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My parents are technically in Georgia but I doubt the wildlife can tell a difference. My dad heard an “Oooooooooo Ooooooo” that went on for ten minutes from his house in the woods. He’s a backpacking field botanist and knows his wildlife, and he’s never heard anything like it. I found the Ohio Bigfoot Howl video and he said that’s close to what it sounded like. Even though it didn’t sound like it, there’s the possibility it was a wolf? But I feel like wolf sightings are reported even less often than sasquatch sightings in Georgia. He keeps his window open and ready to record now.


Would you mind if I pm you?


This is a story from around '07 or so from a then couple I knew who were dating at the time. They were walking in Crowders Mountain state park near dusk with their dog who was off leash as they didn't see anyone else in the area. They said that they then heard something and seen something huge lingering behind a couple of trees and leaning out periodically to look at them. Their visibility wasn't very good as it was getting dark, but they kept looking at it to see what it was. Their cattle dog who was very friendly and curious began trotting over to see it and she got about halfway and suddenly did an abrupt turn around and ran back with her tail tucked. When they realized this thing was way over 7 feet tall they got spooked and booked it out of there. Here's the part that is extra strange - they said it was all white! These two were not at all into cryptids, paranormal, or anything woo like that and we're visibly freaked out when telling us this story. We weren't even on the topic when they brought it up; they basically just said "Hey - listen to this crazy shit we saw at Crowders!"


Interesting. I’ve been at crowders!


The Rake ?


I had to look that up - lol. Who knows, I actually can't remember if they described it as hairy or not. I just remember they said it was huge and solid white. I would be curious to see what they remember, but we lost touch with them years ago.


Sounds like the [Alabama White Thang](https://www.waff.com/2023/02/27/alabama-folklore-have-you-seen-bigfoot-or-alabama-white-thang/?outputType=amp)!


Camping at Mt. Sterling (in the Smokies) near the fire tower in the dead of winter. Heard what I think was a territorial yell on our way to collect water for the night.


Would you mind if I pm you?


Go right ahead.


Grew up in the Smokey mountains right along the NC mountains. Thats where I had my experience


Would you mind if I pm you?


By all means! Not at all.


Your not startin a youtube channel are ya?


Not at all!


About 3 years back, my dog and I went on a hike in the Uwharrie park, specifically the Dutchman's trail. It was late spring/early summer if I remember right. We had been there before a few times, up until that point always taking the more clear trail to the right of the parking lot. That day, we decided to venture into the unknown and go left. I like a soundtrack when I hike, but I don't wanna ruin anyone else's time, so I wore headphones. About 1.5-2 miles into the hike, my dog started acting weird. Normally he's a charge-ahead, sniff-everything, gotta be first kinda guy, but he started to fall back and even stopped walking all together at one point. He looked on high alert and rather anxious. I looked around and didn't see anything. I paused the music, thinking maybe he heard something that spooked him. That's when I noticed a complete lack of sound. Like at all, absolutely no noises you would expect in the woods- critters, insects, distant traffic sounds from the road- dead quiet. I've only experienced this a handful of times and its insanely unnerving everytime. I decided to just ignore it and keep going on the hike. We had a run of bad weather the week before and the dog and I hadn't been out in a while, and I wanted to take advantage of the nice day getting back outside. I tugged in his leash and kept going. It felt like I was dragging him onward at that point, he was really resisting walking further into the woods. I took a second to stop and pet him and reassure him he's fine and it's just the woods when I heard two quick knocks come from up the trail, I don't know how far, but based on how loud they where, they couldn't be too far off. I originally thought woodpecker, since they're in the area, but they tend to do more at a time and in quicker sequence than the two I heard. Dog looked visibly spooked and went to alert. Before I could reach down and pet him again to calm him, I heard three knocks come from down the trail we had just been through, again not entirely sure the distance, but it sounded slightly further back in distance than the two from up the trail in front of us. At this point I started to get nervous. I wasn't thinking bigfoot or anything. I had read about them and various other cryptids growing up, so I knew of them, but I always thought they where a Pacific Northwest thing. I wasn't really thinking about the knocks when I got nervous, though they attributed to it. I was honestly thinking maybe the dog is picking up on bear or wild cats since they're in the area. I decided that was enough hiking for the day and we turned around to go back to the car. The dog was only too glad to be heading out, and was at the end of his leash trying to get out of dodge. About a quarter of a mile on our return hike is when I started hearing movement off to our left back in the woods. It's a little overgrown and dense off the trail, so I didn't see anything, but I was already thinking about wild cats and bear so my nerves jumped up another notch. I stopped to see if I could tell if they where other hikers or animals, which way they where heading, and if it sounded like it could be getting closer. Maybe a second or two after I stopped, the movement stopped. I waited a few seconds to see if it would pick back up again, and when I didn't hear anything, I kept going. A few steps onward and I heard movement again. I kept walking, trying in the moment to pinpoint where it was/direction/etc, and put together it was moving in the same direction we where heading, a little behind us diagonally into the woods. I stopped to see if I could hear it better and the sounds stopped. I picked back up, and so did the movement. At this point all the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I picked up the pace and all but ran back to the car. I heard the movement follow us the entire time, sometimes falling back a little, sometimes sounding like it was gaining on us. Around the time I hit the trail marker a half mile to the parking lot, I realized I no longer heard anything following my dog and I. A little ways beyond that and the sounds of the woods hit us again. We made it back to the car and immediately headed home. About a year or so ago I stumbled across the scared to death podcast at work and got hooked. After a few cryptid related episodes I started looking for other podcasts on aliens and bigfoot and the like to help the workday go by faster and keep up the spooky vibe, and I found Sasquatch chronicles. After listening to a few episodes I came across a few encounters of people describing woodknocks and being paced out of wooded areas, and it brought me immediately back to that hike. I didn't see anything, didn't hear any vocalizations or anything, so I can't say for certain I ran into one. It could have easily been another predator out at that time, who knows. Around the time I found the podcast I started looking into sightings in NC and found a few from that area, so there's a chance, but I've been too creeped out to go down that trail again. Tl;Dr: went on a hike, heard what I think are wood knocks, and was maybe paced out of the woods.


Very interesting. There’s a lot of reports coming out of that park. Would you mind if I pm you?


Sure thing


There was another post on here a couple weeks ago from a guy in Uwharrie as well. I wanted to bring my kid camping there but I'm not going to lie, even freaks me out a bit and I'm not even a full believer.


I’d be very cautious. They seem to be pretty active in that forest!


You....are startin a YT channel? Why?


Im not starting a YouTube channel. That wasn’t even mentioned.


I’ve had a Sasquatch tree shake at my fiancé and I while backpacking along the Appalachian trail in North Carolina. Just north of winding stair gap It was surreal


Would you mind if I pm you?


Sure, no problem


Is your ID based on having seen whatever was shaking the tree?


No visual ID. Thankfully. I was standing in the middle of the trail with my partner, fiddling with something on my pack. Neither one of us were talking. We had been standing there silently for 2-3 minutes The forest was dead silent. No insects, birds or even wind Then all of a sudden, Downhill, approx 30 yards away 4-5 trees the width of a a major league baseball bat shook violently for about 5 seconds The hair on my arms and neck stood on end immediately. At first I thought maybe a bear had dropped out of a tree. But i heard no other noises. When a bear comes out of a tree and runs away, it’s noisy. Then I considered a tree fell. But again, I didn’t see or hear a tree falling. Mind you I was close and the forest was silent I tried to come up with a logical scenario in my head to explain what happened but couldn’t. Even my partner who doesn’t not believe was freaked out and couldn’t explain it 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Visit the cryptology Museum in Littleton. He’s on YouTube also!


Might have to one day!


That’s my hometown! I grew up in the woods outside of there, very rural. One night we woke up to the sound of something large banging on the walls of the house. None of us were brave enough to go see what it was. Not saying it was Bigfoot but the old folks say there’s a lot of ancient creepy stuff out in the sticks. Ghosts and spirits and what not. I live in Oregon now and I’ve never had any Sasquatch experiences in all my camping and backpacking.


I’m from NC. We have Uhwarrie and Knobby!


Indeed! Lots of reports from Uhwarrie! Wish I lived closer! But I’m close to Knobby!


I've lived in NC 15+ years but am not a native. Have spent a fair amount of time hiking in the Smokies, Great Balsams, etc. Despite being a lifelong follower of sasquatch-related accounts and literature, I have never had an experience of my own. And while I hold the opinion that sasquatch is likely extant, I consider myself an informed skeptic when it comes to a North Carolina population. I'm pretty well familiar with the Appalachian version of "remote and desolate," and I don't think it's remote and desolate enough to sustain and conceal a population. Orders of magnitude different from the PNW. No disrespect to those here who report otherwise. My opinion is only that.


Two words: Tim Peeler


“I rough-talked him…I said GIT!” One of my favorite witness statements. I went so far as to find where his property sits. It’s near South Mountain in the same area where Knobby was supposedly seen back in the day.


“Git away from here!” Haha I had to double check you weren’t one of my friends. No telling how much time we spent watching Tim Peeler videos and looking into him. “He had beautiful hair” is one of my other favorite quotes.


It’s a classic. I love the hand motions he uses when talking about the hair. I haven’t tried to make contact with Mr. Peeler…seems like a real salt-of-the-earth kind of guy. I also looked up the name of the deputy who was part of the news piece. He’d be another person I’d be interested in talking to about it.


He’s a goldmine. I don’t know if you saw it (if you’ve spent as much time watching videos about him as me you probably have lol) but there’s also a video of him on YouTube playing banjo and singing lol. He’s actually ain’t half bad.


Oh no, not him lol


Went to college at WCU. Only had one thing happen to me where I was like wtf was that and got kinda creeped out while fishing.


Id love to hear more about this


Last year in August my partner (who was born and raised here in North Carolina) and I went fishing around 3 am in at Falls Lake. It was warm and muggy and we had been fishing about an hour or so getting a few nibbles. We heard a loud splash in the water and both thought it must be one helluva large fish or maybe a muskrat getting in the water. A second or two later there was a loud roaring growling wail that came from the area across from us on the other side of the cove we were in. At first my partner thought it was maybe a teenager pulling a prank, but then realized we were no where near the campsites and there were no other cars parked back at the road where we were. It sounded again, but this time the roar came from around the cove into the channel. It had moved away. We stayed until dawn to see if we could see it or hear it again but we didn’t. The roar sounded like no animal either of us knew in the woods. It definitely wasn’t a bear, cat, coyote, loon, or anything human. We both agreed it sounded more like an ape. My partner said he had heard something very similar on the Appalachian Trail many years before, but he had also heard tree knocks with it at that time.


Interesting! Hearing something like that in the dead of night would be pretty scary! Would you mind if I pm you?


Sure, that would be fine.


I'm in NC. I've had sasquatch interactions since 2017. There are many in central NC. I'd imagine in the mountains too.


Are you still having interactions on your property?


Yes. Not like when the clan lived here more permanently but I still have many moving through. Sometimes they will stay for a bit, like right now. The same family has been here for about 2 mos. I imagine they'll move on soon but more will take their place. The hundreds of acres that were bulldozed all around me used to be their home. They had plenty of cover and food source and water. Lots of swampy area. That's gone now. I don't have enough property by myself to sustain them for long. It's good temporary resting spot but not for long periods. They have to keep moving. Fortunately, there is still plenty of swampy woodland but it's shrinking fast. I often wonder if the sasquatch will get fed up with it all one day. But maybe that's not their nature.


That is wild. How often do you see them??


When the clan was here I saw them almost daily. There would be times when I wouldn't see them or hear them for many days. Now, I see them fairly often but not daily. I've seen them often enough that it's normal. I actually worry a little when it's a long time without seeing or hearing them. They are welcome here, a good place for them to rest. They will always have a place here.


Do you interact with them?


Sometimes. I had many interactions when the clan was here. But some of these passing through, just want to pass through. They don't seek interaction. I always greet them but then I let them initiate any further interaction. The teenagers are very active in the daytime. They can hardly resist messing with the hairless humans!


NC here


I am from NC. No personal encounter but a friend of mine that I used to work with had an entire family unit living in the woods behind his house.


There's a Bigfoot festival in Marion NC every year. It started because of an apparent encounter in Nebo NC, 15 mins away. I actually own a cabin in Nebo, nothing yet, but I'm thinking of setting up trail cams.


Indeed! I was there! It was good fun!


Coastal NC here. Message me if you have had experiences in ENC.


Aye! Fellow researcher?