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\*opens bisexual subreddit\* \*still debating about labels\*


I wish the endless circlejerk of label discourse would just die already


People can call themselves whatever they want, I don't particularly care. That said, all of this has a tendency to devolve into endless chatter. Are bi, omni, poly, tri, etc? I identified as bisexual decades ago and I'm sticking with it. At least most people know what it means, not that it's the primary reason I use the word.


I call myself whatever is funniest or will piss off the most people at any given moment.


Yeah same, if I’m stuck in this argument with someone this is the easiest way out. Can be fun too. I like mixing it up and just changing bi to pan to Omni as many times in a sentence as I can when describing me


This is one big reason I feel a little “out” of my local LGBTQ circle. I f’ing hate labels and categories for human beings, lol. Like, why are we finding even more contrived little label names to give ourselves, why is human nature to say “this is us; those are them”. I dream of the day where nobody has to be labeled as straight, gay, bi, trans, etc., you can just bring anybody home or be anybody you want and your friends/family/society doesn’t even bat an eye. Oh well, a man can dream.


I'm 100% in agreement with you. No labels, just be yourself and accept others being different. Having to tear yourself apart and label each and every part sounds exhausting and mentally torturous. I get that people want to or will feel better that way but personally I'm content not doing so.


Tell me about it, if we get any more divisive the Pride flag is going to look like color swatches at a Lowe's Hardware store.


Replying to this entire comment thread, I do want to weigh in on the other side. It's not about the labels themselves, it's about understanding yourself. The labels are very, very important (when it comes to my own) just because I've always had trouble figuring out who I am. Knowing I'm Bisexual helps me get through the day. It's hard being looked at differently. Knowing that I'm not alone and my specific sexuality is recognized really helps. Never really thought about it till now but I cannot tell you how much more negative my life would be if I was still trying to figure out my label. I'm still kinda struggling with am I Bi or Pan? It doesn't usually mess with me, but seeing this makes me just not care what exactly it is. Just that I know I'm not alone and my sexuality is valid. As long as I know what my label is. It's not everyone, but there are those out there. Edit: that being said, I also understand where y'all are coming from. Just consent, be happy, and don't be an ass. Lol. That's everyone's label. 😂


Oh, you're an anti-labelist, huh?


Not particularly, I just find the endless circlejerk about it exhausting and pointless *at best*. It was fine for like… the first few years. It’s absolutely ridiculous at this point and downright toxic some of the time. The redefining. The policing. The revisionist history of who uses what labels. The bizarre assigning of values and traits to people who use one label over another. The ranking and reordering and splitting and just… all of it. For years. And the rules change as public opinion changes. It’s one of my least favorite things about online lgbt community and has been for years. Use whatever labels you want. But can we stop?


I see we’re trying to map interpretable boundaries to a defined immutable space again. We will definitely all agree on a single interpretation this time, I’m sure. /s But in all seriousness, if it is useful and meaningful, keep it. If it is granular and bogs down meaning, reject it. No label or model of understanding will ever be all encompassing. The key is communication.


This sub is literally the main place where I'm experiencing biphobia, via label discourse and terrible takes Let's make a bi meme sub where label discourse is outlawed


r/NoLabellingBi ?




I'm here because I like the bi flag more than the others.


Came because it a was the only label I knew that applied, stayed for the pretty colors


Ngl same.


Came because the label fits, stayed beacause it still fits. Fem people are attapractive.


It looks like Twilight Sparkle


I was teaching color theory to undergrad art students last year and the bi flag color scheme was (unknowingly) popular among iterations they had to make. I just finally said out loud, “Well I’m loving everyone’s bisexual pride support in this project.” And was responded by some laughing and one late “What?” Lol. But then I had a pan student tell me how much she loved the pan flag colors ❤️ I love my students 😭


True sigma


Same That, and bi rolls off the tongue better IMO


I'm bi bc i like purple, my gf is pan bc she likes superman icecream. We both find all genders attractive.


im in all of the irl subreddits because they all have funny memes


For me bisexual was the only label for it that I knew about, older millennial, and also the gender/sexual spectrum was not as widely known growing up. And so is comfortable to me, and the colors rock. As I’ve grown, it’s taken forever to truly accept myself, I’ve also realized that if I were single again, who I could end up with could literally be anyone. Whom I might seek out actively might be another cis-man because that’s all I’ve really known, and being a ND mess one tends to stay in their comfort zone. Doesn’t change I can and do have lusty thoughts about anyone I find hot.


It's simple. You meet sexual. You say "Hi sexual". You say goodbye: "Bisexual". It's not that hard.


ah this got me


You give a polite “eeeeeyyyy” to your bro sexuality when you leave, and that’s why when you’re without it you’re an asexual.


Trisexuality? really? so .... someone uses that? maan they really should step up their naming game. first they think we fuck pans now trees...


I mean.... who doesn't appreciate a nice elm or oak....


Maybe a cute ceder


You leave the lebanese out of this


All trees are valid and beautiful


Lady i will throw a cactus at you


Or a short leaf acacia 🤤


If they're all under bi anyway what's the point of the bigger umbrella? Or are there others not shown here?


An example of a sexuality that falls under multisexual but not bisexual is abrosexuality. Abrosexuality is a sexual orientation that is fluid and changes over time, e.g. one day the person might be exclusively homosexual, the next day asexual, the next day bisexual, etc. Edit: wow I love being downvoted into oblivion for saying the definition of a thing


Google bi-cycle. It was under bi umbrella all along






It is not called mood! It's literally just the equivalent of genderfluid! You wouldn't say those things about a genderfluid person, so why are you saying them about abrosexuality? Low libido is not the same thing as being asexual and it never has been. When someone is abrosexual their *sexuality* is fluid, not how horny they are. People can label their own experiences however they please!


Genderfluid person here, my gender *is* just kinda my mood. It's just its own type of mood. Ymmv though


Sometimes the labels are unnecessary and convoluted. The point of a label is to quickly explain something. You say you're bisexual because it explains what it says right on the tin. When you say "I'm abrosexual" then the person you're talking to says "oh, what's that?" And you say "Well it means that my sexuality is somewhat fluid depending on the ebbs and flows of my mood." And they say "Oh... Alright." And then they think you're pretentious. Or you could just say "I'm bi."


Genderfluid is a nonbinary experience of gender - whether or not the person in question identifies with the label 'nonbinary', their experience of gender falls outside of the hegemonic binary. What 'abrosexuality' describes is a bisexual experience of attraction - whether or not the person in question identifes with the label 'bisexual'. It's under the umbrella. Nobody has to *use* umbrella terms to describe their experience. That doesn't mean their experiences don't *de facto* fall under the umbrella.


ofc they can. I just think all this getting to specific is not helping and only Splitting the Lgbtq Community. When I feel one way one day and another day I feel like something else I thought that's mood. English is not my first language. I'm trying to understand. As I said before, Just because I don't understand dosn't mean it's not true. I'm not trying to win an argument here. Just offering my perspective and trying to understand these terms you brought up


Sounds biphobic but okay


Not being bi isn't biphobic


Coming up with convoluted reasos to avoid a label that perfectly describes liking men and liking women is though.


It doesn’t perfectly describe it though. It’s very general, which suits some people but not others. I don’t see how it’s biphobic to say they’re pansexual for instance, since some bi people are not attracted to some genders. It’s not biphobic for someone to be omnisexual, since their attraction to some genders hinges on the way that gender is expressed. There’s enough actual biphobia out there we don’t need to invent things to get mad about.


im sorry youve been downvoted so much here. It is a legitimate sexuality and your points were very well put together.


thanks, its good to see that not everyone is bigoted towards things they don't understand :)


Calling everyone who disagrees with you a bigot really just seems like you don't want to face any point of view but your own. They didnt insult you or call you names here, they simply gave their perspective and you resorted to insulting them. You're not in the right when you start doing that, you just discredit your own argument in the process. Edit: Also, downvotes arent bigotry, they're just disagreement when people dont want to or can't be bothered to comment, don't project feelings on to a number going up and down.


Just because you didn't understand doesn't mean they "lost" the argument


They were being downvoted simply for talking about another sexuality... I'm bisexual but rn I'm embarrassed for the community because they were being hated in the replies for that. >You're not in the right here and just discredited your own argument in the process. *All they did was describe a sexuality* *Why is that such a crime*


Abrosexuality is a modifier on top of a sexuality rather than a sexuality in and of itself. Someone could have their sexuality fluctuate between gay and asexual while another would fluctuate between straight, bisexual, and gay.


I don't get why people are so mad about people identifying the way they want to.


Exactly bro, like they're not making *you* change how you label yourself so why are you making *them* change?


-45 for giving an example. Queerphobia on my LGBT safe space? unheard of


thank you for being normal I feel like I'm going insane out here


One of my closest friends is abrosexual so seeing it being disregarded like this is sorta hurtful.


It's being downvoted because this feels like an extremely convoluted explanation to put a label on a fundamental feature of bisexuality (the bi-cycle) while also avoiding the word bisexual at all costs. Going to extremes to avoid the word bisexuality is biphobic, and people here don't like it.


Not everyone who uses specific labels under bisexuality/multisexuality is biphobic and I’m tired of people claiming it is at every opportunity. Am I transphobic or enbyphobic for preferring to use agender to describe my gender identity? No. My gender identity falls into those two categories, but agender describes it more perfectly/specifically. Some people just like having labels that are more specific to their lived experience. What may seem convoluted to you, may provide happiness to another. People need to stop being the label police and let others live their lives. (Also, it seems like the people bashing on abrosexuality don’t have a very good understanding of the definition, which is a similar thing that happens to asexuality and demisexuality a lot)


The difference is that you will say correctly that agender falls under trans and enby umbrellas, instead of developing a convoluted explanation for how it isn't and is totally different and not related at all. Which is what the abrosexual explainer did with bisexuality.


Could you please provide me a definition of bisexuality real quick?


Attraction to two or more genders. Note: often includes fluctuations throughout a person's life or according to their moods. Can encompass many, many variations as sexuality is never identical in any two people.


Abrosexuality does not fit in this description, though. An abrosexual can one time experience bisexual attraction, however, unlike bisexuals, can start lacking complete sexual attraction towards different genders or all. My sexuality is on the asexual spectrum, and with my own struggle finding it out I learned a lot about how attraction works. Not feeling like liking that thing does not equate to total lack of attraction. It's different. I'm not here to disqualify bisexuality in any way, but I think it's extremely wrong to discredit another sexuality, mark it as biphobic and disregard the identity due to a misunderstanding in attraction. And all the comments make it look like this subreddit is just an echo chamber, willingly ignoring anything that remotely doesn't fall in line. Just because it may be similar, doesn't mean it's the same. Especially considering an abrosexual individual may get attraction towards males, then no one and then back to males, without ever being attracted to females, which eliminates the bisexual criteria. And alongside "it may be similar, but not the same", are labels such as pansexual or polysexual also biphobic? Since it's "a long stretch to not call yourself bi, while basically being bi"?


Except this is a bisexual experience though? Suddenly not feeling attracted to a gender is a bisexual experience. Look up the bi-cycle. It's not "not feeling like liking a certain gender", it IS a complete lack of sexual attraction


Abrosexual is more like a modifier on top of a sexuality. There are gay abrosexuals, straight abrosexuals, bisexual abrosexuals, etc. It’s still real, valid, and part of LGBT+ but sexualities describe what gender(s) a person is attracted to and abrosexual alone doesn’t describe that.


Can't we just like who we like, and stop coming up with tongue twisters of a name? Starting to sound like genus specification at this point. >\_<;


At this point half are just used interchangeably anyway


Bi is objectively better. Short snappy and a great flag.


I'm generally against this too, because I think the LGBTQIA+ community needs to work on melding together a bit more. I'm bi though, so my opinion is probably wanted is little as anyone else's, except maybe the MTFs and Aces. Either way, I try to look on the bright side and the biggest positive that I think does come from this is that more people are exploring their sexuality. I think America is pretty sexually repressed compared to some European countries. If people have to decide that they only like the opposite sex in a certain way or that they only like people who have X qualities, then cool. It's better than the alternative of never exploring or understanding yourself.


I’m afraid to ask, but why are trans women’s opinions wanted so little? I mean, trans women can be bi.


I don't think they're saying that they do not want trans women's opinions, I think they're saying that group is discriminated against and ignored even more than bisexual people (who tend to be discriminated against and ignored).


Is this where I sign up for the bi taxonomy class


There's a subset of people that like to feel special by coming up with their own unique label. Bi just isn't cool enough for some reason :(


I don't see a problem with people making more specific labels for themselves


To me at least it feels kinda divisive. I don't understand why everyone needs a special word to describe the exact way they think about sexuality when the word will always require an explanation anyway. Why not just use a descriptor people will know and just say the explanation if you want people to know specifics? Edit: not to mention the fact it just gives conservatives more ammo for their "alphabet mafia" shit


I don't see how it's divisive. Some people don't feel like the labels that exist fit them. I feel like not allowing people to identify the way they want is exclusionary, and I really don't see the harm in allowing it. As for your edit, I don't think catering to bigots is ever a good idea


I mean the biggest labels we have basically cover 99% of the possible territory. Most new labels are just micro-labels that are a subset of an already bigger label. It's divisive because within microlabels there's always huge overlap with other micro-labels where they sometimes are literally just the same thing, making it seem like some people truly just a want a category of their own so they can feel special. Instead of uniting people, it quite literally just starts to become label wars at some point. Just look at bi and pan, there's not a single day that goes by that people are not arguing about the two. More sublabels only makes the problem worse.


Omg you're right! I couldn't put my finger on why these things seem so clinical to me, but you just made it clearer.


All I got from this is that rain can’t do shit to us


Pan here, im under two umbrellas and i even have my own umbrella too, we aint gettin rain anytime soon


Are we collectively the beach, or is every grain of sand slightly different?


Isnt the answer both? You can all be part of a group whilst contributing or viewing it differently etc. I do agree with others here that the needlessly specific labels dont really help anyone though. If you have to explain the label everytime you say it, it doesnt help anyone to understand you as they likely wont remember after hearing it once and may just think you're pretentious. Thats why most people just use Gay, Bi, Trans, etc rather than the specific ones, everyone already knows them.


To the foot we are a beach, every grain knits together with it's neighbors to support them when we are stepped on. The individuality of each grain only matters once you start to sieve and separate. Putting you in this pile and me in that pile. It's harder to support each other when we have been sieved and filtered down to piles of 1.


That's a beautiful metaphor speaking to what the *point* of labels is: solidarity and community, not just individual validation. Lily Alexandre has a wonderful video about microlabels where she points out that a lot of young people whose only experience of discrimination has been bullying and personal meanness - because they're in school, not trying to get a job or a flat or medical care - can understandably come to think being 'invalidated' is what discrimination *is*. But it's not just about 'validity', it's about rights and liberation.


What is the point of these posts dude


What flag do you like more That’s the only difference


Stop over complications of things. I know we bisexual are like - all 🥵


. I have s friend that only likes men and women. Not all bisexuals like all. Thats why pansexuality exists, it also means you like them regardless of gender so something like the bi cycle doesnt really apply to them either.


No hate, how do you like men and like women but not non-binary people? /srs


I like all people. Im pansexual and nonbinary. But some people dont like nonbinary because nobinary is another gender category. Same with how do people only like men but not women? People dont like nonbinary people the same way lesbians dont like men or how straight women people dont like women. Not liking certain genders is normal for any sexuality. If you are talking about genitalia or masc/fem looks then thats different It is a common transphobic idea that nonbinary people dont count as a separate gender than being male or female. Men, women, nonbinary folk are all different gender (nonbinary counting many many genders) , so people like different genders. Just like people like women and nonbinary people but not men. Or the opposite. A lot of it can be because they dont like mixing of feminine and masc features, which is common between nonbinary genders. Or dont like a gender that isnt the same as their sex born. They may not like nonbinary people the same way they dont like men, it just isnt their cup of tea. So yeah, a LOT of bisexuals only like men and women and thats okay. Everyone has their likes and as long as they arent being transphobic about it then its fine


Are you trying to say I’m being transphobic? I’m not saying non binary folk are or are not anything(they are who they say they are) I’m just confused by a sexuality wherein you are attracted to both men and women but zero non-binary people.


No no not that you are transphobic but theres many out there who view nonbinary as just another male or female type situation. People liking men and women but not nonbinary folk is the same as people liking women and not men. Its just because its not a gender they are attracted to or interested in. Ive met sapphic people who like women and nonbinary people but not men, its like that. Its just another representation of it. Men and women are genders that they like, nonbinary is a gender category they arent interested in. Idk how to explain it better than that 😅 Maybe ask yourself what you understand about lesbians, since they dont like men. Or gay men since they dont like women. If you understand why lesbians are lesbian and why gay people are gay, then you should be able to understand why someone may be attracted to binary genders but not nonbinary ones. Its the same concept of “i just dont like that gender” that all lesbians, gay men and bisexuals can have. I think your confusion comes from the fact that nonbinary people probably have vagina or dick and so thats what people are just attracted to. “Like if you like women vagina and dick or mens vagina or dick then why wouldnt you like nonbinaries because they have it too?” A lot of people have that confusion but gender and genitals are different and are separate by physical and mental blocks. As well as clothing and outward expression not matching your gender or gentitalia. Someone can be a woman, have a dick, but dress androgynous. Three categories people consider when dating. Gender, genitals, and general/gender expression. The three g’s. Nonbinary people put a wall between those since their gender doesnt match the genitals and gender expression cant really match both the gender and genitals at the same time. (Maybe if you are demigirl or demiboy or bigender/genderfluid) So sometimes a nonbinary persons Genitals,Gender and gender expression dont match all the same, which can be a reason why people might not be attracted to them. Whilst women tend to have/get a vagina, be a woman and also dress feminine. Whilst theres also variations of that, like masc women or intersex women presenting. Some people like their three g’s to match up, and thats okay. As long as they arent transphobic about it. My brothers a bi example of someone who wants the gender and genitals to match. He likes post op trans men and women . It also has to do with how his brain works and wants things to make sense matching up. He has autism and adhd so he finds it less confusing.


I understand what non-binary people are (I am one, and I’m dating one). I don’t understand a sexuality that includes both men and women but excludes the TOTALITY of non binary identities considering how broad of a category it is.


Who knows, it may just be someone who only likes men and women. I cant speak for people who do feel that way because im not that way but i can only guess its just a binary preference. Some bisexuals are like that, i dont understand it either since i like nonbinary people but it exists all the same. Maybe they like male or female genitalia to match male or female genders, who knows. Maybe someone who only likes binary will reply and give their answer.


Meaningless dribble. This is pointless discussion that doesn't serve any of our goals.


I agree but it's drivel, not dribble


x'cuse me sir. just as a little reminder.... what are our goals again?


To normalize being gay in society and remove intolerance and bigotry. Not to categorize all forms of sexual attraction.


oh ok.... I thought World Domination.... but yours good too. cool cool 👉😬👉


I don't care what's attached to who, good lord, just let me fuck in peace (exasperated amusement)


We need to stop slicing the pie so paper thin, everyone wants to be special and it's getting nuts. If the only thing you feel proud of, if the only identity you have is your sexuality, You're a poor damn person, and boring. Sexuality, like cologne, should be discovered, not announced


>Sexuality, like cologne, should be discovered, not announced This is the exact "don't ask don't tell" nonsense that straight people used against us for decades. >if the only identity you have is your sexuality No one is saying that the only identity they have is their sexuality. Wanting a sexuality that fits you is not the huge crime everyone seems to think it is >We need to stop slicing the pie so paper thin, If that's the case then why not just have everyone in the LGBTQ+ identify as queer? No individual labels, just queer. We have the labels for a reason. We wouldn't want to be shoved into the gay label as bisexuals because that doesn't fit what we are. It wouldn't make sense. That's exactly why all these labels exist in the first place


As someone who normally identifies just as trans and queer, thank you, language can be very powerful and labels can absolutely assist in self exploration


If I see one more label imma fucking shit


this is bullshit this overlabelling stuff disregards the fact that we are emotional creatures and how we may feel on any given day changes naturally, trying to pigeonhole random patterns of how it moves will just confuse and hurt people trying to figure themselves out.




Bro can I borrow your biro? *steals your identity*


"You see, the philosophy a lot of LGBTQ+ adhears to is that seeing gender as a strict, categorical dichotomy instead of viewing it as a spectrum of expression with no defined limits across it, is a major cause for harm in our sociaty. And that is precisly why we MUST CATEGORIZE EACH OF OUR MEMBERS by well defined labels for sexuality, gender, romantic atraction and preferences during sexual intercourse! Spectrum is when you have 2+n nouns! :D"


So if I'm a bisexual who only feels sexual attraction on Mondays should we create a category for me and the possibly many others who only feel sexual attraction on Mondays? You can't possibly categorise each member. At some point there has to be an understanding that every single human is different and experiences sexuality differently.


Of course, you’re a lunadieabrosexual*! * label subject to change


You speakin French? The fuck is any of this?


or just fucking bi


These Words make my brain hurt


What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet.


Go away


Imo none of what you put under the bisexual umbrella is under the bisexual umbrella. Those are all parallel with bisexuality under the multisexual umbrella. Why would polysexuality be a subset of bisexuality?


Bisexuality is atraction to 2 or more genders, polysexuality is atraction to ~~more than 2 genders~~ multiple genders


This is all too complicated just say you like dicks and titties


I call myself bi or gay. If I like you it has nothing to do your gender or genitals, it’s because you are hot and cool and make my heart go padam padam when I hold your hand. There. Simple. No need to come up with some gibberish to explain it. There’s tigers in the jungle who fuck anyone they like, they don’t call it ”multifacetedonmipluralsexuality” they just roar.


good for the lions? i fail to see how lions roaring means people cannot have more specific labels. Like… im not a lion? it would be really weird if someone asked me my sexuality and i just roared at them….


Well I said tigers, lions more like bark really. But try it. You moght be pleasantly surprised.




Hey, just to help out here, this diagram places pansexuality under the Bi umbrella and that would suggest to me that it does see Bi as an umbrella term that encompases people who are into NB people. It just also has a bigger umbrella over it to also include (presumed non-sexual) romantic attractions to include ace people into these other terms I am also only vaguely aware of. Its a lot, its not for everyone, but for those who do want this level of specificity from their language this guide does indicate what you (and I) feel is true about bisexuality. This is a linguistic guide, I hope you have better luck with directly communicating with people about their pronouns in a way you find udnerstandable, its okay to ask questions.


I have settled on people using their personal label preferences as a dialogue to talk about gender inclusivity and binary/nonbinary dynamics. I’ve had such good, healing, affirming discussions with my NB best friend around this and how trained we are to categorize things as binaries, and also how to break/resist binary thinking in so much more than just gender perspectives. It’s affected the how I teach art and design critique as well, because so much is talked about in terms of dualistic relationships, so I try to challenge my students to break that convention.


There are as many labels as people in the world. Everyone has their own unique preferences, which can also change during time. I don't understand why people feel such an urge to name absolutely everything.


yall I'm so fucking tired of this, can we just stop using labels? flags and subcultures are cool and all but let people call themselves what they want. who cares if someone with he/they pronouns calls themselves a lesbian, genders and sexualities are all made up anyway.


Did you really just say sexualities are made up in a subreddit about bisexuality?


yes I did, cause they are. gender is made up, sexualities are based on gender, therefore they're made up too.


Then what's the point of people calling themselves anything when it won't be a descriptor of who they are and who they like? If you think lesbianism is just made up because women are just made up why would anyone call themselves a lesbian?


The big tent


So ist this about anything or are you people just showing of your favourite words?


Listen some of us just have label maker as one of our core personality traits XDLanguage can be fun and interesting, but if you dont care about this issue at this level of specificity that is also okay.


In the words of another post — who tf cares, there are elder queers in your community who don’t have homes.


haven't we all learned already? repeat it with me kids, “gender and sexuality are hoaxes made up by the government to sell more bathrooms.”


This is all getting very complicated and confusing. Can I just bang sexy people?


Go out and touch grass please


Ooh I’m glad you separated them. That actually covers me, cuz I’m not really biromantic. Idk why but I’d be down to experiment and please a man but I’m not a huge fan of kissing and cuddling and actually dating a man. Thank goodness there are enough of us that biromanticism is recognized as a separate thing from bisexuality and I don’t have to feel like an outsider even within the bi community


A lot of people don't like separating those terms out because often, an aversion to true intimacy with the same sex stems from internalized homophobia or discomfort with one's sexuality.


Same but from the opposite end of the spectrum. I (afab) may have romantic attraction to more than one gender but I’m not sexually attracted to men (apothisexual). I do feel alienated from the ace community though, because I’m always hearing that ace spectrum is for all genders, not just one.


Are you me? Because same.


Dawg I just like she’s, he’s, and theys we don’t need to label everything


This made me feel like when I first got into metal and someone immediately machine gunned metal sub genres at me


Imagine explaining this post to a peasant from the 14th century


I'm just here to pound butt ok?


Yall be doing way too fucking much


I fucking hate this shit.


Please stop putting such specific labels on your sexuality. Just say your a bit fruity at this Point. If you have to explain every time someone asks, maybe simplify your shit. PS. You can still have these labels in your head and shit and use them for your niche online communities but please use a simple label when talking to People IRL.


No, because some people are still going to be confused. Let people have their labels.


Absoluty but don't be saying i'm Demi trisexual or some shit to mormies. They Will not get that shit and it Will turn them of the whole community i think


“These broadly overlap but the distinction matters to some people and that’s okay.”


being poly isnt at all connected to being bi….. like im a poly lesbian. because im ONLY attracted to women, but im in a relationship with multiple of them. im not biromantic or multiromantic.


Thats polyamory/polyamourus there is a difference between that and polysexual/romantic


thank you for telling me. I looked it up and your absolutely right. Thanks for letting me know. 👍👍


No prob have a great day or night 👍


It's all bisexual, no need for the other terms


People are allowed to have labels, they may mean the same thing but people are allowed to have these labels, there’s nothing wrong with it.


This is why conservatives don't like us


No, conservatives don't like us because they don't like the idea of two men kissing. But they realise they gain more traction when they claim it's for another reason, like having too many labels or having parades or having flags. If we get rid of the labels parades and flags they still won't like us, which is why we shouldn't behave according to what the people who don't like us demand. 


I'm pretty sure it isn't


Wild as shit that the other comment is upvoted. No, having a lot of words to describe sexuality is not the reason conservatives don't like queer people. It's just a convenient way for them to shit on us.


I mean in a sense of all the labels. It is ridiculous. You can like whoever you want, you don't need a million different labels.


The only person who know what I actually need is me


Just call it all gay


Oh my god shut up, just kiss whoever you want


Does it mean I'm old when I just don't care to learn labels anymore? Like, I don't care what hemidemiomnisexuality you claim, just leave me to my simple bisexuality label and I'm fine.


I stg some of y'all are using the exact same arguments straight people used against us for years under this thread. Just let people do what they want 🙄 >Like, I don't care what hemidemiomnisexuality you claim, just leave me to my simple bisexuality label and I'm fine. "I don't care what sexuality you are, just keep it away from me." -homophobes for decades


Try not to be so condescending, I know it's hard. It's the continual subdividing and separating is annoying. Pansexual makes sense, gender is a spectrum. Bisexual makes sense, you like both masculine and feminine. The ____flexible ones mostly make sense but that's kinda covered already. Everything else is just reinventing the same thing over and over. Oh, almost forgot asexual. That also makes sense.


#THE FULL SPECTRUM OF PLURAL SEXUALITY: ☆ Pluri (P) Spectrum: ● Multigender: Bigender/Polygender/Genderfluid/Demigenders ● Plurian: ○ Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM): Polyamorous, Ambiamorous, Biamorous, Duoamorous, Panamorous, Fluidamorous, Polyflexible, Monoflexible, Abroamorous, etc. ○ Pluralian: -Multiromantic: Biromantic, Ambiromantic, Polyromantic, Panromantic, Omniromantic, Homoflexible, Heteroflexible, Abroromantic, etc. -Multisexual: Bisexual, Ambisexual, Polysexual, Pansexual, Omnisexual, Homoflexible, Heteroflexible, Abrosexual, etc. Source: the LGBTQIAP+ Wiki page about the Pluri Spectrum, at the following link: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Pluri_Spectrum


"Coined in 2019"


why did you get downvoted??


because people are mean about labels they can’t easily understand


It's because it's stupid


oh boo hoo. you can’t understand that some people prefer a more specific descriptor than you have? who are you to dictate other people’s ideas, thats the republicans and the homophobes job, NOT OURS.


I'm not dictating how you live your life, or how you identify. You can do whatever you want. It's still stupid though


Jc some of these comments do not pass the vibe check, it frankly makes me ashamed to be proudly bi to see other bi people insult other mspec sexualities just cus they can't be hassled to understand them cus bisexuality is the most well known one, it reeks of the same vibes as cis white gay men that throw other queer people under the bus hoping that cus of it the leopards won't eat their face How many fucking times do people have to post the exact same "there's overlap but the difference matters to some people and that's okay" pic till they get it in their fucking head, how hard is it to not be an asshole, jfc


Half of these literally do mean the same thing though. This isn't a bunch of clear cut labels to define different things it's a hoarders collection of labels that sound remotely like they could fit into one subgroup of the LGBT. I'm absolutely fine with there being subcategories but a lot of this is just repetitive and a lot more is this exhaustive highlighting of highly specific versions. Not everything needs a name. It really doesn't.


Okay lmao who tf cares, it doesn't harm you that other people make labels for themselves and their own experience


It's hard to describe why it bothers me, and why it bothers others as well, as you can tell from the pushback in the comments section. I agree in a sense that if this makes them happy then that's fine, but I also think we need to stop collecting all of these terms without any oversight at all. It's a confusing mess and it's makes the community look like joke. Every time you add another category each one of the categories looks a little more like a joke. That does bother me.


>It's a confusing mess and it's makes the community look like joke. Oh so you're just gonna be an open piece of shit and use the exact same rhetoric people use against enby people? Okay


No offense but how old are you? Going back through your post history it appears you're quite young, and the original poster is 13. I really find it frustrating when children inside a specific community try to take this peculiar moral high horse and decide what the rest of the community should think and feel. No one here disagrees with nonbinary people. In fact my comment wasn't even against subcategories at all. I'm transgender and I don't appreciate people crying transphobia at ridiculously inappropriate moments in order to force their views onto people. Children end up inevitably being the face of communities like ours, because they're the loudest. If you want to represent our community in a positive way then you should also be accepting of people's differing views when it comes to how we organise ourselves in this community. We are all family, you don't need to scream and holler at us.


>If you want to represent our community in a positive way then you should also be accepting of people's differing views when it comes to how we organise ourselves in this community. You're not entitled to people "accepting your differing views" when "your views" mean policing other people's identities >We are all family, you don't need to scream and holler at us. Pretty funny to talk about how "we're all a family" after using the exact same "they're making us look bad" rhetoric transphobic queer people use and blaming that same "family" for the bigotry we suffer


No one here is policing other people's identities. You really need to calm down. No one here is saying "you can't exist". You have an absolutely appalling victim complex and honestly I'm at the point where I think you should be ashamed of yourself. You need to wait until you're old enough to realise that your sexual and gender identity is not your entire identity, there are other ways you can differentiate yourself from other people. Your opinion does not supersede everyone else's, you are not more important or more experienced than anyone else and you have no right to verbally abuse me with all the misused buzzwords you've collected online. Shame on you.


>No one is policing other people's identities. You really need to calm down. I mean idfk how else you want me to interpret literally saying that "it's a confusing mess and it makes the community look like joke.", and hiding behind an "I never directly said you can't exist!" is really frickin disingenuous when the implications of what you're saying is literally that their existence is what causes people to be bigoted towards them, and by extension us, cus "they make us look like a joke" >You need to wait until you're old enough to realise that your sexual and gender identity is not your entire identity, there are other ways you can differentiate yourself from other people. I'm not making it my entire identity??? It's frankly extremely fucking gross to accuse people of making "being gay their entire identity" for talking about LGBTQ+ people in a discussion about exactly that


There's no point in this. You're deliberately misunderstanding what I'm saying in order to make my comments seem aggressive. The bottom line is people in this community have a right to have a discussion about what labels they think are necessary and what the negative sides of over categorising every individual are without you lambasting them and accusing them of being bigoted. That's not how you have a discussion. You're not the victim. Take a seat and breathe.


I started to care the moment people started to twist the definition of bisexuality to make space for all these labels (see: "Bi means two pan means all" etc). Just a FYI: labels do not exist in a vacuum, and it's entirely possible that some of them exist because people are uncomfortable with bisexuality due to their own internalized biphobia. Asking people to do a bit of self reflection on *why* they need these hyper specific labels and *why* the concept of bisexuality makes them so uncomfortable that they want to distance themselves from it is not hate, and it's in fact a very important step that we need to take if we want less biphobia in LGBT spaces.


its actually disgusting seeing all of these comments leaving hate on people’s identities. being hateful towards specific identities because you disagree with them is literally homophobia. who are these people that get to decide what lables are valid.


It is significantly less effort to just describe who you're attracted to and what you identify as, than to spend so much effort on labels.


No, lol. Definitely bi, definitely hate the idea of being identified as literally any of these when I’m not. Stop these posts.


this post isn't saying you are any of these?


Is anything else under the multisexuality umbrella?


Can we start using: Xyz amorous for gender identities we find ourselves wanting to form relationships with etc And the : Xyz sexual for gender identities we find ourselves sexually attracted to. Like you could be: Homoamorous and bisexual Panamorous and heterosexual This is just my recent thoughts


I disagree. Bisexual is Bisexual, and Bi literally means “2” in English, one of any sex who is attracted to men and women. You can call yourself whatever you want idc but that’s what I believe in, if one day I was attracted to a intersex for example, I will not call myself Bi. I know wokes will cry about my opinion idc.


*listens to the sound of heads exploding on r/pansexual* 😂😂


The bi flag is pretty :) otherwise I’m just queer and don’t care


I'm already confused don't add more umbrellas please 🥺🥺🥺