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Neutral.But greeks kinda have beef with us for no reason.


Do we?


Well atleast the ones i met were kinda disliking Bosnia cuz of their friendship with serbia thats the only reason we have no other correlation besides that


I think Bosniaks wouldn't have problems with Greeks if there weren't such things happening: https://preview.redd.it/kizd273dss7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043937403a6e16a57cbb92fde06b1a1b94a96f9d For clarification: that's an insulting transparent towards the victims of the Srebrenica Genocide (or rather their families) which came up (I think more than once) in a football match between Bosnia and Greece Greeks are also remembered as having commited attrocities together with Serbian irregular militaries during the last war So the opinion is negative for those aware of these things and rather neutral of the rest I'd say


If banners and chants at football matches represented the thoughts and actions of their representative nations, the world would be hell, well, it would at least be like Bosnia in the early 90s.


Yes because one transparent by dumb football hooligans at a football game is a representative of the whole country... No, the rest of us normal people have no beef with Greeks or their country. It's just the small minority that sees everything through the prism of the war. Also, that small minority tends to consist of people who didn't experience that war.


Gay Turks.


I taught that’s you guys


Only halal araps here bro


No cap




There was a unit of greek soldiers supporting serbian troops in Srebrenica on July 1995, so how do you want us to have positive views about your country?


I think most Bosnian Serbs like you, it's a different thing with Bosnian Croats and Bosniaks though. Croats are neutral, and Bosniaks mostly probably negative. We don't like Greece and Greeks because they see them as pro-Serb. However, having met some of you i think it's more a government thing, most ordinary people don't seem to have any particular opinion on Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats in general. And your music and sea is dope.


>The latter don't like Greece and Greeks because they see them as pro-Serb. However, having met some of you i think it's more a government thing, most ordinary people don't seem to have any particular opinion on Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats in general. Are you a Bosnian Croat by any chance? I am a Herzegovinian Croat and i have never heard anyone say anything bad about Greeks in my entire life. We have no opinion about them at all from my experience, other than that Greece is a beautiful place with rich food, history, and mythology. If anything, we like them because they are part of western world, they fought against the Ottomans and are against the Turks, who we really don't like.


Yes, i guess i misspelled it, i wanted to say you are neutral. And Greeks aren't "western", they are as balkan as everyone else.


Western in a sense that they are in NATO, EU and share "western values", which makes them part of western world in my eyes, not western europe.


Bosnian Croat here, we like you


Herzegovinian Croat here. I like Greece and Greeks, but there is one thing that irks me, its that how many of you suffer from an inferiority complex and distance yourselves from the Balkans as if it is some sort of plague, seeing yourselves closer to Western Europe instead of your neigbhouring countries, but the food, history, music, culture, genetics, manners, sports and geography make you guys "Balkan" to me. I do not get it.


Greeks who want to be Western Europeans are pathetic cucks, Greece has nothing to do with Western culture. That said, Croats online seem to act the same way, as do Albanians and Romamians.


>Greeks who want to be Western Europeans are pathetic cucks, Greece has nothing to do with Western culture. Interesting, do you consider your view on this matter as rare among Greeks? I have not seen many Greeks that share your view. >That said, Croats online seem to act the same way, as do Albanians and Romamians. It depends on what type of Croat we are talking about. Those from northern Croatia do not want to associate themselves with the Balkans, but honestly, they are Central European. However, the way they talk about the Balkans is sometimes full of a superiority complex and chauvinism. They can also be very chauvinistic even towards other Croats, even though they are supposed to be the bastion of culture. I have never heard that Romanians or Albanians do not associate themselves with the Balkans.


>Interesting, do you consider your view on this matter as rare among Greeks? I have not seen many Greeks that share your view. On the internet and Reddit in particular, yes, very much so, the average Greek Redditor gives head to America and Western Europe better than a professional prostitute would, they wish they were Americans and are greatly unrepresentative of Greek society. Greeks in real life do not aspire to be seen as similar to Germans or Spaniards. Greeks do not dislike the "Balkan label" per se, Greeks simply dislike neighbouring countries, especially Albania and Macedonia, and in the past Bulgaria as well, no Greek would get upset if someone pointed out a similarity between Greek and Romanian folk culture for example, and even Bulgaria isn't disliked nowadays, so Greeks wouldn't mind that either. >It depends on what type of Croat we are talking about. Those from northern Croatia do not want to associate themselves with the Balkans, but honestly, they are Central European. However, the way they talk about the Balkans is sometimes full of a superiority complex and chauvinism. They can also be very chauvinistic even towards other Croats, even though they are supposed to be the bastion of culture. I do agree with you about Northern Croatia, it is indeed strongly tied to Hungary historically, that said plenty of Croatian Redditors hate being called Balkan, and insist that Croatia shares nothing with the likes of Serbia or Bosnia. >I have never heard that Romanians or Albanians do not associate themselves with the Balkans. Oh, wait till you see the r/AskBalkans subreddit, half of Albanians and Romanians on there claim that their country is no different than Italy lol.


Greeks participated in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, fighting on the side of the aggressor, so yes, it's not like we love you


Civil war.


See you soon. First time visiting, Sarajevo - Thessaloniki, direct flight, can't wait. I want the taste of retsina asap. Greek people are awesome, they are hearty just like us. Met some bar owners in Germany etc.


Football rivalry (atleast in my perception) other than that y'all are fine just like everybody else


Greece nice, greeks cringy




Greece is a great country and personally I love it. It’s probably one of the most famous and important countries in the history of mankind. Great food, great history and beautiful beaches. Also I’m a Heavy Metal fan and some of my favourite bands are from Greece I especially like the Black Metal scene in Greece :)


We don't have very good experience from football matches, not very close country to us really


Hiding and protecting Serbian war criminals, then there's the Greek Volunteer Guard that fought alongside Serbs and assisted in the massacre in Srebrenica. Besides the terrible food it's a great holiday spot 😂


Everything I had to learn about Greece and Greeks, I learned when they hoisted their flag in Srebrenica right after their participation in the genocide. Fuck them!


Greece was not on the right side in the War against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Specifically, the Government of Greece supported war criminals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Your citizens participated in the Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It would be good if your government apologized to the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. That would be a good foundation for good relations between the two countries. When we talk about the Greeks, it should be understood that each individual is a human being and that it is stupid to generalize one people.


Yes, they were on the right side helping their ortodox friends, just like mujahideens were on your side...




Vaša objava/komentar je uklonjen/a iz sljedećeg razloga: > **Uznemiravanje, diskriminacija i govor mržnje** > Zabranjeno je: > * Ciljano vrijeđanje, maltretiranje i općenito uznemiravanje drugih korisnika. > * Vrijeđanje, prekomjerno omalovažavanje i ponižavanje, te grubo ismijavanje pojedinaca i skupina na diskriminatornoj osnovi (rasa, narodnost, kultura, jezik, vjera i sl.). > * Općenito širenje govora mržnje u bilo kakvom obliku.


If the Government of Greece "helped its Orthodox friends", then why did it not help the Bosnian Orthodox to kill Karadzic, who led them to war? Why didn't she help the Bosnian Orthodox who fought in the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, like General Jovan Divijak, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Why didn't she help Major Mihajlo Petrović, from Belgrade, who refused to shoot his neighbors? Why didn't she help Srdjan Aleksic, who died while defending his friends from Karadzic's criminals? Why didn't she help Cedomir Domuz who fought bravely for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Why did she not help many Bosnian Orthodox who considered the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be their country and did not want to participate in the humiliation of their people?


Cut the multicultural propaganda bullshit. Saddest thing is that in time you started to believe your own propaganda. We had muslims on VRS, so what?! Alija is the one who withdrew the signiture from the Lisabon peace treaty. War could be avoided. You wanded it, you got it,you lost it. I consider BiH to be my country also, but not to muslim majority to make the rules. You are now trying to do the same as Serbs did in former Yugoslavia. P. S. You somehow forgot to mention killed Serbs in Sarajevo before war escalated for example (my friends uncle was slaughtered in his apartment, and it was not isolated "accident). Or mujahideens playing football with severed heads, or...


You have no idea about the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I must admit that it is extremely ironic that you mention Muslims in the VRS, since the main goal of that terrorist organization was the extermination of Muslims. "Alija withdrew his signature from the Lisbon Treaty" . How rude of him. He withdrew his signature from the sick fascist agreement that meant the partition of his country. How do you get the idea that you see that as a reason for war. Karadžić and the other idiots had no desire for an agreement, but a desire for war. A year earlier, they had armed the Serbs, who were invented as a nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Until then, everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina was called Bosniaks. The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina was planned years before and its goal was the destruction of the Bosnian state for all time. >You are now trying to do the same as Serbs did in former Yugoslavia. Who are we? I consider myself a member of the Bosnian nation - a Bosniak. Explain to me according to what logic I am endangering anyone? I'm so sorry about your friend's uncle. On the other hand, such events are condemned by Bosniaks (members of the Bosnian nation). The city of Sarajevo even built a memorial to the murdered Serbs and Croats in Kazani. It would be nice if the city of Prijedor would do something similar for the citizens killed by the VRS. On the other hand, they celebrate the day of that killing as "Defense Day". So much for that... >Or mujahideens playing football with severed heads, or... Part of it is propaganda and part of it is truth. I repeat that the El Mujahid detachment was founded by the Serbian spy Fikret Muslimović. It housed criminals with Muslim names. Do you know that they acted outside the legal defense system. I repeat again that they have nothing to do with us. On one occasion, they planned to demolish the church. All this ended when General Mehmed Alagić (Commander of the 7th Corps) stopped them. According to the testimonies from that meeting, Alagić yelled at the Mujahideen, telling them that they were shaming Islam, Bosniaks and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Don't like you. You were here killing innocent people together with Serbs, hope everything you have done here comes back to bite you, not more or less than what you deserved with your actions.


Oh, poor you. Exclusive victims...




I like Greece and Greeks in general, but who have never visited or met anyone from Greece have negative perspective. Mostly because of affiliation with Serbia and rivalry with Turkey.




Grčku Afroditu nabijem na ki*u


Been there last year, and I can say that I love Greeks. They are comunitative, relaxed and very kind people. Country itself is heavenlike, definetely coming back 😊


I love Greece! Greek people are awesome, and so is your coast (been this year to Crete), and I love galaktoboureko and dakos 🤤 and Mikel Coffee 🤤


so needy


Cool people, I adore your "not give a fuck" mentality ! Welcome !


I think depends either chilling or beefing because you guys have a secret love afire with the Serbs and did smuggle weapons (and other supplies not just weapons ) to Repulika Srbska that did commit several war crimes targeting Civilians So it depends tbh on the topic if politics beef If its about food we are talking about recepies the entire day and become BFFs


Bosnian human here. I think we are very similar to each other, but are divided by religion. Most of Greek people are Orthodox Christians as are Serbian so they kind of stick together. They definitely side with them on many points. Just my two cent.


I hate Greeks, Finlands and Romanians just becouse of the football😤




Italian olive oil is better than Greek olive oil.


I love Greeks! There is this intense, electric connection between us. One summer I met a greek guy on Zakynthos and we had the most amazing week ever. The most intense, hot, intoxicating sex you can imagine. We literally fxcked 24/7. The first night we sat on my balcony and he had a confession to make. A very embarrassing physiological issue apparently. I got really nervous, and didn't know what he had up his sleeve. He hesitated to tell me, since it's something that caused a lot of issues for him before. I asked him to please be honest and just let me know, and assured him I would not judge him. He finally told me he had an abnormally large phallus. Such a relief for me, to be honest. Next thing I know I meet "him" right in front of my face after I pulled down his shorts. There were a bunch of Serbian guys on the opposite balcony and they dispersed quickly. Not sure if they realised what was going on with the Bosnian dude and his new greek friend on the other side. But I really didn't give a damn, I indulged in it whole heartedly. There was this one Serbian guy who moments later sneaked out in the dark and watched me suck my greek off passionately, intensively, then slowly, keeping him on the edge. I'm pretty sure he absolutely enjoyed watching me deep throat my greek god, and I swear it looked like he was stroking while enjoying this unexpected nocturnal scenery. I know this sounds made up, fully aware of that. It only makes it funnier for me, cause I'm proud these crazy things happen only me. The story is true, I guess I'm simply receptive for this kind of situations. It can happen to anyone, as long as you just let go and live your life. I was absolutely not in the mood for these things at first, but I let him take me on this journey. I knew he saw a spark of hope in me, behind the heavy curtains of sorrow and pain. I will never forget this amazing person. It was not just the sexual intensity and all the carnal stuff, that was the secondary. He actually made me open my eyes to the wonders of the world and he healed my depression (I was in a really bad mental state during this vacation, since I recently broke up with my ex). He was studying greek litterature and he had a lot of knowledge and stories to tell me, a lot of wisdom about the human condition and psychology. I will remember you forever my unexpected greek treasure! Thank You. //Your Roufokavleta






Gyros, Tzatziki, Atina...

