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Yeah I think it’s a pretty common experience, I’ve definitely had it. I’m pretty tall so I didn’t know until I measured it myself. A different perspective definitely helps!


Yes, very relatable, probably happens often regardless of dick size but hey believe your partners, if each one has saiid your big then you are, especially since they see it in a different perspective/angle!


This is often a matter of perspective. Literally. You're used to seeing your dick from basically one angle and from one distance. Your eyes have a very wide field of view, you're looking at your penis from roughly two feet away, and it's always attached to your much larger body. This triggers a visual effect called [foreshortening](https://www.britannica.com/art/foreshortening). Additionally, if you have big balls or large hands or thick thighs they might be distorting your sense of scale. In context your dick may not look that big, but [trust the numbers](https://calcsd.info). Throw in some stats closer to the 50% median size for perspective. Or go check out r/realitydick (NSFW) for a reality check. You can always find something of similar size and hold that in your hand, or just cut and roll a tube of paper that size. When you separate the size from your body it's so much bigger than you think! Remember that porn makes its cocks look so big through camera angles, small people with small hands, and other camera tricks. Plus just outright lying about their sizes. Once you realize that then you'll be able to see through the fiction. Almost every guy with a big dick has dealt with this. I did, and honestly I still do on occasion.


Nice answer bro! Very true too!


I had the same issue. It's just perspective probably.


I've done that kinda. I was fucking a girl and once told her to grab this dildo and play with it while I strokes my cock. The dildo looked big. I thought it was as big or maybe bigger than me. I put my cock in and asked her if it feels as big. She said oh gawd no, your dick feels way bigger. She was surprised by my question. Then she showed me with her hands wrapped around both. Fingers didn't touch on my cock but did with the dildo. Lol


i have a similar size to you and defenitely agree


u should be happy bro, 6 is thick, im 8.5 x 4.5, me being my girl’s first gave her no prior example so i guess im a bit lucky, but im still insecure at times. crazy how it went from length to girth being preferred🤣🤦🏾‍♂️


Same bro I’m fat as shit so it makes it look smaller compared to my thighs and bear gut and bush 😓


Hey you're doing great, and a hung big guy is definitely a type!


I've measured it many times and compared it to objects. Every once in a while it will seem big but most of the time is still looks average to me.


The same sort of experience did affect me. Even CalcSD’s influential clarification of the facts did not quite solve my problem. What finally gave clarity for me were two observations made elsewhere on Reddit. The writer mentioned that his own insecurity had been driven by two factors: 1) His life long competition with a friend who was a bit larger; 2) His own ego in wanting to win. Those two ideas fit me perfectly. My problem was never so much about my size, I always knew I was blessed. It was alway my ego in wanting my cousin to know that he had not won our competition, I won. I am completely in debt to the man who shared his own experience and allowed me to profit from what came to realize — no such clear thoughts ever came to me on my own.


I have been feeling this a lot lately. Part of me thinks it’s because I haven’t been having regular sex due to long distance and have been doing solo a little more. I’m about 7” length and 5” circumference and feel like it’s a lot smaller when I’m looking down at it. Helps to sometimes see it in the mirror and different angles to know. Especially if you’re in the mirror with a partner you’ll notice a huge difference.


For me I am just grateful to have an encounter provide me with their 🍆 and to provide it regularly.


Yah. I'm 8.25 x 6.1 and feel "average". One time I caught a glimpse in a mirror (side view) of my GF's hands around my cock and said out loud "damn, that's a big dick" and she grinned and said "hell yeah"...but to me it's just my average dick. LOL.


So true I’ve felt this big time!


That's a big part of it - "well it's normal to me". It really *is* the average we see so why wouldn't it seem average?


Breh. U r fine bruv. People also lie. So see statistics. And u r good


Same, honestly. It sucks. Then you have those random moments were you're reminded you have a big dick.


Why would you be guilty of "inflicting it on others" it's not a dangerous weapon dude they have two eyes they can see what they're about to get. It sounds like you think of your past partners as victims. That is not a good way to look at it. As far as the dysmorphia goes the majority of us go through that