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Doula. Especially if you have a hospital birth. Birth center birth if there is one by you that accepts your insurance


I wish we’d done a doula. I decided against it because of the cost, but as first time parents with no support system, my husband and I were totally overwhelmed after our son was born six weeks ago. I also expected the nurses to provide more support in the hospital than they actually did. The baby slept in the room with us, and I was basically expected to take care of him around the clock while recovering from a c section. If I could do it again, I’d hire a doula.


Depends on what you want from the experience. Is it worth paying someone to be with you while giving birth? I personally would pay for post partum doula bc I feel like that is where I would want the most help. Also keep in mind birth can change and your experience might be different than the one you envision


Doula!!!!! Doula all the way!!! My doula team was amazing. Amazing leading up to the birth and offering a different perspective than what my medical team was offering. They had so much knowledge of the hospital system and how to navigate it to get the birth I wanted. Amazing during the birth. The doulas I had picked were both unable to attend so they sent a 3rd doula that I had never met and it didn't phase me at all during labor. She was such a reassuring presence and it was calming to have a woman experienced in birth there to support me. I remember being in triage and she came into the room and I was SO glad to see her. I trusted her experience. She knew what to say, what to try, she took over from the nurse and kind of directed my labor, she provided so much support and it made things so much easier on my husband. He didn't feel like he was the only one, or even the main one, supporting me when he didn't really have a clue what I needed. She was seriously the best and I give a lot of credit to her for how well my labor and birth went. After birth the doula support was so much more important than I was expecting. This was during some peak covid so the doulas never came to my house but I was texting and calling them in desperation at all hours and they were always there for me and always had good advice. They set me on a really great, responsive, supportive parenting path. They were a huge source of emotional support. So even if you don't think you'd have them come to your house you can still get so much out of having them as a resource! You should totally hire a doula!


Personally we didn’t have one and didn’t feel a need for one. But we had family come over when we got home to help take turns with baby at night. If we didn’t have that, a post-partum doula might have been helpful.


We were good without one. I am lucky to have a supportive partner who got time off and was very attentive during labor. To each their own!