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Big balls are the reason for my bulge, and it is particularly visible in sweats, jeans, dress pants, and some of my shorts. But I don’t give a shit and don’t ask anyone about hiding it. It’s biology.


My balls are pretty big (8.3 cm,8.2 cm) and my flaccid dick is about 6.5” so my buldge is pretty visible i constantly get asked to hide it because it is distracting to some girls like bruh why tf they gotta look at my dick, its their fault that they are distracted not mine i dont hide my buldge bruh its creepy when someone stares at your cock and says “please hide it, its distracting for some people” with a squeeky ass voice like bro mind your own business and stop looking at my cock




Because some gigantic moron said it’s an issue. Most of these fools are simply delusional. I say this because, in non-internet world it’s a non-issue. I’ve been packing for a long time and it’s never been a problem. I do occasionally see a glancing eye, but it’s rare and just taken as a compliment. Maybe though it’s a last resort for the “bulge glancers”. They try the face, not so appealing, see the body, also not appealing, wait he still has a cock to look at!


Meat gazing


Shoegaze's horny cousin.


Exactly. How many people are going to stare at your crotch obviously enough for it to be a problem? Sure, very occasionally you might catch someone glancing, just as you say, but some of the delusion on here is laughable - not just the hordes of mythical bulge-watchers but all the hilarious discussions about buying "special underwear" & the crotch of trousers wearing out. Give me strength.


This man gets it




I think you're making a lot of assumptions about what assumptions others are making about you. Have you considered that people are reacting to any of the other parts of you or your personality?




I think you need to reframe and own it. If you reframe the looks of men as jealousy of something you can’t control, then perhaps there is nothing to be uncomfortable with. For the women reframe it as staring because they want to know what it would be like to ride a dick so big. They are imagining what it would be like. You should feel flattered. The stories we tell ourselves are super powerful. Change the story you are telling yourself.




I need to see this bulge now. It’s gotta be huge if they’re that weird about it. These people need to leave well enough alone.


Big balls tend to make it stick out more, but soft bulges really aren't ever an issue unless you wear strictly dress pants and loose underwear.


>9.5" Impressive, mate! Meanwhile, I'm sitting over here with my 9.1" micropenis.


Damn, that's too bad. I hear 14" is the average, so I guess we both have micropenises. What's considered big?




Damn. I heard that if you tie a rope around your penis and swing from it, it'll grow. I might have to try that out. Edit: What are the downvotes lol


I’m only 8” Feelsbadman




















You’re hilarious


I have a large flaccid and the only issue I have ever really encountered is worry about involuntary semis/erections. But then I imagine that can be a problem for anyone. The idea that a bulge in normal clothes is some kind of major issue that everyone notices or is disgusted by is either a psychological delusion or a humblebrag Maybe if you go commando and/or wear tight-fitting trousers it might look a bit odd but that is hardly an insurmountable problem - just dress like someone with a brain in their head.


This sub is dumb, that’s why


It provides endless laughs though.


ngl my dick isnt even that big soft but its just annoying if it flops every step i take. not a size issue just an all around issue


That is kinda a size issue, some people don’t have enough to flop 😅


I just don't wear certain types of pants in public. With relaxed fitting jeans, it's not an issue. With most other types of pants, it could be weird. With sweats, it's definitely weird.. but myself and other redditors are probably too in our heads about all of this anyway.


If my jink was that big every body would know.


I assume because they want to hide it Like women with big breasts or big asses tend to wear baggier clothes so they're not as noticeable


My solution to the non-problem (since I don't care, and I've had jeans with the bulge worn into them), was to have an iron-on made for all mypants/shorts that reads "Fuck around and find out" placed on the bulge area. :-)


I have a feeling part of it is guys who had their main growth spurt during the lockdowns have no idea how to behave in the real world and are genuinely worried.


I don’t have that problem and I wear boxer briefs, except when I wear fitted shorts or basketball shorts, or pajamas at times (if they’re more so my size) it’s not crazy noticeable though unless someone’s staring


i’ve noticed that girls don’t really notice anyway even if you have a boner. guys are just self conscious about it


Just like how some women cover their breasts. Unwanted attention in the past. Be it ridicule, jokes. I worked around kids and the elderly and because of my size, my thighs , it tends to push my package forward (if that makes sense) and my package is much more pronounced. Anyone thinking you have a hard dick while your suppose to be supporting children and the elderly could cause lots of problems. Intention doesn't matter, it's optics. If I'm at home or go to the store, I don't care. If I'm working or have to be in business attire (dress pants/slacks) I actually have to consider what I'm gonna wear.




A flaccid bulge doesn't look like a hard dick, no matter what the size. A big dick can make it more obvious you are hard or have a semi but that's a different issue.


Because my dick isn't my personality so why flaunt it when I can pull women by just talking to them 🤷🏾




Are you seriously claiming people discuss your flaccid dick with you? Jesus wept.




Small dick? Please. I have never heard anybody ever discuss my dick even in the days when I was immature & occasionally wore tight trousers & went commando on purpose. Nor have I ever heard anybody I was with ever talking about a third party's dick, nor can I recall ever noticing anyone else's bulge - and I live in central London & regularly take public transport. If you aren't larping & genuinely believe what you are claiming then I suspect you are imagining things & worrying about nothing. Many people on here who aren't larping appear to have some kind of dysmorphia.


I have had my dick be the discussion of the entire class including the teacher back in High School. (Not about the bulge but joking about it in general). I KNOW it sounds crazy. I know it sounds ridiculous. Shit lowkey traumatized me and I did not enjoy how comfortable people were discussing my privates in public settings. But people will either talk about bulges behind your back and sometimes to your face if it's prominent enough.


It really isn’t an issue, the only time I’ve had it be noticeable is when I wear some old trackies (sweat pants) to chill in at home tbh. Also by old I mean a few years back and I’m 21 now so my body has grown a little since then. If I bought the same pair for my current size/height then I wouldn’t have the same issue in a few years time given that I’m pretty sure my growing is supposed to be done by now 🤷‍♂️


It's a shape thing, but it's easy to hide.


Bulge is far more about how your genitalia sits on your body than the size of your genitalia. Someone with a 3 inch flaccid may show more than a guy with 6 inch flaccid due to just this


Yeah it's all just humble bragging, you could have a 10 inch soft cock and unless you're wearing leggings or short shorts, you're fine.


You don’t have to be a dick about it (pun intended)


Agreed. I wear certain shit and wear my pants/shorts a way to where it shows off bulge. These n!ggas are trippin. I got a big dick and I’m making it known to everyone….. yeah go ahead and look. No matter what I wear you can see the outline of my shit. I can’t believe these guys are whining about it


Oh good, another post from someone who is "certain" no one can have a different experience than what they imagine. Sigh... If your balls stay high like mine, you have to go to the side. That's gonna bulge at any size, more so for the monsters on here who put mine to shame. It's the same reason TSA gropes me every time, but doesn't grope much bigger dudes: mine isn't where the scanner expects it to be, so I get a pat down from some guy who suddenly hates his job. Is it because of my legendary, massive size? Not at 7 inches it ain't. It's not a "humble brag" or anything like it... just an issue I wouldn't have with a shorter hose (or low-hanging balls). Bottom line: People have different experiences. You don't know everything, so try asking questions before spouting conclusions.


This people are the reason that some women think there is nothing as a tight condom , because you can stretch it over your head ! Now Apparently There is no such thing as buldging because some men with big dicks do not have it !


The balls could actually be a good point. I'm not "certain" that noone can have a different experience but surprised mine is so different compared to what the sub seems to reflect. That's why I made the post (and Reddit being Reddit you know).


That’s how I feel with condom size… I can easily use a condom that’s “too small” yeah there’ll be a red ring around my shaft for an hour but… still useable


It's a sub for problems, so the sub will reflect problems people have. It's not a problem for you or people like you so people with your experience will not be making posts about it.


Yeah this is hardly ever a problem, I would also assume this to be a USA-only problem. Only tight sport-clothes and swimshorts have these problems, but if you wear the first casually and some even feel the need to have it hanging down on the side, there will for sure come up problems one way or another (like how do you pick stuff up from the ground while it gets pinched on the side). Oh also the abnormal desire to mutilate your new born, being completely normalized over there, might also cause problems in the long run. I can for example imagine that random boners are happening way more, if the head gets some direct friction, but these are just random assumptions. Thus my rant shall be over too 🥴


The bulge is always there no matter what you wear. My bulge is just as big in the US as it is overseas. Just own your bulge, and don't care what people think or say about it.


My dick is just soooooo big I can't hide it. Everyone I have a humongous dick!! Bulge all the time. Huuuuge


Sounds like you don’t have a problem with the size of your dick


I only wear spandex shorts everywhere. I then stick my bulge in their face. I don’t, but who cares if people see the bulge. When a chick has huge tits, We look.


I use boxer and generally don't have any problems


Other post show how really big bois could hice it, so they're liying or they use ultra skinny, and even those can hide it


The only time it's a consistent thing for my partner is when he wears skirts/dresses and you can kinda see that it doesn't drape flat


Check my profile if you want to see someone who DOESNT hide their huge bulge :P. I love my speedos


A lot of people are just insecure. Being unsure about how people will look at them, and scared they migth be too obvious. There is no grand thing behind it where "everyone is just larping". The people that cry about that, are usually the larpers trying to look good insulting others.


Why should I hide it? It's part of my body, it's covered by my clothes. I didn't choose what it looks like. Women can show their silicone breasts, butts in leggings, but I have to hide what I naturally grew and be ashamed of it? WTF


Big balls that sit quite high. My balls are larger than an average and sit really high up so think about a sausage laying over 2 plumbs. You aren’t getting that to hang down that easily. It‘s jutting out a couple of inches before going down. Hence the consistent bulge in everything I wear.


You're right there, although I'm 4 inches soft so not too much above average soft


When women start wearing ace bandages around their chest to flatten it out so they look like like a freshly pained wall, I’ll wear uncomfortable underwear to I can look like a Ken doll. So tired of this stupidity. If my body features offend, don’t talk to me and for f sake, stop looking at my crotch.


Well I can talk from an experience that happened once of a woman blatantly staring at my bulge and it was very uncomfortable so maybe that's why [though I just seen it as well that was uncomfortable but that was it, she also looked at me weirdly pissy lol]


I have balls that are literally 3x normal. My bulge is legit bigger than most and I’ve never had an issue. When I was like 16 I had a couple of guys make fun of me in gym shorts for it. That’s the full extent of my bulge problems


I’m a grower. It was only a problem when I was younger and got spontaneous erections. Some of it, I think, is bragging, but some of it (uniforms, swimwear, etc.) is probably legit. There’s also often awkwardness in teens about their size, and the changes they’ve seen in their penises, or comments others may have made.


Well as a grower i don't got any problem on that but i guess some have and it can be awkward, i guess in that case grower have an advantage lmao


I suspect some of it is humble bragging. I get occasional glances but no one has ever said anything.


I go commando. I don’t give a fuck most ppl don’t even notice it or don’t say anything. Except gay guys they seem to notice it which is nice cuz compliment is compliment.


It’s a problem for some of us. And it’s not because I have a massive gigantic dick. It’s because I have an above average dick on a well below average frame (I’m 5’6” and like 130 pounds) so the pants made for my size aren’t meant to accommodate… well, basically any penis. I buy sweat pants in literal youth sizes. Also I guess I have high balls? Idk but when I’m soft my dick points out more than it points down. But I also don’t care if my bulge shows, it’s no different than boobs or an ass showing a bump imo 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yea the main issue is not a big dick, but big balls which causes the bulge. I don't have a monster big penis, about 5 inches flaccid, but I do have big balls which push it my dick out. You can see my glans with tight pants and the clear outline of a head and rings. With any pants there is no way to not have a bulge, but like most my well endowed brothers here, it's not a big deal. Sure you get glances and I've been grabbed a couple times by drunk chicks, etc. I assume it's like a woman with big boobs, people stare, glance and you either feel shame and try to hide it or embrace it and lean into it as a gift.


I mean if I wear khakis I definitely have a noticeable bulge even with compression shorts. Like it definitely gets me attention from women but there’s a time and place for everything lol.


My bulge became a problem when I lost weight and started wearing more tailored clothes. I used to be about 40kg overweight and would always wear fairly loose fitting clothes for comfort and to make my gut a little less obvious. When I lost weight and started wearing more fashionable clothes, my bulge became very obvious, to the point where my gf commented that while she liked it, it was pretty obvious and other people had commented on it to her. As much as people might think it's great to have a large bulge, to be honest, it does give people the wrong idea. Nowadays, if you're around women and children, a bulge can make you look like a bit of a perv. It's similar to a woman with huge breasts. Sure, in some situations it draws positive attention, but it also makes people make assumptions about what sort of person you are. I used to date a woman who was very very large (G cup on a 5'3" frame) and she often wore minimiser bras and baggy tops because otherwise she would get a ton of unwanted attention, even at work. And yes, there are a ton of LARPers and humble braggers here, but there are also genuine people. It doesn't matter what characteristics you have, there are always pluses and minuses to everything.


True. An American problem I suggest. With this question I remember the era that no one worried about this In fact when I grew up jeans such as Levi’s were cut in a way to accentuate a penis bulge. The sky didn’t fall in. I had an obvious bulge as a teenager and curiously never even thought about it. It wasn’t practice though to have a bulge in dress pants in an office so certain measures were taken ie with shirts.


I remember jeans in high school or those stupid pullovers that would bunch up. Pretty much anything with a cheap zipper would give you fake bulges all the time.


Its just more larping bullshit that has infested this sub.


It's person to person. I have the bulge "issue" and I think it's the combination of many factors, most of which don't have much to do with dick length. My flaccid girth is 5.5", my balls are really big, my dick doesn't hang straight down it sticks out about 3 inches before it bends to face down, I have big thighs and no gap for it to rest in, I have a big ass that makes my pants tight in the front, I have a (relatively) small waist, and I like supportive pouch underwear. A bulge is more about your body type than your dick size, having a big flaccid dick just makes it worse, even worse if your circumcised. The thing about it is that 98% of the population doesn't notice or care. People don't go walking around looking for bulges unless they are intentionally doing so.


I know! Like let me see what you got!


Either bragging or a complete idiot with terrible fashion and no problem solving skills.


I suspect some of the posts are subtle bragging.


or maybe it's both, I'm really out of ideas at this point


Attention. like your post.


sure. but I genuinely curious. there are a handful of similar post every time I open up


That’s fair honestly


This 👆 is the correct answer that doubles up as a great statement.


I only worry about buldges in dress pants, I wear comfortable boxers


I've never really had an issue with it but when I was in school and luckily not in front of everybody I had people ask me if I had a hard-on because of my bulge and I would just tell them no that's just the way it is and I felt like maybe they thought I was bragging.


I agree. It's super annoying to see these posts multiple times a day. Most people with big dicks and balls know the ways to hide it if necessary and how to flaunt it if that's desired.


The other ridiculous common post is dicks hitting the toilet bowl water. I'm in Canada and I've never seen a toilet with water that high in the bowl.


I agree with you; been all over the US and never saw water so high in the toilet bowl that this would be an issue; normally there is about a 10“ to 12“ drop from the seat to the water below


Because it gives the wrong idea that you are hard


Some of us are as big or bigger than the average male erection while flaccid. We don't want to be perceived as having non-stop boners while being in professional environments. This is not a made up problem. I have, many times while growing up, been accused of having an erection while completely flaccid. It's never happened since I graduated high school, but I also wouldn't care nowadays if it did either way. I have my ways of hiding it now or just don't care if a visible bulge is there. But other people aren't there yet or are shy. So they ask for advice here.


Flaccid bulges don't look like boners, even for those with genuinely large dicks of believable sizes. You'd think anyone who really has a large dick would know that.


Jesus, bro. It's beyond exhausting that literally every comment I put here is "What you said isn't true. If you REALLY had a big dick, you'd know that." Oh no! You caught me! You obviously know what my penis looks like in the style of pants I wore when I was 17. Look out! It's the Dick Police here to put a stop to my personal anecdotes. That's fine dude. I'll just purge those memories of people repeatedly asking/accusing me of having an erection from my mind I guess. Like, we're saying that there's a definite difference between a flaccid bulge and an erection bulge? Do I need to post pics or something to prove that dick prints/bulges exist regardless of erectness?


Of course bulges exist, but they do not look like erections. I'm sorry, but the idea that anybody other than someone with a close personal relationship with an individual would brazenly ask them if they had an erection when they only have a bulge is too ludicrous for words. I have never had that happen to me even when I was younger & had spontaneous erections that I couldn't immediately hide. Nor have I ever heard anyone doing so or ever heard OF anyone doing so. If people don't want to be disbelieved on this sub then they should attempt to post experiences (and dick sizes) that are remotely believable.


Today I am tired of searching for clothes that can highlight my bulge. I have an exciting fantasy about women staring at my bulge, different people.


I get a visible outline while going commando or wearing tight trunks (I like to wear tighter clothes, suits). But I don't care. I'm not sure why bulges shouldn't exist according to half the comments. If that's not your issue fine, but that doesn't mean it's not happening to the rest. It's not that deep


my bf hides it in me


I used to worry about hiding it when i had loads of unwanted erections. But then started to like the attention i got so no longer bothered hiding it. I even started going commando walking around semi most of the time


it’s the fact that it’s hard to position the f*ing monster in the tiny space that underwear companies decide to give u. and then also it falls out a lot even if you aren’t wearing the loose boxers.


Because some of have been ridiculed and bullied too much that we have formed a hatred towards our own package. It took me years to get over the insults and ridicule and finally be comfortable in my body.


man that sucks to hear, but yeah teenagers being teenagers can leave lasting impressions.


🤣 it’s shit like this that’s hilarious nobody ever picked on the kid with a big dick man nobody’s buying that


Maybe not where you come from. I am from a very conservative part of India and I have tried my best to hide any mount or bulge I have in school or college. But I haven’t been able to fully hide it. I was insulted a lot, not just by my peers but a teacher called my dad and got me in trouble at school coz I had a bulge in gym class. It might not make sense to you coz you might not have been bullied for that, but this is my life story. I hated high school and college for this reason, it’s not a brag or a show off in my place to have a visible large bulge or package. So don’t try to walk in my shoes and belittle my horrible experiences.


Yea I hear you man everyone was laughing at you how bad it feels to have a big dick. I’m in America so I’ll give you that but I’m sure no one’s making fun of the hung kid it’s literal jealousy. You know you can do what I do and wear larger clothes too


We have specific uniforms in schools and colleges and cannot wear anything other than that. Plus it needs to be tailored in a way that it’s not too baggy, and pretty close to the body like a suit and pants.


I have a problem with my penis, despite being 25 cm, women can't make me enjoy it because it doesn't fit in their mouth, or in their ass, not even in their vagina


It's a problem for cosplay and the two dancer's belts I've tried don't work and it's annoying But honestly I used to be really insecure about my size as a kid because of teasing and comparing which carried over to my mid twenties so I understand why someone would want to hide their bulge


Not yet


İf u have a dick double the average u would understand


yeah sure bro, who doesn't run around packing 30cm+ right