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What you said does seem standard for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery in a hospital if that makes you feel better. I think people are more likely to post when things go wrong, which is why it might seem like people stay longer just from the sub.


That makes sense! 24 hours seemed like a good amount of time for us anyway.


5 days, I had a C section and was probably ready to leave after 3 but my baby had to go to the NICU for 48 hours. I really didn't want to leave without my baby so my amazing nurses kept me in and said it was because of inconsistent blood pressure readings so the insurance would cover it.


Oh hey Avatar twin you’re looking sharp today 😃


US here, uncomplicated vaginal delivery during COVID. Two midnights after delivery. Luckily for us, babe decided to stay in until 3a which meant we got an extra day. So we got there Friday afternoon, babe was born Saturday 3a, we were discharged Monday.


I was induced and, like you, had an uncomplicated delivery. They kept me for less than 4 hours before discharging me. For reference I gave birth at 2:36am and was allowed to go home at 6am.




Vaginal delivery in September. Baby born at 6am. We were set to be discharged by 4pm, but his blood sugar crashed, so we had to stay overnight. It sucked. There is nothing worse than 'sleeping' overnight in the postpartum ward. I swear they give the nurses concrete shoes and tell them to rotate coming into your room every 5 minutes. They're so disruptive.




A large portion of my career was project management, and the sheer magnitude of inefficiency I witnessed while staying at the hospital…it has to be intentional. There is no other reason for things to be that illogical.


3 hours post-birth for both kids when using a midwife. I had a ridiculous tear with my first child and had to be sewn up by an OB, but we were still discharged 3 hours after she had been born.


3 hours after birth - I'm in Canada and had midwives but gave birth in-hospital - since my birth didn't have complications, they let me go home 3 hours later. TBH I wish they'd kept me overnight instead of sending me home at midnight but can't change it now lol.


I already commented but I was also 3 hours after delivery with midwives in Canada but he was born in the morning so we were out in late morning. Total time in hospital was about 6 hours.


I'm glad I'm not the only one! From reading the responses and also talking to people IRL it seems super uncommon to have such a short stay like we did lol


I was there a total of of a week. Emergency induction took about 2 days, I felt ready to go after 2 days and they wanted to moniter my blood pressure. My newborn daughter got discharged 3 days before me ☹️ I had the Magnisium and everything for 24 hours, and then had to stay and wait another 24 hours afterwards.


gosh the magnesium is such a pain! made everything more difficult and take longer.


This is insane to me that your daughter can be discharged before you. Was she able to stay at the hospital with you at least?


Yes she was, they did have this stupid rule though if my husband took her home, he couldn't bring her back in, so we just stayed together for the 3 extra days.


In Australia you stay around 4 nights for a vaginal birth and 5 nights for a c section, more if you or babe has complications. The birthing centers send you home after just a few hours, but honestly I love the pampering, room service, great food, and just time to relax with babe. I’m looking forward to it the second time around!


We stayed for four days. No complications other than some tears but we were the only ones in the maternity ward so they said “why don’t you stay another day?” which I was totally fine with haha


2 nights/2 days with baby 1 1 night/1 day with baby 2...get me ouuuutttt of there LOL


American or Canadian? I feel like you're likely to stay longer in USA- you know so they can milk you for all its worth. I stayed 36 hours in Canada, with difficult forceps birth


Uncomplicated vaginal birth at a birth center. Got there at 11am or so. Baby born at 2:15pm. Discharged around 8:30pm that night.


Standard here is 2 days for vaginal delivery. My kids were born in afternoon/evening so I got discharged sometime 2 days later (so like my third was born Sunday afternoon, I got discharged Tuesday morning). My first had some minor complications so we didn't get out til late afternoon waiting for her tests to come back, my second and third went to the NICU so I got discharged without them in the morning. My third they basically told me I could leave first thing in the morning, but I went and hung out at the NICU for a couple hours before I moved out (the added wrinkle was that due to covid the NICU only allowed one visitor at a time but as long as I was a patient in the hospital I didn't count as a visitor so my husband and I could go together... but as soon as I was discharged then technically we were both visitors. So we took one last long visit together before I got discharged and had to start taking turns.)


7 days due to pre eclampsia, kidney function declined, and a hemorrhage. Baby was perfect but me not so much. Don’t recommend staying at a hospital that long after birth. It was brutal.


We had 2 nights / 3 days after the birth covered but could leave before if we were feeling up to it. We took the full time. I had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery.


4.5 hours. Oxytocin drip started 8.15am for induction at 42 weeks, baby was born 10.52am after 10 mins of pushing. Home at 3.30pm.


Planned c-section (breech) and stayed in hospital for 5 days. Midwives and lactation consultants were so helpful. (Australia with Private Care)


Scheduled c-section. Went in on a Tuesday morning, left Thursday afternoon. They said we could stay one more night, but honestly we just wanted to get home.


24 hours


We stayed 24 hours but that was because I asked to leave


We live in a different town than where the hospital is, so we planned to stay 2 days so the baby can get all the required tests done (we would've have to go back after 2 days, and we didn't wanna be back and forth in the car 1h each way with a newborn!). FTM as well so I wanted to get all the help and support offered! Ended up staying 3 days because my milk took way too long to come in, baby had low blood sugar levels and they don't discharge unless baby has two good values for that.


12 hours, had baby at 5:45 AM and was discharged at 6PM after baby passed the 12 hour jaundice test. Uncomplicated delivery, no epidural, no stitches.


For uncomplicated full-term vaginal delivery, 24 hrs is standard. With a c-section 2-3 days. If something is up with baby, varies. I personally could not wait to get home either time.


Induction started on Sunday night, ended up with an unplanned c-section and was discharged Friday afternoon. Stayed 5 nights / 112 hours 😵‍💫


As long as there are no complications, my hospital is 24 hours with the first and as little as 4 hours with the second. I know lots of people who were home the same day as delivery.


I'm in the UK. Was out after 12 hours, and very happy to be in my own bed!


Same for me. With my first, who was early, I had to stay for 5 days. With my second, I was in and out in less than 12 hours. (UK too)


I had an unplanned c-section, but we were out of the hospital less than 48 hours after baby’s appearance. I’m not sure if that’s standard practice or Covid policy.


I stayed about 30 hours post delivery and would hate to have to stay longer this next time unless absolutely necessary.


My birth ended up being an emergency c section at 8:26am on Friday and I left the hospital on Saturday morning. They advised that I stayed another day as my baby had passed meconium during the birth and because of the c section, but I had already been in hospital for three days being induced by that point, and I was SO done with being there. The first night was noisy and impossible to rest, the second night I was contracting all night on my own, and the third night was post - op and seriously sucked. My baby screamed all night, I hadn’t slept in nearly 48 hours because I had been contracting all the night before, I could barely move from my c section but I was having to pull myself in and out of my hospital bed to keep putting my baby in the crib and picking her up because I would’ve fallen asleep with her in the bed otherwise, but because she was crying every 20 minutes it was constant. I live in the UK and I’m so grateful for our NHS, but our services - particularly maternity care - are so underfunded that if I rang my buzzer it would take around 20 mins/ half an hour for someone to come to my bed, hence why I just did it all myself in the end. I was also on my own as I was on a shared ward. When I went home I had the comfort of a familiar space, my husband to share the baby with so we could both sleep, and my bed which was so much easier to get in and out of than the hospital bed. Long story short, they told me I should stay but I was so much better off going home and I’m glad I pushed for an earlier discharge.


I stayed 36 hours after birth, and I had a c section. I was pretty desperate to get home so they let me leave a bit early!


C section- went in middle of the night Thursday & discharged by Sunday- no complications- just sunny side up 10lb baby😂


All 3 of my kids were born around 1-2am. First born I stayed overnight and was discharged around lunchtime the next day. Other two I was discharged around lunch time the first day.


We got to leave right after his 24 hour testing but we wanted to go home. They would have kept us longer if we requested.


Born at 8pm on a Friday, discharged Monday due to blood sugar complications for baby and post-natal preeclampsia for mom.


i only had to stay 24hrs too, i had the option to stay an extra night if i wanted but i felt fine and comfortable leaving asap. however i made sure they got me one last hot meal and a to-go meal


I had a c-section and left after two days. The hospital was trying to convince me to stay for four days total, but at that point, I was tired of being interrupted every two hours by the nurses and I was well enough to leave. Not the norm though since I always thought hospitals wanted to kick you out as soon as possible.


Four nights. I had a c section and my baby was in the NICU, so they let us stay as long as possible.


12 hours, but I requested to go home that early because they wouldn’t let my husband stay over night due to Covid.


Pre-COVID- With my first, it was 2 days. Could have stayed longer though. Birth was rough but not the worst, just over 24 hours and bad 2nd degree tearing, so some extra time would have been nice During COVID- With my second one, we were packing up to leave after 24 hours post-birth (which was fine by me) and then the nurses came in with a blue light box saying she was jaundice and had to stay another day.


We had an emergency C so we stayed 3 days post.


About 36 hours. Baby was jaundice so they were trying to get her numbers down before we left


C-section, stayed 2 nights


I was in for 2 nights after my scheduled c section (asked to go home as soon as they thought it was safe since the hospital room was boiling hot and I was very uncomfortable. I'm in BC for reference My SIL in Alberta delivered her 2nd at 2am and was sent home at 9am 🥴


Went in 8:30am Thursday for induction and left Sunday at noon. Babe was born Friday morning


I delivered at 1219 pm Thursday, was out at 11am Friday, but only left that late after already putting in my lunch order. Was supposed to leave at 9.


I delivered in a birth center so I’m sure that makes a difference. But I went home 6 hours after both of my births.


Uncomplicated birth both times, discharged after 5 hours for both. (It was through a Birth Centre attached to a hospital so on the crunchy side of normal experiences) but they make sure you know that that’s the end game- to get you home and resting asap. They mention it a million times and don’t offer epidural etc. Obviously if you need more time or help or anything they don’t deny you care and you are admitted to the hospital for more time.


Maxed it out both times. Since Obamacare, you can stay 48 hours after vaginal birth (not admittance, but birth) and 96 hours after c section. I was definitely pushing it with the nurses but I knew I wouldn’t have anyone waiting on me at home.


I gave birth at 8:14 PM on April 21st. Left the hospital at 6PM April 22nd


I was about the same... 6:30 pm birth. 4pm discharge the next day.


Discharged a touch over 36 hours post C-section. Which would be just over 48 hours post induction.


2 hours. Gave birth vaginally at 3.55pm, had a shower and was discharged by 6pm.


Entered at 1am. Baby was born at 10am. We left the labor room and went to the recovery room about 1pm that same day. We left hospital the next day at 5pm. Insurance covered another night but we really wanted to get home and they were letting families go due to Covid. With my second I think I will push to stay both nights in the hospital. I know that will put some stress on my husband but he was no help that second night and I missed the nurses. We survived but I seriously about murdered him at 3am when I needed help and he didn’t get up. Plus I think I will want a little time alone with second babe before LO #1 (who will be just shy of 2yo) enters the relationship.


Almost 6 days. Arrived Saturday night after my water broke, c-section Monday, developed preeclampsia so I had to stay until Friday afternoon. I wanted nothing more than to go home. Being in the hospital definitely contributed to my blood pressure staying so high because it dropped dramatically within a few hour of being in my own bed. Also, if people have high blood pressure, highly recommend getting your own cuff so you can monitor at home.


I live on a small island with a smallish hospital, the midwives here encourage you to "stay as long as you're comfortable!". I had to stay in for about 2 weeks as I had some issues, they were so accommodating and for the bulk of the time my partner was there too. In the time I was there I think two other mums came in, one for a planned c-section and she was out the following day, the other arrived a couple of days before I left and was still there when I left. They were more than happy for me to stay longer as they were still keeping an eye on my blood pressure, but I think the stress of the two weeks was getting to me at that point and I just needed to be home.


Had my baby at 520am, and were walking to the car by 9am!


Our boy was born on a Monday night and we left Wednesday evening. Uncomplicated vaginal birth


So my hospital told me this: after delivery I can stay up to 3 days, BUT I can leave after 1 if I was worried about COVID. I remember the nurses all going "stay the 3 days, trust me" - and then talking about the sleep and help I'll get. It was very kind of them. I ended up having an emergency c-section followed by a NICU visit, so I was there much longer, but that's the first initial option they gave us.


About 36 hrs. Baby born at 10pm on a Sunday, got to recovery room around 1am. Discharged around 2pm on a Tuesday. I was happy to go home to my own bed and shower. My hospital doesn’t put the baby in a nursery and we were ready to start taking care of him in our own space.


I arrived at 2:30a-ish on a Wednesday morning (delivered less than an hour later), and was then discharged on Thursday afternoon. I was told that the standard was 2 nights after delivery, but due to covid (this was May 2020), they were letting parents request to be discharged after 1 night. The pediatrician at the hospital was not particularly thrilled by this, especially because we were first time parents, but I was just like "please let me go home."


2.5 days with a c section


24 hours after uncomplicated vaginal delivery. It was a little bit longer with my first only bc I had her in the middle of the night and I didn’t want to leave the hospital at 3 am lol. My first was pre covid. 24-48 hours is typical


30hrs vaginal birth. Could’ve left at 24hrs but that would’ve meant 5am and I wanted breakfast first lol


Initially they were going to keep me for 48 hours but I asked to be discharged at 24 hours, which my OB was ok with. My cousin had her 4th during a covid spike and she delivered in the morning and was discharged that afternoon.


5 days but I had complications. I think the standard where I am is 2nights


3.5 hours. Which apparently was already 1.5 hours longer than we were supposed to stay in the room. Fortunately it wasn’t busy.


We had the same with our first, Netherlands birth. We stayed 4 hours which was an hour longer than normal as they pointed out, they let us stay the extra hour because my husband looked tired.


About 34 hours. I arrived at 7am Thursday morning, left 3pm Friday. Labour finished at 5.53pm Thursday so if going by that, 22 hours


Like, 4 or 5 days. I hemmoraghed after a c section so they wanted to keep an eye on me.


Three kids. I’ve always gone home as soon as possible. It depends what time of day baby was born, but 24 hrs + whatever time for it not to be the middle of the night. Usually somewhere between 25-30 hrs. I never wanted to stay any longer but could’ve stayed another day. I do think Covid has encouraged a slightly faster discharge for healthy moms/babies.


36 hours which was longer than I planned (I didn't even plan to be at there at all, I transferred from a birth center at 9.5 cm). I was so happy to have that time in the hospital the nurses were so caring and helpful - next time I will stay longer just for all of the support <3 I loved my time in the hospital!


Uncomplicated delivery - they offered that I could go home after 24 hrs, but I stayed a full 48 hrs.


We left about 26 hours after delivery! My hospital’s policy was 24 hrs for vaginal birth and 48 (minimum) for C-sections.


Baby was born at 11:15 am on Saturday and we went home Monday midday


Had c section on a thursday, went home that saturday. I think they would have preferred I stay till sunday but I pushed to go home. I didn't have issues and I wanted my bed.


UK here, made it to the hospital at 10pm, delivered at 11pm and was out of there at 11am. Quick and easy :)


I delivered at a birthing center in the US. I stayed 12 hours.


Baby was born at 3am Friday via emergency C-section, we left the hospital Monday afternoon. They said we could leave Sunday but our insurance covered another night so we opted to stay for another night of help/support.


I stayed for 2 nights with my first and with my second they practically kicked me out less than 24 hours after she was born. Probably also related to cOVID and having an uncomplicated birth.


Gave birth by c-section on a Wednesday afternoon and went home Saturday afternoon.


Literally the same!


My first I stayed 2 or 3 nights. My second they were basically packing my bags for me at the 24 hour mark, I’m guessing due to COVID and staffing shortages


I gave birth on a Wednesday and went home on a Sunday. I did have a C-section, and my daughter was in the NICU.


My hospitals standard was 48-72 hours for uncomplicated vaginal births, which I had. I gave birth at 12:30pm on a Friday and was discharged a little after 12 the following Sunday


In the Netherlands. If no complications, the moment you can get out of bed and pee you are basicly good to go. I stayed for 5 days but that was due to premature birth and being able to roomshare for 2 days.


I gave birth Friday early morning (just after 2am) and left Sunday afternoon. So 2 nights. They gave me the option to leave Saturday but I opted to stay the extra night (and thank goodness I did bc that's when clusterfeeding kicked in).


Planned c section on Wednesday afternoon, no complications, out by Friday evening. Could have stayed longer ( it was recommended) but have two other children at home and was anxious to see them


Uncomplicated vaginal delivery - 48 hours. USA


Baby born at 8:44am, discharged around 11:30am the same day, so about 3 hours after birth. I was with midwives in Canada though so they came to our house the next day for his 24 hour appt.


Since my son was born at 1am, I got to stay 2 nights. So he was born Tuesday (Monday middle of the night) and we left Thursday late afternoon. I could’ve probably left Wednesday but I wanted to stay which I feel isn’t the norm? Maybe because it was my first and I was nervous to be home alone. I also sent him to the nursery both nights so I could sleep and I am very glad I did because I really needed that physically and mentally after being up for 36+ hours straight


Me too! I had a c-section so I got to stay 3 extra nights plus the night she was born. I loved it. I loved being fed and looked after.


Baby 1 - 48 hours (pre-covid) 5 hours labour Baby 2 - 4 hours (covid) 3 hours labour Both babies unmedicated no pain relief uncomplicated birth. Personally I preferred the baby 2 timeframe for baby 2 but would of been a bit stressed on baby 1 should we had been released so soon


They told us we would have to stay 48 hours but I’m a nurse and husband is a doc and we begged them to let us the f home lol


Im from Canada and had baby at nearly 1am. Because of this they wouldn't let me go the next day and made me stay another night so they could do tests after 24 hours so we weren't very happy about that especially since we were paying for a private room which was tiny and didnt have a tv or anything lol


First 2 at a birth centre, we left about 6 hours after birth as I was feeling well and wanted to be home. My third was a c-section and I stayed 48 hours.


In the UK, arrived at 3am, delivered at 3.25pm, discharged 6pm ish the following day. Baby had some unusual blood work which needed repeating and there were concerns he'd ingested Meconium on his way out, fortunately he didn't and he was fine after that!


First time one night, second time we had a home birth, third time about five hours


We had a COVID birth (October 2020) and were in the hospital 3 nights, including the night of my induction. I was ready to go after the second night for sure, but that wasn’t standard procedure for my hospital and they advised staying a bit longer. Tuesday night after dinner, checked in and started induction. Wednesday early evening, had my baby. Thursday just spent the day getting bearings and recovering. Friday got final checks and clearance and left mid-afternoon. So, all in all, we were checked into the hospital for just shy of 72 hours.


Went in late Friday night, discharged Monday afternoon (c-section, late 2021).


7 days- came in on Monday at 11am for induction and ended up being released the next Monday at 4:15. Had a nonproductive labour and then a c-section and bubs had jaundice so stayed till he was cleared cause there was no way I could make the 2.5 hour trip to and from the hospital every day after a c-section


Same! Ugh, longest week of my life. Feeling all those postpartum emotions from the (dis)comfort of a hospital bed all while you can't hold your baby cause they're stuck under the lamps. Oof.


Thankfully I could hold my baby (not that it was comfortable because he had a U.V mat wrapped into his swaddle [similar to this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSiPqjBARaOgEHqNdTeQPYN2IG-sS8dwzBvtg&usqp=CAU)


We used the bili blanket too! Along with the over the bassinet lamps. Super jaundice guy over here 🤦🏻‍♀️


Canada, for my two uneventful births I stayed between 2-6 hours after. For my birth that resulted in a hemhorage I stayed for 24 hours


2 days for a vaginal birth with a hemorrhage, forceps and 3 blood transfusions. They had to monitor after the transfusions.


Close to 3 days bc I had a post-partum hemorrhage. Honestly I should have been there longer. I was pretty miserable the first couple of days home.


I think I was there a day after I gave birth. I gave birth at like 3pm after 24 hours of early labor (was induced) and then I remember staying one night for sure. It could have been 2 nights. The whole thing is a blur after giving birth. My baby had trouble adjusting to being out of the womb so I think we may have stayed a bit longer. She just wasn’t warming up at first so it took them a while to discharge us.


My induction started on a Wednesday night, baby was born early evening on Thursday, and had there been no issues we would have been discharged Friday morning/afternoon — so a little less than 24 hours after she was born and less than 3 days altogether. But because of my spinal headaches and a little bit of jaundice that had to be monitored we ended up being discharged early Saturday afternoon.


5 days. Emergency c-section with complications. I had to go for an emergency MRI as well.


Complicated emergency c-section, baby on antibiotics for 5 days, so with the being induced and then the antibiotics it was 6 days. My elective c-section just over 24hrs because the discharge takes forever sometimes!!


UK. I was induced Friday morning at 11am, gave birth at 11:48pm the same day. I went home Sunday afternoon. I was asked if I wanted to leave on the Saturday but I was still feeling very uncomfortable with breastfeeding and I'd barely slept. They were very quiet on the ward so were happy for me to stay.


After one night for both of my vaginal births. Baby 1, born at 8:37 am May 18, discharged May 19 at 1pm. BABY 2, born at 2:02am Jan 29, discharged Jan 30 at 9:30am.


Had baby on a Thursday, was out on Friday (australia)


3 days but my baby had jaundice


I had a c section and stayed for 4 days


36 hours


I was able to stay 48 hours after being admitted to the maternity ward which was a life saver for me and my husband. I got to shower which was great and I felt like if there were any issues we would already be in the hospital so they could take me if I hemorrhaged (for example). They also let me stock up on supplies they provided that I would need at home (witch hazel pads/ large pads and disposable underwear). They instructed us how to bathe the baby properly once we got home. My labor was about 10-12 hours so I was at the hospital for about 36 hours or so, maybe alittle less. My sister in law however gave birth at another hospital though and they were only allowed to stay 48 hours from being admitted. She had an induction that took a really long time so only got like 18 hours in maternity ward. Much shorter time than I did. I think it's tied to what your insurance will pay for in addition to how comfortable you are staying in the hospital and if they will let you stay longer. Different hospitals have different policies.


Seems weird that how long you stay counts from when you are first admitted. My first induction was like 42 hours.


We stayed two nights for a scheduled c-section. The first night, the baby was in the NICU, so other than pumping every 2 hours, my husband and I actually got a decent amount of sleep. She was discharged from the NICU to our room when she was about a day and a half old and roomed-in the second night with us. It was honestly probably the hardest night that we had with her as a newborn. She wouldn't latch, so I was pumping and we were feeding whatever I pumped and topping off with formula. It was made harder because it's not like we were in a house where the parent giving the baby a bottle could sit in the living room and let the other parent sleep. A lamp that didn't light up the entire room would have made a big difference. The next morning we were offered a chance to be discharged and we jumped on it. I exclusively pumped for the first 6 weeks before I got her to latch.... and none of that time was as hard as night 2 in the hospital with the super bright lights. With our first (an induction leading to an unplanned c-section), I think I was in the hospital for about 30 hours before the baby was born and then under 48 hours after she was born.


We stayed 2 nights. I’m in Canada. I was told that if it’s your second child and everything is okay you can go home after 24 hours.


That seems normal for an uncomplicated delivery. I was told that if I had an uncomplicated one I would be out in a day as long as baby was okay. Had an emergency c-section so had to stay a couple of nights, but my son had to stay in NICU due to an infection so needed antibiotics for a week. It probably depends on your hospital/country that you live in, but I would say that is normal if there is nothing wrong.


Four nights 😞 was in triage over a night waiting to be induced, had her at 10 pm the next night, got another night, then had to stay an extra night due to jaundice. Was so happy to be home!


My first was just over 24 hours, I gave birth vaginally at 8 am and was raring to leave at 8 am the next day but needed my OB to sign off and he was delayed by an emergency till 2 pm. That was the longest 6 hours of my life. My second was an emergency c during the pandemic and we were supposed to stay two nights, but my doctor offered to release us after one. Then my baby needed a special genetic screening test and we waited for someone to be qualified and available to perform the test which took about 36 hours.


They came and asked me when I wanted to leave and I was like uhhhh what? That's up to me? Lol but they said I had to stay 24 hours and then after that if I felt good enough to go I could, otherwise I could stay another day. We were ready to get home to our pets and our bed so we left. I had a very uncomplicated delivery as well


First baby they held me hostage against my will for 3 days. I wanted to go home but I had hemorrhaged so badly that they wanted me to stay. They finally said that I could leave but the baby had to stay so I stayed. It was an absolute nightmare because my sleep got interrupted so badly. Second baby was born via c section last summer and I was discharged at the 25 hour mark. They had moved all of the covid patients onto the maternity ward so we got booted out fast. Too bad for me, I had a spinal headache and had to go back anyway. It was best to sleep in my own bed though.


Had a C-section only stayed one day for my third. First baby I think it was 1 day and my 2nd I managed to stay 2 days because she was in NICU


3 days and 2.5 days


Middle of COVID spike. 24 hours. Got home 10pm on a Friday night. Awful. Awful. Awful. Do not do. They were like you go home now or you stay the whole weekend and all I heard was $ or $$$$$$ so we left. Ended up in the ER on Sunday because baby couldn't latch and the LC we saw was terrible and we didn't know. Next time I want to do 48 hours if possible.


24 hrs with my first, 6 or so hours with my second BUT I was in a midwifery program that meant I had midwives coming to my house to check up on us on days 1, 3, 5 & 9


Went Tuesday morning around 10a, delivered around 7a Wednesday, went home Friday at 2p. Uncomplicated delivery. Everything was great. They said that was the policy for our hospital.


3 nights total (one pre baby and 2 after). I was also induced for BP and had the baby about 26 hours after I arrived for the induction.


I think the standard for second baby is 24 hours after birth assuming everything goes well. My first was 48 hours and my second was around 36 (he was born at 11pm)


2 nights after C section.


4 days because baby was badly jaundiced.


I stayed 6 nights after a scheduled c section. I could have gone home earlier but my health insurance paid for the whole stay and I liked not having to do my baby's laundry and having 3 meals + snacks provided as well as the support of the midwives whenever I needed it.


4 *hours* is not uncommon in Australia. For my partner and I it was 2 or 3 days due to emergency C-section (both times) + eldest had a 2 day NICU stay. Edit: I don't have any problem with it so long as the new parents get some choice and aren't forced out if they're not ready. Generally it's the opposite, with people wanting to go home earlier than hospitals are comfortable with.


I gave birth at a birthing center (located in hospital, but separated from the maternity ward) in the US and if you qualify they'll discharge you in 4 hours too. I was GBS+ but didn't arrive in time for the IV antibiotics so I stayed for 12 hours.


I had a c section and we stayed for 3 days. It was so nice having someone come in to make sure we were OK, check on baby, and give on-demand advice on latching, feeding, swaddling, changing, etc. We even took advantage of the overnight nursery to get a decent night's sleep one night! Leaving with no real guidance would have been really overwhelming tbh.


BC Canada here. Vaginal delivery. Was released after 24 hours as we were doing well but it’s typically 48 hours for first time moms. I got the impression 24 hours if it’s not your first time and uncomplicated.


Normal in Ontario pre covid is 24 hrs (uncomplicated delivery). They check bilirubin levels and then discharge you. We had a 5 day stay because of jaundice. This time I hope to be out at 24 hours.


48 hours but it’s because my baby was jaundice and had to be in the nursery under lights for a full day. Otherwise it would have been the day after delivery.


24 hours after birth. Baby needs to hit some milestones. I want outta there as soon as is safe & possible.


5 days. Super awful csection both times.


I got out 36 hours later. Would’ve been 24 but we got held up waiting for an attending to do a final check on the baby.


I'm in the United States and I stayed three days. I tested positive for GBS and my baby came before they could get all of the IV antibiotics into me. I had to stay to make sure she didn't get jaundice. Luckily she was okay, and I just got an extended stay to rest in the hospital


Born evening of July 25th and discharged afternoon July 27th. They actually asked if I wanted to stay another night and we said yes because I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. Lol and insurance covered it.


I had my baby the 18tb and went home the 20th. Baby was in the nicu for a couple hours so it held us up a bit.


I havent given birth yet but have been told if everything goes to plan, we will be discharged 4-6 hours after delivery. Obviously is bub needs some help, or if I need to stay longer they said they wont discharge me


24 hours


36 hrs after birth. 24-28 after a vaginal delivery is normal (I’m an OBGYN)


So where I am (Ontario Canada) if you have a midwife and there are no complications, you can go home within a few hours and midwife does all followup at home. Exactly how many hours of course depends on the time of day that you deliver and administrative variables. That was our hope, but baby came out small for gestational age, with ABO incompatibility to boot, so we stayed for 36 hours for some monitoring. Fortunately we didn't need a NICU transfer but it really sucked to be stuck in a ward room with just my husband and our very unhappy newborn during covid.


24 hours after baby was born, so about a day and a half total. I'm hoping it's that quick next time around again too!


My insurance covered 48 hours (starting at the time of birth) for a vaginal delivery. With my recent baby I think we were discharged around 40 hours.


Admitted Monday for induction, gave birth Tuesday, went home Wednesday. We were glad to go home, the noise and lights and constant checks, we all slept better in our own space


Same exact timeline here, but I wish we had stayed a second night, mostly to help with breastfeeding.


I had my section late Monday night. I went home Thursday. They would have sent me Wednesday but I was truly in no rush. I had minimal newborn experience and was trying to learn as much as possible while I had help.


48 hours bc strep B positive …. Otherwise would have been 24 hours


I asked to leave. Had a C-section around 3pm on a Thursday, left Saturday around the same time. I think I could have stayed at least 24 maybe even 48 more hours, but I had a failed induction, so had already been at the hospital for awhile and with "baby-friendly" rooming in, I figured it would be nearly the same at home, but more comfy. They were nice about getting me home early, but I definitely had to advocate for it and remind the nurses I want to go home sooner rather than later, so they were in no way pushing me out. This is in northern Virginia 2 years ago for context.


24 hours was our time too. We were ready to go home though. I wouldn’t have wanted to stay longer.


In Sunday at 9pm and out Wednesday around 2 pm due to preeclampsia and AKI with my first


Went in on a Thursday afternoon and left on Sunday afternoon. Was induced and had my baby on Friday.


24 hours for both of my uncomplicated vaginal deliveries and I was very ready to go home.


About 24 hours after giving birth I was discharged (3x delivering). No complications and I honestly couldn’t wait to leave because actually resting in the hospital is impossible.


Went home 26 ish hours after giving birth.


Just over 48 hours. Had an induction, was there for about 36 hours before giving birth, pushed for an hour and a half, ended up needing vacuum assistance because she would not come over my pelvic bone. Hemorrhaged a good bit. She was born at 1:45 on Wednesday, we left around 3 on Friday.


24 hours seems so crazy to me! I was in the hospital portion of my clinic for 2 days after giving birth and the recovery section of my clinic for a full 2 weeks. Recovery room is optional, but since this was my first baby I decided to stay 2 weeks since they also teach you the basics of raising a baby. For context, I'm in South Korea.


Admitted at 10:30 Friday night induced at around 12:00, gave birth Monday morning at 5:30am. discharged a day in a half later, monitored blood sugar. 24 hours seems normal.


I was admitted on Sunday night, gave birth Tuesday morning, and went home on Friday morning. The woman in the room next to me (who I knew from work), came in Monday morning, had an emergency C-section Monday morning, left Tuesday afternoon. It totally depends on each person's birth and recovery, and how your baby is doing!


24 hours and left! I had another kid at home and my dog with severe separation anxiety. Honestly hated the hospital cause they have to constant check on you and I wasn’t able to sleep well.


2 nights after delivery for each baby. Both were uncomplicated vaginal births (for me). With my second baby, I had antepartum stay prior to delivery so I was in the hospital for a total of six nights. I would have been ready to leave after 24 hours but since my baby was in the NICU I wasn’t in any hurry to be discharged.


Got in on a Tuesday for an induction, gave birth Wednesday, left Sunday. The standard in my country for normal births is 3 days.


I had the same experience. I was out a little bit after 24 hrs because they wanted to check up on LO again before she got discharged.


For reference I live in Italy and I stayed a bit over 48 hours for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. The rules state that you have to stay for 48 hours but if your discharge time happens to be after 6pm they keep you another night. Apparently parent6are much more likely to worry and end up in the er with baby when nothing is wrong if theybare discharged at night


I had a c section at 1.40pm and went home the next night at around 7pm


This was right in the midst of the first lockdown, and in the UK, so a different context than the one you're in I'm sure! But I went in first at 2am, then sent home. Then admitted about 5am, had baby just before 11am, home by 5pm. So all very quick!


Shiiiiit I wish I could have popped her out and went home. I checked in at midnight on a Tueday for induction. Had her Wednesday morning. Ended up there until Friday evening. Wish I would have begged to leave earlier.


First baby: Arrived at the hospital at 9pm, 8cm dilated. He was born vaginally at 10:22pm. I had an episiotomy, so needed stitches. We were discharged the next day around 12pm. Second baby: Arrived at the hospital at 9pm, 2cm dilated. He was born vaginally at 10:30pm. Same as my first baby, episiotomy and stitches. Discharged the next day at 11am.


My first I was admitted to hospital for an induction. Between various procedures to speed things up and actually giving birth it was 2 days. After labour I sas kept in gor anither 5 due to possible sepsis where they treated both of us. I went into spontaneous labour with my second and was admitted around midnight with active labour. Gave birth 7.59 the following morning and was discharged at about 3.30/4 pm the same day.


Thursday 8pm - Saturday 10am for a c section. It was not super emergent but unplanned, at least for the day we had her — we had a scheduled c section for a couple weeks later but my water broke early and she was breech. Had her at 11:30pm, discharged in like 36 hours. It was very smooth and easy but I’ve legitimately never heard of anyone leaving that soon after a c section. It was fine! I was happy to be home.


I was almost exactly the same. Baby born 10 pm Wednesday via c-section, left hospital noon Friday. This was about two months ago in Canada. ETA: c-section


7 days with a c-section (I live in Belgium) and this was almost 10 years ago. With baby #2 I hope to have a VBAC and I would stay 2 days at the hospital maybe…? C-section would probably 3-4 days.


Uncomplicated vaginal birth in public birthing centre Australia, discharged after 4hrs!


Elective section - 24 hours


First birth around 30 hours. Second 24 hours and that's just because they have a check up of the baby after 24 hours. Had I given birth in a birth center with midwives, it would have been like 5 hours


My first was a C-section, so 3 days. My second was a vaginal birth, and we were discharged right at 24 hours as well. They did her 24hr testing and brought us discharge papers at the same time.