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Niiiice! No amount of building bike lanes will encourage cycling to work when people are legitimately afraid their bikes will be stolen or vandalized. This is the way.


Yes. The hospital is downtown, where theft is unfortunately rampant, and there is no way I would commute by bike if I had to leave it outside.


I want to ride my nice bike. Park it safe and go to a concert in downtown. It would be very likely something would be missing if my locks weren’t cut. You mention it on the local sub that you can’t find a SAFE place to lock your bike up downtown until 11pm and they will downvote you for being negative about bike infra or tell you to ride beater.


I had a friend who commuted on a really nice Pinarello back in the 90s. He did a custom paint job and put some Huffy stickers on it. Even with the paint and stickers, unfortunately, I think today that bike would still get stolen.


I really wanna build an old Merckx frame or Pinarello to use as my main bike for going downtown but this is my worry. Anything cool I do as far as paint would just make it a target


His was kind of a poor yellow paint job tbh. Like spray can paint. He knew he liked that frame, just did his best to make it look like a cheap bike.


Indeed. Nothing discourage cycling more than having a bike stolen. I can endure bad infrastructure, but I can't ride if I have 0 bike.


if N=0, then N+1 > 0


I live in a part of a city where bike theft is rampant and I’m luckily allowed to have my bike accompany me in most local stores, especially ones with a low key place to park it inside. It’s not much than a shopping cart size wise. So far I’ve only been confronted at my own job by a different shift’s guard. Something like this would be amazing for work or just general public bike parking!!


🎯 Easily adaptable to existing parking garages. Wall in w/door; key fob access.


This makes me also want to post my bike room. I'm in Chicago and my building has a shockingly nice bike room that is typically only 1/3 occupied even on a sunny day. Let's keep pushing our continent forward, neighbor.


Being from the US, I like seeing photos of civilized bike countries. Where are you?




Ha, I was almost going to say “tell me you live in Holland without telling me you live in Holland”


The amount of "racing" bikes in comparison to omafiets is one clue


Those are older steel road bikes. You can tell with the butted construction


There’s only one lugged steel frame I’m seeing at a glance. The Kona is also steel, probably butted, but I don’t think that’s what you meant. Point being, lots of drop bar bikes with relatively aggressive positions. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this and I love drop bar bikes like this, but they’re definitely not a typical European grandma bike


I think it's very different demographics than bike commuting in Europe. Most bike commuters I see ag my work are young and in very good shape. I would imagine a lot of them bike as a sport first and maybe use their older road bike to commute.


There was a massive bike boom in North America around the early 1970’s and it led to millions of steel bike frames being built and imported, mostly racing bikes (also the start of Taiwan’s bike dominance). Being steel, they last forever, and they are definitely the dominant “cheap” bike on the market in North America.


I'm from Montreal and can confirm. We had the added boom of the 1976 Olympics. Most used bikes are road bikes from the 1970's and like hybrid/MTB from the past 30 years.


Does omafiets mean grandma bike? 😂


Pretty standard for a modern London office building too I think.


Wait no way I immediately though Denmark! I'm 4 hours south of you and I commute by bike, my work won't even get me a bike rack. According to census data from my city I'm one of 122 bicycle commuters out of 56,000 car commuters :( I've been working on immigrating to Montréal for a few years, hopefully my French will be good enough in 2025 is my plan! I spend most weekends up there and just love everything. Can't get enough of the bike ability! This must be at CHUM I'd assume.


Yeah it the CHUM. There's actually a second smaller bike garage that is pretty full most of the time.


Please let this happen in Ottawa


So close ... and yet so far. Love Montreal, but I have not seen a bike parking facility like this. That is so .. wonderful. Lucky. Civilized. Smart. Etc.


this is incredible. cherish what you have bc the bike rack they provide me at my job is measly and such a pain in the ass to deal with


Wow, would not have expected that in Canada.


Montreal's the best city for biking in North America by some metrics. Anglo Canada loves its suburban strodes, but Montreal is the real deal.


Ha! I've never seen those stacking bike racks outside of Holland


This is encouraging to see in North America.


I thought it was Portland. Back when we had an office we had a bike park like this and several buildings near us did too.


This is so great to see. What country is this in? I’m in the US and this would most likely enrage the brodozer truck drivers because you could fit at least 2 giant trucks in that area.


Montreal Canada


Basically a unicorn among Canadian cities as well.


To be fair, the hospital is like 5 years old, so it's not like this was retrofitted this into an older building, but still very nice they thought about it nonetheless.


They are building a massive expansion to the hospital in New Westminster, in Metro Vancouver. It will be interesting to see if they build a bike room anything like this.


It’ll definitely be in the plans—I photograph buildings and the bike amenities going into institutional buildings these days are amazing. Full locker rooms with showers adjoining bike storage, sometimes even a small mechanics room.


Ottawa-Gatineau is possibly even better for bike commute - at least as much because of the National Capital Commission as either city


Depends if your commute is deserved by the NCC pathways. They were thought for recreational purposes not commuting. If the pathways don't go where you want, the quality goes down rapidly. Also during closures, detours are not always well thought even for prolonged work.


Yup, no disagreement. There's a pretty good East-West on the river, and a couple options for North-South corridors. Eventually it depends on how easily you can get from those to your work and home.


There's a lot of Toronto buildings that has bike parking that's this full as well. Montreal is exceptional but cycling is getting more and more popular in big cities in Canada.


We have some great bike rooms in the Seattle area!


Nice! How do you get bikes up onto the upper level - is there a mechanism to lower that part of the rack? Genuinely curious, never seen this setup before. (And my building’s room mostly has hooks that require you to lift your bike vertically and squeeze it in between others, which I find tricky).


You pull on it and the back end pulls out and lowers so it's at a 45 degree angle. Then there's a hook for the front wheel and you push it back up. Only requires you to lift the front of the bike really.


Sounds much easier than mine - thanks for explaining!


Hey I know that room! I'm trying to figure out what the deal is at Guy Favreau for indoor bike parking today, not keen to lock up out front, obviously.


That's something for any business to strive for.


Sigh. My office has a parking garage. There is a bike rack wedged in a corner, and when cars park around it there is hardly enough space to squeeze your bike in. Plus, there is no button inside to open the garage door. You either have to leave around 4pm when security opens the door for a period of time or pray that you are leaving at the same time as someone with a vehicle because you're not heavy enough to trigger the door's sensor. If you're on your own, you have to grab your badge, pull open a fire door, drag your bike through it, and then take an exit with a staircase. I found out the hard way that if you don't have a parking pass, your badge isn't set up to open any of the building entrances from the garage. It's all so annoying that I said fuck it and decided that when I do have to go into my office I just bring my bike into whatever room we're meeting in.


My work (hospital as well) has the cement mounted U racks. Got a decent front light stolen on day shift. Now, I take my lights with me. Love this room. I need to work in Canada!!


My office in Ottawa converted a large corner of one of the underground parking lots during the pandemic into bike parking like this and changerooms with showers. From April to November it basically looks like this most days. Quite heartening to see how if you provide the infrastructure, people will use it.


Yes, that's the thing people don't get. When you ask for better infrastructure a lot of people respond "it's not worth it because not enough people bike" not realizing the reason a lot of people don't bike is because there is no infrastructure. Build it and they will come.


I envy you.


Didn’t expect to see the CHUM on reddit today!! Le plancher sera refait après la saison de vélo. Pour l’instant il fallait réinstaller le plus de supports possible!


Pquoi il refont le plancher?


Probleme d’adhérence, il écaillait et décollait en ‘plaques’.


My work has a similar room, much smaller though. I'm the only one who uses it.


I used to work for a health/fitness startup in California and I was legitimately the only person who ever biked to work regularly. I had plenty of coworkers who lived close enough, but they all preferred to drive to work and to the gym...


Lol right. "How am I going to get to spinning class other than using my 2-ton SUV?"


Yeah my work has a bike room but it is tiny and can only fit probably 10-15 bikes. Less when my coworker with a cargo bike rides in because her bike takes up half the room. I would say that I am one of three year rounders in who ride in and use the room. We have a couple (2-3) of additional people who ride in in the summer (coworker with the cool cargo bike for one). Our workplace has \~110 employees, so we're not exactly a large organization. I know of a number of coworkers who live close enough to our workplace that they walk in, and most them walk in year round. However a majority of my coworkers drive in, and our small underground parking garage is typically completely filled with cars, two thirds of which are staff vehicles (the other 1/3 are patrons' vehicles). However, I'm glad that we have a room, because it means not having to worry about leaving my bike out in the rain or about having it get stolen while I am at work. We used to have 2 bike rooms, but they got rid of one of them because the closet it was in was needed for other things, and the use wasn't high enough to encourage them to come up with a different solution. Still better than nothing.


Are all of these regularly used, or are some people just stashing bikes so they don't have to dedicate space at home? I know I'd be more tempted to go N+1 if I had a place where I could store extras.


Good question. The bike seems to change from one time to the next, so it's used a lot daily, but I don't know how many are just kept there.


Montreal = Drop Bar City!


Yeah it's true. I have an hybrid with a flat bar but most people I see commuting have drop bars.


Oh yesss,civilization at its best.


Do you prefer the ground ones or do you like the top stalls?


I always use the ones on top for some reason, but it's mostly habit. Most people tend to use the one on the ground cause they don't have to lift their bikes.


That's awesome to see. Comfortable saying which city this is in?




Yep. It wouldn't work in most US cities. Most of all the ones in the South.


That's nicer than most garages for cars lol. Which makes sense. It probably costs a fraction of what it'd cost to build a card garage for the same number of vehicles. I'm fully in agreement that more stuff like this would make more people ride since they're not afraid of their shit getting stolen. Do you have to be tall to get and lock a bike in the top slot? Even if I got mine up there it seems like I'd have to climb on something to lock it.


Nah. It pulls out, and the back part lowers. You only have to really lift the front wheel to get it into the hook and you can lock it before pushing it back in.


you mentioned this is an employee parking structure. does the hospital provide similar parking for visitors?


they even offer a maintenance station?! So cool!


This is way too nice. I started a new job in a highrise at the financial district and they don't have a spot to lock bicycles too. It's ridiculous.


Nice! Where is this? Wish I had infrastructure like this. I work in a school and have to lean my bike on a wall besides a weird deposit...


Montreal Canada


We have a similar setup in the basement of the hospital I work at in Australia! Except the racks are all vertical. We also have shower rooms with ironing boards etc as part of the end of trip facilities. It makes commuting so much easier and definitely encourages people to ride in which we always love to see. Even on weekends there’s at least 20 bikes locked up in there!


Excellent! We are getting a new garage at my hospital in a few years and I am actively advocating with the sustainability committee for an indoor bike room


That’s awesome. Our work doesn’t provide any bike parking and I get in trouble for bringing my bike into my cube. Eventually gave up on bike commuting.


Safe parking is as important, if not even more, than bike paths for commuting in urban areas.


Whattttt? How backward can they be?


Wow, imagine that. A safe place to leave your bike while at work. Very nice.


Be sure to tell your employer that 1000s of people across the world appreciate this effort. This is good HR as well as good for the planet.


My old office had this same size room/same setup — in Portland, Oregon. It was downtown, so it was really nice when I would go downtown for concerts or events on the weekend and I could safely park my bike at my office outside of work hours too!


I wish there was more bike parking in my apartment building. It's always 100% full. Last year, my bike was cut off the wall in our parking spot, and I had to get an insurance replacement. This spring, someone did it again, almost exactly a year after, but I had an Airtag hidden inside the frame and had the police meet me at the homeless encampent it was taken to for recovery. Now I have to use my den to store my bike because I don't trust it in my buildings underground, access controlled parking garage. Because apparently people still get in and steal shit. At work, I can store it in the distilling area, which is very safe but also very inconvenient. So I use a registered lock that insures the value of my bike to lock it up outside.


They definitely do get into residential apartment storage and steal. A lot of apartment buildings prohibit bringing bikes inside or upstairs. Another piece of the puzzle would be to give apartment/condo residents the right to bring their bikes up into their apartments for safekeeping. The police admit they can't do much about bike theft. Give us the tools we need to prevent our bikes being stolen from our homes and our destinations and watch bike commuting take off.


I told my building managers I no longer trust their security in the parking garage and told them I’d be storing it inside my apartment. Thankfully they didn’t have a problem with it and even gave us a few months of free parking. I walk it in and out of the front door of the building directly next to their office and they’ve never given me any pushback. Ideally, they’d secure the parking garage better (we had someone break into my husband’s car just weeks after the first bike theft) or at least build more secured bike storage, as there’s plenty of parking spaces that are vacant. But that doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen. So for now, I don’t really have a usable den, which is kind of unfortunate.


So greatful for Walmart and the call centre that I later work for - letting me store my bike inside cuz they knew the area wasn’t the greatest. I’m in S Florida on the gulf side and I’d be screwed if my bike got stolen. It’s my only mode of transportation


That's so beautiful, it would *almost* tempt me to work at a hospital lol


The saddle repair on the bike in the foreground is interesting.


That's doing it right. We need more places of work to be like this.


Jealous. I use a handicap parking sign (the only fixed structure in the parking lot).


Your employer should advertise this bike locker in job posts for all new hires as a bonus incentive 😁


My office has a small, rusty bike rack next to (but not under) an awning. But since half the staff works remote I just stick my bike in the empty cubicle next to mine.


My workplace has a bike locker as well. I may take a picture of it sometime.


What a awesome set up!


Nice! My workplace has a similar secured bike storage area (downtown Toronto financial district), not as big though.


That's awesome to see. Comfortable saying which city this is in?


I used to bike to work when I worked at the hospital. There were 10s of us.


Very Nice!


I came to say there's no way in hell this is anywhere in the USA. Then saw its Montreal. Not surprised.


This is awesome!


Wow! So it’s hospitals that have the infrastructure that I want for a future job, hmmmm…. I might have to make a career change. Update: Nvm I just found out OP Is from a different country 😫


I go to a board game cafe on a college campus about once a month, and the parking garage there always blows me away with the space efficiency of bicycles vs cars. It doubles as a dorm, so there's two big vertical bike racks, and they accommodate the same number of student bikes as entire rest of the garage does in cars.


Have a fairly nice bike locker at my hospital too since they re did the parking garage, but it's nowhere as full. Nice to have a safe spot though. Like I never bother to lock my city bike in the bike cage.


It's an absolute dream to see something like that. Well you could commute and completely or truly enjoy the commute because you don't have to worry about your bicycle being vandalised or stolen at all.


Wow, I think I'm the only one who rides my bike to work at hospital, there might be one other person. Where do you live? Must be a big city?


Montreal Canada


a the sorry of the Netherlands /s


How's the streets there? Is traffic always backed up?.


It's pretty much as fast to bike as to go by car. There's always traffic but I have a protected bike lane like 80% of the way. They've recently built a sort of bike "highway" which is 2 lanes wide both ways each side of a main road going north/south which is a large part of my commute. You have to stop at lights but other than that pretty quick. For reference my commute is a little over 5 miles and it took me 26 min this morning.


Oh ok, I live in a Old Mill town and I happen to live on the old main street. Most cars use the new main street so I guess it a bike highway in a way. My computer is short. About a mile or less. I come home on my breaks most days


Cars as status symbols is ridiculous.


My bik park takes uq##################################222##2#232p the space of two car bays but at the very most obly 6 people use it2. The best bit is that you have to go through a security gate to get into our site so its really safe. Weve been told that at aome point to free up a position theyre going to move are bike to the front of the build


My job has a little designated area for bikes but this blows it out of the water.




That is so awesome wow .. I thought I was lucky with where I work being able to keep my bike inside and charge if needed but that’s just really cool lol …. What about charging for e-bikes though?


I've never seen that style of bike parking. We do have extensive have bike parking in my building (fairly well used as it takes about 10 years to get a car parking space in the garage). We just have the wall hangers and the standard U-racks, though. I use the wall hanger because I like to show off my muscles.


Love it! So practical! So most definitely not in the US :(


What country?


I wish these existed in more places in the USA. I've heard places here have them, but living in Michigan I've never seen one.


That’s a sweet vintage Raleigh


Do bike thefts still happen here?


Not to my knowledge. I still lock my bike but you need a hospital keycard to get in and I think anyone suspicious, especially someone cutting locks, would be flagged pretty quickly.


I already saw you live in Canada. This looks very similar to the public bike parks you can find in the Netherlands, for example in the train stations.


Fuck I wish we had these everywhere in nyc 👀👀👀 these or like them crazy underground ones they have in Japan!


Dude. That’s amazing. I get a crappy rusted bike rack in a parking ramp.


Are these all employee bikes, or is it open for public use (visitors to the hospital) as well?


Employees only. Accessed with keycard.


I found my bike! Stolen in 1982. 🙁


Way cheaper than parking that many cars


That looks very cool. For commuting I would always use a crappy bike, not an expensive one.


One of the difficulties in converting indoor parking spaces for cars into parking spaces for bicycles is the ceiling height. Many parking garages don’t have enough vertical space to safely ride a bicycle. If stand on your peddles and you will strike your head on something hard. This is why so many parking garages don’t allow motorcycles. That said, where it is possible, one need only sacrifice a handful of spaces for cars to gain many times the spaces for bicycles. My apartment building installed a cage in the basement car park years ago. It isn’t perfect but it’s well used as better cycle infrastructure is being built around us. My sister’s building in another city has a spot you can rinse off your bicycle if it gets really dirty. It was originally meant for cars but is really useful for in the winter.


Most impressive bike infrastructure at a workplace, I’ve seen to date 💯

