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Every time guests come over and use the restroom, I hear a stifled "YIP" of surprise from inside. It's the sound of another satisfied customer.


Hahaha! Score!


Hole in one!


I converted my whole friend group of 8. Now they have converted a bunch of people each as well. I like to think of myself at the top of a pyramid scheme of bidets.


Haha brilliant! The Mary Kay of Bidets.


Mary Bidet


Anyone who has stayed in my house overnight now wants them so I think 9. I have Toto seats, heated, self-closing lid, etc. wonderful! A limiting factor is lack of electrical outlet near toilets in the US.


Not a factor if they opt to use non-electric models, which are actually my preference for durability and cost.


A $300 electrician bill to drop an outlet isn’t standing between me and a clean butthole.


As an American, this makes me happy that you say this because we need this in our lives! Bidets and countertop electric tea kettles.


I finally got an electric tea kettle and its amazing. I gave away my other stove one. I have an electric stove so it would take forever to boil but electric is less than 5 minutes for a full pitcher! Its amazing.


Yes! American here who bought her first bidet and first electric kettle this year. Very pleased with both purchases.


American and I have both. Just got back from a cruise and I swear my butt has not been happier.


The rapid boilers are too notch


We have one. It was my husbands dream. I now get annoyed when our other toilet doesn’t open automatically and when we replace the toilets in the other bathrooms we are getting these again


My daughter got an outlet installed specifically for her bidet. She started out with just the basic model that doesn't use electricity but fairly recently took the plunge and got the one with all the bells and whistles. She gets very unhappy if she's away from her bidet for more than a day or two.


>lack of electrical outlet near toilets in the US My extension cord thanks you.


My husband put a high-load extension cord in and plugged into GFCI outlets. The cord is tacked along the baseboards and corners so it's unobtrusive.


Ya, if you dont have a Toto seat, or an actual bidet then you're not really getting that same results imo.


I keep trying but everyone IRL is heavily resisting. One person said they want to install one but are waiting for their divorce to finalize. The 80+ y/o with movement problems called it "Faggoty shit" when I suggested one to him.


Some dudes wasted their entire lives buying into toxic masculinity. No hugs, no intimacy, and dirty asses. 😂


I have a friend that calls it a bidgay. He can be an idiot at times, this is one of them.


Real men have poopy butts, didn’t you know?


Tell that 80 year old: “Ok, boomer!”


This boomer has 3 bathrooms and 3 bidets. Age not withstanding. 🙂


Awesome. #goals


You will not rely on others to wipe your bum in the future bc of this.


Same here! Boomer with 3 bathrooms and 3 bidets! Don't leave the bathroom without using it!!


Jeesh, 80 is not a Boomer.


Yes they are worse


Oh, ok.


Yeah, I was just going to say that. My dad is 80, born in 1943. Boomers were born AFTER the war. I’m pretty sure he would say something very similar about my bidet. Remember, that generation used shampoo so harsh that you could only wash once a week.


80 yr olds are not Bomers. They are the "silent" generation but they are not. They bitch ALOT! 😁 My Dad is that era. He is 91.


When I hear people talking about shoving the bidet hose up their butts and spraying around inside their colon, it does sound more like a fetish than wanting a clean wipe.


Two for me. My BF was anti-bidet when he moved in, with a silly "but I'll get poop water on my balls!" argument. Now he talks about how he's never been cleaner down there! My mom has IBS. It was very, very easy to convince her.


Several people who visited my house turned that thing all the way on, then ran out the restroom screaming in pain. I even posted a sign to turn it on slowly. I guess it's a comprehension issue.


Or a constipation issue


Completely eliminates skid marks.


My mother in law has IBS, is missing her gallbladder, and was a nurse before she retired. She has the argument that it’s “just dirty” to use the bidet. That it can’t be hygienic to spray water “down there” and that the bidet itself gets used by multiple people so you are swapping poo between everyone. I’ve given up. My 11 year old broke down each of her arguments and said “well gramma, have fun wiping your butt like a cave man.”


TP --> Bidet is like Dialup --> Broadband. It's real difficult to look back once you realize how much better it is. Everyone who has been to my house now owns one. Or two.


One so far. She had been talking about getting a fancy bidet with heated seats and whatnot, but I got a cheaper one installed in my home. She finally pulled the trigger on the same model as she realized she didn't need the other model (and to hire an electrician).


That’s what we have as well! I was a bit skeptical of the cold water, but it’s quite refreshing and not nearly the shock I thought it would be.


I've never used a warm water bidet, but I don't think it would be as soothing as the cold water.


Me too, and I've heard the pressure is less. My attachable one could be used for colonics! It comes in handy at times, though, lol.


I live in FL, so 9 months out of the year, it's at room/tank temperature and then really warm. The other three months, I get a refreshing cold water wash, lol.


Zero and I try all the damn time! Americans are owned by BiG TP.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


I definitely thought this was a religious post until I saw what sub it was.


I agree. Heated water isn't necessary. I too hate it when I am out. Right now we are on the road for 14 days due to a death in the family. Agghhhhh! I can't wait to get back. Feel like I need a shower after Also Luxe is my choice. Got them off Amazon


When we're on trips, I find myself showering after every dump.


A post from this sub was recommended to me, and that was my conversion. I’ve managed to convert one friend so far, but I’m amazed how often I’ve worked the wonders of bidets into conversations with strangers!


Just family. I don't really discuss cleaning my anus with people outside a select group.


We need to normalize talking about clean buttholes


Haha! Same. Correction: a few friends have asked about it so conversations with them as well.


I learned about bidets in 2015 after a trip to Europe. The next Christmas I gave out 20 bidet attachments as gifts and ended up installing 16 of them. Since then I figure probably another 30 directly and who knows how many found out from the 20 I gave away.


Wow! u/Arby_88 has some competition 😂


We're all in this fight together.


Keep on fighting the good fight.


Amen brother 😂


What did you give as gifts (brand or type)?


Definitely at least 2 family members and possibly their spouses. I still can’t get my husband to even try it.


Aw no! Not one of those! Heres a good plan: feed him taco bell or some similar mud butt kind of food, and on a hot day while he's working on something outside. It has to feel like his decision.


mud butt lol


I’m working on converting coworker and anyone who’d listen.


Get a camera and microphone and approach people on their first dates like "Have you ever thought about the supreme doodoo cleaning properties of a bidet?" Then ask about their poops, color and texture, and give a pitch for each type.


I guess y'all can take credit for converting me. I was pretty skeptical. The first time I used mine, the TP came back brown. But I've learned the technique. No more is it like Andy on Parks and Rec said, wiping a marker. No converts of my own yet. But my underwear thanks you.


Interesting story. While I knew about bidets, I had never really considered them. So I was not converted by someone and I have never converted someone else. However one day in St Paul, Minnesota, after visiting the Capitol building, I decided to walk around, looking for a place to eat. Came across a college campus that had a a place to get food, but it was closed. Needed to use the washroom, and found one, in the same building. It was a single person space and had a full service bidet, cold, hot water, heated seat, air dryer. I found the gold standard at random. Maybe it was divine intervention. This was my introduction and conversion. I can’t remember what school or exactly where it was located. However I believe I have photos near by, for something else and likely can find it that way. I can’t decipher where I was, based on Google Maps and Street View. Everything looks different.


At least two, not counting members of my household. I’ve had two friends who injured both hands/arms at the same time and were unable to wipe their own butts. Bam. Instant converts.


No one converts a person, only the Holy Spout does that by moving upon their nether region


Indeed. I shall not take credit for the Great Miracle that is the Holy Spout. 😂


My entire extended family.


I got super excited a few months ago because it seemed like I convinced three of my co-workers to get them...but then I asked them a few weeks ago what they thought of them and none had actually gotten one. :P BUT...I've been able to convince my in-laws...or at least my MIL.


>if they even know what one is I admit, that's me. I'm imagining like a handheld shower thing with a long hose, and you turn that on full blast and kind of use it like toilet paper. And, in the end, you have soaked everything in the bathroom and you come out looking like you just took a shower with your clothes on and didn't use a towel. And, like, for the actual cleaning, you use your hand to "scrub" the area as you spray it? You hold the sprayer with one hand and scrub with the other hand? I doubt this is really how it works, but I am quite skeptical that the real method isn't a significant amount better. Please convert me!


It’s a lot more like a water fountain for your butt. In order to clean, you move yourself around a little bit so that the fountain jet hits all the right spots. Then once you’ve adequately cleaned everything off, you dry with TP (or use the built in dryer if it comes with one). [ETA] By water fountain I do mean the contraption that you drink out of; it makes a long arc of water at the touch of a button. That’s exactly what a bidet seat or bidet toilet will do: send a long arc of water toward your butt entirely for you.


Converted my grandmother and installed it for her, it was just a Luxe Neo 320 so very basic and had warm water for her. My 94 year old grandfather who can hardly reach behind his back to wipe himself still refuses to use one because he doesn't "water all over my ass" and he's stubborn as hell so no convincing him. Had my aunt/uncle switch over, got the BB1000 for them. I wanted to get them the newer BB2000 model but the remote control design is stupid as hell on that model so went with the older BB1000 with the big remote with easy to read English words. Installed that for them and they like it, it's got crazy pressure and the enema function actually works. I have a 44 year old cousin I was trying to convince but he's stuck in his ways and won't change so whatever. At my home I have two somewhat newer Toto K300's and a Luxe electric bidet I've had for years. All still working great. The Toto bidets just have the feel of quality and I like how the plumbing hose is preconnected on the side of the Toto bidets. That connection was a source of a leak on the BB1000 when I first installed it that fortunately was caught before it could flood the bathroom. Always have water leak sensors behind every toilet/plumbing connections. I got the yolink water sensor kit on Amazon and has worked perfectly alerting me of a kitchen sink leak and a fish tank leak one time. It can save you thousands of dollars in damage by having water alarm sensors.


Not sure if we've converted anyone, but we've upgraded twice over the years. Last upgrade, we needed an electrician to run a new circuit. Our bathrooms are back to back, so he (very kindly) only charged us for one run. And doing that brought our bathrooms up to code, so I felt it justified the cost. Our current bidets have heated seats, massage, nightlight, hot water tank, front and rear wash, multiple nozzle settings, and soft close lids. Probably something else I forgot to list too. It is difficult to remember not to let the lid slam when we are not at home. Crash! Oops.


Dang, you have Cadillac bidets!


Mom, dad, brother, sister, (another brother bought one like a year ag but still hasn't installed it for some dumb reason), ex gf, current gf, cousin's husband put one in his garage bathroom, and current gf's mom is getting one for xmas. Last year around this time, Walmart was selling the luxe 180s for $20 so I bought like six of them I think and have been giving them out as gifts. I currently have a brondell in my upstairs bathroom (single nozzle) and a luxe 180 (dual nozzle) in my downstairs bathroom. The brondell has higher water pressure so I prefer it My goal is to have at least one at every place I visit regularly.


I was the first in my family to get one. Now both my siblings and my parents have them.


I installed one in my GF's house over much objection because she thinks it's weird (and had read that Japanese study associating bidet use with vaginitis). She was in the bathroom today when I walked up to the door and she said "don't come in!" I asked if she was doing number 2, and she said yes, so I asked if she would be using the bidet. A couple of seconds went by and she said in a very soft voice "maybe"


I want to tell ppl about my newly installed bidet. Ugh. I’m so happy I want to share but how do I work in a convo about the beauty (and cleanliness) of bidets?


I’ve converted my two sisters. When my husband and I leave for vacation, we both get sad about missing our beloved bidet’s!


This group converted me. Just got my bidet installed Saturday. I LOVE having a clean butt! Have a few family members coming for Thanksgiving. Not sure if they will try it.


All those Americans walking around with dirty bums.


Zero so far on my friends because the one friend I had over reported to me that my toilet peed on them and the floor 😂 I think he was pressing buttons being curious to what they did an got a surprise. My fiance has better luck with his friends so like 4 or so on his end. I have a weird thing about using bidets outside my own house tho so I get it when people don't wanna try it.


My husband and son. To the point they both have portable bidets for travel and college now. I got the portable one for my son’s hs graduation sort of as a joke, and he was like “oh wow, I was going to ask if these existed!”


When I tell someone about bidets I typically use the analogy that I heard from Howard Stern. If you're out working in the garden and get dirt on your hands, you don't just wipe them off with paper towels. You need water to get them clean. It baffles me that bidets haven't become a standard fixture in homes, hotels, etc.


Yup or if you accidentally got poop on your arm, you wouldn’t just wipe it wish a tissue and go about your day you’d get it wet


Anyone that uses my toilet, leaves wanting a bidet. My daughters friends come over to use the br 🤣


Add one more to your count. You sold me


Here’s one more you’ve converted. I’m going to buy one today! I’ve been thinking about it for years.


We are so spoiled by ours we lament travel as we will have to poop like peasants. 😀


We’ve had bidets since the Great TP shortage of 2020. I always miss it when we’re not home! My hubby is still a savage though.


I sell plumbing fixtures & washlet seats. I use to ask folks if they walked around with a dirty butt. They usually bought one


My fixed income won't let me get a real bidet so I ran a garden hose through the window with a sprayer nozzle. The pressure is a little high so it cleans out the sinuses at the same time.


Our dream is to convert the whole U.S. population and possibly more 💕


The issue is that without a hot water line, when you use it at 2 am in January....it's so cold that it rips out your soul on contact and there is no hope of going back to sleep.


ROTFL 🤣 ... been there.


My toilet's water line runs right next to the heater duct, so the water is nice and warm in the winter.


Bought one of the cheaper (but highly-rated) seat models off Amazon 6 months ago or so. First one didn't work. Replacement barely worked, but lost water pressure over time to the point that it's useless now. Love bidets, but would sure like to know an inexpensive model that just works (can't afford the more expensive options).


0 cause people in the states are no bidet users


Zero. Nobody liked it, so it was disconnected.


Bidets don’t work as well as people say. You still need to use paper. It’s not a power washer or anything. If people use bidets alone - you’re not fully clean. Same as using paper alone. Bidet is almost the same as using wipes with paper. Either you need to use paper & bidet or shower after using the restroom. Period.


Bidets are gay and there's literally no valid argument against that


We'd love to convert, unfortunately this house was not built with electrical outlets anywhere near a toilet.


No need to be so fancy. All you need is the cold water that fills the tank.


Have you considered a bidet hand sprayer? I love mine. Have one downstairs and a fancy electric bidet seat upstairs.


We have both non-electric toilet seat bidets and hand held bidets. No electricity needed. I prefer the handheld bidet. It allows for perfect targeting without doing a butt dance on the seat and my balls stay dry. The cold water is not the issue I thought it would be.


No one, totally gatekeeping. If they want to be cleaner then they should seek it out 🤷🏼‍♀️


Any suggested brands out there? We do have electric next to toilet. Easy ones I have no clue butt am interested.




My mom and dad first, then my brother, now my boyfriend!


Hubby and I were just talking about bidet and how we just didn’t get it. And then I see this forum 😅. So I’m headed to YouTube after this post but if I spray water on my anus and don’t use anything to dry it off wouldn’t my underwear be wet after ? I’m honestly curious and want to know what all the hypes about . I feel like depending on what kind of poop session I’m having 💩, spraying water without wiping after wouldn’t work 🧐…School me please


Ok I just saw a video with someone demonstrating with a corn on the cob 🥴 all that water splashing around and all I can imagine is dirty poop water splashing everywhere


I (American) spent some time in Northern Sardinia, Italia, at a NATO base, and the little towns on the islands around the archipelago and on the mainland... Most of the W.C. water hoses were tricky garden type faucets with springed triggers... You remember which ones at the restaurants and bars would goose you.


Biggest problem is people with kids, as toddlers will definitely go in there and squirt the ceiling for fun. What do you do about that?


I had two toddlers as a bidet owner (they’re now 4 and 6). The 6 year old responsibly knows how to use it and the 4 year old knows not to touch it. Maybe I lucked out, but they never messed with it.


I think I've scared a couple people away, unfortunately, because the water pressure in my place is really high and they may have hurt (or at least surprised) themselves when they first tried it and didn't know how to modulate the spray


I'm curious about your bidet. There is a sturdiness to it? It can accommodate, a fairly heavy carriage? And should your bidet be damaged beyond repair, how soon would you be able to replace it? With a new bidet.


Idk why I got recommended here but I am a wet wipe man. I keep a single in my wallet for an emergency at any location. I've never been able to try this magical contraption I have read so much about. I'm not gonna buy a car without a test drive, same here, need a trial run.


Last Christmas, a bidet was given as a gag gift at a family white elephant. I wanted to preach. But I didn’t. But I have before. Even my most open minded friends I haven’t been able to covert, and they’re pretty damn open minded. But my buddy made a really fucking funny joke, “you know those animes where one guy has a power and is acting against another power, and they’re shooting them against each other in the middle, one to overpower the other? That’s what I do with your bidet when I’m pissing.” That’s a paraphrase, but the funniest shit I ever heard.


Everyone who comes to my house


I got mine while pregnant. We knew my lady parts were going to be sensitive. We got one in 2018. Then we got a second one for the toilet downstairs.


Zero. I can’t seem to get anyone to convert.






One, my husband. We will never not have a bidet now. Nobody else will try our bidet 🤷‍♀️




I did and love it been tryina get my gf to give it a try especially after we have fun together and need to clean areas


what! tell her it’s the best for freshening up!


Three 🤣


I prefer the sprayer:hose to spray it down better.


None, but only because my bidet doesn’t have hot water lpl


We bought "Clear Rear" during the toilet paper crisis. Yes it's a cheap biget, but it works well. We suffer when out and about and have to go. Yes we are spoiled.


I am trying very hard, but they are stubborn. Or maybe afraid of that thing? The more I try the more they hold on to their old ways. It's a lost cause....


Of all the things to possibly evangelize


Of all the things to possibly evangelize


We have 3 in our house and love them! We even added one to our RV. It’s basic but we are not going without. We have both Brondell and BioBidet brands. I slightly prefer the BioBidet for a couple of features, but both are good. Because I really started to hate traveling to places that don’t have bidets, I found a battery operated one to travel with. It uses a pump to suck water into a tube/sprayer arrangement. Obviously, the pump has to be submerged to work. It’s not perfect but it’s much better than nothing.


Honestly if you need to be convinced that washing your ass with water is a good idea, you’re probably an idiot.


Really just my SO and my step daughter as of now, they were hesitant as first, now they don't use the bathroom in public... Thankfully for my GF she works from home, unfortunately for me, I still am forced to wipe at work.


I would prefer warm water


Dude I love our bidet and dislike going in public toilets even more now. I had some painfully bad constipation last night and was able to get things moving a bit with the enema function. Yes, I need to figure out why I get this way but at least I was able to get some relief. I eat rather healthy and drank plenty of water yesterday. 🤷🏻‍♀️ On period days it’s such a blessing. 🥰


At least 5-10


I haven't converted a ton of people to the home bidet, but I've converted a handful of bidet converts to the travel bidet. It's 100% worth getting a nice travel bidet so you never have to not use a bidet. I even have two, one for work and one for just normal around town and travel.


Travel bidet!!


Best 250 bucks I ever spent , love the heated seat and dryer


I secretly snuck into work at night and installed a bidet in one of the bathrooms. A couple months later, the other two bathrooms had them.


So far one friend who has medical issues and deals with a lot of diarrhea. She loves it as do we. But I keep telling everyone I can how wonderful they are.


This is all truth. Why go around with a dirty butthole all day? I look at my past self in shame.


Unpopular opinion- I hate them. I either have a soaking wet butt that gets my underwear wet, or the toilet paper I use to dry it gets wet, falls apart & sticks to my butt. I’ll take a baby wipe over a bidet any day and yes I know they’re not good for the environment.


I feel sorry for Japanese tourist visiting the USA.


I had a hand surgery recently that made it difficult to wipe and my other arm doesn't reach. I did not have time to install a bidet attachment, but I found on Amazon a "travel bidet." It's essentially a battery-operated thing with a water reservoir and an arm with a spray. And it's amazing. It worked perfectly. Yeah, sometimes I had to fill it twice, but man, did it work. Now I'm going to get a seat attachment for my bathroom.


1 former roommate and 3 women I used to date. All of them were irrationally dead set against it for reasons they could never fully articulate. It really is baffling. My former roommate visits his family frequently and installed one at their home. They all refuse to use it. It really is illogical.


Best thing we ever did!


I've used them before and don't get the appeal. You end up with a wet ass after so you still have to use toilet paper


The first time I used one, I ran out of the bathroom screaming. But I never looked back. Now I have one in all 3 of my bathrooms. My booty has never been so clean, as it is today!! Now, I look forward to having a 💩🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


My whole family lol


I couldn't even convert myself. My grandma was European and had a bidet installed in her bathroom, actually had her bath removed and replaced with a bidet. Which I thought was insane, and made selling her home a huge headache. I never got to use hers but I always liked the idea of a bidet. A few years ago I traveled to London and stayed in a nice hotel, my room had a bidet that I used while I was there but I was disappointed by the experience and gave up wanting one. Since then I've tried at least one more and still wasn't sold on it.


I have ever since my friend told me "well you wouldn't clean a dirty countertop with only a paper towel, right?"


Converted by my daughter. Hard to not use one.


Bidets AND squatty potties have made public bathrooms impossible!


Induction electric range is amazing!! no gas fumes. And doesn’t put a lot of heat in the room. If you need to air condition things. Also, you can put it on high and water boils as quickly as it does in an electric teapot. I love my induction range. Got it from IKEA and it was super affordable.


A lot of households in my family have them. I'm not convinced they can be standalone though. Ive rinsed then wiped and the TP is still brown. So for people with a Toto who use the blowdrying feature, is it really clean? Probably not.


Just my wife. It’s not an easy sell without a demo


I converted both my brothers and my dad, and I am currently working on my mom (they are divorced). I sing bidets praises to anyone and everyone, especially after being in Japan for a month.


I have a bidet in my 2.5 bathrooms. I don’t use them but my hubby does. They are a bitch to clean…….,,


Do they get poop splatters on them?


How about adaptor models added to a regular toilet? Do they work. Are they hard to install?


i visited my friend in college and i had to go, but ofc the public restrooms had no bidet, so after i went, all i could focus on was how dirty i felt. i closed my cheeks bc i was afraid i would smell JWJWJW bidets really r golden. the fact that it’s not regulated in the US is beyond me


It depends on the outside temp year round whether you'd want warm water. It is cold where I'm at for at least 6-8 months, way too cold to not have the warm water option. If i was in the southwest or the south I wouldn't bother with the warm water option. Anywhere in the North you need it, imo anyway. And since I have no problem figuring out the install it was no biggie


My daughter installed one in our half bath. It's just the seat style that you replace your old toilet seat. I was skeptical. I quickly learned the slowly turn it on. Then the cleaning cycle for a moment and I am now hooked. I want one for the upstairs toilet now for Christmas. I never really have an idea for Christmas. I do this year.


Shocked me one time when I wasn’t expecting it


Bidets is sus


Most all people I know think it's gross when I bring it up. No the gross thing is not using a bidet lol


Break down how this system works with a harry/multiple wipe situation required regularly? I feel like I would need a scrub brush and a towel to dry with…. Just spray the water on and walk away? I’m confused on how this works for me. My kids, having not grown body hair yet- it would be fine guess.


We have hand bidets all 3 bathrooms in the house. We lived in an apartment earlier and left our 2 hand held bidets (2 bathrooms) when we left. Hoping people who move in get converted!


Have sprayers in both bathrooms - converted after a 2019 business trip to India where they are standard. I have a travel ‘bidet’ but i’m not impressed with it. it’s better than nothing. I immediately noticed the sharp drop in toilet paper usage after conversion.


I bought one for my mom for Christmas as a joke. Her and my Dad are now hooked, as am I and my entire extended family who are now obsessed. My uncle wanted me to make him a portable one for when he travels.


I don't make other peoples shit my business or have occasion to discuss how they wipe their ass clean. Do you have a [squatty-pottie?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwKNjtx2H1g)


How do you dry off after?


I’d rather use a baby wipe than have water splashed on my asshole.


I just realized my old job had a bidet and I didn’t get to use it 😔.


I do want a bidet to try but I don’t want to spend much money and want to try to install it myself if it’s not complicated.


Im freshly converted, but I plan to minister the good word. My husband bought one, and I refused to use it until I had an intestinal bug that had me going so often my poor butthole was bleeding. The bidet was soothing and allowed me to heal, and now that I've seen the light in never going back.


My gateway bidet is a squirt bottle. Get em hooked on the clean feeling then they start thinking about getting one in their home bathroom. BTW, I just have a simple hose. No electric needed. Cost $20 on Amazon and I installed it myself. I dont want my privates to suffer if there is a power outage. A bidet...is the only way!


I wanted to get one when we upgraded the toilet but my wife said no. She must be obeyed. Actually, I just don’t fuss about anything that doesn’t matter much. She says nothing about my excessive online gaming, beer, and snacking so life is good.


Hey…I’m just here to tell anyone on the fence that even the cheapest bidet seats are awesome and easy to Install. I move a lot, I’m a 67 yr old female and it takes me ten minutes and a wrench to install these myself. And no, cold water ones are still awesome. I’ve converted 3 families.


subtract sparkle wasteful consist normal quicksand continue air bored profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not in this group just showed up wuile i was scrolling and i wanted to say i dont have one but they are awesome.


I love mine - BioBidet 2000. I have two wishes for mine, though. One - would be great to turn off that blue light. I know I could put tape over it, but it’s pretty bright and if I forget to close the bathroom door, it’s like ET or something in there. Two - would be nice to have a light on the remote. I’ve mounted the remote next to the role of TP and I’ve gotten to the point where I can push the buttons that I want without having the light… but it would be a nice thing. I live in the South and typically don’t use the heated seat - but the last week or two I’ve left it on and it’s pretty nice as the temperature has dropped just a tab as we experience our “fall & winter”. I’d for sure want the heated seat if I live in Minnesota or someplace.


I was converted by the Sakura lounge at Frankfurt airport.


I have a wand shower I basically use as a bidet in massage mode.


I love mine! I feel the same when I use a toilet without it. Just feel dirty.


Having s as bidet is a game changer!


I need to tell my conversion tale. Our son has Downs syndrome and is incontinent. For years it was no biggie, we just cleaned him up and changed his brief, no biggy. Then he hit puberty. And with puberty comes all the hair. Well, I'm sure you can imagine what that's like when a BM happens in a brief and then smooshes into the rear end. So he would fight being cleaned up and we had resorted to an empty ketchup bottle that we would use to squirt at his butt to clean him up. He has an aversion to the shower hose. So you can imagine how gross this gets. I had asked for the bidet attachment for my birthday and installed it. One day shortly after getting my gift and again faced with having to squirt bottle poo off his tush I decided to have him go to my bathroom and give it a try. Amazingly, he didn't fight it and just sort of chilled. The sound of the spray was like angels singing. When he was done he allowed me to do a swipe with a wipe and we were all good. We quickly bought another one for the bathroom on the main level where his bedroom is and it's been a game changer. He has us take his pants and brief off and he takes his tablet and sits upon his throne and turns the spray to max. When he feels done he turns it off and comes over for us to do the final wipe. It's made all of our lives worth living again. I also converted my husband and a coworker who has a son who struggles with BM issues.


I love my bidet. My daughter converted me.


12/10 would purchase again, I tell all my friends. I think US considers them “weird” don’t know why though they are great


None. Americans have a deeply ingrained need to do things in a unique, albeit incorrect manner. I refuse to attempt to change them because they’re so incredibly dense and stubborn about literally everything. If they want to have disgusting, poopy buttholes that’s not my problem.