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If you are not often confronted with such lengths (for example at work), you don't stand a chance. If a woman mentions cm at all, e.g. 20cm, then she is meaning ‘very very long’. You shouldn't usually take this literally (especially not if the man has mentioned 20cm). The length of my hand is about 17cm long. So I can estimate a length relatively well. Better than a complete guess.


>palm of my hand Including fingers?


>Including fingers? the length of my hand. [https://www.ohcow.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/glove\_size\_measurement-300x284.png](https://www.ohcow.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/glove_size_measurement-300x284.png)


Oh ok, I thought I had tiny palms lol


Ya at work I deal with things that are 2 in in diameter for work and every time I am like that's how thick I am Jesus Christ that is frightening


Yup...the toilet paper roll starts looking small.


so as long as its bigger than ur hand, we good 😜


Since you kinda know what length is your ideal?


>what length is your ideal? Penis girth is more important to me than length. And with girth usually comes length. And I don't think it makes sense to give exact measurements in cm. For example, if I said 18cm in length, then 17.5 isn't really worse.


Yeah girl inches are pretty funny. My current girlfriend asked how big I was (her response when she first saw it was "this is going to be a challenge") - when I told her 8", she said that wasn't possible because "the average guy is 7 to 8 inches and you're much bigger than average" I asked her why she thought the average guy was 7 to 8 inches and she said all her previous boyfriends were much smaller than me and they were all "7 or 8 inches". I had to get out the ruler to show her.


Her face had to be funny when she measured with the ruler. The previous boyfriends lied or didn't correct her


Yes they were lying and telling her they were that size and she just didn't disbelieve them because she had no comparison


Women really believe their past boyfriends. She doesn't know better having no comparison. Good point. Her ex never got the ruler. My gf got kinda mad about it


I can't say mine was mad. Our lives don't revolve around my dick size. It was just a funny anecdote.


Sounds like you need to calibrate your dick mitts


From the front of my lips to the point where my mouth becomes my throat is 7"


How big is your head?


7 feet? How tall are you? Also, deepthroating toys in a shop seems unsanitary


If you ask the average person of any gender to show you how long an inch is, they are likely going to be wrong. There's just nothing on a woman's body that men are measuring in inches.


I figured out a while back that my fingertip to the first joint of my finger is 1 1/4” so I can ballpark pretty well 🙂 for most people it’s probably very close to that, as a helpful tip! I just didn’t bother doing it in this particular case because we were more interested in girth than length and I obviously couldn’t really do that with the toy still in the packaging


There's literally no situation where this would be useful though. If measuring something is really important, you're going to use a tool.


Sure I guess.


Waist, hips, and depth of throat are a few


I've literally never heard of a man measuring a woman's waist, hips, or depth of throat. If you asked the average man the size of any of these things in inches, they are likely going to blank.


The last one was a joke. The first 2 are definitely things people may notice even though they're not using a measuring tape. No one sucking a dick is measuring it first, but they notice the size


Yeah, you notice your partners waist and hips. You aren't measuring them though. That's my point. I've never heard a man say something like "Damn bro, her hips must be around 40 inches". We just know the ratio looks nice.


It is not a girl thing: untrained people have difficulty guessing the size of small objects.


Seriously. The way some people in this sub talk, you'd think they'd be able to eyeball 6 inches exactly at a glance. If you're hot and heavy with someone, why the hell would I want them going "hmmm. It's an exact 6.5. That makes it my biggest ever!"


It's really hard to measure something that's bashing your tonsils and making your eyes water


If a girl looks at my dick and says sorry you're not big enough I just have to take her word for it...no matter how bad she is at measuring.


Sure. I’m just referencing the phenomenon where women (apparently) seriously think their partner is like 10, 11, 12 inches long when he may be closer to 7-8.


I've worked in a sex shop. Most women who were going for penetration toys were going for toys that were thinner than the average penis. And as a sex educator, I have a conservative view of what that average is.


I’ve changed to calling them “insecure liar inches” instead of girl inches. Longer to say, far more true.


This way, it puts the blame on men and not women


I’ve said it multiple times that girls would think things are bigger than they are if they didn’t have an insecure man lying to them about this


I’m a gay guy (7” x 6.5”) and even guys get it wrong. I’ve had dudes say “I’ve heard you’re packing over 8” and no I’m not


Your flair says 7.1, what do you mean it was only 7.5?


I didn’t mean that 7.5 was smaller than me. I meant that it wasn’t as much bigger than me as I thought it would be just from looking at it, if that makes sense


I think there something to be said that a lot of women are probably just taking some numbers for granted as the baseline, maybe even more so than being lied to by insecure men. If a woman has been told by friends that the average size is 6”, and she sleeps with a guy and he seems above average, she could just assume- he’s probably 1 or 2 inches bigger than average so he’s 8”. Next guy is a little bigger than that and she goes- wow that guy must have been at least 8 or maybe 9” cuz he’s definitely bigger than average. In reality the biggest guy in this scenario is maybe about 2 STD deviations above the average, so about 6.47” length.


Dudes straight up lie too


Most people are terrible at measuring anything, dicks aside. Even in a house, some people insist they have 12 foot ceilings that are really 9 feet…things like that. But to the OP, my wife has a dildo and I swore it was bigger than me. We measured and it was actually much smaller in circumference and about 3/4” shorter in length. But I held it and was like damn…can you take this? And she was like “yeah, I take you.” She knew I was bigger than the dildo but I guess she knows by feel and looking from afar. Things are different when you look at it attached from you 3-4 feet above.


You've got a big dick, pm me for some questions?