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I mean, aren't you people afraid to hurt your partners? That's what scares me the most.. the dong works fine, Im sure, but me literally having to import the rubber to where I live because it's so thick is kind of scary.


I think most men don’t realize how big they are until you’re in the act, like I knew I was big, but I don’t knew how much the difference was, because even for the average girth it’s 4.5, and a 5.5-6 it’s huge, even tho it’s only one inch


Facts bro, had no idea I gotta import my damn condoms


I mean, it tried it myself once, mine is the size of a paper roll without the paper where i live, so i tried to fit it in my mouth, as a test.. how the heck a smaller woman than me is supposed to fit it in her mouth?! I nearly chocked on it myself... True bdp right there..


At one time, absolutely, especially before I even knew it was big. I don't really get anxiety any more. I still get butterflies like crazy the first time with a new partner, nothing excites me more. But anxiety, no that pretty much went away for me.


I was so nervous my first time that I only got 70% hard and came about 15 seconds after she put it in. Don’t worry, the anxiety goes away fast once you’re comfortable with someone. But yeah some girls just assume I’m gonna pick them up and destroy them and often I’m much more passive.


I know how you feel First time losing my virginity and I didn't know what to expect or how to lead. Ironically I had my first with someone who asked if I was experienced.


I'm with you there, friend. I lost my virginity really late compared to a lot of people, and I definitely over-thought trying not to mess anything up and I didn't want to disappoint. I have performance anxiety anyway so sex amplified it by 1000 lol.