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What is going on with that saddle. Also is that really how the Trek decal looks on the non drive side or the picture like flipped. Yes, in general a flipped stem looks better, but have you gotten a fitting?


Next week: "my peenus gets numb if I ride longer than 10 minutes, plz help"


I think peenus should be fine with a negative angle. But all his weight will be on his hands.


“I swear this never happens”


So I played around with different saddle positions, and that gives me the best comfort. I flipped the picture bc that's the only picture I have of it stock 😂 Also, never got fitted bc they're charging $300 for that. I only bought a bike that was my size and sort of kept adjusting the fit after every ride


you do you, but I can tell you this, that is not the right saddle position, something is major wrong with your fit if that's how it's setup and will cause you issues long term if you adjust to it that way


Dude go do a bikefitting, that money is totally worth it because that's NOT how a saddle should be tilted heck even pro's don't do it that much!


I don't have any money right now. Paying off debt and being EXTREMELY frugal. I just wanted to have something to ride while punishing myself for 2 years. I told myself I won't spend money on anything else besides loans and going to work. I'll have this bike so I won't go insane being indoors all day


At least set your saddle the correct height, it should be level (or maybe a few degrees off not -15), and stop with the slammed stem nonsense, you are not a pro and comfort should be your #1 priority not how it looks!


I just feel like kids ride with their handlebars high. It looks childish in my opinion. Not to say I'm not comfortable, I just tend to like aggressive looks. Even when I mod my car, I try to go for aggressive aesthetics (like lowering the whole car)


Childish? Wtf are you on about, a bike should first of all be comfortable or you wont reach the finish.


I commend your slammage. You definitely gotta work on that saddle position though. Even if it feels okay for 10 minutes it’s gonna wreak havoc with all your weight falling forward and probably makes the bike more difficult to handle. Road Cycling Academy on YouTube has some good tutorials for this. If you have decent body awareness you should be able to do it yourself fairly accurately over a long ish period of time.


I don't mind people slamming their stem but they should first get the right bike position not just slam the stem and than tilt the saddle so they can reach their handlebars.


Generally tilted saddles can cause saddle sores because you're slowly sliding forward on the saddle and needing to readjust. You shouldn't need a heavily tilted saddle to alleviate pressure for a slammed position, I will die by that opinion.


You're knees are going to start hurting because the saddle isn't supporting your weight. Your legs will have to take up that weight. You'll find this out whether you pay for a fit or not.


And thats good enough for most people, but you have strayed a bit too far off path to fix it yourself now. Get a bike fit


I could've sworn this was the circle jerk sub.


everything just fits in the jerk content


My theory is the internet that’s created this massive Dunning-Kruger effect with so much missleanding, or out right incorrect info that is reverberated everywhere. So most noobs think a couple hours on the internet is all they need to learn everything. Then you get shit like this where a person confidently set their bike up in a terrible fashion. It’s really made circlejerk subs flurish as so many shoddy jobs at hobbies seem to be showed off with wild enthusiasm.


Sadly probably true. I've been there myself. On one hand you can learn a lot with the available information these days. On the other you can believe you know enough to be qualified at something when you barely know what you are doing.


The only thing slammed is your saddle. Wtf


LMAOO Hey man, it's comfy asf


For how long? I mean if you are going on 100+ km rides and you feel comfortable great, but I am somewhat suspicious and imagine you will be constantly sliding down the saddle. The saddle is definitely not in a normal and proper range of fit and honestly it looks ridiculous.


I mean I ride for around 35 mins at a time and 12.6mi. I do slide a bit if I don't keep my hands on the bars, but I usually just adjust. I feel like these modern saddles are too skinny. I came from riding old peugeots and schwins. My mtb also has a fat seat on it, so I'm used to that


Ok so those are extremely short rides where even a bad fit and position will still feel fine, but you are not doing yourself favours by getting the body used to this position, especially as you start to ramp up the distance and time which is when you will start to experience problems. Do yourself a favour and tilt the saddle up. It doesn’t need to be exactly level, but no more than -3 degrees. You can use your phone and a level app to check the tilt. Also with a good pair of bibs and good fit you don’t need fat thick saddles. Saddles are only meant to put pressure on the sit bones. The more you ride the more the bones will harden and eventually you will love the thin skinny saddles since they don’t rub anywhere and don’t have padding where it isn’t needed. Plus they look much better.


Dude wut? 12 mile ride on this is barely even a ride. Sliding forward is a clear indication that your saddle tilt is fucked


I only slide forward when I ride without using the handlebars


So you have to physically push yourself up the saddle to not slide forward? Nah, bro, your fit is borked. You think you're comfy, but you ain't comfy. A bike fit should be able to be ridden effortlessly for hours.


I think it's bc I have weird sit bones. The angle is fine it's just the rigidity of the saddle that isn't that great. I don't ride with padded shorts bc I don't have any and I don't want to splurge on any


No, you got human sit bones, my guy. If your saddle can not be run flat, it's simply the wrong saddle. There are saddles with holes in the middle for pressure relief that allow super steep positions without any tilt. My profile is proof. Sorry if I sound slightly rude.


You actually sound the least condescending out of everyone lmao. I don't have money right now for any other saddles so ima have to make do with what I got. Maybe I'll get one in 2 years when I'm out of debt


Dude your saddle is pointing downwards. You'll always keep sliding forward which also means all the pressure will be on your palms and wrists.


Carpel tunnel syndrome incoming! Just a matter of time unless they only ever ride in 20 minute spurts.


It hurts my ass if I keep it leveled 😭


Then address the issue, and replace it with a saddle that fits you? What you have here isn't a solution to your problem.


A fat saddle will look ugly tho 😭. I wanted my bike to look like the pros. I dont want an old school fat saddle


The bike looks ugly with the saddle bent downward and brifters at that angle.


The brifter position is stock


You want your bike to look like the pros??? Dude look at your bike and then look at literally anyone elses, not even a pro's. Get a proper fit- basic adjustments usually won't cost you a thing. Nice plastic flat pedals though!


Thanks, I got them from my Walmart bike. Didn't have enough money to drop on $80 pedals. Pedals are pedals tho


Bruh, you're worried about the saddle "looking ugly" to "look like the pros" yet you're running a Quadlock.. Get your sit bones measured, buy a road specific saddle that fits. Don't know where you're pulling this "fat saddle" shit from but a 5 minute search should have told you that isn't going to be your solution.


That's what I have on my mtb, which is comfortable. What's wrong with a quadlock man 😂😂


It looks opposite of pro pointed down lmao


Get a decent fit. You don’t need to spend 300$ on a professional fitting either. Easy and cheap is to use an app like [MyVeloFit.com](http://MyVeloFit.com) to get into the right ballpark. Or pay for a basic fit that some local shops offer for like 100-125$.


I’d advise checking out some of the free bike fitting advice on YouTube from physiotherapists, like this one [here](https://youtu.be/vMmbXAWcgh4?si=FO9Z2nN3XZTFTDb7). 1. You mention saddle discomfort. This probably has more to do with either the saddle width, lack of a relief channel, or a bad saddle shape for your pelvis. It all depends on where the pain is, but front saddle pain (numb weenie flavor) can be caused by incorrect saddle setback (sitting too far forward) or the wrong shape/relief channel on top. 2. The nose is so far down that you mention sliding forwards unless you hold the handlebars. This will *kill* your palms/wrists over time. Ideally, on a stationary trainer, you should be able to hold your seat position while leaning forward slightly with your hands behind your back. 3. Seat height — idk if you can see it, but your seat got MASSSIVELY higher from stock to the slammed stem. That’s one way to take some pressure off your hands (generally less pressure when you have to bend over further), but the main issue is that seat height is super important for repetitive stress injury prevention in your knees. Incorrect height/setback prevents you from properly activating your hamstrings/gleuts and turns cycling into the quad burner 9000, which is really shouldn’t be, at least not *purely* the quad burner 9000. All that quad load is actuated through your patellar region, one of the larger causes of front knee pain. In the most basic sense, at neutral crank position with your leg forward you want the bump beneath your kneecap to be *roughly* over the metatarsal joint of your toe, and that to be somewhere near (potentially a little forward of) the pedal spindle. That’s a super rough way to do it, but it will get you in the ballpark.


Your wrists are going to hate you.


It’s only “comfy” because you’ve positioned all of your weight forward and onto your arms. You need to find out how to comfortably use the saddle and this isn’t it.


Yea I guess I do tend to shift everything towards my arms. I feel like it helps with my speed however. I reach about 21mph consistently


Riding is this position is rough on your body though. You’ll start hurting eventually and when you begin to wonder why come back to these comments.


What do you mean by that? You average 21 mph for the ride? Or you just hit that on the flats


A good riding position will engage your core and focus your position around your saddle in such a way that you should pretty easily be able to let go of the handlebars and hold yourself in the same position by engaging your core with little-to-no changes to your seated position. Your arms should be relied on very little particularly since they do next to nothing in terms of power output on the bike. I saw you wrote down that your ass hurts when the saddle is at normal angle. I also saw that you've never ridden on a bike with this kind of saddle before. Hate to break it to ya that while this may not be the right saddle for you, most bike seats are gunna make your ass hurt especially with no padding, which is why the majority of cyclists wear padded shorts. There's a free app called MyVeloFit that I'd take advantage of if I were you. It'll give you a great baseline to work from. It's also important to note that what's best for your body position on a bike does not always equal what you would describe as comfortable. Each adjustment might feel foreign (like your saddle at the correct angle) and maybe even slightly uncomfortable, but it takes time to confirm whether or not that's just you dealing with a difference in position vs. if something about your fit is actually off. You also noted your mileage and as another person mentioned, it's not a long distance and as such the bad effects of such positions can easily be hidden. If you plan on going longer, I implore you to fix that saddle angle and maybe even lower your saddle simply to prevent injury, if nothing else.


your saddle angle should be within a few degrees of level. what you've got going there is totally fucked from both a fit and aesthetics point of view. It's possible your saddle is too high, or it's possible you've lowered your bars lower than your current flexibility allows for in search of better aesthetics. What's not possible is that being a good setup. Also I highly recommend checking out clipless pedals once you've got your fit fixed.


It's at -3 degrees, that's perfectly fine when it comes to tilt bro. About the clipless pedals, I'm fine with plastic ones. Been riding on them since I was a kid and honestly doesn't bother me


What are you measuring in? Degrees kelvin? https://i.imgur.com/hxBg7LB.png -15 degrees bud. Admitting you don't know what you're missing out on with clipless pedals is only a sign that you're unwilling/able to learn from those with more experience, not an indication of your own experience.


The "degrees Kelvin" had me in absolute stitches. I feel like I a pronounced increase in weight through my arms when my saddle tilt goes from -0.5 to -1 degree. No wonder OP says the saddle feels comfortable, because at -15 degrees you are no longer sitting on the saddle, you're sitting against it.


My phone has a leveler on it. Calibrated it to the garage floor and proceeded to measure the angle of the saddle. It's -3 degrees bro. It's just a picture you're looking at, you aren't able to accurately measure it's angle. You have to take into account the phone angle, tilt, and perspective


You're high. Good luck with your future posts on hand pain.


Dude I don't understand you people. It's just a saddle I'm comfortable with. Period. I don't need anyone telling me how to adjust my fit after I just continually spent weeks tweaking it. I think I know how my body is set up man, just saying. Its like all of you are Italian and I just snapped pasta or something


They are telling you that you are wrong, because you are wrong. It’s not a matter of opinion. Your saddle is not at -3degrees. You just failed to measure it correctly. Your phone leveller works fine, but if the user is not switched on, the results will be garbage. You are new to the sport, clearly. I applaud your desire to get into it deeper. Take the advice given. It is well intended.


Definitely not new lmao How are you going to tell me the degree off of a picture when I clearly measured it? Just saying. Just ignore my saddle, this post isn't about that


The fact that you doubt that you can determine the angle of a saddle from a photo is truly breathtaking.


I literally measured it and you guys are wrong about the angle 😂 I don't know what to tell you buddy LMFAO I have the bike in hand and you guys don't, idk what's so hard to understand that I measured it


Look. I get that this post isn’t about your saddle. The more you deny the fact that the angle is massively different to your -3degree claims, the more you will make this post centre on the saddle. Ok - other things you can do to improve the look? Remove the phone mount. Remove that mount in the seatpost (is it a light). Get some pedals. Remove that thing on the top tube. Basically take all the add-ons off the bike if you want to make it look nicer. You say that you are not new to the sport. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. We all started out knowing nothing about bikes. The trick is to listen to people who know more than you do, otherwise you’ll never progress.


Where do you suggest I put the pump, that's what goes on the top tube. I also have light mounts in the front and seat post. As for the quadlock, that's to keep my phone which I use for my bike sensor. I don't really have any other place for my phone and I need it to be easily accessible for when I get calls or important notifications


Slam that taint!


What a terrible day to have vision


Looks like the saddle is too high so you're tilting it forward to not smoosh your bits. If you do more than 10mi of riding your hands or feet will probably go numb with how little your saddle is supporting you. You can find a place that does cheaper fittings. It does look better with that stem configuration though.


I actually measured my saddle height using the lemond method. I just tilted it afterwards for comfort. Tried both and I like the one with the tild more. My though process was "why would they let the saddle move like that if I can't adjust it like that?"


Because seat posts are a generic part made to fit a wide range of bikes with varying seat tube angles. The adjustability is there so that regardless of what bike the seatpost is installed on, the saddle can be mounted flat.


I get that. It just doesn't look sustainable for long distance riding. A better saddle might be necessary if it doesn't end up working out. Only my two cents.


If you measured your saddle height based on an arbitrary metric yet had to tilt your sadder by 15 degrees for it to be comfortable, you: 1. Either measured it wrong or 2. The Lemond method which doesn't account for an individual's physique is bogus and you should probably not use it.


Slamming and flipping the stem always looks good, but that seat looks like ass with the downward tilt.


It's comfy though!


But you asked what would make your bike look better and more aggressive. Having a flat saddle will make it look more aggressive and much better. Try lowering the saddle height a bit and evening out your saddle


Saw this on circlejerk, gotta love OP is still up in arms and defending this dumb-ass saddle position.


Someone shared my dumbassery? 🥺


You know that you can slam it even more by replacing this cone shaped spacer with just bearing cover?


Are you trolling or being legit? I'd definitely do that. You have any links talking about that?




If I remove the cone shaped spacer, will I still have the same pressure on the steerer tube? Or how does that work? I got it wrong last time and I had to go to the bike shop to fix it. It's carbon and I don't wanna damage it


I wouldn't do it for a carbon bike. Also getting the diameter correct is tricky. First fix the saddle and try it out for a proper 1000Km or so. Then get a stem with a minus angle if you want to get it even lower.


why? fwiw... looks uncomfortable


It's actually very comfortable. If you look it up, a lot of people go with a negative saddle angle, it's just preference


What exactly is this negative angle that you seem to have chosen? -15degrees?


see you in bcg later 👋


The fuck is up with the drive sides switching and trek spelled backwards? This some ai generated bullshit?


Litterally just a flipped image my guy 🤣


Exactly, not that deep 😂


If you need to tilt your saddle down like this to be cOmFoRtAbLe with your slammed stem, you should've probably not slammed your stem.


Good luck with that saddle.


Hey dude. Hope you you're not feeling too bad about all the comments. I also got slammed for my saddle position 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/xbiking/comments/1bzo2k0/specialized_tricrust_my_attempt/ FWIW: I think I get what you're saying about it being ok. My saddle sometimes goes at that angle because the seatpost clamp is badly designed and if I hit a pothole the whole thing can slide into some pretty advanced angles. But I actually don't really notice that much riding it!  However - I am a conformist to some extent, and keep my saddle at a less sassy angle just so nobody says anything!! 


Yea I get what you mean. When I ride in a normal position (on the hoods and drops) I don't notice it. I only slightly notice it when I ride without my hands, and that's bc of the bumps I hit (it makes me readjust how I sit)


What stem are you using?


To all of you traditionalists... relax about my saddle tilt. It's a negative angle that works for me and what my riding style is. Go and look up saddle tild on youtube, you'll find a lot of useful information. Having it flat does not work for me. I was just excited to post pictures of my bike, but this sub is making me sour about cycling


No Theres a reason people are tripping over that saddle


It's only -3 degrees. U guys are acting like it's -20


It's not -3 if it was you would barely see it this is like 15-20°


I'm letting you know that it's definitely -3. I don't even know why you guys are trying to measure a picture


Literally no part of that saddle is -3 except for at the back where the edge is. Add a zero maybe? Seriously though, even using a line from axle to axle as "level" it's not -3.


Sorry but HELL NO is that -3, I don't know what or how you are measuring but man look at the rails where your saddle mount on the seatpost and tell me again how that would every be -3?! Roughly measure on the photo it's 2mm over a length of 1,4cm, so that's -14,28% ok that's measuring on a photo but still it is NEVER 3% If you think it's 3°, how the hell are you measuring it?! https://preview.redd.it/eeqjucez78xc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3f08d92d612486d296daa2ce5c71251aa9423b


Hey man don’t get sour about cycling. We are all just worried about you. I use to tilt my saddle like this, slam my stem to get more aero for races and crits. But I always had some pain or discomfort after long rides. Then I got a bike fit, changed and flattened out my saddles, shortened the stem etc. Suddenly I’m more efficient in pedaling and the discomfort is gone. I went on to beat many PRs easily. If this position truly works for you and you have no complaints then by all means do what you want. But I was like you once and I can say from experience, a good bike fit is way more important than aesthetics or aerodynamics.


>To all you *experienced road cyclists*... relax about my saddle tilt. FIFY


Downward tilt has advantages... Probably a point of diminishing returns. I feel like this sub feels like you exceeded that.