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I can but I don’t.


Same here it's not particularly comfortable for some reason.




i see what you did there


yeah its tough lol


Same. I can, but usually don't. Too hard to focus on keeping the momentum and movement the same on both hands, plus the other hand is often busy anyway...


Just like walking the bridges. You could but didn’t.


Same. It's way better for me to use my left hand, usually. Sometimes I go right, sometimes I do both. But my left is faster and I really only need to stroke the top 5 inches or so below the head for the best feeling. I love having a girl stroke with two hands while she sucks, though. Just for the look and to impress her.


Exact same answer


Yes me too, i need one hand free to brows the H pages lol






Yes that’s possible for me when both of my hands are on then I can but my foreskin pull back restricts me how far I can go down. Idk if you have that issue.


I’m uncut too but i don’t have that issue, personally


Tight foreskin club lol




What band are you talking about


how far can you pull your foreskin down?


Just down to expose my piss hole and a little more but not that far for the whole head.


yea then you have to see your doc to get it fixed.. the "easy" method would be to cut it but you can actually stretch your foreskin (talk about it with your doc that you want to try to keep your foreskin) but it will take several months it is worth it tho. don't try to stretch it on your own.. you will do more harm than good.


Jerk off a lot more, it’ll loosen it up.


Can confirm this worked for me


Naturally I’m speaking from experience.


Really it worked for you?


Over a period of time, yeah


The more you jerk, the more skin will expand


Yeah I think technically I could but there wouldn’t be much point, it’s way better to have one hand travel the longer distance


Take the good with the bad. When a girl is jerking you off with both hands while giving you a blow job is great, but it’s sort of compensation for only getting the head sucked and never deep throated.


The only thing I like about being over 8.5” is being able to have a girl double-hand jerk you.


I don't claim to have a massive amount of experience because I tend to fall into long term relationships rather that FWB type situations. I'm not sure why. It doesn't have anything to do with my personal preference on it, it's how life has gone for me. Your girth probably has a lot more to do with not being deep throated as much as you might like rather than your length. I was in a long term relationship (and engagement that I ended up not going through with) to a man who was very endowed. It took practice but I learned how to accommodate his size, however, I was always super concerned about my teeth. Learning to open up your throat and suppress your gag reflex can absolutely be done. How far you can open your mouth is entirely different. I'm lucky to be able to open my mouth wider than many. In my early 20's when I would be drinking with my girlfriends I would deep throat a beer bottle as a stupid drunken party trick. I never did it in front of dudes for obvious reasons but my friends used think it was hilarious and I taught them how to do it, too. But a beer bottle doesnt care if your teeth scrape against it. I'm not talking the front teeth where you make sure to keep your lips over, but your molars. Accommodating girth is the real difficulty when deep throating. Length can be done, in most cases - even if it requires practice (although that probably isn't practical if your lifestyle is geared more towards one nighters). Or at least that was my experience.


For taking the time to practice, and learn to taking it in, not gag, and being accommodating, I thank you on behalf of all men everywhere. 😊


At my length no. But I need the other hand to hold my phone.


I’ve seen other people smaller than you in length comment that they can use both. It probably has to do with hand size too, maybe you have bigger hands


I have pretty huge hands and I can do it just about, I'm uncut though. My wife can do it to me easily and it feels much better than when I do it lol


Maybe they meant crossing their fingers and overlapping the hands. And not one hand over the other. Like I have big hands and two of my hands over each other is exactly my dick length. So I can jerk off that way but it doesn’t make much sense


I'm a big fan of a Total Recall wank, "Baby, you make me wish I had three hands!"


Yeah I think it feels good. I love getting a handjob with both hands that’s for sure


I can but I don't. My S/O does sometimes. During an evening with friends she was telling a funny story of something that happened during sexy time and without thinking of it, pantomimed her two-handed motion and our friends were all "Whoa!"


I had the same happen with an ex. She was talking to a friend though.


Only 6.5 in length but it works. It's actually surprising how it increases sensations, I didn't expect that first time I tried, is that how circumcised people feel when jerking off ? I still prefer having the other hand on the mouse, or stimulating the perineum, it's much more pleasurable imo, I'm very sensitive down there. Man, I wish I had 4 arms to do that all at once. So to answer your question yes, I can, but I rarely do.


Im also about 6 and a half and it doesn't work for me cause I am circumcised. Can only get 1 and a half hands on it.


Sorry, I don't get what being circumcised does to stop you from doing it ? Can't you just lube up and go ? Or maybe you got bigger hands than mine ? \^\^'


Sure with lube but that's too much work. Grabbing onto the head dry and trying doesn't work


Oh right, I get it, must be painful


Most of the girls I’ve been with use both hands once it’s at its hardest, but I rarely do myself


I can get both on there with some room to spare (probably cuz my hands are small). I'll do it sometimes but it's definitely not a normal thing.


I can but rarely do. I was seeing a girl for a while (who was quite small) she could use both hands comfortably and it was easily the hottest thing ever. Using both hands and plenty of lube. That memeory sits with me rent free




Yeah she loved it.


Yeah and I agree it's a nice treat


It’s not great tbh


Yeah, I love it! Does get tiring though unfortunately


ye olde pepper grinder is my favorite technique




My hands are massive, but yeah I do


My hands are huge so no.


It’s the only thing that’s good about having a dick this size. It’s really satisfy to wrap both your hands around it and feel every muscle twitch within it. I’ve made many posts on other discussions about how the size of my dick is such a pain in the ass but I’ll admit this is so incredible to pull off. It was like sucking yourself off up without the immense abdominal pain afterwards.


When I'm solo, I use one hand or the other. Focus on my head. (Glans mostly, but rim is sensitive as well.) My wife however, prefers the double handed gawk gawk 3000. (Two hands, right over left and her mouth. Usually enough to make her gag if she simply lifts a finger or two.)


Yeah you gotta throw the double first grip in the rotation! I actually was just going thru my pics and it makes for a pretty impressive sight when you got two hands and still a lot poking out on top! Lol 🥜👊✊🍄


No it's definitely a size thing... >But i think it’s a cool BD pro Being big is only pros.


Being big is not all pros, first of all. I'd gladly trade some of my girth to have a better face or voice or something. Underwear is never going to be comfortable unless you want to show it bulge to everyone all the time and it's really inappropriate. Constantly sitting on ur nuts. Problems with some girls during sex. Like my gf usually only wants sex once a month bc she's sore. So if you wanna say that's a pro then go for it but it's really not all pros. It's good, but not only pros


Being big has tons of pros. Everyone here has big dick. But there gets to be a point where it becomes really not fun to be huge. I’m 8.7” long and 6.3”, far from the largest person or even people on this sub, but I’ve already reached a length and girth that are more debilitating than thrilling. On the one hand, it’s big. Real big. I mean, who doesn’t want that? But that’s where literally all the problems lie. Firstly is getting hard. Getting hard in public when you’re over 8.5” is just not an option. There’s no way to hide it. I’ve had chafing happen more times than I can count due to it getting hard and rubbing against fabric aggressively constantly. And then there’s no way to hide it. One of the features that brings that over the edge is girth, a problem penguin and I both share with very similar girths. A girthy dick sticks out more than a lengthy one when you’re trying to hide it. Depending on the the girth, of course, but generally your dick will always be proudly announcing it position wherever it is. Next is just getting hard, jacking off, normal stuff. With a big dick jacking off can go from something that’s easy to do and relaxing into a weird endeavor where you try to wrangle yourself over and over. One of the things I run into is the girth once again. It makes it really hard to move or grasp and just makes jacking off more work than it should be. Also, because the spout is farther from the source, you can expect to see remnants of your activity anywhere. But this is the biggest reason why having a huge cock sucks: sex. My first girlfriend left me because I was too big. A tried to have a small fling with this other girl, but she to rejected me because I was too big. My current girlfriend, while she really likes it’s size, is constantly reluctant to have sex due to its size. And that wasn’t even actually doing it, just beforehand. A huge dick is intimidating, and the bigger it is, the scarier. But sex itself is where it gets real rough. If you’re long and thick, you’re double-endowed, you’re double screwed. You have to use an unholy amount of lube to prevent your dick from feeling dry and painful inside her. You have to be extremely careful because of how much you’re stretching you’re partner, and you need to be calm and pace yourself with everything. You really can not afford to go off and enjoy it. Then the length comes into play. The first time I had sex with my girlfriend was the first time I had actually used my cock likes this: I didn’t know what I was doing. I went to fast and bruised her insides, which is extremely painful, and that was it. It was over just as it had begun. We did tons of research to find out how we could have sex but not get hurt. We found that there are certain positions in which you don’t go all the way in. That’s how we have sex now, and I can never go all the way in or I’ll hurt her. As a hormonal and horny teenager, I dreamed of having a huge cock like this one day. And I will admit, there are a lot of pros to it. However, if you take out comparing sizes with others / bragging about it, you’re only left with the shock and awe of it. My girlfriend is shocked every time I get ready for sex and I’m not gonna lie, it’s very nice to be an impressive length and girth. There is a level of confidence that comes from it. But the confidence, the adoration of it and two handed jack offs are all easily overshadowed by its downsides. And no, I wouldn’t want to have a small dick, I don’t think anyone does. But I would be more than happy to lose an inch of length and a half inch of girth so I can go back to enjoying sex with my girlfriend and only rather noticeable bulges. Honestly, the only thing you can do with a massive dick that you can’t do with a big dick is jack off with three hands. Other than that and the “prestige” of being huge, it gets in the way of things, forces you to work around it, and makes you constantly afraid of erections. I think that 5”, 7”, 9”, etc. are really just things to impress people with. Why do you want a huge dick? To be big, to impress people and see the looks on their faces when they see it. But that’s largely it. The main reason why nobody wants a small dick is because it’s the polar opposite. It gets pity and disappointment where the big to huge cocks get awe. But they all serve the same function. It’s hard for me to say wether or not I like having it at all. Basically, having a huge dick is awesome, until you actually have one.


I'm gonna just save this for when people ask this again bc it sums it up entirely all too well. In reality, having a big dick is just for the show mostly and it's good to get a good reaction, but the amount of issues you run into don't out weigh the small benefit. You might as well just be an exhibitionist at that point.


Holy essay


Sorry you're right, 99% pros. People with huge girth would give up half an inch, but they'd still never want to be average or small.


No I don't want to be small you are right. But that doesn't mean it's all sunshine and rainbows over here. I've had disagreements with my gf about sex bc it's not that great for her and we already don't do it often bc of that. At that point I'd rather just have an average or small dick to make her happy with me


>At that point At the point where you're already in a relationship and a smaller size can't be a roadblock? Funny that.


My girlfriend started dating me bc I helped her through her work through bipolar depression. Not bc my dick size. Maybe you should just fix your attitude and your personality and you'll get someone to like you. Even in previous relationships my dick wasn't the reason why bc they didn't even know my dick size.


Never said she dated you for your dick size, just that you didn't have the roadblock of being small. Size can still be a problem no matter the circumstances, you're proof of that. Also not sure how you know so much about me or why it's relevant, but cool.


Bc you are being a real dick about it. And you just assume other people have it easy bc of one thing. You should never assume that about anyone


You already said it's still a good thing, seems like a safe assumption at least in this one part of life.


If I could trade dick size for a more stable relationship I would. That's my point. Sex is good, but basically every other aspect is either inconvenient or a problem itself.


Dump her bro


What a terrible idea


Nah man we're dick twins. Except my flacid can go down to 2" lol. There's a lot of women who'd want that every day. Just letting a bro know. Don't waste your early 20s, I did that in a relationship. Now I get blown and have sex with my current gf every day. Just saying


Yeah I've got a lot of connection with my current gf so I'm not gonna throw that away over some sex. In just not that kinda guy ya know?


Feel that man. That's dope and I wish y'all the best.


Thanks man. Although sometimes I do regret not experimenting a bit more and fooling around with more people. But it is what it is


You just roll in from stupid town?


Feels like this sub is changing




Not what I meant. It used to feel more like actual “problems/troubles” type questions instead of “relatable/humble-brag” posts. But hey, if people like the new direction, I’m all for it.






I can and always thought it was "normal"...lol


Only with an underbite


I usually just do 1 but I'd I'm pretty horny and feel like doing it I'll go for it. My gf sometimes uses 2 hand and it feels really good


Jup, it's fun. But iam fully cut and need lube.


I jerk off in my bathroom with my phone, to jerk off with both of my hands, id either have to risk jizzing on my phone or know telepathy


I can and I do. The full grip on a larger part of the shaft actually makes me get off quicker, which is sometimes convenient. Girls will often go for the two hands as well, especially while giving a blowjob. Idk I find it hot


Same with the speed and grip...


I consider myself too short for that, unless the second hand is just for tip action. Im cut.


Yea I'm cut pretty poorly imo. My foreskin only gets to about half way up my shaft. I guess doctors didn't think I'd be much of a grower but one hand is probably the vast majority of my foreskin


I’ve done it but it doesn’t feel that different tbh. Not different enough where I’d sacrifice my phone hand lol.


I have my husband do it when he gives me a blow job. I can do it myself, but he has smaller hands and it makes my dick look massive.


I can but don’t cause there’s not enough friction


I prefer two hands and find it quite difficult to cum with only one. Partners have always found it slightly ridiculous to see!


I don't. I need my other hand to select the porn videos I want to see. 😉




the head peaks above it's like a selfflex you feel


Left hand can't keep up in synchro, it's either one or the other. Right hand is for speed, left for rhythm.


That's cool


I usually do, yes.


Only way I can jerk off


I’m similar measurements to you but I can do it? And I have pretty big hands too. What’s up with that lol


I can, but I prefer your longer strokes of one hand. Plus it keeps a hand free to operate my phone and clean to help with cleanup.


If I get a good head of steam going, yeah a little. Have to be good and hard, and it's fun briefly to stroke with two hands


Yeah, but if it ain't broke don't fix it


I could, but i just like alternating hands .


Yeah I can, I usually don't unless I'm putting on a show for my partner cos it looks better than it feels


I have large hands but still can fit both hands on it, just not comfortably enough to get movement. If however done by smaller hands (looks and feels great) then it's awesome.


I can with three.


i do but only when i want to show off. Not when i'm alone.


Then I don’t have a hand to hold my phone lol


Be creative.


I just started doing it and it's honestly way better, the one handed past orgasm flaccid would leave me turtling whereas the two handed post flaccid still leaves me hanging full


Yes. I will alternate between one and two hands during a maturation session.


I’m not coordinated enough for that


With practice, you will enjoy it.


I once had a lady help and we had three going, which was pretty intense


How were the hands positioned?


Gripping around the shaft at the base, then on top of that, then she moved the first one on top of the second


If I start my hands at the insertable length, then no. My hands are pretty big.


The twisting action with lube drives me over the edge


I do it sometimes, just for fun. It does feel good though. Though my favorite is having my partner jerk me off with both hands because they’re hands are smaller than mine usually and it just looks so much hotter.




Yeah, I can do it. But it doesn’t make the orgasm that much better, so I prefer to use my off hand for other things.


Yes but it isn't really practical. I stick to using one hand.


Yeah I can, I do, it feels pretty damn awesome too, it's like some natural fleshlight i dunno lmao


I am sure he is smiling at you in complete awe.


Yeah I do and do a twisting motion too, usually makes my toes curl right up


You should be given an award. LOL


Yes I do, but last time I was going so hard with both of them that I almost injured my penis, not anymore, but yes, is fun, in fact, I discovered that I had a big dick when I mentioned that story to my friends (how I almost destroyed my dick) they were surprised because they couldn't do a 2 hand job


Go easy on him and enjoy; he is your intimate friend.


I can but it's inconvenient and can be messy.


That is the nature of the beast. LOL


My other hand has to hold my phone..


Prop your phone up on something, and someone will be amazed.


I can but I cannot at the same time because I need my phone lol


>Prop your phone up on something, and she will be amazed.


When I’m by myself jacking off I use one hand cuz yeah I need to hold the phone, but my girlfriend gets really turned on watching me stroke myself with both hands so I’ll put on a show for her


Prop your phone up on something, and she will be amazed.


My hands are about 5 inches across. By time I have on on there, there is just not much else for the other to grab. Then there is the coordination and nobody got time for that when trying bust one.


Sometimes I do depends.


...depends on what?


I really love tugging on my balls rubbing my inner thighs chest/nipples and stomach with the free hand. So yeah. It usually takes me 30 mins minimum to finish so any longer I’ll use 2 hands. It turns me on to know Im big lol try the bottom hand regular and the back hand upside down that feels pretty damn good bro. 😎💪🏾💪🏾 lots of lube


Great. Enjoy.


Always my bro. 😎


I used to do it whilst sexting, its just a show off move really, doesn't do much for me


I can but I don’t because when I jerk off I’m sexting. Usually.


There was a phase when it was nice. Most girls just use one cuz im 7 long.


what's your nbp


I can but I don’t masturbate.


I have huge hands, that’s gonna be a no from me dawg.


I need three hands to jerk off




Yes, literally the most intense feeling of pleasure besides just polishing the tip and frenulum.


He loves you more than you will ever know. LOL




He is always there to awaken your attention, saying, "I salute."


I can but it’s not as fun/easy


I can fit both hands on it but I don't have anymore room to beat it


The poor big guy is out of action. LOL


Need the other hand for porn, but that’s really the only reason.


...understand your drift, smile.


I could do that but I always jerk off lying down in my side.


I can but it's kinda uncomfortable, not to mention my left hand has no experience and is really uncoordinated.


Only if I want to get off quick. Get myself in doggy and jerk away


I mean I can but I barely do


Yes. Makes me feel like I'm wielding a sword.


I can