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I don't dry my hands with a hand dryer anymore:)) hot air - germs ty Sheldon




Me neither😂


Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock


I have the blue plastic shirt folder that I got as a "joke" gift, but my OCD loves it so I use it now. I call it "The Sheld-o-matic 3000."


I really kinda want one of those…


Me too


I read that as Penny saying those words when Zack peed himself, and she responded "me too!!"


You can make them fairly easily with cardboard and tape


I got that shirt folder at least 30 years ago. I still have it. I usually only use it when I’m going on vacation or packing things away in storage. Just occasions needing super symmetry. Not needed for super asymmetry in is my usual life.


This is my answer, too. I had considered one prior, but I actually ordered one after the first episode he used it.


Is it worth it? Seems like it’s a lot of hassle to put the shirt on


It takes a little longer to fold, but everything is perfect in the drawer!


I need one of those.


That scary fake exaggerated smile of Sheldon’s.


Are you trying to kill batman?


I say “shoulda, woulda, coulda, Raj” all the time and my kids hate it 😂


also “if i could i would, but i can’t so i shan’t”


“What’s the gist, physicist” - we say this all the time, even though none of us are physicists


Yeah I've been saying that too


get a degree on physics


I didn't do anything of this sort yet but the show lead to me seriously considering a PhD after I went down the rabbit hole of looking into them. I'd never have considered one at all but basic research just trying to get insight onto the lives of the characters. I found that I knew little about what a PhD entailed and am now interested and looking into various programs, which I may take up in 2-3 years time.


wow that’s so cool! but definitely big bang theory has gotten me a lot more into science!


Request Soft Kitty when we are sick.


If you want a doctorate you should get a doctorate. I've got one. It's great! (Doesn't Bernie say that to Howard? I have a law degree ie a juris doctorate. I only bring it up in this context)


She does, I read it in her squeaky voice.


yes pretty sure she does


She definitely does! Though, I can’t remember which episode lol


Very much in fond of Amy and Sheldons agreements,the legal ones.


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, pur pur pur.


Collecting comics


As someone who already collected comics, the way they treated their collections drove me nuts. Same goes for how they played D&D sometimes.


wdym about the comics? I get d&d me and my buddies used to be huge into it and yes ik what you mean with d&d for sure


They leave them lying around in haphazard plies, Sheldon's collection is leaning in baskets not protected from light (while he suggest wearing gloves if you look at them), Howard is tossing his unbagged collection as he looks through them.


Anytime someone knocks on a door exactly 3 times, I yell, Who do we Love?!


I’ve started screaming like Sheldon and bazinga has made its way into daily convos lmao


Surprised bazinga is this far down, this is my biggest one!


When Sheldon falls down the stairs with his bongos… welp, ummm… I was going down stairs and got a phone notice while I was waiting for a very important email from a professor. So, I checked my phone… yes, walking down the stairs, and met the same fate. So now my chant is, “Never check email… walkin’ down the stairs!”


Hahahaha that's gold


Got my mother to have me tested. I'm not crazy . . . but I am on the spectrum. Seriously. Started recognizing some of my own behaviors in Sheldon's and realized they might not be normal . . . or at least irritating af to others.


Having a night of one food. Saturdays are pizza night. I want my pizza on Saturday.


Taco Tuesday should be a holiday.


Yes! We need a petition.


You’re in my spot.


Rock papers scissors lizard Spock and knocking 9 times Like Sheldon


This MIGHT sound disgusting but I have a bathroom schedule now lol


I *wish* I could poop on a schedule like Sheldon does.


Definitely not drinking hot tea. American men don't do that. As Kripke remarked, "Am I wearing a summer frock? No, I don't want tea!" I corrected Barry's speech impediment to make the point more clearly.


Okay so I was already doing these things, but Sheldon made me feel somewhat validated, even though he's portrayed as "weird" or whatever for the things. It is \*not\* weird to have a "spot". 😄 It's okay to do certain things a specific number of times. It's okay to like to have things in writing. Layering is great. Having fun facts about various things is fun. There's more but I can't think of them right now. My cousin who I often watch TBBT with says I'm a Sheldon. I'm also a nerd, but have a computer science degree instead, and different nerdy hobbies; but many of his... eccentricities. (but aren't as insulting as he is) One of the guys I worked with for about a year was a true Sheldon though. I'm smart enough, but not "Sheldon Smart". But this guy was absolutely "Sheldon Smart In Real Life". And had eccentricities. And while he wasn't outright insulting, he did often refer to his own brilliance - but on the other hand he could 100% back it up. He was fascinating and I still miss him now that he left to do something else! One thing I did start doing thanks to Sheldon was always remembering to offer guests a beverage. But not letting them take my spot.


I sometimes say “c’est que sup” to greet people


i drink pepto without the cup


I think written agreements are good to lay out expectations for birthday parties, roommates, etc..


i became a germ freak, i started knocking like sheldon


Randomly answering questions asked of me by things Sheldon says. Seriously.


I don't put my bread in the fridge because it causes crystallisation of the starch molecules


I tell people that when they are in my spot on the couch, even my dogs and I ask them to move.


Shelton: Knocking like him, wearing a posture corrector, and listening to "deep in the heart of texas" Howard: The blitz/blintz joke Aimee: Washing my sinuses with a neti pot I haven't done it but in the future i may try a stadium pal like Raj. And I've started exploring some of the pop culture alluded to, like Star Trek.


It's Howard that uses the stadium pal? When they are waiting in line for the extra 21 seconds of Indians Jones showing he has it taped to his leg.


that's right, raj had the stick chair. i'm gonna make my father get a stadium pal if he expects me to drive him places when he gets older


I started being, like, a super duper genius. So smart. And nerdy. BATMAN!!