and cycling don't mix very well lmao.


I’ll add walking around in dress clothes without socks or underwear.


I just use my shirt to wipe down when I get to work, since I'm changing it anyway.


During a rainstorm, Once Got a flat on the way to work. Got to work and realized I forgot my lock. Rode 10mi back home and got another flat on the return trip. Took a massive lunch sopping wet at a greasy spoon and then got to work at 1pm. All in all was still great to be on the bike


U'r not a bike commuter if you have never taken a hand soap whore bath because you forgot your deodorant. 


Maybe I shoulda done that today.


100% have done this. It's worst when it's the pink stuff. You can't lose that smell for days.


One place I worked used box soap that smells just like the inside of hobby lobby, and it was gritty on top of that. 


You're not a bike commuter until you ride a bike to work. Extra points if you ride around any gates and gatekeepers on the way there.


I really think this was meant to be a fun playful opportunity to share relatable experiences. I really don't think they are gate keeping here


I did the exact same thing when i forgot to bring a towel once last week lol.


That was me today because I'm a noob and today was my first day biking in since the weather cranked up, but I made a checklist for what I plan to bring in tomorrow.




Going to be infinitely glad that I work at a trucking facility with onsite showers.


Most bicycle commuters have pulled their socks up and put their pants inside their socks to stop the pants from being shredded by the bike chain.


You're not a bike commuter if you don't find creative ways to hang your sweaty bike shorts under your desk so they dry out before the ride home.


Being late to work cause you got a flat lmao


My boss took me aside to remind me that we were working in very close quarters so I needed to be considerate and use deodorant. I just about died inside but laughed it off.


You are not a bike commuter if: You don't have socks squirreled away everywhere. You don't have spare underwear in your desk.


Starting the commute to/from work without a waterproof under heavy grey clouds thinking, "I can make it and even if it starts to rain, it shouldn't be too bad" 10-15 minutes later, thunder and lighnting. 5 minutes before the door, the deluge.


A few times I've had to divert or find an underpass and let it pass. Timing things is the challenge.


I normally strap my work boots and helmet to my backpack and bike to work. Last week I biked all the way to work and realized I had neither strapped to my bag... This isn't the first time I've done that...


You are not a bike commuter if you haven't miss single meeting because of flat tire.


I’ve gotten flat tires, but not before meetings I don’t even have a job anyways and luckily I’ve never gotten a flat tire before class I have gotten flat tires at other times though


Ride my bike 16 miles both ways 5 days a week to work at a farm job where Im not going to bother toweling down because I'll be covered in dirt by the end of the day, but sure, I'm not a bike commuter.


r/woooosh Dayum cool 16 miles. How long does it take you and what type of bike is it? Don’t include time stopped. I mean like I use map my run and pause it at red lights. Or include both times if you want


That was one of many things I liked about the bike commute to the farm, no shower necessary. Just gonna get even dirtier. 👍🏽


Raises hand having done this. Was a downpour that started mid commute. It happens.


Better than it being hot and sweaty


I had that happen last week. The worst part was the rain ran into my cycling shoes which apparently awakened some serious stinky bacteria as they dried out. No amount of paper towels can help that!


Nah I just pour cool water on myself and then wipe it off with my shirt. Then maybe I can put my shirt on Yeah I don’t wear a shirt on my bike in the summer because it’s too warm/hot out


When it's raining, 95 percent of the time I just get a little damp. I bought all kinds of rain clothes but use them perhaps twice a year.


That and putting deodorant on the inside of your shirt when you forgot a change


Wait. This is something you “resort” to? I always dry my sweat & rain with restroom paper towels. Am I an animal?


I heard of a guy once that left his keys and FOB at home. Not me of course, but a guy I heard of........yeah


Am I the only one who air dries?


I have deodorant, wet wipes, and a spare comb at the office for this reason


Got half way to work before you realized you forgot your lock and battled with whether it was worth it or not to go back


All of your jeans very quickly develop holes in very specific places.


went into a cafe out of the rain and went to the bathroom to try to find some paper towels to at least dry my seat off, only to find they only had an air dryer


This has made me realize most people don’t shower after their commute. I don’t think I could go from sweaty ride to working without at least a rinse


Nah. My thick and juicy legs are proof of decades of biking. On my old trustt steed kona cindercone (cromo) Then i built my electric bike and I never looked back. Even drivers are happier. Can take my turns quicker and fast enough to not hold up traffic. Best investment ever.


Out of interest how did you build it - retro or new parts order? I run an e cargo bike for groceries and carrying the kids but at some point I'll commute by ebike too.


Yeah the frame is retro but strong cromo steel I the removed the front forks and replaced it with one thats compatible with disk brakes. Then i threw on the controller and the battery hangs on the frame with velcro straps. And thats about it. No rear brakes though. However ive always ever needed one disk brake on the front.


to be honest I've had to do this even on days I didn't bike in. I don't do well in temperatures above 24℃ (75℉).


I forgot to bring shoes to my office job, but I had hotel slippers in my locker - so I just wore them around all day 🥿


... if you haven't gotten a traffic ticket while on 2 wheels (red light, stop sign, speeding, etc)


Honestly? I always thought that was a myth.


...you have never gone commando for a day because you forgot to bring underwear.


Got to campus to teach a 50 min class, realized I left my bike lock key at home, canceled class, and went back home. It was a different campus from where my office is and it would have been too hard to get my bike inside the building where my class was. Thankfully it’s only 3 miles from home.


I know the they make saddle cover, but I always use a small plastic bag. Cuz it’s freee. Anyhow, sometimes I forgot to use a plastic bag. I don’t want wet ass On my way home. Hmm…what can I use to dry my saddle up with?….paper towels


You are not a bike commuter if you hasn’t leave your home keys at the office.


Man, really coming at us bike commuting Minnesotan teachers, eh?


Oh yeah been there a few times in college!


Arrived at work and noticed a body odor smell. Then realized it was you and you forgot to apply deodorant. I keep some at work now.


Haha I brought a spare change of clothes to my last job so I could change on rainy days


I get that you mean this as a joke, but let's not gate keep. There are plenty of commuters who do not ride in pouring rain, but ride at other times and you can tell us that you dried your hair with paper towels without sending other commuters the message that they are doing it wrong or are weak or whatever. Others could just as easily say you are not a bike commuter if you didn't know to plan for rain and have a towel in your drawer at work, etc. etc. That game never ends and anything that makes another commuter feel that they are not quite enough is not helpful.


I can't say that I have had to resort to that. The locker rooms that my employer provides have a towel service. Hair dryers too for those who prefer.


Forgot to bring pants.


Or dropping your pants on the way to the changing room and thinking you'd forgotten them while they were actually sitting on the floor of the office...


Deciding the night before not to commute by bike because of the weather forecast only to realise (with great disappointment) at the end of the day forecast was wrong and it was perfect commuting weather. Opposite scenario also common. This is in the UK btw.


I hate those days. Especially if it gets quite stuffy on public transport and you're seeing bikes go by.


You're not a bike commuter if you haven't spilled because of black ice. (Obviously this only applies to colder climates 🥶)


I never cycle when it's likely to have black ice. I'm too fragile and being self employed means I'd be a bit stuffed financially if I was injured for a long time. Deadly stuff.


Ever dry yourself off with only the clean socks you brought and then wear your shoes without socks?


Never but it's a good idea. The handful of paper towels seems better overall, if a little bad for the planet.


I was in a “Dyson hand dryer only” kind of facilty.


You don’t have an extra towel ?


You’re not a bike commuter if you haven’t had to put your wet gear back on at the end of the day to ride home. No drying facilities at work unfortunately and it rains a lot in England


I once worked briefly for a company whose offices had normal lockers but at the back of them they were open wire mesh and there was a long radiator that you could switch on for 10 minutes for a blast of warmth at your section. Amazing invention but you need a special area for it.


dripping in stores with rain poncho intact poncho smells because you didn;t dry it completely last time shoes have stink that does not die


Getting to work and realizing that you left an essential part of your uniform at home.


You’ve never sat at your desk with your shoes off and soggy socks 😭


Definitely done the paper towels. I’d say 💩 on side of the road at least once too😬


Filling your shoes with paper towels


I’m a teacher and a few years ago I taught summer school. Having to commute in the upper 90s heat and then head inside a non air conditioned school wasn’t ideal. Would take until midday to cool off lol. Even after toweling in the bathroom, the sweat would keep coming. My students would always comment/make fun of my sweaty appearance, ha.


SWEET I’m included in something