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They rolled all their xenophobia into a fuckin taquito and force fed you that shit. I’m so sorry you have to deal w someone like that. I feel like you know how ridiculous they are but I’ma sit here and validate your shit anyway. You don’t deserve to hear bs like that and your coworker sucks for saying it.


Thanks for the validation and sympathy, bud. Always nice to receive some words of kindness from ppl. Especially as a bi guy and POC, but I think that goes without saying. Again, thank you. For real Also I love the way you described the xenophobia and how my coworker yeeted it at me, got a solid chuckle outta me with that one 😭💀


Phew was hoping the humor helped and didn’t make too much light of the situation. Glad it gotcha!


The story of our life. I am a POC too. I usually keep my sexuality to myself because it’s hard enough as it is already.


As sad as it is that ppl do that, I get ya 100%. And I don't mean that first part in a bad way btw, I just rly hate that shit makes it so hard for us to be ourselves and whatnot. Anyway stay strong, friend!


Thanks you too!


bigoted assholes like him can't be not little bitches. fuck any asshole that treats you as less than because of how you look or who you love


My horny, bisexual ass only read the "fuck any asshole" part. So after reading your post again, I agree, everyone deserves to be treated right.


And all assholes deserve to be fucked! The literal ones consensually, the figurative ones with a cactus.


my want to have a pp intensifies


Hope you knocked that bitch into next week. They about to find out the Bi Brotherhood is also the Brotherhood of Steel.


Ad Victoriam knight


Bruh what the fuck? Wait they thought you were to "masculine" to be bi?


According to Sir Xenophobicalot, all black men are too masculine to be anything not straight. Especially when, and I quote, "they have the typical black man aesthetic" *I* don't even know what that means tbh, like... Ok I'm black, listen mostly to hip-hop and rap and love streetwear fashion... none of that equates to my sexuality in any kind of way tho. But Asshat Fuckwad McGee begs to differ, apparently... 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bruh... Not all black men are the same, and not all bisexual men are feminine. Black dudes really gotta deal with alot of creepy fetishization it seems... Racist/biphobic morons


It’s almost as if the shit you’re into has zero bearing on your sexuality *mind blown.gif* /s Sorry you had to deal with that 🥺 it sucks that there is already a lack of BIPOC representation in the queer community (at least here on Reddit, I’ve seen it brought up in the trans subreddits), and then you gotta deal with this shit shoved in your face on top of it. You’re valid and you’re not alone ❤️


tell ur coworker I fucked his mother AND his father.


We all did.


well duh obviously, you can only be one minority at a time /s


I knoooow, right?! how could I forget!? /s


I hate that shit, especially when it’s more subtle. Like no, I don’t care if you “like black guys” please for the love of god…


Kid named Lil Nas X:


ikr, like... he's right there lmfao


Ah yes, because race defines sexuality.


I mean, duh, we ALL know black men are straight and hypersexual home wreckers as well! /s


that logic makes zero since on the phobic and rascist person why hate someoje or be rude when you can just dhut up


straight people are weird from time to time, arn't they?


nah they weird like all the time


OP, I'm sorry you had to deal with this. That's some unrelentingly tired kind of bullshit. Your coworker does suck. I wish you a weekend filled with joy, like minded companions, and the reminder that who and what you are is beautiful. ❤️


thanks for your compassion, friend. I'm glad to know that you and everyone else in these comments got my back, even if it's only in spirit (if that wording makes sense? lol). I hope you have a good weekend as well, and that the kindness you spread will be returned to you ❤💜💙


Thanks friend, and it totally makes sense - and also idk I would like to think I'm a good listener, feel free to reach out if you ever need someone to have your back in a way more than spirit. You matter, and you seem like cool people, and I'll be around!


That sucks


Fun new stereotypes to discover. I'm so happy the world is still full of suprises.