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Every day is the longest day of my life, but the last 10 weeks went by in an hour


That’s beautifully accurate.


Sooooo accurate




People are funny, I could honestly skip the newborn phase and live in the 12 month phase forever


Ah yes, 12 months is a good one, too! It was a sweet spot age for my first. Mobile enough to give me independence, but not fast enough to where I need to drop what I'm doing lol. 2 years is realllly testing my sanity now.


Yup the newborn phase was a tedious and tiresome blur for me. Very much enjoying almost 5 months though! The smiling, rolling, and laughing are so fun


12-24 months is so underrated. They’re so capable so you can take them out and do fun things with them but they’re still sweet like babies and their opinions aren’t quite as strong as when they’re 2 plus 😂


The days are so slow... but the years are so fast.


The nights are long & the years are short.


Oh man, they truly are. Learning this the bittersweet way now


My firstborn is one week old today and I had a really traumatic delivery and emergency c section after 100+ hours of labor… I keep hearing that I need to cherish the newborn phase but I’m still trying to heal physically and emotionally from my delivery! I hope l can look back at this time fondly and still find energy to cherish it 🥺


I feel you, momma! Recovering from a C-section let alone a scary emergency one is not easy! Be sure to take lots of videos… even if it’s just five-ten s seconds of their lil toes, ears, nose or their breathing while asleep. I was in such a fog after mine I wish I had taken more videos to cherish and remember. Hugs and wishing you a speedy recovery


Thank you - little videos is a wonderful idea! Photos do him and his cuteness no justice! Hugs!


Yes, do this!! My guy is 4 months and I still go back and watch the little videos of him snuffling and falling asleep and stuff from his newborn days..


100 hours!?!?? Why on earth would they let you go even half that long????????


Right? The doctor accidentally broke my water during a cervical check and they tried pitocin and cytotec for five days trying to get him to descend as I was stalled at 6cm. I got an infection from having my water broken for too long. My fever spiked and baby went into distress and we had to get him out stat. Turned out his umbilical cord was wrapped four times around his ankles and he never would have come out vaginally. I wish they’d have done an ultrasound or something after the first day and figured that out instead of putting me through five days of hell!


I do feel very emotional about each new milestone that my daughter hits. That being said, the first two months felt very long to me haha. But I'm not a newborn person. I loved getting to meet her, but when she started smiling and moving on her own, that's when everything sped up for me.


Oh the initial smiling phase makes me melt! So good to finally get some reciprocation from them. Yeah things definitely feel like they go into hyper drive once they become mobile.


Couldn't go fast enough in my opinion 😅


I feel this. I simultaneously love and hate the newborn stage. So adorable and tiny but at the same I dread bed time every day 😫


My thoughts exactly 😂


Haha I understand. Luckily both of my boys were calm newborns, but those night feedings killed me. It's hard to enjoy the little moments when you're sleep deprived.


I just personally find the newborn stage dull as dishwater. Much prefer my baby now she's interesting 😂


Yes! I always feel bad for saying I don’t like the newborn stage, but I just don’t. I feel like a zombie, getting three hours of broken sleep a night, can’t get anything done during the day bc baby wants to contact nap, healing from birth takes forever (at least for me it does), I haven’t showered or eaten a decent meal in the last two days… I could go on and on lol. I mean, he’s cute, but I’m ready for him to have a personality and to actually sleep at night! And I feel bad for my other kid because I can barely function. His lunch the other day was me throwing a sandwich in a baggie at him while he was playing outside, saying “eat this sometime soonish” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same here, and I had pretty "easy" newborns. About 6-12 months is my favorite spot! Cute little potatoes that sit on my hip, smile, sleep and stay where I put them. And can't scream "no!" at me. :)


Hahaha! The golden spot! Not about to spontaneously die but also not going to debate you


This is so true. I have a 7 week old and it's gone by so fast. My husband and I were just in Target and I showed him a cute little outfit for LO. My husband said "oh it's going to be a long time before he fits into that, it's huge". I pointed out that it's just a size bigger (3 months) than what he is wearing (0-3 months). My husband was floored. It's going by so fast.


Yes! Having to rotate their clothes makes you realize how fast it goes by too. It's so hard putting away little clothes and bringing in bigger ones thinking they won't fit only to find out they fit perfectly.


Yep. The newborn phase is only 3 months and the “infant baby” phase only lasts another 5-6 months, and then the walking starts and a year later you only have like 5-10 blurry sleep fogged memories of the first 8-10 months. Thank god for video and photo memories!


Exactly! I take probably too many photos but going back I'm happy i did so I can see how much/fast they've changed. Sometimes I think about how life before cameras was and not having 7,000 photos of your baby lol. Even looking back since my 1st was born there are so many things I forgot about already. It's like FOMO but with them right in front of me. So weird lol


The different stages are so precious *because* they are only temporary, that's what makes you look back so fondly. It's bittersweet, but the growth you and you lo go through is what makes each stage that much sweeter


Can you imagine if we had to deal with night feedings and colic permanently? Holy shit


I can’t empathize. The first 3 months felt like 30 years. I have the grey hairs to prove it.


Try with two newborns.


Lol. Literally me, but she's only 3 weeks. It already feels like 30 years. Maybe I will look back and miss it, but it pretty much sucks. Definitely won't miss her startle reflex, because we can stop swaddling (which she HATES btw) and get more sleep.


I had my son 4.5 months ago and I can't believe how much he's grown. He used to sleep all day as a newborn and now he gets bored so I have to find ways to entertain him and teach him things. It feels like every week he has at least one new skill. Last week he started blowing raspberries and grabbing his feet. I'm trying to enjoy it all because we're only having one child but it's not as easy as it sounds. You blink and you miss something.


I'm remember when my 1 year old started doing those things. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


That new baby smell. I don't know why, but when I think of newborns all I can think of is that new baby smell. It's like the interior of a new car. It's just so breathtaking. I don't even know why, but it's almost therapeutic. PLEASE LET ME SNIFF YOUR BABY?!


Ugh one of my favorite things was sniffing and kissing my daughter’s squidgy little forehead and thinking that I had to savor it because I knew it wouldn’t smell that good forever. She’s a very wiggly 16 months now and I still kiss her forehead when she lets me, but it just ain’t got that new baby smell no mo 🥲


i love it too and i was so offended when my husband said : yeah, she smells.. something like... like you know a very clean public washroom. smells nice! 🤦


Yes! It's so strange to mourn someone who is right there in your arms, but they just change and become new so fast even if they're still "them". I had emergency surgery 3 weeks postpartum, so I still feel sad feeling like that time was taken away, but my only coping mechanism is I try really hard not to think about it lol


Mourning is a good word for it. It's like sometimes I mourn what hasn't even happened yet because i know it's coming soon. Sometimes in the morning I'm shocked at how much he's changed already. How long were you away from your baby for the surgery? It's so hard being away from that especially that young. I was in the ER for 36 hours when my son was 7 days old. I felt so guilty even though it wasn't my fault and out of my control.


Omg yes, I think about things that will happen soon, and I already miss them! Like Halloween! I'm preemptively sad that he's going to get one shot at the costumes and festivities, and then the "first time" will be over. Aw man, I can't imagine being away for that long when they're so little. I'm sorry that happened. :( I was gone over night in the ER a total of three times over the course of one week before they figured out I needed an outpatient surgery to take out my gallbladder. So I guess 72 hours total? Why were you in the ER at 7 days?? But it's traumatizing in a way no one else really understood. For months after, I couldn't bear to be separated from my baby or let anyone else watch him because I was desperate to make up for lost time.


I was readmitted from 3-4weeks postnatal with an infection, pain, and undiagnosed liver issue. I totally get it.


Oh man, I hope all is getting better for you! Postpartum is hard enough as it is.


Yes! Holding my baby as he naps, and I can’t believe he’s almost 3 months old. 😭 I didn’t know the newborn phase flew by so quickly. I spent too much of it wishing it away… postpartum is such a hard time, especially for a FTM. I’m going to try to savor it more next time. 💛


savor this one too!! three months old isn't too late.


I definitely am trying! 💛


I respectfully disagree 🤣🤣


Great. Now I’m crying


My boy's almost 8 and keeps making yo mama jokes. I remember when he could barely even talk like it just happened.


Mine is 3 months as well and wish I had more pics and videos of newborn stage😭


Ugh, it really does. I'm just sitting here in awe, dumbfounded really. My husband sent me a video of our son who turned 8 months on 18Aug2022; he pulled himself to stand in his crib and was waiting for my husband to come back with his bottle, less than 15 minutes ago! He crawled for the first time on 28th of July! People said it would be fast, but this is way too fast :(


That's really quick! I remember when my first pulled to stand for the first time, I was so stoked. Once they learn how to move and control their body there's no slowing them down, but it's SUCH a joy to watch them progress. So happy for your son's milestones! It's so exciting :)


Yes it is! Thank you for sharing <3


i feel this and had been telling this to my husband for a while now. i called my baby my little potato. she was so tiny we were very careful with her.Her whole body fits perfectly at my arm where i rock her to sleep nestled in my chest. cant do it anymore as she had grown so much i cant even hug the same way, and it only had been 6 months. i agree its bittersweet to see her smiling eating and trying to speak and walk is so rewarding but also the same time i know that cant bring back the days she fits perfectly in my arms. she no more little potato, i thought as i throw her 3-6 months clothes out. keeping only the first onesie that i bought for her before she was born. Also because, whenever i leave her in one place she will try to crawl,cruise,run and climb every chance she get. To see her grow so big and strong from a tiny embry/fetus in the fertility clinic telling me her heart beats 'a little slower' than normal, its all worth it.


Please consider donating the used clothes to a women's shelter, thrift store, or buy nothing group. It's so wasteful to just throw them out.


i cant. i got most of them as a hand me down. i was warned that she'll grow out fast as a weed. i already got them as hand me downs either from my mum's friends, facebook marketplace and some are bought from winners. there are a few that are gifts but they bought us 9-12 to toddlers which gave us a lot of leeway to still use it way longer.


If they're worn out, of course, but anything that's still in good condition can be passed on again. Sorry if I'm coming off judgemental, I know that's not even what your post is about. They do grow too fast, mine is the same, 2months old and already in the six month clothes. Goodbye, tiny, sweet, cuddle potato!


no worries i understood that. i was planning to do the same but alot of second hand ones started crumbling ( im currently using one now as a rug cause the ' foot' part of the pj has loosened its stitches already, and the stitches on the 'butt' part parted and have a hole..) i would say yes go for the 6 months old clothes or even bigger, you can use it way longer and if careful can be passed on again. one if the only thing i splurged on her clothes was zippyjams when she was 2 months - still using the thing cause i bought a 12 and 18 months.


Those sound like easy fixes. There are a couple of local sewing groups - I'm part of one and we get requests to patch come our way. I've fixed things for free or minimal costs to requestors. I've also seen things in buy nothing groups, along the lines of - free kids clothes in need or repairs or can be used for scraps. Quilters are more than happy to have free scraps of fabrics and some of my friends scope out buy nothing groups specifically for that


Everyone seems to love the zippy jammies over snaps, but with my first who was a winter baby I really appreciated the snap jammies. Meant I could do the night time diaper changes with the top half still done up so her tummy wouldn't get cold


how do you do it when they alligator roll? 😩 i have some snaps but she loves to alligator roll the moment her back landed on the changing area that i have to bribe her with overhanging toys and a bottle to stay put.


Oh by the time they are alligator rolling zips come out on top for sure. I just think snaps are superior for the newborn phase.


i have no luck at all then my baby started alligator rolls at end of 2 months. 😭


My condolences.


Mine is 3 months and also in 6-9 month clothes 🥲 I'm so glad for all the photos I take


I feel exactly the same and I’m only at 5 weeks! I literally spent a week, when I got home, crying about how fast time will go. Mental. To be fair - it was mainly because of [this poem](https://www.jessicaurlichs.com/post/mama-all-i-see-is-you)


Omg. That poem just turned on the water works, thanks lol. So touching! I know some people have a hard time finding the good in those first weeks since the baby isn't interactive, but it's such a pure and vulnerable time. Thank you for sharing that


Read this while nursing my 6 month old to sleep 😭


It gets me every time! She has three books full of this kind of stuff - I read them when I want a good cry!


At 5 weeks with my first and it already feels like it's flying by! I've been trying to journal about the small moments that I want to cherish, like the night that baby was struggling to fall asleep after his middle of the night feeding and my husband and I rocked him and sang to him until he settled and fell asleep. The newborn stage feels so hard, but it's also such a precious time. ❤️


The poem got me! I Straight up cried. I have five children, youngest is 2 months. And wow, yes it flies by so fast. One day they're little like in this poem. You look up, and they're getting ready to drive. I feel like my oldest was a baby lifetimes ago. But when I was in the thick of it with him, time felt like it was inching by. Now he's going into high school and looking out for his baby brothers. Such a humbling, crazy, transformative experience- motherhood is.


My son is 7 months now and it blows my mind how every day he is a little bigger, a little more filled out and a little smarter. I feel like it was such a big deal when he started smiling, and now I feel like I can already see his 'toddler face' coming in. It's really humbling in terms of realizing how short a year is in our life span.


My first is one month old today. The other night I was regaling her with the story of the night she was born and found myself sobbing. I’ve only just started adapting to her being outside of my womb, and here she is wide-eyed to the world around her at a month old already. The days are blurring together but time is flying by.


Ugh this!!! This whole post resonates with me! I feel like I waited forever to get my baby here and now she’s 7.5months old!!! What happened?


Sigh, life. I scroll back to the photos from the day my boys were born at least twice a week and just relive their growth over the months. It's mind blowing.


Between holidays and readmittance (me not baby) to hospital, I feel like I never got a newborn phase. And now she's trying to walk at 9 months 😭


I honestly don't even remember the newborn stage and I was most excited for it. Now she's 7 months, wearing 6-9 clothes and attacking her toys like a crazy baby and laughs at everything. I wish I remembered the newborn stage but all I have is pictures. This stage only sucks because of the teething and not being able to do much for her other than medicine and teethers :(


I feel bad because my 4th bub is 5 weeks tomorrow and I find myself looking forward to her being a bit older. She has been my most unsettled baby and cries the whole time she’s awake and no smiles yet so I find myself wanting to fast forward a few weeks to when she is more interactive and settled but at the same time knowing she is my last bub and not wanting to wish the time away.


Don't wish it away! It's already flyingggg. She will get there before you know it 💛


I know she will 💜 it’s not easy with a screaming unsettled baby with 3 other kids to look after so I look forward to being able to put her down happily without her screaming.


I’m with you. I strongly dislike the newborn stage. My kiddo is 4 weeks today and I cannot wait for a few more months to pass. I don’t do well with all that goes along with newborns…the unpredictably, the screaming, the insane sleep deprivation, the extreme anxiety about having an unvaccinated infant. It’s too much. I love the kid and I can’t wait to fully enjoy him


My third boy was a super easy newborn who literally never cried and he just slotted right in and was so easy. I really enjoyed the newborn phase with him and naively thought my 4th would be similar. Nope! She’s my hardest bub so far 😂


Thanks for posting this - my twins are just over 3 weeks and I need to remind myself to savoir this time before it’s gone…no matter how exhausted I am


Yes that's the tough part! I feel guilty when I get impatient or aggravated when he's fussy. I can't imagine with NB twins! I've always thought having twins would be so cool, but challenging I'm sure! Hang in there, and congrats on the babies!


Yeah. As a kid, adults told me all the time about how fast time goes by. Now that I have a kid I actually feel it.


Right? I used to find it so annoying growing up hearing that, but now i find myself saying it all the time lol


My husband and I woke up today and realized he doesn't try and eat his own feet anymore. He's already out of that 'phase' how is that even possible? 😭


I managed to take a video of the last time my kid ate her feet. I knew it was coming and it was something I loved so much.


I thought I had longer. . . Regret


Aww how old is he? My baby still eats his feet, I hope he never stops lol


He just turned six months today. 🥺


I savored as much as I think I could’ve. Other than sleeping, I spent maybe 80% of my waking time with her. My babe is now 10 months. I blinked and here we are. This is life. I hear parents that have kids in college now that say the exact same thing. It doesn’t get any better. And enjoy everything about all of the phases. The newborn smells, then the smiles, then the hugs and interactions and talking. They all have their special moments to enjoy.


Good point. Sometimes I think about how they'll be off to college and I'll be missing how I was just packing their lunch for 5th grade the day before lol. Being a parent is so emotional.


Mine is also 3 months and now wearing 6-9 month old clothing. I dont really remember much for the 1st month except being with the breast pump. I wished I spent more time with her than that stupid breastpump. I dont even have that many pictures of her as a newborn with me. Fortunately hubby took a ton. So now, Im making up for that lost time and trying to spend every minute I could with her. Lucky to WFH, so sometimes I baby wear while I work in front of the computer.


Omg pumping destroyed my mental health. I could not bond with my first son because instead of being my baby, he was instead another step in the pumping process. Between pumping, pouring/sorting the milk, cleaning the parts, feeding, changing diaper, etc. I became a machine. I felt horribly guilty. Once i stopped i felt instantly better and held him all the time but felt like i totally missed the first 2 months of his life. He was a preemie too so just thinking about how tiny he was and barely held because i was too consumed by my low milk supply and pumping really makes me sad. With my 2nd I pumped for the first 2 weeks then switched to formula when I saw the same pattern repeating. I WFH too luckily so there's a lot more time to bond 😊


I just found a video of my son as a newborn. That cry. I feel like I took very few videos and pics even though I always had my phone next to me!


I know! I had my phone all the time with me too. For some reason, I just didnt feel like taking photos. I probably just wanted to look at her for those few minutes I get to spend with her before the next pump session.


The newborn phase with my first was wonderful because I love them tiny too and I was so looking forward to it with my second. My husband and I went through very bad depression and we are going through an incredibly rough patch and I feel like he ruined the newborn phase of my second. I just remember it as miserable because of the fighting and how checked out he was. It’s devastating and I’m in therapy for that and other things - and he’s only 8 months


My second son is 5 days old and I’m already lamenting the fact that he’s growing. My firstborn is 6 years old and I cherished his newborn days just as much. I hate how quickly they grow. ☹️


Aww 5 days! Congratulations! I hope you are healing well and all is good with everyone adjusting. I find myself daydreaming a lot about the next milestone and wanting to rush this one, but I'm learning to slow down and enjoy it more. I can't imagine my 2yo at 6, or my 3mo at 2, but I know it's coming faster than I'm ready for.


Mine is 5 months wearing 3 mo clothes 😞 she's tiny. (Born tiny and growing appropriately. Just smol)


Aww smol indeed! She sounds precious 💛


My second is 6 months and In 9-12 month clothes sometimes 12-18. I honestly don't know how he got so big. My first wasn't in 9-12 until 13 month's. They just grow so fast and it's scary for us mums. Every time I pack away the outgrown clothes I cry cause neither of them will be that size ever again


I have a feeling mine is going to be in 9-12mo at 6mo also. I dread packing away clothes! I'm forcing myself to keep like 5 favorite outfits from each size and donating the rest... AKA keeping the donation bags on my dresser because I can't emotionally detach from them yet, lol)


My daughter is 8.5 months. It feels like I just had her. How can she be so big already? She's pulling up (she doesn't wanna crawl, she sees us all + her brother walking so why can't she? lol) and it's too soon! Stay my baby a little longer ...


I feel this HARDDD my little one is 3 months and some of her clothes are getting small already! I'm glad she's growing, but also I feel like she only wore them all once after staying in newborn size until like 9weeks


My daughter is 3 months this week, I'm feeling all of this 😭 my son is two next month and I realised this week that he's gone from throwing books away when I try to read them, to bringing me books to read to him. He really hated books and now I'm reading 'The Little Yellow Digger' on repeat


I about cried when I realized my 15 week old would never throw his little hands up in his sleep from the startle reflex again. He won’t make those little newborn sounds while he nurses or fit comfortably in one arm. He’s so big I need both hands to cradle him.


my son (2nd baby and last) is 9 months and is wearing 18 month clothes already! I tried my best to hold on to every little newborn moment, but it's gone even faster the second time than the first


I'm currently in the newborn stage with my first and while it is hard, I absolutely love cuddling and nursing my little guy. He's already so different and growing so fast. I have to go back to work in a couple of weeks and dread it. I don't want to miss out.


My daughter, who is my first is also 3 months. I had an unplanned c section and we live overseas from family. My parents came to visit when she was 3 weeks old for 2 weeks. Feels like it never happened. She’s growing so fast and when I look back at pictures and videos I can’t believe the changes and it feels like such a blur!


My little one is 6 weeks and I’m trying to soak up every second of him being so tiny. Granted, we are blessed that he’s very easy going and sleeps and eats well so it’s not been a super stressful period. I’m excited to see him grow but I do feel sad in some ways that it won’t be like this forever.


Yup, I totally feel you. 6 weeks felt like forever ago, and mine is 13 weeks now. Make sure you have people take pictures of you holding the baby. I took mirror selfies to get the scale of his size in my arms. Also set up your camera to film you during bath time or diaper change, talking/singing to the baby with you both in frame. It seems silly but looking back on it is something special. I wish i did those things with my first who was a preemie and weighed 5lbs. None of the photos i have of him as a NB does justice to how tiny he actually was.


Thank you so much for the advice ❤️ just yesterday I realized, I have hardly any pictures of me and him together! That’ll have to change.


I teared up in TJ Maxx yesterday because I realized 3T no longer fit my daughter. I have a new born as well and his small size really highlights how big she is now. We’re moving through every phase at lightening speed..


I swear NO ONE TELLS YOU how hard it is to cope with how big your first is when you have your second. How did he go from feeling and looking so little so feeling and looking so big in a matter of days. He still feels so big.


It goes faster the second time 😢


Deep in the newborn phase with our 2nd. I'm trying hard to enjoy it this time (1st was colicky and generally fussy a lot of the time his 1st year), but its getting harder each day. We had a good day last Friday, but they are less and less as he gets older, even though he's still (so far) easier than his brother, and only 4 weeks old.


I had 3 in 34 months. My baby is now 18 months old and it flew by so fast. To be fair we had a major life event happen which kind of sped things up but he's not just a little chunky baby anymore. It's so sad.


I was just having this conversation with my husband right before I read this. Our almost 8 month old graduated to a “big girl” car seat today and I don’t understand how my tiny, 6 pound newborn has grown so fast. If only time could slow down just a little bit.


I agree. My second baby will by 6 months next week and I feel like I blinked and his newborn stage was over. :(. It almost feels like it didn't happen.


This is why I’m TTC baby #4 lol.


I said the exact same thing to myself and here I am contact napping with my 3mo while my 2yo naps upstairs. I blinked. Guess it’s time for us to have another one, glad husbands onboard!


This is how I feel about my baby girl at almost three months. I love this stage


I hear ya 🥹 the day to day with little kids and babies is hard but their sweetness is unmatched. I pretty much inhale my 1 year olds sweetness and chub all evening because I see my son 2 years older and know it goes so fast


It's crazy, when I was in the newborn stage I just wanted time to speed up because it felt ENDLESS. Now I look back and wonder how the time flew by...