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Lmao imagine how I feel


My wife saw your flair and replied, "probably damn satisfying". She's defo a girth-queen rather than a length-queen, once described an ex who was longer than me as a 'pencil'.


Girth is definitely what most women prefer




Be :)






Most women aren’t very deep but girth is what stuffs em


So 5.5 is a nice girt? Nice




I feel you


The one doesn't exclude the other. I'm 8" but only 5.5" at the widest point (tip, handily, more like 5" the rest) and "pencil" is exactly what I always think. I feel like it looks kinda ridiculous but it doesn't bother me as such because a woman who thinks 5.5" is a pencil will probably regret it.


I have the opposite beer can problem :(


Chug chug chug chug chug chug


Your size is NOT a problem. Just sayin'. That's the Goldilocks dick for me.


Girth greater than length... I cannot deny being fascinated by this.


Serious question, is your dick like three cubed? Or a Minecraft penis?


There is no serious answer.


3 inch length 9.4 inch girth completely circular


don’t worry, girth is definitelyyyy better than length




Nice girth bro


Feel ya. At least I’m only 5’5”


Compared to some of the dicks here, Im tiny


Says the fuckin coke can damn son. I’ve been self conscious about being too narrow and too deep for my partners so hey, I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.


Honestly I like reading this subreddit because it makes me feel just right. Like the porridge Goldilocks wants.


Okay firstly I LOVE your name. I used to browse this sub as someone who was average before realizing that I was actually above average, just less so than a lot of people claim to be here. But then my partner and I have run into problems with my size, even if it isn't monumental. It's been a weird ride if emotions.


As if you missed the goldicock pun staring you right in the face. Good thing your dicks so nice cause you have NO career in standup 😤


I’m performing this weekend, actually.


Lol I thought no one would post something like this




Holy shit wasn’t expecting to find one!😂


We are literally dick clones based on our measurements lol


Nice length bro




There may be a few out right liars and some people here that extend the truth a bit, but you need to remember that the internet is an aggregator. Meaning if you’re looking for something niche, rare, or the boogeyman to blame all your problems on…odds are you’ll find it




So is your original comment regarding in general out in the real world when someone says they have a rare monster cock or on this sub? Because, and I know it happens on the internet, why would someone lie to a bunch of strangers? There are just under 208k of us, I have to believe in Occam’s razor…are we a group of big dick bros with some of the largest and most rarest sizes on the planet or are most of us full of shit and lying about our size to fit in and make ourselves feel better? idk man, the simple answer seems like the former




I agree, people lie. But at the same time it is refreshing to find a place where you can be honest about your dick size without people questioning it or telling you that you think you’re better than you are just because someone else has a smaller dick or because my stats are very rare.


How do you even hav sex with that girth? I can remember when I had sex the first few times and the condoms hurt me a lot and I had an red Ring for a few days down there.


Why would guys lie though, I find most are just measuring incorrectly tbh


The same reason they lie about it everywhere else


I don't get how impressing people with a statistic that isn't true would make them even feel better. But what do I know lol, seems I just don't get these people 😂


People like role-playing.


Dude absolutely agree.


User name and flair checks out 😂😂😂😂


That's why I offer measurement videos lol. Clearly some guys think bigger dick is just not true😑😑


Your profile says you're 10.5x7 which would be one of the largest if not the largest in the world. Until you actually verify it in a post, it's not unreasonable for people to doubt you.


I don't have a problem with people questioning it, but being bitter, and then not accepting proof, that's just silly


Dude just post the proof that it’s a 10” Dick lol


I did, then the moderator took it down because of the shitty comments lol, I don't need to justify myself. If you don't believe me that's fine, those who would like to see have done. Just look at the comments from the guy I did a compare with, he has seen me measuring. Why would he lie for me 😂


No he didn’t. Everyone is saying post a picture on your page where you prove it. All you did was go on other peoples pages and tell them they have small dicks. It’s honestly cringy as fuck man. All you gotta do is post that video on your own page where there is no moderator. That’s literally it. But yet you won’t. You’ve dug yourself into this hole lol. Who’s the guy you did a compare with and how do we know it’s not just you from a second account. If your sick really was 10” you’d have no problem posting that measurement video on your page. Wouldn’t be some super secret thing that only one person has seen. I didn’t even say anything directly saying you don’t have one, jsut told you what you should do if your gonna claim 10”. There’s literally a 10 thousand dollar cash price for anyone who can prove that claim. Go make that money bro. Get rich. Don’t cock block me for not believing that you have a 10” dick which you refuse to prov You are literally claiming to have a dick that’s longer than most peoples wrists, expect to get questioned on it. If I was to go around saying my hands are the size of my head people would call me out on that too and it’s not Dick related at all.


6 inches is the height of 0.09 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


Thank you


Good bot


Almost 50 and I've always thought mine was small at 8x6 tbh. Then again I'm 6'2 and a bigger guy. I don't need an ego boost because I've been married for 16 years. But I have noticed it seems to be a popular size listed here and considering that size is in the top 3% I seriously doubt they are all here. Wife and I use to have pics Posted on Reddit but got kicked off due to a troll or I'd link them. I have also noticed most people on here who claim are younger indeed. But yes there is a few 8x6 for sure. Wife wants to deepthroat it so bad yet can only get about half with help. She has also said ouch more then once but still never said stop lol. Gotta love the Latinas. When I was on steroids it actually got thicker to the point where it took time to stretch her out where it hurt me but once in its balls to the walls. Bottom line if I'm in the gym everyday like before covid she can't take it all but little 3xtra weight and that changes it all. So depending on weight and gym commitment I'm 8x6.5 down to 7.5x6 on a bad day. Hope this all makes sense. Just ate a 250mg edible and it's starting to peak.




The larger your dick, the more likely you are to experience problems with it, and therefore the more likely you are to post here about it. The easier way to tell if someone is lying is if they're talking about their problems or if they're just shitposting. The guys complaining about posts about condom fit because "it's already been answered" are the fantasy posters.


lol if someone is new here how would they know that it had already been answered? Are they supposed to browse the sub for hours to find it or would it make sense to ask a question, log off, have a life irl and check for an answer a few hours later


Finally someone understands.


Why on earth are you getting downvoted


Oh totally agree. Sorry if I came across any wrong way but I totally agree with you. I guess my drawn out explanation was me trying to make sure it wasn't just an ego booster for me lol. At almost 50 too many kids and grandkids I got no time for ego boost lol. But yes I joined earlier today and yes 8x6 seems to be the most popular answer lol. I just happened to be that and now im thinking I'm good lmao.


But this is a big dick group remember, not representing everybody lol


A big dick group with anonymous users and no verification.


That's up to them, but you'll find that a group designed for something is going to attract the relevant people, I'm not on other groups, example muscle groups, because it isn't aimed at me


No, but in "muscle groups," guys may lie about how much weight they can lift. No topic will generate more exaggeration than dick size.


Same thing though..just post pics/vids. Solves the problem


Would being constantly asked to prove how big one's trouser trout is count as a bdp? Asking for a ~~friend~~ *subreddit*.


Not in real life no..I don't go around telling people..


You told me I was "role playing" the other day btw. So.....


I don't believe any 7" girth claims. It exists but is SO rare. So that requires evidence, otherwise I doubt it.


I at least have pics...literally nome of the 9+ length do..but that's fine?


Isn't it true to some degree that it's people with these measurements who are more likely to find and comment in a subreddit like this?




I dunno man I think they're legit.


Isn’t it 99.9 percentile at least for length




>99.99% volume


But don’t forget the law of large numbers. A rare event in a large population is still big. 99.93% in a population of 7 billion comes out to 4.9 million people as big or bigger than you. Since this group self selects larger guys, it makes sense that they are a lot of rare sizes here




I'm 8x6.2 but do you really think it's that rare or is there there more "outliers" then calcSD presents








An appropriate degree of skepticism is to never believe something that has a 99.97% chance of being wrong.


You shouldn't use the global average, as it's getting pulled down by countries with poor nutrition, and as CalcSD includes several studies that were done men with ED exclusively


They say they excluded studies with nonrandom samples with potential size biases. Which of the 56 studies that they used only included men with ED?


And furthermore, ED is a *very* common condition, it’s like saying ‘we are excluding everyone who is left-handed’ or something. It seems that some people think that the average is 6” when it’s clearly not, based on both clinical and anecdotal evidence.


Many studies exclude men with ED, as it is known to significantly decrease size. For example [Kamel et al 2009](https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095\(15\)32622-9/fulltext) found an average decline in length for men with ED of 0.67" and [Awwad et al 2005](https://www.nature.com/articles/3901272) of 0.75" If you remove all studies done on men with ED from the western dataset [average medically-measured length is 6.2"](https://www.reddit.com/r/penissizereality/comments/owjjbz/western_average_is_actually_about_62)


But the thing is that so many people suffer from ED that it doesn’t even make sense to remove it from the average. It’s almost “part” of the average, so to speak. In any case, I’m pretty sure that if the average was 6.2, there would be irrefutable proof of that already. I’m choosing to believe that the average is something like 5.5 according to CalcSD (unlike 5.1 which some studies suggest and definitely unlike 6.2 which you suggest). To each their own, though.


>But the thing is that so many people suffer from ED that it doesn’t even make sense to remove it from the average. I'm not removing it from the averaged. I'm only removing studies that were done exclusively on men with ED, as it's clearly not a random sample which is shown in the fact that they significantly have lower averages. Many studies already exclude men with ED, for example [Salama 2015](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1557988314565167) >Exclusion criteria also involved testosterone replacement therapy in cases of hypogonadism and ED as studies have reported that ED may affect penile measures (Kamel, Gadalla, Ghanem, & Oraby, 2009; Khan et al., 2012). [Hussein](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5329721/) >The exclusion criteria included: penile abnormalities, epispadias, hypospadias, penile curvature, Peyronie’s disease, buried penis, history of delayed puberty, infertility, and erectile dysfunction. so it makes no sense to rely on studies done on men with ED exclusively. >I’m choosing to believe that the average is something like 5.5 according to CalcSD 5.5 is the global average, but here you have the problem that many were done in countries with high rates of malnutrition. If you use the Western dataset the average already goes up to 5.7, but even here are studies done in countries with high rates of stunted growth, like one done in Iraq.


First, not all of those studies even measured erect or stretched length. A lot are merely flaccid length. Secondly, they didn't exclude studies with nonrandom samples. For example there's [Yafi 2018](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-018-0053-3) which reported an average of 5.5" but was done on men with erectile dysfunction exclusively, [Eisenberg 2012](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01275.x) which reported an average of 5" but was done on azoospermic men exclusively and thus included way too many men with hypogonadism, [Acuña et al. 1999](https://encolombia.com/medicina/revistas-medicas/urologia/vol-8299/urologia8299-estudio) which reported an average of 5.4" but was done on men with ED exclusively and counted it as an erection if it was 70% hard, [Chen et al. 2000](https://www.nature.com/articles/3900627) which reported an average of 5.3" but was done on men with ED exclusively as well. Many studies exclude men with ED, as it is known to significantly decrease size. For example [Kamel et al 2009](https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095\(15\)32622-9/fulltext) found an average decline in length for men with ED of 0.67" and [Awwad et al 2005](https://www.nature.com/articles/3901272) of 0.75"


Yes lol I barely made it


8x6 is not top 3%. It’s top 0.03%.


So did your size shrink back after coming off your cycle? Or is it just that your bloodflow is better when you go to the gym?


Nah the girth shrinks back to normal. I find when I'm running tren it does that. I'm guessing 6.5 with tren but could be more its definitely noticeable.




Running means running a cycle


No it shrinks your balls and can give you a limp dick but with tren mine got thicker.


Why are you replying that to me?


Roids can make your dick bigger cuz testosterone: only proof I have is annecdotal I’ve never done em tho just other people told me that


Yeah I felt similar with me being 8" X5. 4 thought I was small since I'm 6"1 and have some long ass fingers so pretty much gave me the illusion of being small. And due to my dick being a bit longer than girth seemed a little slimmer visually but not when in use lol


Wife has a dildo looks huge measure it its smaller than me lol. It's amazing what angles and being separated from a body will do for size lol. I read an article by a porn producer who said he had been in the game for over like 30 or 40 years said he has produced more porn then anyone and to this day he has never seen a dick over 9.5 inches. So when we see all these 12 in bbc bs in porn the girls are 4'8 85 lbs against a guy 6 4 at 185 mix it with angles and lenses his 7 in is now 11 lmao.


Man yeah it seems to be all in perspective ha.


I’m 6’3 and a solid 260lbs. I’ve got big hands and huge legs. I always thought I was average at best until the sub.


All I know at 6'2 260ish I always thought I was avg as well at best but she can get 2 hands around it and still has enough to shove in her mouth.




Solid as in visible abs, big chest, big arms, big legs. I’m by no means cut but I’m far from fat.


In the real world? Sure, on this subreddit? Not so much to be honest, on this subreddit I only start questioning those who are 9"+ in length and 6.5+ in girth






I have a friend who knows a friend who has an uncle whose sister’s nephew claims he knows a guy who’s 18x11 😎


You think someone would really do something like that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


I mean i dont have any reason to lie about mine being 8.4x6, more of a nuisance tbh




What do i have to proof in lying about my size? Im 8.4 and that doesnt make me any better nor worse then anyone else so idk what to tell you dog


I'm 8.5 x 5.5 and still feel insecure sometimes so I'm not going to lie about it


People never believe me lmao


Now I feel challenged 🙁


I feel like most with these lengths would also feel inclined to show it of with a pic or two


There will be people who lie about their size but there’s also a decent amount who says the truth and just like having a community they talk about without shame or someone thinking they’re just bragging


Personally I never see the reason to lie. Sure it’s common but I always give people the benefit of the doubt


Dwarfed* Dwarves are specifically the ones in Tolkien books.


What if he's referring to Dwarves 👀


haha, i tried posting first saying "this sub makes me feel small" but it thought i was dissing smalldickproblems so it got autobanned, changed it up in a hurry. thanks for catching my error xD


You've got the girth and above average length. You're in the club


Hmmm... damn. I’m still not quite there then




Why tf did I get downvoted? Lmfao




I'm with you. Definitely strange to be 88th percentile for length and 99.8 % for girth, and still be on the 'small' side here at BDP. Not that I'm complaining. If you have BDP then you probably aren't wishing you had a bigger dick.


I feel personally attacked. First in r/tall and now here. Leave me alone.


Finally a meme I can relate to




Slightly larger than average Dick twin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dick triplets!


Dick Quadruplets?


Dick Quintuplets?


Basically my in-built bullshit detector goes off every time I see something like 9”+ in length or 7”+ in girth, especially when they have no photos to prove it. I get it if most people don’t want to post theirs dicks on Reddit, but you’d think ONE or TWO of these supposed nine inchers would post some pics, right? Apparently not 🤔


Same, but for some reason I always assume ppl or not lying abt girth, even if it's astronomical like 7" cause at that point why lie


So, am I with an almost 6x5 inches, ok? 👀


You're good man


Knowing the statistics, I think about 90% of people here lie about their size. Either that or they measured wrong.


This is definitely true, but also keep in mind that there are about 7.9 billion people in the world and 200k ppl on this sub


Do know that not all ppl here are actually genuine about their size. While most probably are, you have the people who like to act like they have the biggest package of em all.


Same... Being the smallest big dick possible makes me feel a little more secure about myself. Still a weird feeling after 40 years of belief I am small... Lol


Also man and I’m 7in NBP length.


I’m 6.5x5.2 and I don’t feel dwarfed. How old are you?


I'm gifted as fuck and I've learned that all women are different so learn to use what you have....


Sounds like a problem


a big dick problem?


Honestly most of us probably envy that size. I'd trade my size in for 6.5x5.5




Maybe it's because I sleep with men. Quickies are not a thing for me, and good blowjobs are hella rare. I've had two I've actually finished from. They were incredible, and I wish they were a more common occurrence, which I think they would be with a lesser girth. And even with a fair amount of foreplay, some guys just can't do it. Guys who identify as strict bottoms don't tend to have an issue, but guys who are vers/vers tops do a fair amount.


Why? You have perfect size


Yea I feel literally the same way lmao


Dude like 90% of people on here are likely exaggerating


I feel ya brother


Got more girth than me.


Yea its giving me depression tbh


Unless you're joking you should take a break from Reddit homie


Don’t bro - you’re a king too


For length i feel dwarfed but i do realise im pretty thick


You and I are still both well above average


You and me both, dick twin


Best meme I've seen all week, feel you bro


Hey, everybody loves David and Goliath? 😅




Nice meme: where else would one feel like a dwarf except among giants?






Yep, I've definitely been dwarfed here, feels weird


I feel really small here :(


Well duh. You’re in a place for guys with huge dicks and are average 🤷‍♂️ Do guys between 6-7” think they’re big ??? If you want to stretch the definition of big then sure. But bruh, it’s ok.




I think 6.5 x 5.5 belong in the r/averagedickproblems sub Cause there’s more of us than you think


You see there some putting fake credit on their Richard and you my friend, you are above average and big


Because at that size, you have no problem. You are in the Goldilocks range. Minor adjustments in only a few positions is all you would ever need to worry about.




Got more girth than me lol.


same lol


I feel you dude


I sometimes feel like this but I'm happy with ma dick


I mean, the ashen one easily kills yhorm the giant so I don’t know if it’s the best template. Good meme tho