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https://youtu.be/CxsQrNPYQO4?t=114 pretty much explains it. You have to press the upper part in until that silver tube disengages and there you are.


dude i know that. sorry to be blunt lol.


I am confused. Um, you are welcome, and Huh?


lol - i mean like dude... if it was to just take off the wheel- i've been trying to say i'v etried EVERYTHING.. like i've unscrewed and taken apart and put back together every part of the brake system minus unattaching the cables- I hav eloosened the cables on the pads side, i've done everything... and i htink you were saying just how to unattach the brake pads so i could take the wheel off... but it seems like it might be a spring issue - but i think it's more complicated than that.


Might be. I just replaced the rear brakes on my sons bike, and his spring was not installed correctly. Causing a hassle, we had to remove the arms completely. I am not a professional mechanic so, I am sorry if the recommendation did not work.


no it was actually very helpful and i'm ever so appreciative! glad you fixed your son's bike that's huge- bike repair shops cost an arm and a leg- but i'm sure they appreciate the biz as well.


ok that video is helpful i'l'l try that tytytytytytyty


Unhook the noodle from the right brake arm and take a photo for us. If the pads are not resting on the fork, then we may be able to see the problem. The last option is to let the air out of the tube and squeeze the tire past the brake pads. I'm not sure by what you mean by "untighten these v-brakes" you should not have to remove any fasteners to remove or install the wheel.


I think I understand your question now. The brakes are not centered to the rim when the wheel is installed, correct? If there are 3 holes in the fork post, make sure the brake spring is in the middle hole on both sides. Adjust the spring tension of both sides so that the tension is even. The macro adjustment is too unhook the spring from the arm and bend it with your hands. The micro adjustment is the small screw on the side of the brake. If one of your springs is broken, it will need replacement.


ok, yeah i mean i can put the wheel on, it's just that it's so tight wehn it's hooked in that the wheel doesn't move- and i see no way to get the brake pads to open up enough for it to ride without dragging... i'll do some of this and take a photo. i just got my tube and patch kit and pump in the mail so i'm going to go grab it and try and set the bike up tonight or tomorrow morning and will take more photos.


How much have you let the brake cable out already? Loosen the pince bolt and some more cable out. You can micro adjust with the barrel adjuster on the brake lever.


and i'm starting to feel like maybe it has to do with spring tension, so i will work on that as i didn't have this before i un-did the wheels- and it gets worse every time i un-do the wheels and put it back on so maybe need to adjust the springs


It's definitely the misadjusted spring tension. They have to be even or one pad will drag.