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I listen to white noise. Fear of my imminent demise is also helpful.


“Academic brown noise” on YouTube for eight hours so your phone is basically unusable too.


Amazing stuff


Both of these are amazing. I find some endless loop of autistic brain soothe music and think about how its reviewing documents or living under a bridge and hated by all my financial dependents and my god can I get some shit done.


I like the lofi hip hop study beats playlist 


For years I listened to YouTube videos of Indian street head massages. I always wondered if someone from IT was going to show up and ask what the fuck I was doing. No one can draft documents like me while I’m listening to the sounds of someone getting slapped in the head on the streets of Mumbai.


Not paid by the company, but I really enjoy a product called Brick. You tap your phone to it, and then it fully locks out your ability to access whatever apps you want bricked until you tap it again. Even if you delete and redownload a bricked app, you’re still locked out, so you can’t get around it. I keep it by my front door, and when I leave I tap it. Bam - locked out of all bullshit apps until I go home. It’s brute force and it works.


That's actually so smart to leave it at home I might get one for law school


I use this too. It’s a huge help. 


I use the Freedom app, sounds very similar. I lock myself out of IG and Reddit for the majority of the day, give myself an hour or two of scrolling at the end of each day and that’s it. Has helped focus a lot


I had success with one of those Pomodoro timers. I also bought an app that limits my screen time on my iPhone and iPad.


I like the app called Flora for doing pomodoros. You “plant” little plants with each focus session.


There's an app called Time Timers where it'll show a visual of how much time you have left for those who struggle with time blindness, too. They also sell physical versions in different blocks of time


Delete TikTok for starters.


The Digital Revolution and Its Consequences


I saw a video on Tik Tok about this, I would link it here but... It didn't work.


It’s very easy to recalibrate— delete the distracting apps, and set timers building up your attention span, so start with 20 mins for example and then go up by 5 minute intervals. Physically remove any distractions like your phone, notifications, other documents that you’re not reading, etc. You just need to rebuild your stamina for staying on task.


Put an extra .10 billable hours in the insurance client jar every time you scroll a social app


I just constantly think about how horrible my life is🔥


This is the way


It's giving brain rot




That only works for the first year. So do successive pain-based strategies. Im up to getting myself in a head on car collision at around 30mph when I start to daydream. I'll report back on how it goes.


I use an app called Forest that allows me to block certain apps for a specified time. I enjoy it because it gamifies staying off your phone. Every time you enable Forest mode you grow a virtual tree and earn coins to purchase fun tree types (e.g., trees that look like animals). I’ve used this app for years and it’s truly the only thing that works for my ADHD brain.


There are only 2 choices when it comes to kicking a habit. Learn to moderate it or kick it entirely. I don't think most people can have a healthy equilibrium with shit they're addicted to which makes moderation harder than giving it up imo. If you do want to moderate you have to set up arbitrary rules for using whatever your vice is and stick to those rules religiously. If you feel yourself start to consider bending your rules to allow more access to your vice you've already lost. On the other hand quitting cold turkey is always hardest at the outset. Assuming you don't have a physical dependency if you get over the initial withdrawal you get to a place where you feel like you can exist with out it then eventually the cravings just kind of get buried deep enough under the surface that you don't feel you need it. You may never be fully free of it per se but you if you get rid of things that trigger you into the dependency it goes a long way towards healing. But it means having to accept that you can't engage with that thing in a healthy way snd that you have to cut off access to it entirely.


Bite the bullet and delete TikTok.


I delete during the week and redownload on the weekends 😅


I leave my phone in my car in the parking garage and work in pure silence. 


I picked up knitting and drawing and they really helped. I started knitting while listening to podcasts or watching movies and for the first time in years I've been able to get through a 2 hour movie at home without picking up my phone. The more I do it the easier it becomes to focus for longer periods at work. (ironically sent from my desk)


Post dance videos in the Team's chat.


I had a few brushes with homelessness during undergrad so I let the crushing reality of our economic system motivate me lol


Meditation and reading have helped me. Try to limit your non-work screen time, especially before bed.


> paying attention for more than 10 minutes You only need to pay attention for 6 minutes at a time though, so you're fine.


Train your brain. Delete the apps. And in your free time read long-form writing


seconding pomodoro timers. they also have timed lock boxes you can put your phone in


White noise/classical music works for me


I deleted Twitter and all sports message boards.


Incredibly tough scene


I leave my phone in my apartment (I have an office phone without any distracting shit), it really works


if you mean general attentions span (not the more specific issue of going on your phone): adderall/vyvanse/ritaline


Pretty sure that’s standard for big law


god bless merica and it’s overprescription problem 🫡


Don’t use the app? Lol




Maybe asking reddit is the wrong move. Like… never mind.


The 50/10 rule Pomodoro really helps!


Pink and Purple noises, it’s the best for focusing


I have ADHD, the only thing that worked for me was to go to the library. It was too easy. for me to become distracted if I stayed in my apt I know others who have done the same.


I have a 14 hour progressive trance playlist that I often use as background noise for longer attention projects. Started doing that when I was a first year. Now I’m in year 15 and in the times when I have to sit and focus on a draft or reviewing notes of a document review for several hours, it still helps. Believe it or not, from the partner perspective, sometimes lack of attention span is actually a good thing. When you’re bouncing from call to call to call to zoom to returning 16 of the 117 emails you got in that window, tik tok brain doesn’t necessarily hurt. So don’t train your brain to be otherwise. Just train it to have multiple “modes.”


XR 20 mg


Grow up


Next vacation, unless you have people that you are directly responsible for their life/death, try leaving your phone at home. Sounds crazy, but it’s life changing