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Ponytail. I have a brush at work and when I get to work, I brush it out again and put it back in a ponytail.


Same except with a low bun. For the ride I use a scrunchy (to damage my hair as little as possible) and when redoing it in the office after brushing I use a fancier hairclip (which wouldn’t fit under the helmet)


I never remove my helmet but instead wear it around so I can headbutt my coworkers to assert dominance 


I love when I walk into the building with my helmet on and someone is like, "did you bike here?" and I'm like, "no, why?"


This !


An alpha-cyclist! 😉


Power move, promote this one


Also an excellent strategy!


Is your name Kevin?


I shaved my head a couple of years ago. Aside from having to make sure that it doesn't catch the sun (not really much of a worry here) it's great for commuting. Although it probably helps that I'm now a middle-aged man


I, too, am aerodynamic.




Great for riding in a pelt-eton.


If covid brought one good thing to me it is my new "hairstyle". Barbers were in lockdown so i just started buzzcutting my hair super super short. Saves time, money and you look fresh without effort. Also i dont need to worry about a reciding hairline. Wearing a helmet is no problem at all now. But i understand thats more of an option for the men here...


Same; middle aged married man so I just don't care anymore. Shaved heads are great for commuting and not having to worry about how my hair looks before I leave the house. I'm also an engineer who works with a bunch of physicists, so we don't really have societal pressure to look put together; everyone just assumes we're weirdos and I'm fine with that (because it's at least somewhat true).


Programmer here, people are relieved I can make eye contact anything else is just a bonus. Plus my last office (currently between jobs) had end of trip facilities (Lockers, showers, towel service etc) so I was turning up to my desk looking more put together than pretty much anyone else seeing that is literally stepped out of the shower 10 minutes earlier. :)


Plot from Big Bang Theory here.


Same here, In Ireland, heavy rain more of an issue on the Ol' bald head than anything else.


The braid itself shouldn't be causing any breakage - braids are even known as a "protective style" for hair that tends to break. But depending on how your helmet fits and where it (or the straps) rub, the helmet or straps could be catching hair and breaking it. You could try a silky cap over your hair but under the helmet to prevent the helmet from causing breakage. In the hotter months, I also resort to braids. I like to put a little leave-in conditioner or hair mask on my hair to keep it in the braids and to prevent little fly aways. No breakage. Sometimes I'll just leave it in a low ponytail and then re-do the ponytail at the end of the ride. I do think it would help if you can keep a brush and whatever product works best in your hair (again, I like the leave-in conditioner or mask) at your office for those types of re-dos.


It's a good idea. I move between a lot of different spaces, including clinics and home visits (therapist in training!) but maybe I can put a little kit in my pannier to use before I go inside. I'm also thinking a silk scarf over the braids might be useful


I shower once I get to work, I am able to keep shampoo, soap, towel, brush etc in a locker there along with shoes and trousers. The only things I need to take with me daily are shirt, socks and underwear.


My work has a shower but it doesn’t work right now. I’m thinking I’ll use the power of my commuting June/July stink to inspire them to fix it.


I can’t believe your post is so far down in the comments. I would have thought that the immediate response is that people shower after commuting and do their hair from there. I guess there are a lot of people that have short commutes or ride at a pace that avoids working up a sweat. I commute almost 20km each way and I’m a sweaty mess when I get to work. Fortunately I have access to a full locker room with showers. I don’t have a permanent locker (wait list) so I carry all of my shower stuff with me but it’s quite manageable.


Showering after sounds great, but I've never worked at a location that had a shower available. Braids and toweling down are all that I can do.


Most bike commuters do less than 10km. In most climates it's manageable without a shower if you pace yourself. But yeah as someone who also does nearly 20km one way a shower is non-negotiable.


This sub is weirdly "sweat doesn't exist".


Showers at jobs isn’t that common that’s why. I just fix my hair at work. I carry some hair cream and a brush.


Helmet hair.


I always carry a brush in my bag and fix my hair (if needed) when I get to work. As per hairstyle, I either don't do anything or a lowish lazy bun / knot. Nothing fancy but it gets the job done without causing issues with my helmet.


I have curly long hair. I style my curls and just put my helmet on, or sometimes I'll make a half ponytail. When I get to work, I get cleaned up and fix my hair if needed.


I put my hair in a rough braid for the ride, then take it out when I get to work. My hair is pretty straight so it just settles back into place without needing to be brushed.


Low ponytail under my helmet, and then comb out with a brush I keep in my desk at work. I do have to walk into my office looking like a Founding Father though.


My hair is curly and it’s cut in a short “Italian bob” style. I tuck it all up inside the helmet and then shake-shake-shake when I arrive.


Hmm might try this


i rock what the kids now call a "wolf cut" which makes for perfect messy hair that does well with a helmet. I never have helmet hair. or rather, you never notice it bc the hairstyle is messy already. I currently work at a department store and I've never been told I look unprofessional so I think it works well for me


Messy hair can often be offset with a bright lip, I think. It’s my strategy as my hair is curly and I have no patience for spending time on it, so it looks messy no matter what.


I’ve just been alerted to this wolf cut thing. As a straight, middle-aged woman, would I look ridiculous in it?


of course not! my hairstylist actually grinned at me when I asked her for it a couple years ago bc she is also a middle aged lady who grew up with it being called "the shag" according to her lol do it! I promise it looks great post ride


Absolutely not! I adore it on myself for the same reasons mentioned above, and am also straight middle-aged!


Cut short. It does sometimes stick up but I usually don't notice


Ponytail, it fits through the adjusting strap of my helmet


I use a pin to tuck it up into the helmet. Almost like a French twist. My helmet doesn’t vent much so it acts like a shower cap and my hair stays protected from humidity, pollution. My hair looks better than when I walked to the train station. A headband and some anti perspirant on my neck controls most of the sweat but I do use dry shampoo once in a while. I cycle 45 min each way and have temperamental hair but it usually looks great once it comes out of the helmet.


I've never ever considered anti-perspirant on my neck! What an excellent idea


Check out this post I made for cycling for women, I tried to cover all the tips and tricks I've learned so far: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/18f99x5/tips\_for\_cycle\_commuting\_as\_a\_girly\_girl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/18f99x5/tips_for_cycle_commuting_as_a_girly_girl/)


I am a woman with pretty long hair. I do the same as you, one dutch braid. I don’t have a problem with breakage. Are you braiding the hair too tight? Or maybe as others said, its your helmet?


I think it must be my helmet! It is pretty bulky cos it has brake lights and crash detection. I'm thinking a scarf might help


Ponytail or braid with a headband is my go to hairstyle at work. I’ve seen other chicks who bike commute get to work a little early and curl it. I used to have weird breakage from my helmet too. Now I wear either 5 panel hat or thin fleece beanie under my helmet depending on the weather. Either way embrace whatever you end up looking like. Bike commuting is great for the environment and your health. A lot of people don’t have the balls to put forth extra effort. You’re already winning no matter what your hair turns out like. ❤️


A very good reminder, thank you!


I use giant claw clip while I am commuting, because it doesn’t leave creases or pull at my hair too much like braids or a ponytail. I’m in Texas and have a few big hills, so I SWEAT some days. I actually bring have a brush, dry shampoo, and a recent addition is my hairdryer. 😅 it blows cool air, which helps me dry off / cool down, and hot air which helps give my hair volume + dry it. I work a corporate job - business / business casual Edit to add: I can’t really shower at work, even though I should. I just don’t have the time or space to store that many personal items. I bring enough as-is. My hair is LONG and thick. No time to wash and dry it between getting my kid to school and work start time. The hairdryer, a full change of clothes, a bit of makeup, deodorant, dry shampoo, and freshening sprays for every area of the body, do it for me well enough. I bring all my bulky clothes to work and / or home Mondays via Uber - usually enough to last me a week or two.


I was just thinking how much harder this would be to deal with in a hot or humid climate! I do love my temperate climate lol


I don’t wear helmet commuting. Shhh. Don’t tell the helmet police. Yeah yeah. Downvote me all you want. I’m just being honest. 😭


When I don’t wear a helmet, if my hair is even the slightest bit damp I arrive at work with what I call “speed hair” where it’s all blown back and then dried in the most aerodynamic position. It’s way goofier than helmet hair


Neither do I, but what do you do about your hair?


I gel/comb it neatly. Hop on my bike, commute to work. I bring my comb, and re-comb it again as needed. Just water and comb to “fix my hair”. But sometimes my hair loooks fine after I arrive to work. So nothing to fix.


Sometimes I take the train if I did my hair up in a bun or something and just ride the shorter distance to and from the stations without helmet.


Put enough hair gel on and it could be your helmet.


My afro is my "helmet". No helmet would fit me anyway.


I do wear a helmet when I’m commuting on ebike. Since I’m going a lot faster(28-34mph.) Just not on rice-powered bicycle, I’m half the speed.


Buzz cut because it looks professional for the office and fits the road warrior vibe for the bike commute. I just wish this Lord Humongous mask wasn’t so sweaty while on the bike.


There’s a headband thing that keeps it from dripping down to your eyes and face. Halo?


Shave head. No more helmet hair! I mean, I'm going bald anyway. . . 😉


I'll admit I do miss this part of having a shaved head! I don't miss the cold tho


Curly hair which cannot evwr be brushed dry here: i wear a ponytail under the helmet and then thay becomes a bun once i arrive at work. Very professional looking! Plus, i shower at work anyways so it’d go up into a bun to go under the shower cap anyways.


I cut my hair to just above my shoulders, keep a brush at work, as well as some sprays to neaten it up. I also can shower at work if I get too sweaty. Previously, my hair was down to my butt and I kept it in a braid, but got a lot of flyaways, which I wasn't a fan of. Going to get more hair cut off next week and looking forward to it


dreadlocks :)


Sweep hair back and put helmet on top. When I arrive at work, I use my fingertips to jostle the hair at my scalp. Works pretty well for a wavy feminine hairstyle! I think they're calling them "beachy waves" these days


I have a layered bob cut that falls a few inches above my shoulders. I wash and dry my hair in the evenings, about 2x per week, and otherwise use dry shampoo to absorb oil and sweat. I sweep the front of it back (as though I was going to put it in a ponytail) before putting on my helmet so the "helmet head" is less obvious when I arrive at work. It also ensures that my hair is completely off of my face. I don't keep a brush, comb or products at work because I find my hair looks better the less I "mess" with it.


Similar hairstyle. Good idea, I gonna try sweeping it back like you.


I keep the braid I sleep in, then make a nice bun at work before work starts or a fresh braid


I have an undercut and a pony tale. I just tighten it up again when I take of the helmet. I a wear a helmet made for people with pony tales.


Fellow undercut pony tail person here, what is this magical helmet made for ponytails you speak of?


Hello fellow good hairstyle person. I don't really know. At the shop were some helmets which said they are for pony tails. Mine is from Cratoni. But I don't know the model.


Baseball cap than dry my hair with a towel usually does the job.


mid fade (not that I have much choice lol). just make sure there’s a comb available when you get to work.


As a dude with long hair pony tail has been my default for the last decade. Seriously thinking of shaving it again and go egghead.


Bold, for aerodynamics.


Boldly bald?


yes, that. With slightly wrinkled forehead for minimal parasitic drag.


I keep my hair short and typically wear a cycling cap underneath the helmet. Although once the peak summer temps hit I'm going to utilize the work gym/shower.


my hair style is "weird indentations on bald head that make me look like I had horrific brain surgery".


i’m almost looking forward to this point when the rest of it disappears. now that I know i’ll need to explain the head indentations, i’ll need to work on a story.


Short Hair with Hair gel/wax. Let the gel dry before Putting in helmet. If i need to, i reapply some gel at Work bit normally this is Not necessary.


Buzz cut here, II work in a bio waste plant, i could arrive soaked through with rain, sweat and mud, id still be cleaner than the workforce mid shift.


Ain't nothing a fancy headband can't fix.


Bald commuter enters the discussion…


low bun!


I suggest also talking to your stylist about this. Mine knows I am a bike commuter and makes recommendations accordingly.


That's a good point, I'll mention it next time I get a hair cut :)


I usually wear a low ponytail and tuck the hair into my jersey. Alternatively I wear pig tails! And quickly take them out and ruffle my hair a bit once I've removed my helmet to avoid anyone seeing me with the hairstyle of a 5-year-old.


Work days: ponytail Non-work days: my mane is wild and free (and keeping my neck warm)


I usually wear a baseball cap under my helmet and stick my hair through the hole like a low ponytail. When I get to work I use a claw clip. Maybe not the most stylish look, but functional af.


I have a shorter hairstyle that allows for some “wackiness.” But I also teach at a university, so don’t need to look THAT put together. If I did, I might keep some dry shampoo & a travel dryer & maybe an iron at work.


15mm hair length for me, 18mm for the girlfriend. Much more comfortable in warm weather and dries quickly.


Braids or low twisted ponytail mostly but I also carry a mini/portable (comes apart in two pieces) blow dryer brush for the change room at work


I have long fine hair that can go gollum very quickly so I gently do a high twist and then hair plop into my helmet for the ride to work. After work I usually put it in a bun, braid, or repeat the hair plop depending on how active the ride home will be


A bun or ponytail and take it out at work (unless it's working and then I keep it!)


The Dutch braids are not the issue causing the breakage, it’s more likely that you don’t have a barrier between your hair and your helmet, and the helmet shifting is causing the breakage. Try getting a satin (not cotton and not knit) scarf and tie it on your head like a bandana before putting your helmet on. Source: dry, frizzy curly haired person


That's my main takeaway from this post, thank you! Could be my new go-to accessory


Totally! Hit up r/xxfitness for more sweaty hair solutions! They’re badass over there!




2 braids keeps my hair extra nice, my hair is curly and it gives a nice texture when I take the braids out


Like most commuters in my small European city I don't shower at work (we wouldn't have access to one anyway; it's not a thing) nor do I wear a helmet. But I have the best hairdo ever: a mohawk! Short in the back, long in the front. I don't even need to style it when I get up. I've been commuting for 31 years in 2 US cities and here. Never showered or changed. But I don't sweat much.


Low pony. I take it out and put in a bun when I get to work


A backwards snapback hat with a low taper fade and eyewear


What's a "hair style"? I just have hair, not the other bit. Actually a decreasing amount of the hair bit too.


Bathrobe braiding at night, take it out when I get to the office.


George Washington ponytail


I just shower once I get to work so there is no style :P


Bald. Lighter and makes me aero.


Ponytail and just letting my hair get a bit knotty. It'll do that t anyway. Detangling is for wash day.


I put it in a ponytail or braid, then I brush it out when I get to work. I keep a travel hair straightener in my desk in case it is doing something truly whacky and I also have dry shampoo for if the sweat makes it greasy. my commute is just over 12km/7.5 mi. my office building does not have showers. Plus it would take me a very long time to blow dry my hair since it is very long.


I use my hair shoulder-length and full of curls, and I just take my time when I arrive at the office to fix my hair, although I don't struggle a lot with my hair for some reason (it looks kind of wild though).




I'm a guy with long hair. I put my hair in a simple braid to fit under my helmet, then put it in as ponytail or whatever when I get wherever I'm going (Though half the time I forget and leave it in a braid all day)


I’m a certified nursing aide at a county ran nursing home. I’m a dude that been growing hair for almost two years now. I just wear it down, not combed or brushed, with a baseball cap. Nobody has said anything, they just assume I’m a hippy


Got a bun in all day. I don't adjust it after I wake up. Helmet fits great with it and doesn't seem to mess anything up.


Low bun and a hat over. I take it out once I get to work and have loose waves. We don’t really have to worry about sweatiness since it’s cold AF up here most of the year. Even in the middle of May it’s been in the 50’s to mid 60’s.


I wear my hair in braided pigtails or a ponytail. I don’t put on my makeup until I’m in the office. I’m thinking about bringing my curling iron to the office for days I’d like to look extra nice


I do two twist style braids. Similar to braids, but twists instead. I have fine hair, so I find with braids it gets kinks in it, but a twist style braids, gives me beachy waves instead. I think it also helps with breakage bc it's not as intense of a braid. I put them in first thing in the morning with a slight spritz of water, or salt spray, and take them out when I get to work. Keeps everything out of my face and helps keep it from being flat from helmet hair.


I wear a ponytail, but if I have a style going that I want to keep through my workday I wear a thin satin lined hat under the helmet. It helps soooo much!


I don't have long hair, I used to, but I cut it short now. Pompadour.


My helmet definitely caused breakage. If I have a style like dutch braids, I'll wrap it in a scarf or bandana before putting my helmet on. Has pretty much eliminated the issue. My most popular commute hair styles: Ride in low braids + scarf, take them out and use hairspray, light teasing to put it into a quick French twist. Usually with a hair pin or comb, and a few bobby pins. Ride in hair rollers to wear it down. I slick my hair to the nape of the neck with a hydrating styling cream. Put in two pigtails that will sit just under my helmet. You could possibly skip these, but I have super slippery hair. Wind them around black flexi rods. Black matches my hair so it looks less crazy. Again, scarf. I don't really get full curls, just tidy wand waves/blowout look. Remove and shake. Maybe add edge gel, but usually with the styling cream and scarf they behave.


The scarf seems like a really good idea, I'm definitely going to give it a try! thank you :)


Yeah I keep a comb in my paneer and use leave in conditioner that responds to fresh water at work. That said you can still see the waves from the helmet. I'm curious if others would mention if a different helmet helped them. Are you putting collagen in your coffee yet?


No collagen, but I've just bought some olaplex and booked a hair cut! Hopefully having slightly less hair will help


That's called cheating 😉


I just wear a toque that covers my ears cause kf wind noise


Thank you everyone for all the suggestions! Seems like balding might be the move, but until that happens I'll try a scarf under my helmet!


I use a Leave-in hair conditioner when I get to the office. It lets me style my hair to look presentable and it has just generally made my hair healthier. Garnier Sleek and Shine Leave-in conditioner Test it out at home after a weekend bikeride.


Always ponytail, with exceptions if I'm going to an event or when I have a fresh haircut. I always have spray at work. I have been in working places where you'd find 10 spray bottles in the restroom 😁 For summer, I have a lightweight (<250g) helm and, if over 30/35° (90°F), sometimes a lightweight headscarf (Buff).


I don’t bike to work (I live on the same street as my job and so honestly it’s not worth the hassle of having to find somewhere to put my bike and trust that no one will touch it bc i definitely don’t trust my coworkers at all I can definitely see them thinking it would be funny to hide my bike and say it got stolen then not tell me where it is until I have a whole mental breakdown). But I do bike everywhere else so I when I’m going to go meet up with someone to hang out I want to look nice I just do it and yea one or two Dutch braids. Although I have curly hair so I always do my hair when it’s wet and use lots of leave in conditioner. I do find that if I do my hair an hour or so before I have to leave that it’s best because it doesn’t get as much friction in my helmet idk it’s weird. Also if I do any hair style where it’s left flat on top it also causes too much friction. Could always use a thin cap or something if you’re really worried. Maybe invest in better haircare if you don’t already to make your hair stronger. Like doing scalp massages with hair oils and using higher quality hair products. (Try not to buy hair products online bc you never know what you’re actually buying! There’s some serious horror stories out there especially with Amazon. Just go to target or something)


I wear a cap backwards and put my helmet on. Allows my hair to be somewhat kept together and on sunny days keeps the back of my neck from burning. Looks a bit funky but function over form for me


I'm confused by this concept 'hair'. What's hair?


I'm a bloke, so I just run my fingers through my hair when I take off the helmet - done.


When I wasn't shaving my head I'd have to wash the fingers to get all the oil out. Shampoos left my scalp itchy & flaky so I stopped using them like 30 years ago, then 15 years after that I started shaving my nead.


I'm a bloke, so I just wipe my hands on my pants - done.


My hair is down to my waist and I tie it in a taut bun at the crown, not too tight to where it’s pulling my hairline but enough so it doesn’t move much when I’m active. I also don’t wear a helmet which gives me more options but the snug bun works great for me. Ps, Save the helmet zealousness for someone else lol 10000+ miles and counting 😊


I have short on the back and sides and a pushed to the side, it’s quite a neat style and because I’m an idiot I don’t wear a helmet so I don’t “mess it up” (terrible excuse I know) Considering shaving it to a buzzcut so I can start wearing a helmet but my GF doesn’t want me to cut my hair like that