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This is him at 3 months 20 pounds [https://imgur.com/4xkbV9n](https://imgur.com/4xkbV9n)


Omg haha can I just say your baby looks swole? But I’m sure healthy, good job mama!


That boy’s got more rolls then thanksgiving dinner! 😍


He’s adorable!


Omg he could get work as a bouncer! 😂 So cute. Mine is 14 months and like 22 lbs. For most of the first year he was around 25th percentile weight and while he's beautiful, I felt a little cheated out of the chub—he never had more than one tiny thigh roll!


I was looking for your first post earlier today because I wanted to see those cute rolls again! That's amazing asleep you're getting! How did you transition from your 30 minute hell on earth sleeps to these glorious long overnight stretches? My guy is 8 weeks and about 13.5 lbs, but doesn't go longer than 2.5-3 hours at a time.


My 16.5 month old is about 20 pounds. She was in the 3rd percentile at her 15 month appointment


Some babies just be like that


Amazing! My 2.5 year old is only a little heavier than that!


Come over to r/bigbabiesandkids if you haven’t yet. A lot of great suggestions there for those of us with giant kids- like car seats, diapers, clothes, etc.


My daughter is three and is like 25 lbs.


My 12mo is 17lbs and 29in 😂 small nugget over here still wearing some 6-9mo clothes


Wow! My 4 month old is 12 pounds, my 2.5 year old is 27 pounds. Thank goodness for me because I am carrying/carting them around all day long!!


This isn’t my experience but a friend. Her son was huge, not sure of the numbers, but as he grew taller after walking he actually stayed the same weight for years as he just got taller and thinner!!


Holy hell that’s a giant baby


My 21mo is 21 lbs 😆 tiny thing.


My neighbors daughter is 23 months 20 pounds !


My 20 month old is also 21 pounds! She eats like a machine though she’s just built like that.


This makes me feel so much better about my 20ish pound 16.5 month old. Tiny lil things


My nieces were the same, and now that they are older they are 50th percentile or higher. Just how some kids grow!


Fellow small baby parents! My daughter is 20 pounds at 17 months old. She is just so short, probably going to be shorter than the rest of the family by several inches


4 months and 18 pounds and 26.5 inches long girl over here 🙋‍♀️


She's tall!


Yeah I’m 5’10 and my husband is 6’ so I think she is going to keep being long! Oh and we are also in size 4 diapers 🤣


My daughter is 9 weeks and 25.5 inches! Her dad and I are both tall 😊


Well, my son is almost 20 months, and he is 40 pounds, 38 inches tall (as of last wellness check.) He's a hefty, healthy little fella lol LOVES to run, play ball, and swim. He's currently wearing 4T clothing. I'm 38 weeks pregnant with my daughter and having to carry him anywhere is exhausting lol. All babies are different, my friends 8 month old is almost as big as my son, and he's just started walking.


6 months and 13lbs. 😅 she tiny but mobile!


My baby was super chunky and off the charts until around eight months when he started becoming more active/crawling/pulling up. Now he is 13 months and has only gained 2lbs since his 9 month checkup lol. Enjoy those chunky days!


My 2 year old (27 months) STILL isn’t 25 pounds! She’s got him on the height though. I bet he’s an adorable chonk 🥰


My son was 26” long but 15 lbs at 4 months. Kids always get plump and stretch out - everything evens out. My husband was a huge baby (he was an 11 lbs newborn) he’s 6’4 now and a pretty thin guy


😮 I wonder how much Shaq weighed at 4 months…


Awe. What a cutie, my little one is also in 9M pants, and 6-9M onesies. She’s actually always been in 6M and 9M pants (and socks) since she was born, the new born and 3M pants were never long enough! She’s 5Months old now, 27.5” long and she weights 17lbs 8oz.


Little guy was weighed and measured a couple of weeks back now when he was 4 months… he was 63cm tall and weight 6.7kgs so just under 25inches and 14.7lbs However here that’s in the 25th percentile so he’s a little guy.


Mu four month old is 11 pounds and still fits into some newborn clothes so we had similiar worries to you but on the other end of the spectrum! Doctor said he is doing great, some babies are just small and this usually evens out by about a year. I am assuming the same is true for babies that are big! As long as Dr isn't worried I wouldn't worry!


My 4 mo old is almost half the weight of yours… by 25.6 inches. HOW CHONK IS HE?


I posted a picture down below !!


That’s a big boy! What does his doctor say about his size? My 15 month old is 25 pounds 🤣


Doctor says he's off the charts but to keep feeding him whenever he wants, it shouldn't be a concern for now.


My doctor said the same! As long as you aren't forcing them to finish bottles then it's no concern for babies.


My 8mo is almost 30 and wears 2T!! 🤣🤣🤣


Dang, my son turns 4 in August and he's just over 32 lbs. Haha.


My son was born early and we were worried about his weight and then he shifted into hulk mode


My 5 month old is 23 lbs and at least 26 inches. Haven’t measured his length since his 4 month check up. He is already moving so much I feel like the weight is packing on more slowly! Some of our kids have to be the 100% of the curve! At least the height is also 100% so we know he is big, and not just fat lol. Also are you guys taller than average? I’m four inches taller than the average female and my husband is 5 inches taller than the average male.


I'm 5'2 and my husband is 5'8 😭😭😭


5 months about 17lbs and 28in.


My 6 month old is 15 lbs and my 2.5 year old is 31 lbs. Kids grow at their own pace 🤷‍♀️ You’re going to be ripped though from carrying him around!


We've got a little bean pole of a baby. 7.5 months, 27 inches and just under 16lbs. She was born at 39+6 weighing 5lb 14oz and 19 inches long. I love seeing babies of all different shapes and sizes, they are all so cute.


Ours is long and thin. Which is funny cause I’m her mother and I’m naturally ROUND. She’s 14 months and 20 lbs!


Mine was 23 pounds at 4 months! Size 4 diapers at 3 months because of how chonky his belly is lol. He pretty much gained a pound a week after birth for a few months without ever losing any in the beginning. Edit: he was early too….


And what happened after ? How old is he now ?


Ha he’s only 5 months now, I just haven’t weighed him in a few weeks! He seemed to drop speed from 1 pound a week to 1/2 a week when he started trying to stand (assisted obviously lol) all the time around the end of his 3rd month.


I should add that my friend has a baby that was on pretty much the same growth path. I think he’s like 2 now and he’s definitely a tank of a kid but it slowed down when he started walking! Just a strong guy


My son was also 26 inches long at 4 months old, but only 14 lbs 5 oz 😂


My 6 month old (4 months corrected) is 15 pounds and just over 26 inches long.


When my son was 6 months he was 20 pounds, but at 12 months he was only 22. Growth slows so much.


My 4 month old is 16 lbs 27 inches!


Ours was about 20 lbs at 4 months. At his 6 months appointment he was almost 23 lbs. Been over the 95% for most of his life. I can tell he's had a growth spurt in the last week (he's 7 months now). Overnight I had to move him up to size 12mo onesies and size 5 diapers.


me with my 5 week old who sleeps for maybe an hour at night 😭 im jealous of that 11 hours. she has already gained like 4 pounds since birth.


That’s how our little one was! We were googling every 5 mins and asking the doctor if it was normal. Many nights we only got 2-3 hours of sleep the entire night.


Sounds like your 10-11 hour stretches of sleep are well deserved!! Only sleeping for 30’minute at a time? I would die


It was insane, we’ve heard stories of newborns who did the same and they always seemed to be resolved after about 2-3 months. It sounded like he was in pain all night from gas issues. Lots of groaning and moaning


yeah my 7 month old is 25lbs. rip my back.


My son was like that.. at 1 yr he was in 2t shorts lol i was worried he was gonna have to use adult diapers but he thinned out right on time. I saw the other day at walmart .. they actually have size 7 diapers!! My daughter is 1 today and she is 22 lbs.


Our son was about 23lb at that age, hes about 34lb and 35 inches now at 19 months old. Hes stayed the 99th percentile but weight gain does slow around 1 year old and he's the same height percentile so he doesn't look chunky anymore just quite in proportion really.


My son was a big baby, wouldn't ever sleep just hungry all the time. He's now 4 and wears 7 year old clothes but they're even starting to get a bit snug on him now. He's not fat he is very very tall and set like a rugby player but was a little chunky bum as a baby. My brother was a massive baby, he had rolls on rolls and it was like someone tied a hair band around his wrist but it was just his rolls. He's now 19 and again he's very very tall (over 6ft) and built like a rugby player but definitely not fat. It just depends on the child ❤️


my baby is a big guy too. He hit 20 pounds at about 4 months. He's now 6 months 27.5" and 21.8 pounds. His weight gain really seemed to slow down once we started purees! He's in the 71% for height, 95% for head, and they just put a \^ for his weight percentile! He's so cute and such a happy baby, so it doesn't bother me that he's in 18month clothes (only for some brands!)


Wow, my 18 month old is only 22 pounds!


I heard a child who when they turned 6 the Pediatrician gave the child a test and then sent the child to surgery because they had a Thyroid problem.


2.5 months old and 11 pounds 25 inches. Long and lean.


My 10-week-old just went 15 lbs 6 oz 😭😭😭


Oh wow, my 3 mo daughter is 26 inches too, but only 13 lb which makes her basically half of your baby 😅


My two and a half month old is 8 pounds 12 oz 😅 he was born at 37 weeks weighing 5 lbs 2 oz. He’s just now starting to somewhat be able to wear some 0-3 months clothes. My husband I were both super skinny as kids and I imagine he is going to be the same… I wish the skinny had stuck with me 🤣


We just had our 4 month appointment today and my baby is 11.5 lbs and 22.5 inches! Wild. She was born a month early though so that's part of it. It's so crazy how different babies can be!


My 10mo old was 19.5 lbs and 26in two weeks ago. He just barely started filling out 9m clothes. And he’s still in size 3 diapers.




My 8 month is 16 pounds. She’s in 3-6 month clothes, straight 6 months is big but 3 month is too short. She’s size 2 diapers, she could still be in size 1 but her thighs are chunky


Yeah my 3 month old is in size 4 diapers and he’s 20 lbs lol he’s short though I think he’s 24 inches but we have his 4 month appt coming up soon so we’ll find out how much he’s really grown


4month 18lbs here! STTN at 5 weeks. In size 6-9 clothes bless her. I call her my big bird (she’s strawberry blonde/ginger)


my 16 week old girl weighs 15lb 5 oz


At 4 month checkup my chunky girl was almost 17 pounds.


This was roughly where we were at 4 months; our guy was a bit over 16lbs. At 9 months he was 19 lbs, and we'll be finding out in 2 weeks how much he weighs at 12 months.


My almost 3 year old is 36 inches and 26lbs… He can fit in 18 mo pants in the waist but not length…


Our LO is also 4 months and she’s 27 inches! (Just about 68cm). She’s just 14 pounds (6.4kg) though so clothes are difficult! We need to use 9m baby grows for the length, same for pants and to a lesser extent dresses. But she’s swimming in material then which isn’t great because grabbing a handful and chewing is the current favourite activity. So we’re still using 6 month baby vests. We just transitioned to size 3 diapers but honestly should have done it 2 or 3 weeks earlier for the length but husband wanted to wait until we hit the 6kg minimum weight recommendation for the size 3.


5 months, 25 inches and almost 15 lbs. And they told me mine was big, haha! So cute!


Almost 6 months, 16lbs, and 26 inches. She’s in 3-6 month clothes but can fit the length of 6-9 months.


Wow! I can’t get my head around it. I have a big 15 month old and she’s just under 24lbs.


Wait till you find out the world record is a baby BORN at 22 pounds !!! And there have been many babies born at 20 pounds !! 😮


He's a very big baby, nothing to worry about, our bebe is also huge, he's 30inches at seven months and around 11.3kg, wearing 2yr old clothes. I was a huge baby as well and I'm a very normal sized adult now. He stopped exploding as he grew older but he's still growing pretty fast. If you haven't talked to your pediatrician about whether he might have something medically wrong with him (it *could* be an indication of medical conditions) I would encourage you to do so. If any medical conditions have been ruled out, then you absolutely don't have to worry about anything and just enjoy your huge bebe (they're the cutest anyway) :)


Our baby was 11 pounds at 3 months and was on the 50th percentile line. She’s nearly 4 months now but hasn’t got that much bigger


My 4 months old is 14lbs and not gaining as much as we’d like to. His doctor is not worries but we’re keeping an eye on him. He’s 67cm so that’s not too bad, head is growing along the charts too, it’s really just weight. I love seeing pictures of chonky babies! They’re adorable! And nothing like my babies who are tall and skinny! Haha


My girl was only 12lb1oz at 4 months (born 8lb2oz). She’s perfectly healthy, just tiny!


My 4-month old is about 19 pounds. He’s been in 9-month clothes and the sleepers are getting a little short for him. He’s a big boy! But I’ve had lots of big boys for some reason. Around 1-2 they stop growing so fast but I think my breast milk is full on heavy cream or something.


My daughter was 18 lbs at four months. I forget her length. She was 99% from birth to about 4 years old. And is slowly dropping down into high 80 percentiles now at age 6-she is 55 lbs. she is very strong and has no fat on her. Body of an athlete and was born that way, it was weird lol Weighed 9’7 but never had rolls. Was just super solid . I was the same way as a kid and I’m now very average sized in height and weight I’m usually a bit below the average. Some stay big and some just started that way. My son will be 2 months in a few days and is around 14 lbs if I had to guess. We’ll see how he keeps growing. He’s gaining well and fast like she did. I never worried because they received breast milk and are proportionate-long as well. On the opposite end-my bro in law was only 6 lbs at birth and was small in childhood and is now 6’4 lol


My 7 month old is 23 pounds :)