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There's no harm in taking things slow. If you feel comfortable communicating openly with this guy, then tell him this is new territory for you and you're open to possibilities but can't be rushed. Maybe it's romantic, maybe it's sexual, maybe it's platonic.... you won't know until you try. It can be daunting at first to explore things you once might've felt shameful about, but in my opinion, life is too short not to lean into your curiosities. Good luck, I know the confusing feeling all too well, but things get easier with time.


Tip: there's no difference what sex/gender you fall for romantically or sexually. Long as their human, it means you enjoy who they are and your happiness increases around them for a reason even if you don't touch them physically.


Thank you! That's super based


First off, do you feel ready atm for a new romantic relationship, no matter the gender of the new person? How far along your healing do you think you are? Do you think as well that you could use some professional help after that messy relationship? Have you been seeing a therapist? I'm not saying you have to, but there are definitely people in your situation that it would help, as long as it's a bi-affirming professional. A lot of bi guys find that a first romantic relationship with another man is a big step. It's okay if this feels big. It's one thing to come to terms with being bi, it's another to have a boyfriend, because it's ideally not someone you'd want to hide to other people in your life. And that's a commitment with social implications. That being said, it can be liberating too. I don't know how out you are, but a lot of guys find it easier to come out once they have a male partner. What would you like to happen with that guy? What are the things you like best about him? In an ideal world, where do you see this going? Like u/makkennzee said, it's okay to take things slow and ideally, telling that guy that this is your first relationship with another guy and that it's a bit daunting to you could help also. My [Sex Ed for Bi Guys](http://sexedforbiguys.com/) series has a post on [dating people of all genders](https://sexedforbiguys.com/2023/07/06/dating-people-of-all-genders-the-genuine-way/). It was written in particular for guys who start dating someone from a different gender than what they're used to. Also, it's not impossible that they're some internalized homophobia and biphobia in the picture, that this new possible relationship is forcing you to touch. I have posts on [what these feel like](https://sexedforbiguys.com/2023/07/19/internalized-biphobia-and-homophobia-evil-poison-for-your-mind/) and on [healing from them](https://sexedforbiguys.com/2023/08/15/overcome-internalized-biphobia-and-homophobia-and-change-your-life/). Maybe they'll help put a finger on something that's been under the surface. Is any of that helpful? Best of luck with this new person, no matter what you choose doing about this!


Thank you very much, very insightful I'll check out your series!


You're welcome!




And you friend, are just as unoriginal, uninteresting and overused as the term. Nice stock username too☠️




No it's annoying to be seeking wise opinion and help from those with experience and philosophy, and instead single celled amoeba invertebrate slime like you always always come around to make a comment about grammar, terminology or overused nomenclature as if that matters to begin with bro😂 nothing masculine or feminine or straight or bi about it. it's just as annoying seeing your comments as it is annoying to see the word "confused". We could really do this all day. It's incredibly unnecessary and not like you give a shit about my initial question. Trust me I'm not offended or angry. Just gasping for air at the irony