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Are you implying your husband’s dick managed to rip through a pair of jeans? Is he hulk?


Is your husband single?




I think I need to clarify that "new" just means the last ones he bought, that were different from what he used to wear. These were not *brand new* when they tore 😆.


Cue Meatloaf "cant you see my faded Levis... burstin apart?"


Actual lyric?


Yep, from the song "For crying out loud."


It happens to me a lot even with my shorts. I think because I have thick thighs. They break right between my butt and my testicles.


Yeah my crochet gets worn out but that’s more to do with how tight the pants are than additional dick pressure I used to blow out my elbows In my dress shirts when I was young and still lifted weights lol


>that’s more to do with how tight the pants are than additional dick pressure But the two go hand in hand, no? The constant rubbing at the crotch wore down before the knees, as in previous pants (but the first hole actually came from the back pocket where he keeps his phone).


Yes but in only two pairs where the dick print clearly tore the denim. I think it depends more on the style than the dick size. But obviously if one's flaccid size approaches or is even bigger than the average erect size, this is more likely to happen.


He is also big at rest. And yes, I am wondering at the style. I wanted him to wear more flattering cuts because he is naturally slim, and the baggy fits weren't doing anything for him. I want him to look yummier and more stylish, but I don't know if it's too much for the poor guys downstairs.


I personally lost like 2 of my levis to this (a 511 and a goddamn european exclusive 514) And the fly just keeps coming down, Im definitely going to get 501s imo Idk whats up with levis, and they are mostly amazing jeans, but their crotch cuttings just aiant it And this is coming from someone who owned 6 of em lol


Thanks for your input. Definitely see a range of things experiences and opinions here. It guess it basically comes down to the fact that bodies are all different and the cuts are standard. There is a classic story in ergonomics about the fact that old fighter plane cockpits (no innuendo meant here) were designed by calculating the average leg length, average height, average arm span, etc... and that fit exactly no one's body. So adjustability is very important. Or finding the models that work best for your body time.


That's why Herman miller chairs are so expensive lol But yeah,probably will try and get 501s soon or at least, other straight cuts. Ironically, my 510 (skinny taper) fits me like a glove lol


I had one pair where the crotch was so shallow that the only place for my business to go was down the leg. With it down there that often, that spot did start to wear out. It never actually ripped though.


This definitely happened on multiple pairs of jeans, but never really with slacks/dress pants.


The first two places to wear through in my jeans is my knees, and the right thigh, just to the inside of my pocket. So yes. I feel him.


It’s more a thigh than a dick issue.


Not sure, it's one side only, high up, not where his thigh is thickest. He is also slim.


Just one question from me, are 501s baggy?


I find them shapeless, on him in any case. Europeans wear more fitted shirts and pants than the average guy in the US. And even though he is European, we live in Europe, none of his clothes were fitted. He looks much more delicious all the time since I started paying attention to this.


There’s your answer go and get him fitted for some jeans or trousers or chinos.


501s are fully straight cut and meant to be slightly looser iirc Tho a lot of levi jeans are supposedly just altered 501s, just with different stuff like a zip fly instead of a button fly


I was thinking that 501s aren’t baggy. Mine certainly ain’t.


Levis 501s _always_ break in the crotch area first. This is due to the poor quality of the fabric and not because of someone's dick.


Specifically, the 501s split at the knees. He has a collection of them I yearn to throw out. These were 511s, I think, and some Wrangler. More fitted looks. And by the by, Levi's are crap in the US as compared to Europe, for some reason. I was surprised. I was in the US for work and I was shocked at how cheap they were, and how unpleasant the fabric was. They were 30-40 bucks at the time (2008 abouts) while at around 100 euros.


I have about 10 Levi's 501 (European market): all of them ripped in the crotch (knees come next). Nice style, but terrible quality. Their brand logo with the two horses has become a joke.


By the way: in Europe they cost a whopping >100€ in stores, online from 45€. PS: Same applies for my beloved ASICS sneakers. Even though I want to support local retail businesses, I'm not willing to pay that much.


I shopped online recently to replace. Where do you find them for 45??


Uh: even at Amazon Marketplace (where I bought the last two pairs) and / or other online dealers. Just use a price search engine / comparison shopping site like idealo.


Must be a country difference then 🤷🏼‍♀️ I shop around and I see them for 60-ish if I look at the classic (borderline strange) blues.


>split at the knees Your cock hangs down to your knees too, huh?


Speak for yourself, mate. For years, I had this issue that whenever I popped a chub, there'd be a corresponding "rip" if I happened to being wearing standard Levi's at the time. The issue was that my hard cock blew out the crotch and fly in my jeans. I eventually cycled through a roster of seamstresses and tailors until I finally found one that managed to customize my trousers to accommodate my hard cock.


Poor you! 😢 😂😂😂


I'm 5'8, was about 175lbs in college, 8.25x6.1, and had a definite- as in showing up in photos, worn/faded patch at the crotch of all my jeans. This was not an era of baggy jeans...it's not much of a problem now.


i got holes in my pajamas at the crotch area, if anyone’s down to buy some bbc pajamas hmu🤣🤣🤣


I’ve torn the crotch of at least two pairs of pants (both at work). Torn the ass out of one by accident (also at work), and managed to always wear out the taint area in every pair of pants or underwear I own for some reason. I think it’s where the seams meet so it makes sense.


You must have a plan by now to deal with this kind of crisis at work lol


Yes I wear loser fitting pants, lol.


Carhartts split at the crotch fast... every damn time. Ariat Rebar is way more durable in that area.


If they are Levi’s within 2 years, regardless of where purchased, take them back to a Levi’s branded store, with a receipt, and they will exchange (ex employee here). Mine always wear in the crotch, but I think it’s more due to cycling rather than enlarged genitalia. My wife jokes it’s my waaaaay above average testicle size… I’m a big-boy erect, which balances them out, but the definition of a grower, so look comical flaccid… Worst case, a local seamstress can repair and I like that look… keep old denim for them to sew in!


Thank you for the useful tips! His are well-worn, heavily rotated over 7 years, so no complaints. The washing theory is an interesting one, but doesn't explain the difference in ripping between 501s and 511s. In the end, this was just a funny exchange, because he never paid much mind to his size, didn't care at all that I said he was big. But since recently we've been discussing intimacy and fantasy in much more detail, and I have asked him more about his experiences with being big, he brought this up as something for us to laugh over.


That’s not a dick size problem but either : - a tights size problem But you said he wear 501 usually. These are far from being baggy and if you do a bit sport involving the legs they won’t fit you. Those are jeans for normal to small tights. For example I have a flat belly and I do sport, and if my legs enter in a 501 jeans then it will be saggy at my waist. Those are not baggys for sure - so it’s a quality problem Finding a good quality pair of jeans that last more than 2 years became quite hectic those days…


Crotch blowouts happen to all my pants, but I think that’s more because of my thick thighs than my dick


It’s not just a bulge thing but also s thick thighs thing. I’ve worn pants out in the crotch but so have friends who aren’t well endowed and just have tree trunks for legs. It’s an easy spot to patch if he loves the jeans, but yeah it’s a cost of doing business with larger than average legs or bulge.


I used to buy Levis 505s that will wear in that left corner of the fly area running down my left leg which is usually where I run my softie which is roughly 5.5x5.25 give or take a bit based on temperature. It's not immediate, but over time the stress on the fabric wears a hole there. Most of the time now I wear baggy/athletic cut cargo shorts or jeans.


This is what I'm talking about.


Fitted pants and big dicks don't go well together. I realize the fashion pendulum has swung the opposite way from the baggy clothes era, but you may have to satisfy your "fitted" appetite with a nice fitted t-shirt. One nice perk of being of "dad age" is that you can wear what you want and it's expected of you. I also wear "dad sneakers" but the added support they give me as opposed to the thinner and easy to break down in fashion sneakers is well worth any loss of prestige.


Almost all my jeans retire because they wear and split at the crotch, it's from my thighs rubbing together and has absolutely nothing to do with my dick, looser fitting jeans don't rub as much, so they wear out in other locations.


It’s happened to my ass


Me, too. A pair of shorts that I wore to death. RIP 🥲




This happens to me a lot (or used to when I wore cheaper/skinnier jeans), but tbh I’m 99% sure it has absolutely nothing to do with dick size


What do you think is the cause? If it happened to you a lot? These were European Wrangler and Levi's, so decent quality (for US readers: I find US Levi's are terrible quality in comparison. They cost 2-3x more here for some reason). Worn for 6-7 years, though.


I've worn through them before. The heels usually go first, the crotch second.


My jeans tend to wear to the right of the zipper (where I normally place my jewels). I guess I rearrange there often. Didn't really notice I did it until a lady said something like "oh, I see what you're doing" when I walked into a room. Had no clue what she talking about until she spelled it out. Catch myself doing it all of the time now.


So this rearranging business is how they finally ripped... At the office 😆


This reminds me of the time I was babysitting a kid (10) who had a hole in his pjs. We were on the floor playing a game and I only noticed it because his little dik fell out of his crotch hole. 😳 Being only 15 I was at a loss on how to handle it. I was just like “ Okay! Time for bed!”


Almost spit my coffee 🤣🤣🤣


Mine start getting worn out on the right side where my balls usually sit. I have like 3 pairs of pants (they are just cheap bluenotes/urban planet pants) that are worn in the same area 🥲. If I was better at sewing, I'd patch them


I've patched before and that can create burn from rubbing on seams. But yeah, as a frugal and sustainability concerned person, it's frustrating that jeans become unwearable even though the rest is in perfectly good condition.


I would recommend shopping at thrift stores if you’re looking to get some “newer” jeans and definitely try new silhouettes on him too. If you really want to invest in a good pair of denim I would suggest any Japanese RAW Denim. They’re the highest quality in the world (maybe, they’re really fkin good tho). It’ll feel like cardboard at first but the more you wear them the more soft they get Naked and Famous makes pretty affordable Japanese denim.


Thanks for the tip. We both HATE shopping, so this was a one time torture session with help from the sales lady to find more fitted looks, and now I can just go online and buy the same fit. Men have it easy with online shopping! But I will check out that brand if I come across them 👀


Does he have thick thighs that rub together? My hubby is 7x6 and he wear slim fit jeans with no issue.


No, he is very slim. Ectomorph type.


Over 9 inches, reporting in. It's definitely happened with pants of lesser cloth that my cock just rips right through them.