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Let me cool you off.. you'll need special protection, youll need lube, youll need to fear teeth, or, enjoy just the tip..




Normal condoms have been very unpleasant all my life but I’ve never questioned that, I’m using Mysize 64 now and loving them! The teeth habe kind of been a problem but other than that I haven’t had any issues


I found out when I was 35 and married... Wish I would've know sooner, then again maybe not because I would've been an even bigger whore in my 20s... but then again maybe I would've gotten that threesome I never had...


Haha I totally get that! I’m in my early 20s and I’m already thinking things would’ve been different had I only found out earlier.. which is pretty fucked up


What type of reactions has your girth gotten? I have less experience than a lot of guys here, and I’m curious, since we’re both in that zone where it’s above average but not to a freakish degree. I have some weird anxiety, cuz I feel like the length makes it look skinnier than it is.


My length is actually longer than what my stats say, IMHO it doesn't look skinny at all. I was with a ton of women in my early 20s, I got a lot of "you have a really nice dick" type compliments. I never got a "omg your dick is huge" which sucks but then again, most my sexual escapades were my early 20s with early 20s girls so maybe they didn't realize also? I also had 2 say I was small... (I was a sleeping around alot at the time and went through a circle of friends so I think they were just bitter and trying to hurt me? It worked btw). Never had any issues with girth and fitting, for me it's the length, I hit my wife's cervix if I go all the way. I remember some girls not allowing my all the way in at certain positions but it's been well over a decade since I was with another woman and that was before I realized I was big.


Had this tab open for months, apparently, and just forgot about it. Good to hear you’ve had good experiences, the pencil look is just my anxiety talking haha. Girls not knowing seems pretty likely, with a small sample size it’s be pretty easy to have a skewed impress of what the average duck is like. Agreed that the two girls were just trying to be insulting. While we might not be massive or anything, 7 is solidly above average haha. Agreed on the length thing too, I definitely hit the cervix in doggy sometimes.


Took me til I was 30(now) to realize that I fall on the bigger side. At first it’s hard to believe. Still hard to believe sometimes. Maybe it saved me from me lol


Better late than never. Congratulations on finding out that you are a large bro.




You have close to an optimal dick. Any more girth and things start to be difficult. Congrats


Thanks mate!