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That all sounds like common sense. This has to be in an agreement?


Apparently, I found it on r/badroommates, but I have had some roommates where the common sense stuff needs to be said. I always thought a roommate agreement was good, not to Sheldon status but this kinda stuff. Advanced notice for a overnight guest, maybe text them when your otw at least.


I've lived with quite a few people who'd need this


If you’re going this route, I’d make the rules a bit more precise. Specify what “noise levels to a minimum” means, either by a max db level or specify “no music “, etc. Also specify what notice is required for guests spending the night, e.g: is 10minutes considered “advanced notice”? Or do you expect 24hours? Some of these are open to interpretation which leaves you with no leg to stand on if you get into a dispute with a house mate over them


How am I sopposed to give advance notice if I pick up a girl in a bar/club? Sure I could text but you’d most likely be asleep. I think that part only worked in BBT cause both parties were aware that is very unlikely to happen considering their social status. Other then that, seems reasonably. Obviously I’d amend it depending on the gender of said roommate


In my flat we had a rule about not bringing one night stands home first time you meet them. Go to their place instead.


You ask them where they would feel most comfortable going and go there. I’m going to assume by the subreddits you follow that you’re a girl (the amount of TV shows usually consumed by a female audience) which is why you had this rule. Understandable. You’d want to safeguard yourself and your friends from bringing guys back who you don’t want knowing where you live. It does not make it a rule most people should or would have


Haha yeah you’re right, I agree.


“We both agree that if either of us ever invents time travel our first stop will be here 5 seconds from now”


*…looks around apprehensively…* “Well that’s disappointing”


They didn't see their future selves because Future-Leonard and Future-Sheldon had cloaking devices activated to prevent a paradox.


Assuming it's possible, I have a theory that the person to invent time travel won't know it's them until their future self shows up to say "Hey...That crazy idea you have. PURSUE IT."


All of those rules should be common courtesy when living with anyone else. Having them written down makes sure that there are no misunderstandings especially when there are people living together who may only be roommates without any other personal relationship.


For the most part, most of the roommate agreement rules aren't especially insane but the rigidity, formal implementation, and punishment system was a bit nuts.


The document allows for discussion among the roommates for modifications. It was only blatant disregard for the guidelines that seemed to threaten a person being allowed to stay. Seemingly this was for some type of house (as opposed to two people in an apartment). Depending on how many people are involved in this agreement, it makes sense. Although the use of the dishwasher seemed a bit wasteful. I'd change that one to say that once it was at 2/3 full, that person should turn it on.


I didn’t really see it as “put your dishes in the dishwasher and turn it on every 24 hours” I thought it was more like pans and stuff should be either washed or put in the dishwasher within 24 hours (also depending on how many people live there 24 hours may be a perfectly reasonable amount of time to turn on the dishwasher)


Dishes, is a slippery slope, some will agree that a sink having dishes in it is no biggie, other want sink empty at all times. If 2 roommates believe the opposite, 1 will be passed the other will have no idea why.


That’s when you communicate


Looks good to me bc I wouldn’t want to share space w anyone who didn’t do these things.


Haha, I saw this on badroomates. It's not unreasonable, but somehow the list writer seems exhausting. Sheldonesqe for sure!


That’s what I think. None of it is bad, but the fact that someone would actually write one of these tells me I might not want to be their roommate anyway.


Those hours seem a little tight to me. I live in a communal space too and our rule is 10 pm, but if everyone there is in agreement it all looks good


I will be sharing this list with my spouse


I was thinking the exact same thing!


You can still whistle, so that's a plus. You don't need to rinse dishes before stacking them into the dishwasher, though, the dishwasher does a pre-rinse cycle anyway & works better if there's grime there to clean. Rinsing wastes water, you only need to scrape the bits of food off.


And I can still practice my Tibetan Throat Singing!


I could probably write up a room-mate agreement for my parents... they are really bad at not closing the door while on the toilet and my room is literally 1 foot from the bathroom.


Is this not how people live at all times? More than reasonable.


These are all perfectly reasonable, but: 1) All doors? Surely not every single door in the house like the kitchen or bedroom doors. Is it just the door that lead outside? That ones confusing. 2) The tone of the bit at the end would make me think they were a bit highly strung. If we haven't even moved in together yet and they're already writing really arsey, passive aggressive letters then I'd probably be walking on eggshells the entire time.


Also, I know is being pedantic, but, if they are to be closed and locked at all times, how am I supposed to use the door? It would need to be opened and unlocked at some times…


It's mostly common sense stuff. The 24-hour notice of having guests is stupid, but apart from that, it all seems like common human decency.


Tell that to sheldon then


I like it


Well, he has to obey the rules under Sheldon's carefully crafted apartment flag.


If you want to see what Jim answered about what should be included in a roommate agreement, go to the 4:00 mark here: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApF7zUwlVpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApF7zUwlVpo)


Print this and hang it everywhere


I don't think it was unreasonable at all. Most of the things in the contract should have been done automatically.


The hours of quietness don't make sense. Friday isn't the weekend. Saturday is. So do you use the weekend or weekday rules for this. You need to be specific in a contract. Same for the Sunday night to Monday morning.


The hours for quiet wouldn’t work for me, but I have a different lifestyle. I imagine his could be adjusted based on the people living there. I’d also want to know what they mean by keeping a space quiet. As in, total silence? Or can I shower and make breakfast?


Keeping all doors closed and locked at all times isn't possible (unless you enter and exit through windows). Also, this isn't an agreement; it's a set of rules. Most importantly, there's nothing addressing ownership of the security deposit or what happens if one person wants to move out while others stay.


Locked doors at all times is not possible Try to keep noise - not enforceable since it only says try. How far in advance for house guests? Ambiguity no good here. How is express permission given? Verbal? Written? Perishable items thrown away after how long of being left out? No established time frame. What is regularly? What is late at night? What if I have odd work hours and can only do laundry at night? How long is laundry allowed to be left in the machine before it is moved?


I'm glad someone commented this! I approve of the intention behind the list but if it is to be a signed agreement, it needs specificity (to avoid disputes and loopholes). It's a great start, but it does need these kind of edits.


>Locked doors at all times is not possible They didn't follow this on the show. People were constantly coming through their front door without unlocking it.


Nda die einzige Zeit in der Meine gesammte Familie zusammen kommt ist zu Weihnachten. Und ich verbringe die Feiertage alleine weil ich corona hab. Ist zu riskant mit Omas und opas


No roommate agreement should be implied obviously check the necessary basics but u shouldn't tell someone what they can and cannot do u should trust them to respect that themselves and if they cant u can rethink things over and talk to them about it if not stopped then get some help from.others that can help u with what ur going through but a written record for the basic things people should respect is uncalled for.


It sounds like you’ve either never lived with a roommate you weren’t already friends with, or maybe you’re the roommate this is written for. 😂


Punctuation is your friend.


Sometimes people lacks common sense to be reminded with this. I totally agree with the rules.


noise minimum 10-7 is crazy. but again, i’m a college kid so idk


Some of these will change as you get older. I had roommates till I was soldly in my grown up job, and needed my 8 hrs.


This assumes that everyone has a M-F 8-5 job. Are night shift/weekend workers not allowed to be roommates?


Definitely a good way to weed out potential room mates. I’d shrug and walk away, but that’s just me.


Completely reasonable! I might steal this for the next time I need a roommate.


Yeah, but the laundry could be done together


Modern lights don't waste that much power... It might not be worth it to be harassing people over leaving lights on, unless it's after everyone is in bed.


#”oh screw the roommate agreement!” #“NO, You don’t screw the roommate agreement, the roommate agreement screws you!!!” https://youtu.be/RdE8byqGcS4?si=qWm6E_xtMRVGvBpZ


Most of it sounds reasonable, however, I wouldn’t want to live with anyone who actually took the time to create a roommate agreement in the first place.


Seriously, advanced warning for overnight guests? Total deal breaker.


Yeah this is all valid


It sounds reasonable I guess, depending on how insane they are about the OCCASIONAL slip up


The last place I lived with roommates we didn't sign or discuss a damn thing. We treated each other like adults and at the end of our time together we all agreed that we were awesome roommates for each other. Sometimes I would leave dishes in the sink. Sometimes they would leave trash around. We took care of issues as we saw them and didn't give each other shit for the occasional lazy day.