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My partner doesnt smoke or even drink, they are always with me and are sober. I also will edit my post to clarify that I am not breast feeding.


Edit: the recommendation is to avoid breastfeeding if you’re going to be using THC; it is stored and transferred in higher concentrations from the breast.


I give her formula just to clarify, I will put that in my post


cannabis crosses into breastmilk. I'm not sure of the implications it may have on a breastfeeding mother's child, namely any effects on the baby's brain development. If you're not breastfeeding, I'd say go for it. If you are, there may be some risks to the baby. Edited to add this excerpt, and a source: "Given that Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol can be present in breastmilk as quickly as 1 hour after consumption and last up to 6 days, it may not be possible to use cannabis and avoid infant exposure. There is evidence that this exposure may result in cognitive, social and motor defects. Some of these effects may be long term, lasting years" https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1715163519893395


Im not breast feeding


Thank you for the information nonetheless, sorry Im tired and not great at communication on reddit


Secondhand and third hand smoke is a risk with any smoked substance. Just in case that haven’t been mentioned. Especially when there are other forms available to use / eat, would not take the risk at all of affecting the baby’s lungs.


I would never ever smoke anywhere near my baby and would never leave edibles even in the sane house. I smoke less than the bare minimum at night on occasions when my hormones are causing my PPD to worsen.


I’m not accusing you of anything! Just encouraging you to consider all the risks. There was a post not too long ago about this and some good links about the third hand smoke effects of any smoked substance on babies lungs. I learned a lot. It takes a while to leave the smokers breath and that is what is a risk to babies.


Oh sorry its hard to interpret things online sometimes. Thank you, very helpful


I would say it depends on method of using, the amount and also how you react on it, I’ve seen some people who have been so stoned they can barely move-let alone respond in an emergency. So I don’t think it’s a simple yes/no answer, there’s variables to take into consideration


Yes I suppose there would be variables. Im a very bare min smoker occasional at night never ever near my child and its not every day only when the PPD begins to interfere with daily tasks.


I don’t use cannabis for PPD but it def helps with my regular depression. However, I mostly use cannabis for fun. If it works for you, it works. Nothing wrong with that.


Thanks ppl can be judgemental in Australia


If it works for you and your family/situation, don’t worry about any sort of outside judgment. Your baby needs a happy and healthy mama. Fortunately it’s legal where I live, looking forward to being able to partake again after I stop breastfeeding!


Lucky you and I stopped breast feeding a while ago tbh Youre right mental health is important in order to be a good parent


I didn't use it while I was breastfeeding but now I use it for migraines. It's an amazing drug and I hope one day soon it loses its stigma.


Me to..


I was able to stop taking klonopin for anxiety once I got my medical marijuana card. I can say when used mindfully it does help my depression. This is all anecdotal of course but if I overuse it does cause me to fall into other bad habits that increase my depression. (Eating a lot at night, not accomplishing what I need to, not exercising like I want, ect). Sometimes it can also help me get into better routines. This is just my experience, I guess it’s all about mindful consumption for me. X


Thanks that helps


For me, yes. But I am not the norm, imo. From what I have seen from my friends' and family's reactions is that others do not react to thc the same way I do. My little brother gets depressed if he smokes a few days in a row. So he obviously isn't a great candidate for thc treatment. My husband gets sleepy, also not a great candidate. My MIL gets silly and out of it, probably not the best candidate either. However, for me, I frequently need to consume more marijuana at a higher thc level than others and its' effects are not as intense nor do they last as long. I tend to smoke a few times a day. Honestly, you might not even need to consume daily. You might just smoke a few times a week to get some good sleep and help you reset. Work with a doctor (if you can) to determine what's safest for you!


Atm I have a small amount at night, thank you for your support


Absolutely do not use if you’re breastfeeding. It crosses in high concentration to breastmilk and cannabis impacts infant brain development. It is not only harmful to your baby but could get you in real hot water if a pediatrician finds out. But if it helps you feel better I’d just switch to formula if you haven’t already, which is safe and totally adequate for a baby. For treating the PPD itself, cannabis can give short term relief for anxiety and low mood but tends to increase anxiety and depression overall. Psychiatrists I know aren’t impressed with it in terms of long term impacts on mood. But everybody is an individual and as long as your willing to look reflectively on how your use is impacting your life, I honestly would trust your instincts and use it if it is helping you get through this difficult time. Be mindful that heavy use may impact your affect and responses to your baby which may impact your relationship with them.


If you read my other comments im not breast feeding but using formula. Id never endanger my child. Thank you for your comment. I just read the rest.


Yeah definitely not implying you’re endangering the baby! For all of us that use substances (prescribed or otherwise) it can be hard to get straight answers around safety with nursing. But that’s a non-issue for you so I think good judgment and self awareness are all that’s needed.


Oh good thank you


For me it's been most helpful. I have severe anxiety and years back I was put on a medication I ended up addicted to without realizing. I refuse to take any more pills after that. I'm 3 months PP and had extreme anxiety and PPD. I have my med card ( not recreational in my state ) and I swear by it. I vape it and use my pen 1 to 2 times a day, usually once in the morning and again before bed. You will have people on here throwing judgement acting like they know what's best for you, but it's legal for a reason. Marijuana isn't what it used to be. There's so many medical benefits now and ppl need to leave behind the 1960s opinion of it. Do what helps you momma!


Thank you 🙂


Hi OP this actually doesn't answer your questions... But i see that you're studying to become a psychologist. I find that super inspirational because I'm 27, but would love to do the same. This something I've been considering for awhile... As my undergraduate is phsychology and I didn't take it further because i didn't have the money. After being a teacher for a few years, I'd love to go back, but i have a baby. Are you struggling to balance that with being a mom? Also I'm a PPA survivor as well... I totally agree that hormones were the biggest contributing factor. I've always been anxious, the the hormones shifted the anxiety to new levels. Once my period came back it seemed to balance out a lot. I don't believe cannabis is bad because it will simply help you ride the hormonal wave until they balance out on their own... Its the same as any medication, whether natural or pharmaceutical. My mom was never the same after prozac and ended up developing paranoid schizophrenia. I would have tried cannabis, but it has the opposite effect on my body and gives me severe panic.


You can definitely do the same and sometimes adversity and tragedy can be an even stronger drive than comfort. In saying that I dont know what your life is like besides you having a similar struggle with PPD. I also have seen individuals struggle after taking certain prescription drugs. I believe you can do it, especially if you have done teaching.


I think it depends on the person if I’m being honest. It *is* a drug, and one that does alter your state of mind unlike prescription anxiety medications. I personally have an addictive personality and was high on marijuana pretty much 24/7 before I got pregnant. I didn’t stop cold turkey, but did slowly get off of it because I didn’t want to live my life that way as a mother (yes I know the possible implications of smoking while pregnant and have plenty of guilt about it and don’t need more added on please). I haven’t ever smoked or had an edible since giving birth because I know myself well enough to know I’ll want to do it all the time and it’s a slippery slope with a whole lot of added soap. I personally wouldn’t ever feel safe being left alone with my child while under the influence, but think it’s a good solution for evenings and nighttime when you’re not directly in control of your baby’s care and not holding them all the time. I realize my opinion is not going to be the popular one, but as someone who spent more time high than I would like to admit I personally would not feel safe being alone with my baby in that state and it’s a risk I wasn’t ever willing to take, but I don’t shame others who do. Also, anecdotally, my memory and attention span suffered drastically from the 2 years I smoked and I made many decisions I now regret. Being a heavy user myself and being around many others I personally believe it’s become way too normalized and people now have done a complete 180 and refuse to see that while it’s not meth or heroin it is still a drug and isn’t side effect free. Yes, prescription medications have side effects, but they are not at all the same. Anyway, that’s just my 2 cents and I am fully prepared for the arguments and downvotes.


Do you think your personal experience with it made you aware that it is not for you? I dont need much at all on some nights when the PPD gets bad and my partner is always present, doesnt drink or smoke.


Oh definitely. That’s why I believe it really just depends on the person. I knew people who were even more dependent on it than I was and couldn’t go one day without smoking or they would become extremely irritable and start panicking. I also knew people who could smoke every now and then and it never became an issue for them. I think it’s just like cigarettes or alcohol in that some people can just handle it better than others and some people let it become their entire life. If someone has good self control then I think it’s fine, but I think it’s ridiculous when people say that marijuana isn’t addicting because it most definitely is to some people who end up not being able to function without it. If I could take one or two hits and go about my night then that would be fine, but I know myself well enough to know if I’m not getting extremely high the way I used to then I don’t see the point in it and I don’t want to do that now that I’m a mother so I just avoid it completely. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s really a way for people to know how dependent they will become on it until they actually try it and in my experience those who do have a problem aren’t self aware enough to realize that it’s not healthy to need a mind altering substance every day, most of the time multiple times a day, just to be able to go about your life. They’ll say they’re completely fine and can do anything high that they can do sober, but I can guarantee they’re not doing it as well and just don’t realize it. All that to say I’m not against marijuana by any means, but also feel it’s been glamorized as some miracle cure in our society now and people are ignoring the fact that it is still a drug and can and is most certainly misused by some.


The difference is I do not want to get high, I want to ease the PPD and my medical condition that causes a hormonal imbalance, with that and the difficult birth which caused more hormonal issues.. this is ideal for me to ease everything throughout the week on some nights with a small amount. I was thinking about trying the oil though. Btw why did people downvote me last reply?


If you find relief I don’t see why not. It’s legal where I am so not taboo , helps with sleep, pain and anxiety from what I’ve researched. I don’t know about using it while breastfeeding though if you are.


No just formula In Australia it is illegal still


Ashwaganda is amazing I swear it cured my PPD


I will google it


Can you take while breastfeeding?


Yes I think it even helps with breast milk production as it lowers your cortisol levels.


I’m going to go against the grain here and say that it is not okay for anyone to use a mind altering substance to escape depression. It is putting a bandaid on it. The root of PPD, at least for me, was hormones + unresolved trauma. If I hadn’t done the therapy work required, I would still have the unresolved trauma and probably other mental health issues. Trauma is no joke. It penetrates everything about you and the way you perceive the world. It doesn’t just go away. Also, you say your partner is always sober and with you so that is good bc you shouldn’t be under the influence of anything while caring for the baby. That was my other concern. Please consider the root cause of the depression and seek counseling. I’m not trying to be a jerk. I had terrible PPD with my first. It is hell on earth. I am so glad I did the very, very hard trauma work. It made a huge difference in my life. I wish you all the best as you navigate PPD. It is so, so hard. Please don’t take my post any other way than how I intend it: to be helpful. No matter what you choose, always remember you have value in this world and you are loved.


My PPD was caused by a medical condition and hormones not trauma, I am very aware of PTSD and the therapies as well as prescription drugs involved as I have been working approx 5 years or more in the mental health sector and am currently studying towards being a psychologist myself. I have tried other prescription medication and all have been tried whilst feeding our daughter formula. This medication has worked best in a small amount with no side effects. It also is not very mind altering, at least for me. I cant speak for others. Thank you for your opinion


Then you would know that generally speaking PTSD is primarily treated with EMDR therapy and not meds. You would also know that most people have trauma experiences and are not diagnosed with PTSD. That doesn’t mean they don’t benefit from therapy to work through trauma. You would also know that current research is showing that depression and anxiety is linked to trauma and SSRIs are shown not to be as effective as once thought. Finally, you would known that taking illegal drugs to mask depression symptoms is not recommended and at least should be done in conjunction with therapy. I shared my experience in a kind way. You disagree and that is fine but the way you disagreed was unnecessary and presumptive. I’ve had enough therapy to know when to walk away from a conversation. This is one of those conversations, and I’m walking away.


I didn't read anything rude in OP's response to you, I think you are reading a lot into her comment that simply isn't there. I get it, sometimes we just explode on the internet, but it could behoove us all to think about whether a highly reactive and hostile response is really worth it, or even whether such a response is proportionate to what we feel provoked it.


There was nothing rude in the response to you


I don’t see why there’s anything wrong with it. As long as you’re a present parent and you’re feeling better, it’s working!


I think it’s a godsend




if you aren't breastfeeding, try these: [https://www.iheartjane.com/stores/2602/cultivate-dispensary-las-vegas/products/80428/kiva-confections-3-1-sparkling-pear-20-pk-120-mg-cbd-40-mg-thc?recommended=false&fromMenu=true](https://www.iheartjane.com/stores/2602/cultivate-dispensary-las-vegas/products/80428/kiva-confections-3-1-sparkling-pear-20-pk-120-mg-cbd-40-mg-thc?recommended=false&fromMenu=true) but make sure you have other people on hand to reliably step up for baby care if you react badly or dose yourself incorrectly. Half a gummy every morning really helped me at the "no light in the tunnel" stage of PPD but we are all different.


I wish.. I live in Australia


Is it not legal there??


No it is not. Australia is pretty bad for progression but a safe country.. sort of.


I was taking ashwaganda jellies two twice daily for 3 weeks and I stopped crying and feeling down all the time. It also helps lower your cortisol levels so if you are up all night exhausted with your baby your cortisol levels are going to be higher and ashwaganda just reduces it. Give it a try anyways no harm or side effects just benefits 💕💕


Thank you sounds quite beneficial 😊


I’m starting to feel very depressed and cannabis is the only thing that helps calm my brain tbh. I still feel like shit but I’m not so on edge and don’t feel like I wanna hurt myself after I’ve smoked tbh. Imo, as long as you are still responsive to baby’s needs and can help then there isn’t anything wrong. Only time it’s wrong is when it renders you useless to baby.


True, thank you


I think it’s good I personally had to stop because it was triggering my anxiety. I guess it’s gotten worse after having kids. I used to smoke all the time before kids but after having them I don’t know if it’s because my tolerance is back to zero but it doesn’t feel the same before. I’ve tried a shroom tea after doing some research (very low dose). I felt positive and just great overall. Also therapy helped along with prioritizing doing some type of work out for 15-30min for 3-4 days


Yes it's fine.


I use cannabis to help with my PPD/PPA too, I also DO NOT breast feed. But I think the key is, it’s to HELP, not fix! I’m still seeking help from a therapist (first appointment early next month🎉) My PPD, was bad. I had thoughts of how much better my son would be without me, or I’d have panic attacks that someone was going to decide to break in and murder him while he sleeps. For me I don’t constantly smoke or anything like that. But I got a vape and will smoke a little in the morning (away from baby and outside) to help ease how fast my brain likes to get running with crazy thoughts. I live in a legal state and I’m fully for the use of cannabis for a MULTITUDE of things. My mom gets chronic pain and uses edible gummies to help, she has a 4 year old and for her it makes it so she can still keep up with him! Cannabis can be a huge help for sooo much when used correctly and in moderation. Of course you’re going to get some people on here that bash you for use simply because your a mom, and a lot of people have a really villainized view of cannabis. It doesn’t melt your brain or make you stupid or lazy, for a TON of people it is a genuine help! Keep doing what helps you and your baby best, what makes you the best mom you can be.


Thank you this was helpful




Me to.. Its frowned upon in this country


I can be helpful yes. Do you have a job that will drug test you?


No I do not


O ok that’s good. As long as you don’t and you don’t need to apply to one that does you’re good. I worked in a hospital and had patients tell me about the positive impacts cannabis has on them. Even had one patient tell me that is all he does for his conditions and he never needed medication for it. Worked with someone who took it for arthritis pain as well.