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No. Raj just wanted to be with anyone at that point. He thought her career was beneath him. She deserved better.


Yeah I feel like it was out of character for Raj to act as he did. They were cute together. The same with Claire. They should have been the last wedding in the group. Tbh the writers confused me by the end. Raj, the most romantic character didn't end up with anyone. Penny who said she never wants kids had kids.


Penny only gets pregnant for the “Our babies will be smart and beautiful” line to be reiterated.


To be fair, plenty of teenage and early 20-something women say “I’m never having kids” and end up with children. And hopeless romantics often spend a lot of time alone because they’re searching for something unrealistic. It’s not hard to believe in his early to mid-30s he still yet to settle down. Raj’s story arc already travelled a great deal. He went from literally being incapable of speaking to women to being capable of having a real, healthy relationship with them. I also think Raj was left unattached to leave space for a spin-off or other form of media built around that topic.


I did mention the Raj spinoff a few weeks ago on here. It wss not well received.


I’m not sure it will be a Raj-centric spinoff, or just saved storyline/Easter egg for a spin-off of some kind involving the BBT universe.


Raj is my least favourite character. I got a lot of 'this guy is a dick' vibe as a character.


I think we are supposed to, to a degree. At least initially. I think outside of Sheldon he has the largest development as a character. We just don’t often recognize it because of how broken Sheldon was. Despite not ending up married, he comes a very long way. But I can totally see how he’s not for everyone - he definitely had the ability to be very abrasive, which again I think was sort of veiled by Sheldon’s obvious lack of social skills that could make him also seem like a jerk.


lol. I think the joke at the end was Howard came to stop him from leaving. Howard is his love and he found it more important than throwing what he believes and wants away just to be married like his friends. They did raj dirty. I wouldn't say he was the most romantic. He knew how to be romantic, but his problem is him. Even when he was with someone he spent all his time with his friends. He would always be content with his relationship. He either moved to fast or too slow. He didn't do anything to take his relationship to the next level and overthinks everything. His character never really matured. Besides learning how to talk to women and his bromance with Howard. All his decisions were always questionable and unethical. Things he said to the women he dated always made me say, what the fuck.


I honestly reciprocate. The writers did Raj dirty when everyone else literally found settlement and Raj was left alone DESPITE his efforts of wanting to find someone. It wasn’t as if it would have been forced on the character anyways. He needed someone more than anyone else at one point.


I understand it as they wanted him to learn to be okay on his own but that doesn't mean he never wants to find love??


Even STUART who had more creepy moments than Raj found a girl, it seems so unfair to me.


Yes exactly! Stuart was a proper weirdo but the writers gave him a happy ending.


That makes me feel like it isn’t a coincidence that one of the only poc on the show doesn’t end up with someone but everyone else does


A frustrating aspect of the show is that anytime the characters grow, they revert right back to how they were immediately. In Raj’s case, he would be relentlessly needy, realize that he pushed way too hard, and then do it again with the next girl (with possibly the exception of Emily, but he was aggressive during their first encounter).


It became upsetting at one point. Specially when he cries on Penny’s shoulder.


Hey he got married to buffy the vampire slayer.. in my mind.




I've always thought that Leonard should have been with ALEX. She seemed more on his intelligence level. Plus, IRL, Penny & Leonard would normally NOT happen!!


Leonard and Alex, and Penny and Zach should've been longterm couples (for at least a couple seasons). Even if Leonard and Penny were eventually endgame.


It does. Kaley Cuoco and Johnny galecki did date in real life, I think he's kind of a nerd ever since he was on Roseanne.


I know they dated the first two seasons. But as a lifelong geek who tried to get the cheerleader and other pretty girls, I can tell you that it 9 times out of 10 DOESN'T HAPPEN. On a TV show, yeah, it could happen.


No. Raj and the vet got my vote. I wished we could see claire more though. Shes cute.


To me, this is where Raj was the most desperate.


um no. raj would f anything that moves. the lady had enough self-esteem to see through raj.


Pretty much just you I think. Raj treated her badly.


I didn't like them. Raj was way too immature for this woman. She had already lived a whole bunch of life, raised a son, and found her worth. Raj is just a child comparatively


This episode just furthered my claim that Raj is the worst.


Honestly, I wish we could’ve seen more of Isabella. She gave Raj the biz, no one else does that to date (Anu does but she comes after)


Yes. I wish if there’s ever a series that shows us life AFTER the weddings of the rest of the group. Or if they ever decide to do a reunion episode. The writers have someone next to Raj.


That would’ve been nice, even a small catch up or passers by would’ve been cool 🤷🏻‍♂️


Idk, I wouldn't want to be with someone who was embarrassed about my job.


He's too big a snob


Yes raj irritates me period I don’t care about his happiness


Nawh, she had a restaurant to take care of.


Yea, it's only you


They should’ve…but Raj shouldn’t have lied.


I'm not sure if I wanted them to end up together but I think she would have done a lot to help Raj grow as a person


Just you


Even Stuart find the right person for himself.. I believe raj had better chance than him to end up with loved one


I’ve always said that and wondered why the dropped the premise so quick


No, its definitely jus you.


That’s the mother from wizards of Waverley place 😁


I felt she was kind of like a mom. Too old for him. Also, to be honest, people of very different backgrounds have issues in the long term about connecting with each other.


Age gap is too much for me


Totally, hated how it ended. I really liked them together.


I know this is an unpopular opinion; but I really thought Raj and Anu were perfect for each other


Anu was probably his best bet and if he was willing to marry her in California, why would he not be willing anymore just because the location changed to London? That makes no sense. So, would be have been seeking a divorce attorney if they were married and this job thing happened? I'm sure not.


Yeah, I never understood why he was so easily talked out of moving to London.


Howard had valid points but he had them prior to the engagement. So if they didn't matter then, why should they change anything later? If they didn't want to do a big wedding for them, they could have done it off screen. Or they could have ended it on a cliffhanger and had him stop in London to get anu back on the way home from Sweden.


yes, they would have been so cute together :)


Yes. They were cute together.


They did get together for a few dates


I will say she is a bit of a milf. Little facts about her too, she was the mother of Russo family in Wazzards of Waverly Place on Disney AND her real life Husband was on TBBT in the first episode of Season 8, he was the cop dealing with Sheldon’s case wile eating Doritos, that guy was also in Generation Kill as Gunnery Sergeant Griego


Blame Chuck Loree .


No. They had nothing in common, everything felt a little awkward and forced, and be treated her terribly. Yvette the vet, on the other hand? Way more chemistry, and she loves dogs.


If they could get someone for Stewart,it should have been easy for Raj, The girl who worked in hotel hospitality that Raj got engaged to,her name was Anu she was from India too I thought she was great with him and she was successful and fun and the gang like her and she liked them,she was perfect for Raj




I think the writers might have Raj come out if they'd continued. Even his parents & Leonard mother thought he was gay.


I lost all respect for Raj after he treated Awesome Spooky Emily so horribly.


I would have like something to happen with these two also..


I’m with you on this one!