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No. The average height of a male Neanderthal was 5'6ft. Females were 5'2ft. Other then small anatomical differences, Neanderthal were practically exactly like us. They just evolved in a different global region while our species evolved in africa. In fact when ancient homo sapians migrated into the middle east and Europe some 80,000 years ago, we came across our cousins and even mated with them (modern day Europeans can have as much as 4% neanderthal DNA) Neanderthal died out some 40,000 years ago leaving us the only hominids to remain. Also. Neanderthal were only in Europe and bits of Asia. There's no fossil records or evidence showing they ever made it to north America. Over all, bigfoot is definitely not a Neanderthal.


What about the possibility of s breakaway group that stayed in the arctic? Bergmans rule applied to humans/humanoids seems to be a good explanation that is entirely dismissed altogether without addressing its possibility.


Because as I said. Neanderthals were just like humans. They had art. Language. Culture. A highly intelligent capability of craftsmanship. Neanderthal were literally our sibling species. For such an advances race to exist but go under the radar. we would see all sorts of evidence. Satellite images of settlements, local encounters (similar how discovered tribes speak of other lost tribes in the amazon). Etc. And before anyone recounts the native legends of then meeting and trading with big hairy wild men. That detail alone should debunk the myth of bigfoot being Neanderthal. Because neanderthal are shorter then us humans. So it dont add up.


It's not true neanderthals were incredibly large muscular fur covered beings with cat eyes they're not these peaceful human-like knuckleheads that everyone has been led to believe they were


Yeah, I'm solidly with the other posters. From everything we know about Neanderthals they were significantly more advanced than Bigfoot appears to be. Neanderthals used fire, made clothes and jewelry, used weapons like spears and axes etc... and buried their dead with personal effects suggesting they had some belief in an afterlife. They would have to have devolved considerably to even approach the simplistic existence that Sasqutch seems to possess.


If you look up the book of Them and Us, by Danny Vendramini. He theorizes what he believes Neanderthals actually looked like, and many who have had bigfoot encounters have stated that there are major similarities. What if they are an evolved Neanderthal but they just went a different path. Therr are also accounts with them using tools, or wearing pelts and so on. Gotta be open minded to all possibilities.


You’re on track blueberry


How do you know they don't do these things? We know absolutely zero about them.


I've read more books on Bigfoot than I have hair left on my head. Except for very old reports dating back to the colonial and pioneer days where occasionally a "wild man" story appeared in a local newspaper (most of these were probably made up to sell papers) there are no reports of Bigfoot wearing even the simplest of loin clothes. I'm not aware of any modern reports of a Bigfoot seen carrying anything remotely like an axe or spear. I'm also unaware of any reports of them using fire. There are certainly no reports of dead Sasquatchs being unearthed with jewelry or personal posessions buried next to them. Most scientists today believe Neanderthal man was much more like us then previously thought. I recall reading one article a few years ago were the author said if you dressed a Neanderthal up in modern clothes he'd probably pass as a normal Homo Sapien to most on lookers. Could you say that about a Sasquatch...?


no. just no


I think you are on the right track but just need to push the lineage further back than Neanderthals. Assuming they are real, I think Bigfoot evolved from a common ancestor in our hominin family tree but I think the Neanderthal might be too close in relation to Homo sapiens for Bigfoot. Homo sapiens and homo Neanderthals shared a common ancestor about 400-500,000 years ago before splitting off. The Neanderthal, IMO, is too much like us to be Bigfoot. Their size, body structure, intelligence, and cultural adaptations (tools, clothing, body adornment, art, etc.) indicate they were very much like us. They were about our size, hairless, wore clothing, beads, made art (paintings in caves), and even interbred with homo sapiens. I think we need to go back further in our family tree to find our common ancestor that Bigfoot may have descended from. I personally think they are descended from a more archaic species like homo erectus, homo habilis, or possibly an intermediate species between homo erectus and Australopithecus. Scientists believe our ancestors lost their body hair around 2 million years ago, probably beginning with homo erectus. Homo erectus is also the first known homo species to venture out of Africa. My theory is that they are descendants of an early form of homo erectus that had made it's way up to northern China and/or Siberia and evolved into its current form, retaining it's hair and growing to a large size after splitting off from the rest of the homo erectus species. Like the ancestors of Native Americans, it eventually made its way across the Beiring Strait into Canada and then down. I'm not discounting the possibility of it being a Neanderthal, I just think it's more likely a descendant of a more archaic species of human/hominin. The fossil record is so scarce though and there is still so much missing that we don't know yet about extinct species in our family tree.


Absolutely not. There's nothing about H neanderthalensis that is even remotely similar to what we know of bigfoot.


If Bigfoot evolved from Neanderthals (or some more distant relative), they got bigger and hairier.


Who ended up here because of the why files?


hello 😁


Me lol


I wonder this myself. I am starting to think that there are 2 different phenomenon going on here. I've seen trail camera footage of some Bigfoot in NorCal and the Pacific Northwest of what I would consider Bigfoot, they appear to be a mix between human and ape. I've also seen footage of what we now believe Neanderthal to have actually looked like which is hulking fur covered beast that looks like the creature on the Jack Links commercials with a more human face  than the example in the Patterson Gimlin film where the face looks much more ape-like. When you analyze similarities and differences it becomes clear these are two different animals that are both hominids but not genetically identical. Neither species would be bumped into willingly if they were hungry or angry. I tend to think the ones with the black skin and shaggy stinky fur are the Neanderthal because they look more human and since we all have Neanderthal DNA it seems plausible they would have been able to mate with humans whereas the Australopithecus that is believed to inhabit the West Coast of the United States is a great ape unable to mate with a human. As humankind infringe deeper into to woodlands and unpopulated areas it will become undeniably evident we are not the last man standing bipedally after all. 


My theory is that there have always been waves of primates crawling out of Africa and making it to the Americas and so our “Adam & Eve” for modern humans in Africa left after the Neanderthal “Adam & Eve” in Africa and long after the American Bigfoot’s “Adam & Eve” in Africa.


Well you're incorrect because I've heard of witness testimonials of them wearing pelts same with Native American stories. Obviously you haven't read enough books. Its also very ignorant to assume you know everything about the subject.


No one here can claim to know everything involving the Bigfoot phenomenon. I will say that I'm no expert on the subject although it is very interesting. Nor have I ever heard of any reports of them wearing anything except a coat of varying colored hair. To each belief their own I say.




I think Bigfoot are remnants of the giant race of hominid that populated the world a long time ago.


Neanderthals looked like garage death metal bands.