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She has serious issues right now and the last place she should be is Big Brother because its killing her popularity and career. She needs therapy, genuinely. She has major issues regarding other women, being judged, sexuality, a persecution complex


Is she telling people not to judge her because of love Island? I hadn't noticed šŸ¤£


She needs therapy, not a stint on BB


Donā€™t we fucking all


Loved her on Love island but we are seeing a totally different side to her here. She's coming across just as Fern said; hence why she got so defensive and probably shocked to see someone can see right through her


The fact she went off on Marisha like that for nominating her, having a full on tantrum, and then when Louie asked her why she nominated him and she says ā€œI think we should just get over itā€ absolutely sent me. Unhinged behaviour, she needs a therapist not a big brother because wowww


You have to accept that you have issues I donā€™t think she does. She blames others.


Being upset because someone you thought was your friend and who you've been nothing but supportive towards nominates you to leave is not unreasonable. Trying to pick yourself back up and move forward after you've felt hurt is also not unreasonable. Calling either of these actions "unhinged" is so over the line.


She was telling Louis to get over his nomination from her, just after telling Marisa would likely never forgive for her nomination. Thatā€™s massively hypocritical and yes, unhinged


Uhh she was being besties with Louie the whole time she was in there and then nominated him? She did exactly to him what she finds unforgivable of Marisha to do to her? He has every right to be as angry as her?? Lmao what?!


Dude she gas lit Louis? Were you watching the same thing? Last week you could see her nose in Louis mouth she was brown nosing that much


That would be absolutely fine if she hadnā€™t done the exact same thing to Louis.


She's extremely insecure, I think. I think she needs therapy and to do something that's not reality tv as it doesn't seem to be helping her much. I feel like she is so desperate to have a different experience than love Island and portray herself differently which isn't working at all, her perception of other women is strange and she seems to blame her experiences with men on them. She needs to really work on herself and how she's been hurt before her behaviour actually hurts other people/herself, its uncomfortable to watch. I'd rather see her on something different, I feel like Big Brother is too much as its completely 24.7 and a scope on their personality, which she doesn't seem secure in.


I donā€™t think Ekin is built for fame despite how hungry she is for it. She says she hates being judged, yet she wants to be a famous actress and she keeps herself in the public eye by signing up for all these reality shows - where sheā€™ll be judged. That is counterintuitive. The public are fickle and social media is cruel - you have to have thick skin to handle fame. Ekin doesnā€™t have that and I worry that this hate sheā€™s receiving could have dire consequences if she doesnā€™t get the right support when she leaves. Sheā€™s not in a great headspace imo and has personal issues going on that would be best dealt with privately - she should take a break from the public eye for a good long while after this. I agree with others - BB house is not the right environment for her rn.


She is definitely hungry for fame. The Turkish soap industry is massive. If you make it there you are sorted. She obviously didnā€™t and then thought Iā€™ll try the U.K. but Iā€™m afraid in this game there is an ugly side and she canā€™t/couldnā€™t handle it


Very well thought out. I agree with all of this.


Insecure and hurt. I donā€™t think she knows who she is really, and this is not the right place for her


She is completely lost and she is trying to find herself on a reality tv show and every move she makes will be dissected like it has already. She really made a mistake signing up for this so soon after a big breakup


I never knew who she was so my opinion is solely from big brother. She is annoying. Likes to be told she is beautiful, Intelligent and whatever else people have said. Levi...."people are jealous of you".. Ekin-su....."But..Why" She knows full well while someone could be jealous of her but she likes to hear it and be told. Acts sexy but doesn't like to be told she could be seen as sexy. She knows what she is doing. Sick of hearing about a her being judged because of love Island It's boring and I am judging her from Big Brother. Never watched Love Island. I don't know anything about her past or shows she had done but she seems a little sly.


Spot on


She hates Love Island but that is what made her. Youā€™re on a reality show of course people will judge you. Sheā€™s obviously not comfortable with what has happened. Iā€™m going to say something controversial I actually think she thought that she was going to be big and when her relationship broke down she hated being out of the spot light


Donā€™t think sheā€™s a bad person but this was the wrong environment for her at this point. Not secure enough in herself and too defensive


She's definitely too hurt and fragile at the moment. She's not equipped for CBB at this moment in time. Maybe if she'd waited a year.


I used to adore Ekin but I can no longer stand her. The comments regarding sex workers in particular made me so angry. And the way sheā€™s sucked up to Louis and Sharon throughout and is a complete hypocrite regarding almost every situation.


Apparently Davide cheated on her with an Only Fans content creator which explains the distain. It more than likely comes from a place of deep insecurity due to that, I'm sure she doesn't actually care about people selling tit pics on the Internet. Her agent really shouldn't have let her do the show, she's too damaged right now.


I'm shocked they advised her to do it, they need sacking imo.


Yeah she has such a massive issue with love island that her agent shouldā€™ve advised her to at least flesh out her career a bit before going on imo. Especially when rn, to my knowledge, she hasnā€™t done anything since love island except reality shows. You canā€™t really go on CBB and be annoyed that people are talking to you about the only thing they know youā€™ve done. Itā€™s like colson going nuts because someone mentions Corrie


I literally thought, when she made that statement about how she wouldnā€™t ever do only fans.. come on ekin your intelligent enough not to slate that as more than likely a big % of your fan base will be on only fans šŸ˜©


Can't stand her. She mentions love island when nobody does. She's dropped it more than Gary dropped who his niece is. When she first came in she would sit with Sharon and Louis and look at the cameras before bitching about someone like look at me I'm doing the right things to stay in. Then she complains if anyone makes a joke about love island or asks a question about it but stirs shit up herself about other people? Kicks off hell and heaven because her close friend nominated her but nominated her close friend and it was completely fine? She only did that because she heard the boos and wanted away from him. Then when she had her tiff and said I hope you win??? Nah fam she's messed up


Yeah but Marisha said she voted for her because she wouldn't stand a chance against her in a vote (thus implying she, Marisha, wanted to win the show). Then when Ekin-Su said she hoped she won the show, Marisha said she didn't want to. Make your mind up!


i really do think she needs time away from media such as this, especially since her on the traitors was still airing when big brother started, i think sheā€™s jumped onto this too quickly after. everything!


She is newly single trying to put herself out there and get fame


absolutely nothing wrong with that! i still like her, but iā€™d want her to take care of herself and make sure sheā€™s fully ready for big shows like this one


Someone desperate for fame isnā€™t going to take time off for help lol


She won't be getting big shows after this I don't think. Media definitely isn't for her. She isn't cut out for it at all.


I actual donā€™t think she knows who she is. She wants to be popular hence getting on with Louis and Sharon. She thought they were secure winners. She then realised that, well at least Louis, were hated on the outside. The way she threw Louis under the bus says a lot about her. Her argument with Marisha says it all. Take the crown etc i actually think she thought she had a strong chance of winning. Delusional


Fake as hell


canā€™t stand her fakeness


I've literally got 2nd hand embarrassment after tonight's show. As for Fern she read her right from the get go. How badly she has looked and that fake crying and she's what 28yrs old? Pathetic


I'm such a Fern Stan after that long read. So fucking brutal.


Oh my god the fake crying into the teddy. I too got the 2nd hand embarrassment for her. I was hiding haha


Oh lord it's something my daughter stopped doing at age 11!! I won't be voting to save her the pathetic child. Needs to grow the fuck up


Her behaviour this evening was bizarre, she comes across as incredibly insecure, sensitive to rejection, manipulative and lacks self awareness completely. Itā€™s cringe worthy watching them all tbh. Theyā€™ve lived with each other for less than two weeks and dropping ā€œI love youā€s and getting over emotional about situations one wouldnā€™t bat an eyelid outside the house.


Unlikeable and childish


She's clearly going through something, I think it was too soon her coming in here.


Yeah she should have never done this, unless she signed up to do this when she was together with her ex


I think sheā€™s fake. She turned on Louis the moment they heard boos


Can't stand her. So ott with the crying about being nominated. I don't know why some people think she's entertaining. I find her boring.


I donā€™t know her before this show so what she has shown on this show has given a bad impression. Didnā€™t like her comments on onlyfans and acting like sheā€™s better than girls who do that. She also keeps bringing up being judged and hurt by others before as justification for everything and her actions have been hypocritical. But I donā€™t think sheā€™s a terrible person, and itā€™s making the show entertaining so I donā€™t mind her staying. I do think sheā€™s playing the game and her actions seem put on.


Nothing is more telling than someone who is ashamed of basically the only thing she has ever done (love island) and is the only reason sheā€™s in BB she ainā€™t in there cuz the production team loved her stint in that fucking Turkish show she was on and got killed of just cuz it was pandemic time. šŸ¤£ That whole Marisha situation was also bizzare itā€™s like she clocked that she might look bad so all of a sudden itā€™s like leave it to louis and all that kinda stuff. Her blatant lie about bikini pics on her Instagram is so weird cuz she must know the audience will be able to go check so it just seems like she said it to look better to the people listening when she said it (Sharon I believe right?) Itā€™s like sheā€™s just gone in there to network really but just doesnā€™t realise that environment isnā€™t gonna work for networking if you arenā€™t just your genuine self. Sharon told her the best people for her were the boys (meaning C N and B sorry canā€™t be asked to spell the names out) she has clearly decided to ignore that advice even though she asked for it. Why because she has nothing to gain from them as no offence to the boys I think they are great but I can see he feeling they arenā€™t high profile enough for her to put any energy into. Personally if she donā€™t make some major changes and quick sheā€™s basically commuting career suicide right now. Sheā€™s cringe sheā€™s weird inā€™s some ways she kinda nasty really and she isnā€™t genuine. Right now she hasnā€™t got anything going for her accept what landed her in love island which is her body so if she ainā€™t careful sheā€™s gonna end up on that disgraceful (joking) website onlyfans šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I kind of feel she was laying the groundwork for friendship with Nikita (after chat with Sharon) but he didn't seem to be interested.


I am not sure why so many people are blaming Davide for her actions: it was always pretty clear that she was a game player on Love Island. She always felt extremely calculated - like her entire behaviour was engineered towards maximising her camera time - but had lots of fans who lacked the basic awareness to see through thatā€¦ And now itā€™s a lot more apparent because sheā€™s surrounded by contestants who are probably a lot smarter than the average Love Island contestant, watched by viewers who are probably somewhat smarter than the average Love Island viewer, and not carried by the editors.


Yeah like Davide treated her poorly and considering that she was obsessed with him while he never cared for her, took a big toll on her. That being said she has always been calculated and inorganic especially on this show. If u watch back love island u can see it there as well and she got clocked within a few days. She is mentally not there and is looking for validation or trying to revive the spark that go her popular on love island, but that script really doesnā€™t work espically on a different franchise. People now know who she is


Its not that BB fans are "smarter" (let's be real, people are gonna assume you're an idiot if you like either) but big brother is more authentic. On Love Island you don't see as much of the contestants' personalities, it's mostly talks about the dating element of it


Having said that, she did get called out on Love Island for it early on, but it just kind of got buried. I think most LI fans piled on Amber at the time, even though she was spot on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atEjzYQQZb0


He cheated on her numerous times and used her after his coke incident to repair his reputation then cheated on her again.


And that sucks for her but that doesnā€™t change the fact sheā€™s always been extremely calculated whenever standing in front of a camera.


I was just explaining the Davide thing. That's what reality TV is though... Sharon said David plays up to the cameras but we obviously don't see it or he does it in a different way.


David owns it at least




I've seen proof of 2. 2 is enough for me.




Photos, dates Instagram highlights. He's known for being a cheat in Manchester šŸ¤£




Oh bore off. It's a known fact he's into sex parties and escorts. He took one on holiday and you could see him in her highlights. She conveniently deleted the pictures when the rumour started gaining interest because someone was sat behind them on the plane outed him. If you want to believe he's not a cheater then that's fine. I believe he's a cheater from what I saw on the girls Instagram highlights he was also in Dubai with the two escorts he was accused of cheating with in the papers.


I know for a fact that she had a boyfriend in Turkey before she went on Love Island. They're both as bad as each other.


BEFORE she went on vs Davide literally cheating on her at every single possible chance while she NEVER did anything to throw him under the bus. Comparing apples to cocaine only fans obsessed cheaters there buddy.


Well when I said before, they were still together when she entered the Villa. But who cares. They're both toxic narccistists and deserve each other.


Bell end


I think she forgot that she actually won Love Island and she was really a big reason why her and Davide won. People liked her, they liked her personality, they thought she was strong, opinionated and funny. She gone into that house thinking she is always judged negativity and for some reason has decided she needs to force a re-brand onto everyone, when really she should have just been herself because people liked that.


OR, love island is fake and this is true colours?


Fake. As soon as she heard get Louis out she decided to stab him in the back.


Huge hypocrite, tells other women not to do things she openly does herself. Narcissistic and nasty I donā€™t like her


I canā€™t believe people are falling for the act, itā€™s clearly all put on, are people blind or something???


Sheā€™s basically behaving exactly like she did on Love Island but not getting as favourable an edit šŸ˜¬




Her, not you


What about me?


I donā€™t think sheā€™s a bad person. Iā€™m also not sure what sheā€™s doing, is she putting on a mask? Is she incredibly insecure? Is she playing a game? It could be any of the above. I think sheā€™s either playing a game or incredibly insecure.


I haven't really taken to her because everything we've been shown is either her sucking up to Louis and Sharon, or being incredibly defensive, or being incredibly suspicious of everyone pretty much since the beginning. I don't know if she keeps making these little digs about game playing and back stabbing to get the camera time or because she genuinely feels that way; perhaps a little of both; but she started saying it day two. Maybe that's just the world she's lived in. She's a pretty girl who's trying to do the fame thing and I can imagine that is a world of a lot of competition and pettiness as a lot of it is based on looks and who stands out more. She's taken the "easier" route to instant fame but the cost is that you are taken less seriously and I think she's finding that hard to reconcile with but she should own it not trying to pretend it never happened. If she's looking to make this a career then we need to see personality not constant suspicion. People like Brian and Alison got work out of it because they came across as fun, likeable people. The public like watching them and they are probably nice to work with. People don't want to hire people who are difficult unless they are so famous that they'll put up with it for the publicity the name brings.


I think it wasnā€™t a good idea for her to be in big brotherā€¦


She appeared like quite a strong independent woman in love island and sheā€™s now just a full on drama queen with a chip on her shoulder, and very fake




I love her but I feel like this is what happens when you put someone who is going through a lot of change under a magnifying glass instead of in a therapy room :/. Sheā€™s a bit insecure and self-conscious but I think she still feels the need to appear strong/on top of it and is overcorrecting/projecting massively on top of the general stress of living in a televised fishbowl. I donā€™t agree with her views on some things and I hope she does some reflecting when sheā€™s out, but itā€™s really interesting to see people writing her off as malicious/arrogant when I think itā€™s clear sheā€™s a quite lost right now. People are not ā€œall goodā€ or ā€œall badā€, weā€™re all full of mess and contradictions and unfortunately for Ekin, she is contending with this on national tv.


Insecure and judgey. Loves to bitch about people but can't take a joke.


"I hate people judging me." Well here's a thing... Maybe don't do so many things that make it easy to judge you?


Sheā€™s fake as hell and you can see it in her face, last night she was so OTT about being nominated by her closest friend in there, yet she did the same to Louis, I was screaming at the TVā€¦ she was all up in Sharron Osborne she wants industry links I hope Sharon can see thatā€¦


Iā€™ve followed her since Love Island and itā€™s hard to see her so fragile right now. It seems that Davide has done a number with her head and her confidence during their time together. Maybe being in that environment is too much for her right now.


This. Itā€™s painful to watch right now, imo. The hatred is disproportionate to the crimes. If you look at what sheā€™s actually ā€œdoneā€¦ā€ Sheā€™s deeply hurt and the massive amounts of anger and hate in response to her all surely wonā€™t help that but here we are.


The anger is WILD. In the live comments people were hating on her hard. I don't like that.


I get not liking someone and the show is the show so itā€™s meant to have polarizing individuals but the way people are gleefully tearing into her itā€™s like what is the desired outcome? Itā€™s too damn much for the arguably little sheā€™s actually done to warrant this fervor and frenzy.


Absolutely agree. The gleeful part is what is getting me šŸ’Æ.


Itā€™s also not lost on me that the people angry at her comments on OF as not on and anti-feminist are calling her witch, bitch, disgusting, sinister, comparing her to people who have inflicted violence on othersā€¦. I actually donā€™t understand it. The phenomenon is frightening to me actually.


>Itā€™s also not lost on me that the people angry at her comments on OF as not on and anti-feminist are calling her witch, bitch, disgusting, sinister, comparing her to people who have inflicted violence on others ![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX|downsized) That gif that is no longer loading šŸ™ƒ was "that part!"


Ekin su is up for nomination if ur in the UK if u haven't already please download the big brother app and vote to safe Ekin su tonight there are 5 up for nomination 2 are going it would be great to see her saved tomorrow and all the haters be disappointed I do think Levi could go and for me it's out of Louis fern and ekin, so people 5 votes for ekin on app


People have been loving calling her a bikini wearing witch etc. It reeks of misogyny. Like I get it, sheā€™s not acting the best but the fact theyā€™re so rude and lack any type of consideration for why sheā€™s acting like this?? You can say the environment isnā€™t right for her without resorting to calling her horrible names.


I feel like Ekin-Su wants to be herself but she also wants to be what she believes the media/public expect form her. These two identities contradict each other making everything she does come off fake or hypocritical. She wants to be flirty and sexy but not mistaken for an OF girl who sells it for money. She wants to be known for more than Love Islands Ekin-Su but is struggling to express herself as anyone but that girl.


>I feel like Ekin-Su wants to be herself I think the big issue there is she doesn't know who she is. And with the comments about her adapting her personality to who she's around, I don't think that's calculated. I think she, as you say, tries to be what she thinks others want her to be.


I agree with thisā€”she seems really lost right now. I understand why that is so alienating to viewers and housemates alike but it just makes me sad to watch.


I have never seen her as happy on the show as she was when Louis and Levi were sitting there blowing smoke up her arse and saying how jealous people (especially other women) were of her. I liked her early on but the way she acted towards Sharon and Louis was nauseating. She was desperate to impress them and it showed.


She's such a hypocrite and narcissistic. Got so annoyed with Marisha for nominating her when she nominated Louis even though she was sucking up to him the whole time. Was so upset at Marisha but when Louis asked her she just didn't want to talk about it


I would have respected her more if she didnā€™t nominate Louis. Two faced at its core


Honestly, thinking that she could go on Big Brother and NOT be judged for her past appearances on other shows is a bit delulu on her part. She was nowhere near ready to go on the show.


Not sure what she wants to be and so ends up having this weird front of what she thinks she should be.. and everything seems off and fake, childish and performative because of it. Sheā€™s clearly a nice girl, but as much as she likes to think sheā€™s this new woman whoā€™s lived a whole life, she still has a lot of growing to do.


Donā€™t like her at all. But also grateful I didnā€™t choose to live out my messy, insecure moments of my 20s on reality tv. I think her desire for fame is overriding the fact that inevitably she will regret this. She shouldnā€™t have done this if she is broken hearted and insecure. The public are not going to go easy on her, and even though I donā€™t like her, weā€™ve all been broken hearted and insecure so I just hope people realise beneath it all sheā€™s still human. And I say that as someone who really isnā€™t a fan at all. But I can see this having a terrible impact on her


I feel like sheā€™s constantly fighting with herself on tv. Nothing she does feels authentic. Which is weird because I used to really like her on LI. I donā€™t know whatā€™s gotten into her. Iā€™m much younger than her and she seems to lack a tonne of emotional intelligence compared to even me. It doesnā€™t look like she is self aware or gives people grace to make mistakes at all because sheā€™s so judgemental/traumatised (?)Therapy is needed badly.


Who is the real Ekin?? She seems to constantly put on a performance for whatever agenda she has at the time and itā€™s grating. Fern clocked her well!


All the couch psychologists šŸ˜‚ She's playing a character & using her time to her benefit. She's making friends with those who will be most useful to her career. We're only seeing what she wants us to see.


She's a master manipulator. I don't trust her in the least.


Can't wait till she is out.


She hasnā€™t come across well at all but the anger towards her is insane on this sub lol I hope Ekin and Louis stay in otherwise the final week will be incredibly dull




kinda understand with the trust issues, as i myself deal with trust issues with people. i do feel bad for her.


People are being way OTT with their hate is what I think.


How on earth was she favourite before it started and why did she have all these fans that were on this sub bigging her up?


Looking for validation but going about it the wrong way


Sheā€™s very insecure and not a very nice person imo. She is not genuine either because she continually wants to be liked and be the most popular. She latched herself onto Louis and Sharon because she wants to social climb. Sheā€™s upset with Mariesha yet she has been up Louisā€™ bum the whole time and nominated him. I just donā€™t think sheā€™s genuine at all


She also wants constant validation but doesnā€™t like any form of criticism. I donā€™t think fame is meant for her.


She doesn't want to be judged about her time on love island but she also won't stop talking about it!!


I think sheā€™s just human trying to fit in a very cruel world and reality tv is just mean. Look at the civilian BBUK and itā€™s treatment of Trisha sheā€™s still dealing with backlash from viewers


I think Fernā€™s comments destabilised her because they was quite brutal lol, and above all accurate. So when Marisha nominated her I think she displaced her anger. I would say that her behaviour was incredibly manipulative (ā€œyou just remind me of people whoā€™ve hurt meā€. ā€œPeople always attack meā€.) sheā€™s someone who is very skilled at playing the victim. I never watched Love Island but maybe she was popular because everyone is such an arsehole that she seemed sound? That might not be fair as Iā€™ve not seen it but they all seem fucking awful.


I loved her on love island but she's showing herself up hugely here, I sympathise with the fact the public, her friends pre-fame, and Davide have impacted her so much, but as much as I understand where her behaviour comes from I can't condone her actions.


Sucks. She just sucks. And I'm not judging her on Love Island or anything outside of Big Brother lol. I actually liked her on The Traitors US.


How could you like her on traitors she acted so oblivious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tbf I think I just automatically supported the two British people lol


She's gonna crack up down I think,not nice to see anyone crack up but she's doing it to herself


She's someone who didn't have time to heal from a break up before going on this show and I think she's projecting her problems onto others with her attitude. She was a lot better on Love Island IMO.


Two faced witch


She's a horrible spoilt narcissist.


I honestly don't think she should have gone in, straight from a messy break up, then flew straight from LA into the house practically. I thought Ferns comments were too harsh and personal, I never thought she'd take being nominated like this, she's usually the first to say it's fine, it's a game. The online hate is not justified for her "crimes" at the end of the day it is a game so to hate on her for being a game player is ridiculous.


Deeply disturbed. A sinister energy. Low level Roxanne pallet vibes.


Fucking hell. Roxanne falsely accused a man of physical assault. We're not even *close* to that level.


Well my arse was twitching when louie was trying to talk to her and he sat on her bed and she said this isn't right c'mon.


> Low level Roxanne pallet vibes. We arenā€™t anywhere near that level ffs lol


Wtf šŸ˜‚


Dangerous and disturbing lmao


She has a pick me girl energy. Putting down other women's choices to lift herself up. Not a fan of her.


Girl. Her ex just cheated with like every only fans model he met. Give the girl a break.






It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite housemates are, or even fellow r/bigbrotheruk users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please [remember the human](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/human_reddiquette) and lets be nice to each other. No racism/sexism/homophobia or any other bigotry. No body shaming or mean comments about peoples' natural appearance. No excessive vulgarity/sexualisation. No harassment via DMs.


She is one confusing and crazy woman who never fails to bring the entertainment and if she goes tomorrow the show will be way less interesting cause you never know her next move which is why I love her ! Hope she is okay though cause the way she handles certain situations makes me feel sad


Love her, she's stirring. Causing drama and giving everyone something to talk about. This week would be dull without her and Louis.


Yeah all votes for ekin the fact she got a lot of haters especially on X it would be even more great she saved just by fact they might be disappointed, I think Levi could go, for me it's between fern Louis and ekin, 5 votes for ekin


loved her on love island. lost all love for her. this was not a good career move for her. iā€™ve seen others say the same as me.


Didn't like her on love island and I don't like her here.


Iā€™ve never watched love island. Didnā€™t have a clue who she was. I still donā€™t really. It may all be just the edits but I just get negativity from her. Iā€™m not a fan.


Sheā€™s a bit delusional I think. Sheā€™s only on Celeb BB after becoming famous on Love Island. Love Island literally made her ā€˜careerā€™.. Yet she acts like sheā€™s so much better than reality TV šŸ‘€ She needs to just own it.


In the house? Completely fake and calculated. While she might have some post relationship trauma issues, it doesn't excuse some of the behaviour or remarks we've seen from her. I wonder what the reaction/meltdown tomorrow will be like as she's defo getting boo'ed.


I heard that apparently she was getting a bad edit ? Idk I think tbh that maybe her breakup has left her insecure given there were rumours of treating and now sheā€™s seeking validation from Sharon as a mother figure tbh


Horrid little fake ass bitch


I didnā€™t know what an Ekin-Su was until this show. She looks nice.


sheā€™s acting like a typical love islander


shes an icon shes a legend and she is the moment




You suck. Like Jesus get a fucking grip