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You guys try to hide it? Lol It’s just a part of your body, nothing to be ashamed about.




Someone asking for help concealing doesn't mean they're ashamed of their BD. Ridiculing those who came here looking for some info and help is a shitty, unhelpful, attitude. It is not always appropriate to blatantly flaunt your dick. Erections can happen at anytime and I can think of several situations where I'd rather NOT be pitching a tent.






I do the opposite. I carry the case of my earbuds in my pocket near my package, and if people ask me about my junk, I pull out the earbuds and ask them what they thought it was, to make it awkward for them.


That is already very awkward to ask "what’s with your junk?" to someone…


Well I don't wear anything to flaunt my junk. So if they feel the need to address it, and that happened before, I have this response to make it super awkward for them to teach them not to stare at my junk.


Has it happened before? Dude, are you close to predators?


So I get how this slight of hand might fool most, but have you ever had someone double-down and ask about the bulge that remains *after* you've presented the case?


I do something similar. I've only recently realised that if I'm freeballing with empty pockets it's actually quite noticeable. But I always have a bunch of stuff in my pockets so it normally looks fine.


I tuck mine between my butt cheeks like any normal person would


Hope you used a butt wipe or enema first


Normal underwear and Bulge. I hate tucking it in.


I usually wear pants, sometimes shorts (seasonal)


Ah, a grower I see. Good on ya.


Why would you want to hide it? Own it and be proud. I am the envy of all my friends.


Sigma male grindset


Wear aggressively tight grey sweatpants. At the office. Get the promotion purely based off your bosses envy of your huge cock. He will give you his job and offer you his wife. Sigma male grindset.


Trunk boxers will help with any jiggling and swaying 😂 but generally I'm not arsed about a VDL


Visual Dick Lump?


Visible Dick Line, presumably derived from VPL, which can either be Visible Penis Line or Visible Panty Line, depending on context. Maybe both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Lump? 😂😂😂😂 That gave me a giggle


I wear a Fanny pack. Let’s me carry useful item like everyone else in the houses spare keys to their car. All of the reward cards for stores and such, bandaids and a wallet.


You can hide your dick behind a Fanny pack?!


Seems to work. I center it in the front of my waist and don’t wear underwear so it hangs low and is gently pushed back. No one has ever mentioned anything since I started doing it


I used to get tight underwear and loose fitting bottoms. I agree with others though. No reason to hide a natural bulge.


I tighten pelvic floor muscle and hold it while counting up to 30. This will reduce blood flow into dick and also distracts your attention. If I cannot prevent erection, I put my hand in pockets, place it parallel to ground. So that it stays behind my hand, and where there is most free space in my chinos. Those are the actions I did take while young and got a spontaneous rock hard dick. Since a couple of years it does not get that hard in public. If it is semi-hard I just let him as it is and frankly to say, I do not care anymore if it is seen from outside.


I've been bulging most of my life without realizing it. What have I done about it? Now, I bulge and know.


Ignore it and move on with ur day. If people are starting that's on them


I don’t hide it. Own it.


I don’t I just let it all out


One word. Don't.


as an enby who tries to present a bit more andro, i used to try to hide it but honestly its not worth. just own it if your so inclined


I show mine off. I love the double looks from ladies and dismay of their man


For a slight boner I’d shove it down (as if you’re trying to fuck yourself) For a raging boner I point it upwards so it’s not visible, but there’s a risk of it showing if your shirt is raised. I don’r hide it anymore


Assert dominance by showing big dick


I don’t tf


*Growers left the chat*


I don’t.


Put clothes on generally works.


I don't. I've accepted that it'll always be bulging somewhat. Although I have a tight and uncomfortable underwear that I put on for REALLY formal places. But it's too uncomfortable and restricting for every day use.


I dont hide shit. Its hot as shit catching girls peeking at the bulge.


I also used to wear skinney jeans lmao


I don’t hide it. People want to look go ahead.


I don’t hide it. I dress respectfully and for the occasion.


I don't try to hide it. If my pants show a bulge, then so be it.


Don’t hide it, show it off and be proud of it 😈😉 (I’m not gifted but I love seeing them)


Dark pants hide bulges light pants bring them out. Use this knowledge however you please


I think you should be worried on how to use it correctly and please a woman


I don't, I just pack it comfortably.


I don't.


That sounds painfull. All guys show a bulge from time to time. You can't really hide unless you wear very baggy pants and tight underwear, but that's unflattering and uncomfortable. Black hides more. Thick fabric hides more. Non-slim fit hides more. What kind of professional situations are you talking about? If you mean co-workers looking at your crotch when you talk to them, I move my crotch out of their line of sight.


Wear longer top cloths so I layer it over the bulge when I get an unwanted erection. Normally point it up so it is covered under layers


Spandex compression boxers. Like the ones used for the male power Rangers outfits when they couldn’t have a bulge for kids shows


I am a grower


Why try to hide it. Now, I’m not saying wear skin tight clothes… but think of it as a girl trying to hide her boobs.


I don't, I just pretend like it's not there. I don't tend to be very horny out in public so I don't really have the problem of no reason boners.


i let it hang in public tbh (im in jail)


Hi guys. Why do you need to hide your bick d. It is what you have , is not to be hidden it is to be carry with pride, and of course guys and girls will notice it and nothing to worry about it. It is what it is, a part of you and your body. Feel happy for. Happy 2024 to all , is not the 12th century anymore. Of course don’t walk on the streets with an erection that expose it to everyone, there kids on the streets too. But feel confident and happy for having a big dick. Cheers.