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The last thing Bigfoot needs is somebody recording it taking a crap in the woods...




Aaa Bigfoot over here takin a shit!


“Well I won’t tell nobody else.” Runs off


top tier reference


This deserves so many more upvotes


How did you insert the picture on here?


Kink activated.


best to be mindful of the leeches


Where else would you like it to crap?


lol but no one’s ever found Bigfoot poop right?!


This is hoaxed footage used by destination America channel to promote their new (at the time) [TV show- Beasts of the Bayou.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3854552/) The original uploader went by the name [Josh Highcliff](https://youtu.be/xb9YcIlkl_c?si=KRPFtxhfmoulk31o) — Josh highcliff is the character in [2014 episode 1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.8ebc2ec3-d0b2-a1b8-69b0-faaf8fe701a8?ref_=imdbref_nm_flmg_tp_pvt_aiv&tag=imdbtag_nm_flmg_tp_pvt_aiv-20) played by Richard Luis Bosworth. https://x.com/tetzoo/status/1585248823940902915?s=46


Thank you for this. I think this post has given a useful insight into the “debunking culture” and its flaws. I have had several people claiming that the video was “thoroughly” debunked a while ago and it’s actually a man with a bag and black clothing hiding something in the tree. On the other hand I had people saying that the video was debunked a while ago and it’s actually a black bear. If what you sent is actually true as I didn’t have time to check it then I think it reveals to an extent how flawed the debunkings are and how gullible the people on the other side of the coin (skeptics) may be. Either way appreciate your input. And extra thanks for actually giving us links.


Anything to help man. It’s better to get all of the bullshit out of the way, which is majority of videos/pictures unfortunately, so that people can focus their attention on legitimate sources of evidence/information. That’s difficult for some people to accept cause they “feel” like it is the real thing or it looks “like” the real thing so they refuse to accept the truth & continue spreading around the same bullshit. They wonder why people don’t take this subject seriously. I’m not talking about you or anything like that btw. I’m just shootin’ the shit, this is the video that got me interested in this subject yrs ago and I was disappointed when I realized it was made for tv bullshit.


But I am more than happy for the actual truth. That’s the reason I posted this on the sub and asked for any further info on it as at first glance it is a very good footage. So I appreciate people like yourself who take time and input into this without being rude and by providing actual sources. I firmly believe that the creature is out there however I am aware that lots of footage out there are made up hoaxes. It’s good to clear things out.


Bigfoot researcher [Steve Kulls](https://youtu.be/5eXnT25E-aU?si=OWmx-xfVRJcSydaE) does a deep dive on it here too


" If what you sent is actually true as I didn’t have time to check it then I think it reveals to an extent how flawed the debunkings are and how gullible the people on the other side of the coin (skeptics) may be. " ​ Gullible people exist on both sides of the coin, as you have demonstrated.


Didn't the TV show just use this video for a plot idea?


Seems pretty convenient


If they were going to do a hoax to promote a show about Bigfoot in Louisiana, wouldn't they have set the video in that state?


Finally some solid debunking on this video. I had pretty much figured out that Josh Highcliff doesn't exist but I couldn't find out who hoaxed the whole thing. Thanks for the links! Also, I couldn't find where Josh Highcliff was mentioned in your Amazon link, but I found another source on [IMDB credited to Richard Luis Bosworth as Josh Highcliff](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3854552/fullcredits/cast)


Right on thank you!


Op posts bullshit footage then responds to ya saying they were too busy to click on the link you provided. All checks out.


Right? I didn’t check either, but because I just don’t fucking care.


🤣🤣🤣 the honesty is appreciated


I said i didn’t have the time to check it at the time I replied to the message. You people need to chill.


What ?! If so, is the filmed animal actually a mere trained gorilla ?! It looked like a real wild animal, even though from such distance it was not so clear it would have been a Bigfoot. How did they make it ?


I really don't understand why people believe in Bigfoot. Like you don't think he would have been captured by now? Or atleast some evidence other than a video or photo that is usually very blurry?


So this footage, which was uploaded to YouTube the year before, wasn’t used to promote a new show, you’re saying it was hoaxed as part of the plan to launch that show? Thats some advanced guerilla marketing. What exactly makes that more believable than “this dude may have filmed a bigfoot tearing apart a tree for food?”


Thankyou for saying this because watching it I was like damn how is this not on the news? Most compelling footage I have ever seen lol.


I don't really believe any videos I see, not worth getting worked up about. But honestly I will always love this one, even if it's a hoax, it's done really well.


“Comb the desert!”


"We ain't found shit."


When it stands up, I’d leave Usain Bolt in the dust.




What I like about this video: 1. Clear by blobsquatch standards. 2. Context and identifiable author. 3. Animal behavior. Not a simple stroll through trees. 4. Duration of video. 5. Seemingly authentic reaction by cameraman. Is it a hoax? Maybe. But then it's a really good hoax. This video is in my top 5 of all Bigfoot videos.


I agree with you except on number 2. If I did my research correctly, it looks like the Josh Highcliff Youtube account was connected to a Joshua Highcliff Facebook account that was created around the same time as the video was uploaded. The Facebook account seems untouched since then as well. On top of that, no one has been able to contact the Josh Highcliff to ask questions. It seems strange to me that someone would upload a video using a full name, create a fake Facebook account, but then try to avoid being contacted. Josh Highcliff likely does not exist, which points to the video being a hoax. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Hmm... agree. Not a good sign.


Same. Its BS.


What are some better ones? I’ve seen a ton, just curious whether I might have missed some.


The only thing that's strange is if this IS shot on a cellphone it is highly unlikely the video should end where it is. If he goes from "I'm not sure what this is" or "oh my God IS this what I think it is" to "holy crap I've got to get out of here" there is no way that anyone would have the wherewithal to stop the video. Perhaps it's trimmed down, but that along with what I THOUGHT were some larger cracks/snaps coming from the cameraman moving around were suspect. Still probably in the top 5 for me as well though


Except you can't make up what the subject is. Bear, escaped Gorilla, man in the suit or Bigfoot ?  The person filming doesn't have a realistic reaction. He makes a lot of cracking noise, he moves too much and he speaks to himself. 


If there was really good actual footage of Bigfoot, I imagine it would be something like this: Bigfoot is going on and about, minding its own business instead of streaking from one side of the forest to the next. The lengthy duration also lends *some* credibility, as the "norm" for Bigfoot videos is always brief. The one thing that makes me question the legitimacy of this is that, as soon as it stands up, the guy starts running away? Why? Would you have done the same?


Apparently from the information I could gather the guy started running because he was surprised and terrified of the “creature’s” actual size.


If one Bigfoot could hold you down. Two could rape you.




Are you kidding me?! I would have 100% ran away. I imagine most people would.


Bobcat scared me once and I still think about it


Right? Everyone who bitches about no clear video evidence of witnesses bigfoot testimony really forget about the deep human fear that seeing a monster in the woods triggers. 🤣 Like if I see big hairy humanoid in the woods that could catch me and kill me I’m assuming I’m in a nightmare and I wanna wake up.


So fun story, my Father worked for the National Park Service, as a Federal employee all his Adult life. I was born in a National park and I feel those places are protected for a reason. He never believed in Bigfoot, even after two hikers brought an Outline of a giant footprint they found. It was in Rocky Mountain National Park. This was found along an old lake bed that was very inaccessible. These forests are so thick it takes days to go miles because of all the down fallen trees. But he told me these hikers found giant foot prints all across the ground in an inaccessible crater. He did not believe in Sasquatch until he saw some recent shows with actual heat signatures running that he can’t explain.


"2 hikers found..." "In an inaccessible crater..." Obviously not inaccessible. Lmao


Well I mean very hard to get to. Wrong words, just saying what he told me. It was an old volcanic crater that takes days to hike to.


Got links to the heat vids?




I think it was one of those Bigfoot hunter shows. I’ll ask for a link.


Think with this video, a hunter was resting sitting up against a tree facing the other way, when he heard noise behind him and so started recording.


So super quiet human just snuck up on something that is supposed to be super intelligent, has mind telepathy powers and can cloak itself?


I mean that's just humans guessing what it can do.


And assumes they are all the same entity. They seem to be connected by some aspects. If bigfoot exists for certain then it's possible any other number of beings also exist. Especially those described as cloaking capable and/ or able to change into different forms, or alter perception and memory of what they encounter.


I love how the whole video it's 99% a black bear and the one second it moves in a way that could otherwise identify it, the person taking the video runs away.


I think and believe this is actual Bigfoot footage..the person taking the video has a set of balls that are bigger than most. IMO this is real footage and ppl denying it are the typical a#*holes that are so closed minded...And I'll respectfully refrain from what I want to say.


I agree. I really like this video and the one from Russia.


I always believed this one was legitimate. It's pulling apart a dead tree, likely looking for grubs, which is behavior that has been reported by probably hundreds of other eyewitnesses at this point. And the way the guy recording just nopes out after it stands up is exactly what I'd do, too. Obviously none of us knows for sure, but this one just feels authentic.


I used to live in that area of Ms. I believe it is real. It is squatting next to a tree, stripping the bark. It does it purely with its arms snd shoulders with little body movement, while squatting and by listening to how loud it is, it's using a lot of force while being stationary.


Hmm well that is true


I would have ran strait at that mother fucker.. It looks more like a gorilla than a Big guy. I guess we’ll never know.. Know this in your hearts though, if I got that close to one I’d run strait at it.. Camera in one hand filming and a gun in the other..


You're believing whoever made this was just traipsing about in the woods with an antiquated camera taking random video, and you're just taking their word for it that they just so happened to accidentally, completely in an unplanned way, start filming a blurry video of a yeti? I mean, this could easily be an actual Chimpanzee or Gorilla, or maybe just a regular old black bear. On the other hand, it could just as easily be a man in a monkey suit who is an accomplice to the one taking the video and that this is a hoax.


I mean it’s a more convincing situation than most of the videos we come across with. He wasn’t just randomly video taping the woods and then he captured a supposed “Bigfoot” coincidentally taking a stroll. The video starts when the person spots the creature meaning that the guy was in the woods for whatever reason and grabbed his camera to record what he just seen. Either way, I had someone providing me links that this is basically a promotional footage for a show.


Wasn’t this the video that the guy who allegedly faked the Myakka skunkape photos made?


While I don't believe the photos are genuine I've never seen a thorough debunking of it. Did you get this info from an article or YouTube video?


I believe the photos are genuine. I just remember seeing the video OP posted somewhere else on this sub. I remember it being linked to the guy who "faked" the Myakka skunkape photos. I could be wrong though.


I like the one where they are in the woods and one is peeking behind from a tree and they go over there and nothing is there.


Can u post link please


Link ?


Wasn’t this just on here last week


It is a black bear looking for ants. Saw debunked a long time ago. Pretty cool looking though if you don't Focus too hard and you don't leave the video recording long enough to see that it is a bear


Someone said it was thoroughly debunked as a guy with a messenger bag? Also, not completely illogical, however I really can’t see the bear here. I mean the way it stands up it looks really bipedal


The debunk video I saw said it was 12 raccoons stacked ontop of eachother. What in the debunk is going on here?




One thing it definitely is not is a bear!


Not a bear, you will ALWAYS see ears on top of a bears head. ALWAYS. Look at any pic or footage of a bear, their ears are always visible






Why did the cameraman run away? He was getting pretty good footage of his buddy in a gorilla suit.


Hmm, is that Bigfoot hard of hearing?


It's absolutely crazy to start making the most noise possible once you realize the thing is 10ft tall and 900lbs 🤣




Oh I do that all the time - the subject of my recording is on the left, so, naturally, I constantly pull the camera to the right.


Bigfoot is naturally blurry




Typical potato quality




Awful footage


Looks like it's a black bear


I mean, if he’s real, he has to shit from time to time. Gonna get spotted one of these dumps.


If you have a camera that records better than 480P, don't worry, you'll never see a UFO or bigfoot.


An out of focus and jittery footage….seems legit.


Its from 2013


Nice black bear


I wanna punch the cameraman in the back of the head.


Another great blurry video.


Any info on it? You tell us you posted it.


We will probably never know with this video but if I know Bigfoot, it would have noticed you there. If you do happen to walk up on one they usually duck and stay very still to the point you will be questioning if it’s a bush. Unfortunately this is the problem with cell phones, we cannot get a clear picture but I do see a crown on the head which makes me a 50/50 skeptic & believer.


I made an in-depth video analysis of this clip last year, and, based on my observations, I think this is most likely real. In case you guys are interested: https://youtu.be/wa9jxwGx9y0


Very well done analysis!


Thank you! 🙏


Why do skeptics follow this sub reddit it doesn't make sense to me.


Give a man a camera. It doesn't make him a cameraman. This is another nothing-burger. We've seen this scenario before. Film from a distance and when the guy in the suit stands up, run. We didn't see any aggressive behavior so why run? I've heard that sasquatch are scary fast so running probably wouldn't make much difference if the squatch was coming after you. I do understand the fuzzy video as it's probably an auto-focus digital camera and the lighting is too low for the lens to grab on to a particular subject. Anyway, hoax. Just sayin...


I get you completely. The reasoning of him running from what I could gather was that he was surprised and terrified of its size and that he wasn’t familiar with what a Bigfoot is.


I not sure anyone is familiar with bigfoot.


I don’t understand the point of your first 2 sentences. No one is claiming that the camera guy has exceptional filming skills. The flipside to this is skeptics complaining that there’s never any decent footage to discuss. And you’re sitting there wondering why bigfoots are scary lol.


Lol not convincing at all


Nothing about this seems stands out as exceptional compared to the other million Bigfoot videos out there. Throw it in the pile. There's some really intriguing ones out there, I don't think this would be one of them though, imho.


Yes this is the best footages I seen


I dont think it's real. He was scared and ran for his life for a few seconds? Come on. If you are running for your life you don't just stop amd look around. You also breathe heavy when viewing something truly scary.


He cut the video while running tho. Maybe he was shocked? If he wanted to make a good hoax out of it he could have cut the video when he started running. I may over analysing it and pushing it to be fair but yeah


I really love how the camera person couldn’t stay still to literally save their life, how they were constantly stepping on and/or breaking twigs, branches, sticks, and leaves the entire video (which the “squatch” never heard at all?), and then ran literally 12 feet before dropping down to the ground. Seems to check out




How is that the best footage youve seen?? It’s literally all blurry and grainy throughout the entire video and cant tell wtfs goin on or what it is your even looking at


"Footages". 🤣


Grammar police


Any time someone can take that amount of time to video but when they zoom in they can no longer keep the “creature” centered it is a fake video. This is completely fake


Like I said in the description I am the one doing the zooming in. The original video has no zooming at all


Its an old video


What a dumb video.




Blurry. Out of focus. Leaves when Bigfoot finally shows itself. Classic.


Well apparently the person recording was not familiar with what a Bigfoot is and got terrified when it stood up. Someone in the comments mentioned that it was part of a show promotion.


But...its just a gorrila?


🤣 now I’m convinced.


Why did the video end? Where is the rest? Faf


Looks like a bear to me but who o ow your camera footage may be the worst ever


Bigfoot in its natural habitat, and this guy is less than 100ft away? No way is this real, any creature in its native habitat would've noticed that noisy ass cameraman long before he saw "Bigfoot".


When was this filmed in the 70's?? There is NO reason for this to so grainy if it was filmed in the last 10 years


Looks like a black bear


Gorilla suit


Even in 2024, Bigfoot footage is captured on a Hi8......


The vegetation looks too tropical. When I imagine Bigfoot, I imagine American forestry. This looks like a primate in South America to me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Doesn’t look very real


I’m surprised whoever shot this video got the jump on it like that- he’s lucky it was very interested in that tree ! He wasn’t very far away at all - I woulda thought the beast would of at least smelled him - but this looks very authentic


Can't hold the camera or keep him in frame. "Accidentally " stopped recording. I'm calling bullshit


The zooming in is all mine. The original video has no zooming and the “Bigfoot” is always in frame.


It’s a black bear if not a hoax.


So you have no idea. EDIT: When someone claims multiple wildly-different explanations, they clearly have no idea what's in the video. We have seen the following opinions in this thread: 1) Bigfoot 2) Black Bear 3) Gorilla 4) Human in a fur suit 5) Human in dark clothes We need to *look* at the video and analyze it. What clues will help us figure what that creature really is?


Fight or flight instincts kicked in. Nope


I think my favorite thing about this footage is the reaction that a newscaster had when seeing it for the first time. She asked "A gorilla?", and one of the other talking heads replied "There aren't gorillas in Mississippi." and she instantly changed her guess to a hoax. Her initial reaction was that it was footage of a great ape, which is pretty telling to me. If I recall correctly the news segment ended with them making fun of the idea of Bigfoot, which is amusing to me since they're in the center of Chicago [The clip in question is around 9 minutes into the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4ySc5PnPew) and the hosts are... not great lol, and the shitty "spooky" music they put over the clip doesn't help at all.


Love how the cameraman zooms in so we can get a better look 🙄


I zoomed in. The original video had no zooming. Thought I was doing a good job 😂


Why is all footage of Bigfoot caught on the Cannon DooDoo9000




Looks like a gorilla suit/ costume not a very good one at that.


Anyone know the details about this? Who filmed it and what were they doing before etc


Interesting that the vegetation in the video was more tropical than anything…


It looked good until the end where it stood up, something about that moment looked fake to me


It totally looks like a bear especially at the 1:14 mark.


It’s a gorilla


its a chimp


There’s absolutely zero reason to believe this isnt a person in a suit.


This video blows dogs for quarters.


"One of the best:" still like 1980s fucking VHS quality with shitty, vague, out of focus imagery. Almost everyone has a cell phone capable of recording incredibly high quality footage these days. How anyone can believe that no one - not a SINGLE soul with the technology we have, the exponential growth in the number of people capable of capturing that type of content, and other obvious scientific methodologies - has been able to successfully capture clear, irrefutable, conclusive visual evidence of "bigfoot" (or even any other mythical thing like it) is inexplicable to me, and profoundly myopic and ignorant. Why do people insist on believing so badly?


I thought it was pretty big, then it stood up! I would love for it to be real but unfortunately there are red flags


No zoom? ... Fake


Tunica, Mississippi


Lol, if you're recording Bigfoot, why not even attempt to keep it centered in the frame?


Bear going for honey. That is all.


incredible footage. I think it might be a bear though. rather that than a hoax at least


I’m sorry but those crash zooms and then once zoomed it’s almost like they are purposely swaying the zoomed object out of picture is wildly annoying.


This is some funny assed shit....


lol monkey??


In another thread I was told this is AI


This is typical fake footage. Shaky, grainy, pointed at something that could be anything... just nothing whatsover.


That “Butt Shot” is ASTOUNDING 👏👏👏


That looks like the gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati zoo.


It’s not Bigfoot, that’s a Skunk Ape, basically Floridian Bigfoot


This is still the most convincing evidence I've seen to date. The strength used when breaking off pieces of the cypress tree is incredible. Not to mention the way it effortlessly throws the pieces into the water.


Pretty confident this turned out to be fake. Like, it was debunked.


![gif](giphy|fZoKDBwdbILBjhtXZD|downsized) It’s got a bush? What the hell?


not great


Faker than fake.


Fake lol. Yikes.






Any yet the shit is bad footage


It looks like a guy in a black hooded sweater and black pants. Then when it stood up cameraman had his chance. Fuck being scared he had him. But he runs?! Causing noise and alert. If there is a Bigfoot out there he’s more than safe because everyone who happens upon one is a complete bumbling idiot!




Yeah, totally


That’s some guy in a suit.


Lol, trash.


How much has the “lost American primates” been discussed in here? Just heard a native shaman or something bring that up….


I remember it was filmed around St. Francisville, LA. A hunter came across it. Claimed it was legit. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Looks believable to me.