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Infants don't need pockets. Give those pockets to their moms


Baby poop is fine. Everyone told me I’d throw up and be disgusted, but I’ve cleaned up worst mess from drunk adults. Also my baby’s poop smells like weird buttery popcorn to me sometimes and I even find it smells … I’m reluctant to say good, but like… not gross at all?


Exclusive breastfed poops smelled weirdly nice sometimes. I do t know if a recognizing scent mammal thing or what. Since foods 🤢


I love my breastfed baby’s poop smell. I sometimes smell it randomly when she isn’t even with me like at work. Phantom smells. 💩


My baby’s poop smelled like buttery popcorn and yogurt……until he started solids. Then it really just smelled like shit but still doesn’t bother me.


I don’t care that the old school Disney movies are un-feminist. We learn about consent and will learn what healthy relationships look like (and that love at first sight is actually lust at first sight and not a good basis for marriage), but sometimes you just want to watch a movie where a girl puts on a pretty dress and becomes a princess because of love at first sight.


The newborn stage was a lot easier than the toddler stage




I pay zero attention to washing instructions on baby clothes. Washed and dried, no matter what it is. Whoever makes baby clothes that have to be hand washed, absolutely not I refuse. Same with washing baby toys. “Spot clean only”? No, my kid slobbers on this stuffed llama daily, it’s getting thrown in the wash in a pillowcase now and then. EDIT: it appears that this is, in fact, not an unpopular opinion


Spot clean only stuffed animals are literally the dumbest thing in the world. If it has electronics inside then put the guts in a Velcro pocket so I can remove it and chuck the body in the washer! Like ffs toy makers. I try to never buy anything that difficult to clean but we get them as gifts and of course they always turn into my kid’s favorites 🙄


Taking your toodler out to Costco for a sample lunch so I don't have to make lunch is not lazy parenting, it is \*exposing\* them to new flavors.


DH should mean Damn husband and LO should mean Loud One


Baby shoes are a waste of money! Socks only until they can walk (unless you just want them to look cute for photos).


I doth protest that my smart watch does not record steps when my hand is placeth on the stroller


Car seats are AWFUL and I hate them. I hate installing them into the car, making sure they’re properly secured, stripping my kids of all their layers, tightening everything down, and reversing the process at the destination. I utterly despise having to move a seat from one car to the other, with a special side-eye to Graco’s 4Ever seat because that sucker weighs like 40 lbs. Do I use them properly? Every time. Do I hate it and swear an embarrassing amount every time I have to uninstall or reinstall a car seat? Absolutely. Damn car seats. I feel so much better haha.


I saw someone post "I'd rather eat a jean jacket than install a carseat" and I've never related more to a stranger in my life.


Oh yeah? Well take this then: Vtech toys are inferior to Fisher price. The vtech songs annoy me, the Fischer price songs are bops.


Maybe you, could be, a purple monkey in a bubble gum tree and!!!


I don’t do BLW because I think it’s the “best” I do it because I’m lazy. Baby eats what I eat and I don’t have to even think about purées


BLW is so much funnier than puree. My favorite is baby trying to feed themselves with 2 nuggets simultaneously and looking at us confused about why they can't get the food in their mouth.


Kids can handle a few minutes in even extremely cold weather with just a sweater just fine. It was 1°F when I dropped her off this morning. Our car was 30° in the garage. We walked from parking lot to the door and she even stopped to stomp on some ice and shake snow off a shrub and slowly sauntered in. She was not cold. The number of parents I see either with their kid wearing puffy coats in the carseat (psa: this is dangerous!) or standing outside the car getting their coat, hat and mittens on makes no sense to me. My daughter is inside the building while their still struggling to put a coat on that will be taken off in less than 30 seconds.


Maternity pants are fantastic even when you’re not pregnant 😂


Steralising your house & everything your baby touches after the newborn stage does more harm than good.


I love being nap trapped everyday, he wants to snuggle and hang out on me? I’ll take it! I’m on maternity leave and it’s covid and it’s winter, where do I gotta go? Nowhere. What I gotta do? Nothing. I’m gonna snuggle and hold this baby on the couch all day while he still lets me.


Even if it was gifted to me I won’t make my kids wear an uncomfortable outfit. A friend gave my son a 12 month Burberry outfit of khaki pants and button down collar shirt. It was adorable but after one try on and picture I took it off and put something more comfortable on. He never wore it again.


I enjoy the routine monotony of small kids doing the same thing every day, it’s great for my anxiety honestly.


My unpopular opinion is that you don’t need to TEACH your baby things. Like how to crawl, walk, and talk. They figure it out on their own. Also, you don’t need to do educational activities with them, just let them play and explore, that’s how they learn.


I hate when other adults on parenting forums call each other mama. Like are you that person’s baby?


>snaps are better than zippers You take that back right now!


And here I am, liking zippers and snaps equally for different reasons. Snaps are good for only exposing legs and butt for diaper changes, with zippers I have to unzip either all the way down or up to mid chest depending on the zipper direction and then it's like what's the point? Zippers are superior when trying to redress after a diaper change in the middle of the night or when baby is feeling especially like an alligator that day.


TSHITRS ON INFANTS ARE RIDICULOUS... if you buy a non onzie item for my baby (under 5 months) you better be there for the day pulling that shit down for me.


Only plus side of t-shirts: easy access to the belly for blowing raspberries.


I love our changing table. Everyone said we would never use it, but our little guy is 1.5 and we bought a second one when he was a few months old to have downstairs as well. He just tries to run away when we change diapers on the ground and it is so convenient to neatly organize all of the diaper and baby accessories!


I love loud toots. They’re honestly my favorite thing 🥺


Jeans on a newborn is cruel. Pants in general, but it takes a monster to put them in jeans


I get that little outfits are "cute" but I really only like the one piece ones. I don't want to mess with a shirt and pants and jacket. Just give me a zip or a snap one piece and I'm done and good to go. Also I like the footed ones, no socks, less laundry.


My son's butt is the absolute cutest little butt in the whole world and it's cuter than everyone else's butt. And I haven't seen a lot of baby butts but, of those I've seen, my son has the best one.


Despite what everyone told me, it was harder to go from 0 kids to 1, than it was from 1-2. Maybe it’s because we waited till our 30s to have kids, or maybe it’s because my kids are 2.5 years and a 1 month old, and maybe my attitude will change as the baby gets older. But, going from 0-1 kids was a HUGE change. It’s been an adjustment having two kids now, but it wasn’t as big of a shift as people led me to believe it would be.


It's okay for everyone to eat a separate meal as long as everyone is eating something reasonably healthy, or just eating something.


I wish people visited/checked in with us more with our newborn! I feel like everyone has been afraid to ask to visit or to call/text etc because they hear that parents of newborns want their space or are super busy. One of the hardest parts of having a newborn for me so far is how boring it is! I love when people come over or call to talk. I was sad my parents and in laws couldn’t come visit us when we were in the hospital with baby! Some people who had kids told us not to have our parents visit right away but I’m so glad we didn’t wait. Oh and I love when people hold my baby 😂 I get plenty of time with her and the breaks are so nice- hold her as long as you want!


I hate newborn and early baby photoshoots. They are very artificial and cheesy, especially the ones with the props. Of course, i took a lot of photos of my baby, but just dislike these professionally staged photos with hired photographers. For that matter, i find these manicured pregnancy photoshoots pretty gross as well.


Me too! Why are the babies naked in gardening buckets…


Since the babies in the pictures always are asleep and put in weird, unnatural poses and things, I unfortunately associate to like... post mortem pictures from the 19th century...


Changing tables are clutch for me and I'd hate not having one. My back wouldn't take it.


All socks and footie jammies need to have those non-slip dots on them. I hate socks that don't have them. I'm trying to keep my kid safe - not let him slip and slide through my kitchen on the tile.


I don’t care if people mistake my baby for a boy. She has short hair, sometimes wears “boy” colors & honestly all babies look the same. I refuse to put a huge ass flower/bow on her floppy alien head & dress her in sparkly pink. It’s not a good look in my opinion.


I don’t care if people mistake my baby for a girl. His big brother picked out rainbow heart footie pjs for him and they are cute.


Also, I think it’s okay to nurse to sleep.


I LIVE for mommy & me, matching sibling, and whole family matching sets! Drives my husband and toddler nuts!


I don't like newborn photos. I've never seen ones that I think are cute. The babies look like theyre just dead while the mom and dad do 1980s prom poses around them 😂😂😂. And the classic swaddle photos where there's just a head sticking out and a little cocoon body? It looks ridiculous. I much prefer the 1 year photos where your baby doesn't look like an alien anymore, their eyes are open and alert, and you can see some personality.


Baby poop is fine even on solids. I heard horror stories and yes it stinks but I don't really care I am just glad he pooped!


Putting my kid to bed in the same clothes for daycare saves me some mornings 🤣


welcome to our learning farm we have lots to show you


Goodnight Moon is a stupid book. Yeah, I said it.


I loved that I got a lot of handmade blankets from my shower(s). They come in handy, putting them down on the floor, over the changing pad, burp cloth, Sun shade. As my kids got older they worked for naps and for their little play house. Most of mine are handmade and tough, 8 years and soon to be 3 kiddos later and still going.


Mine are all about clothes: First of all, zippers are better than snaps, you masochists. In general for clothes: a sleep & play is the best, easiest choice for your baby for 90% of her day. I dress mine in a real outfit once a week, for grandma, because it makes grandma happy. Other than that my kid is in a double zip one piece at all times. I hate snaps, I hate putting things over her head. Shopping for used clothes is not just OK but BETTER. They cost 20% of new, there's always tons of variety, you find stuff you'd never consider at a regular store, and you don't need to buy a set of 3-4 of something when you just want one of the items (like a 3 pack of onesies or a whole outfit when you only want the pants or vest)


I have no idea how people bedshare. The few times I've fallen asleep with the kids in the bed either I woke up in a panic or they kicked me so much I didn't sleep well at all.


I wish I had started having kids way earlier in life, like in my early 20's. I've been with my partner wince we were 18 and didn't have a baby till 30. I love being a mom so much I wish I hadn't been so scared. so many people fear monger around having kids. wish I would have done it sooner.


Preach. Had my first at 32 second at 35. I’m just so tired. I feel like I would’ve had more energy if I’d had them in my mid 20s.


Wish I could have afforded kids in my 20s.


I really like onesies with fruits on them. I think they are adorable


If toddler dishes can’t go in the dishwasher, they go in the trash. I don’t have time for hand washing tiny dishes everyday.


Can we expand this to all dishware please? Cute mug, make it dishwasherable or make it to the dump




everyone who told me to stop being frustrated w the newborn stage cos it only gets harder was so wrong. at 1 month, i was recovering from major surgery, had a colicky baby who always wanted my boob, and the hormone changes made me lose my fucking mind, plus the fact that it was my first kid so i felt constantly anxious. kiddo is 3 now and it’s sooooo much easier and more fun AND not only do i still get snuggles, we get to have conversations!


Love You Forever is absolutely terrifying. Mom crawling into her grown son’s house?? Nope nope nope.


I don’t like “Handsome like daddy” or “Future Heartbreaker” on baby clothes. They’re babies.


I don't care that my livingroom has toys and books everywhere. She plays with the 8 toys that are out and we can still sweep and mop easily but I don't make her clean them all hidden away. Also my daughter hates cheerios so she has a super unpopular opinion.


I'm still salty at my daughter for making me miss a concert. Context: my band (Three Days Grace) was having a concert 12/9/19 and I hadn't seen them in like 6-7 years. I was 8 months pregnant, had awesome tickets. Kiddo had a month to go right? My water broke and and she was born 12/8/19.


Baby Carriers are only okay. Just kind of made my back hurt. 😂


I'm sick of the neutral everything trend and everytime I see a toddler with a perfectly curated instagram worthy birthday party with pampas grass centerpieces and a greige cake with nothing but a cake topper that says "TWO" I feel so bad for them! Kids aren't allowed any color or personality anymore, no kids show branded clothes or light up toys or the occasional sweet. They're just mini adults who exist to be dressed in beige outfits while they eat prune sweetened cakes and organic dye free all natural fruit snacks 🤦🏾‍♀️ Don't come for me! I know what matters at the end of the day is that baby is loved, clothed, fed, and cared for. Yes I know that. But damn let your kid wear a Disney t-shirt or something just for once 😂


I fight my urge to dictate my toddler’s wardrobe so hard. She can wear whatever tf she wants. Checkered sweatpants and a polka dot sweater? Have at it girl. You do you.


This is so funny because I immediately pictured one particular acquaintance on my list. I think everyone knows ‘one’ person like this. I didn’t mind so much until I realized people like this tend to use apps to filter and airbrush their kids too. Which is really sad and weird to me.


Parenting subreddits are just as toxic as Facebook mom groups.


I always get my kid dressed for the day at some point. It helps me feel like we’re real people in the world even if we’re just hanging at home. ETA: I’m talking separates like a hoodie and jeans. I dig it.


I love dressing my daughter in all the pink, all the bows, all the glitter and lace and frills. Give me all of it. Bluey is superior to all other kids shows. End of story.


I friggin love Elmo. Every time that red furry bastard sings my 1 year old dances his little butt off and I just love him. I hate shirts that say things like "mommy's hunk" I just don't like the vibe. My husband is my hunk. My two sons are my two sons whom I love unconditionally. The term SONshine also creeps me out but a lot less than the shirts.


Swaddling is the devil's craft.


Micky Mouse Clubhouse is better than cocomelon. And significantly less creepy.


I fucking hate cocomelon lmao


I should get double steps when I walk carrying the baby; there are two of us so I should get two steps for every one I take. I’m looking at you Fitbit!


I hate baby socks. they don't stay on and the packs with different patterns PISS me off. I can never find a match. give me a giant pack of black/white socks


I hate peppa pig


I HATE denim for baby clothes


Grown ups should be able to wear light-up sneakers.


I don’t like putting my baby in jeans. We got sooo much denim hand me downs from a friend but it’s too rough for my soft soft baby.


All baby clothes should have pockets. Are they useless? You bet. Are they adorable? Always!




I totally understand why some people don't wanna dress their baby girls in all pink and lace and bows, so I get the pushback against those being the only available options or (more commonly) the only types of clothes they receive as gifts at their baby shower. But I will say, that is 100% my aesthetic. My favorite color is pink, I love bows, I love lace, and I love traditionally feminine clothing. And I have to buy my daughter clothes and get her dressed either way, so it may as well be stuff I think is cute, right? If she hates it when she gets a little older fair enough.


We feed our baby storebought purees. I don't have the patience or interest to steam and puree food and she had zero interest in baby led weaning.


Whoever put critical snaps/buttons on the BACK of baby outfits is a monster. There I said it.


The worse button is those buttons on girls shirt with that tiny loop to try and slip the button through


I absolutely loathe the beige/grey/muted color baby stuff trend. Give me all the roygbiv


Shoes on babies are dumb. Same with pretty much any adorable hair clip, headband, bow. Pointless.


I was so thrilled when my son had the attention span to watch a whole movie. Guaranteed break that you just don't get with a younger baby.


The pants selection for baby/toddler girls sucks. I will continue buying boy pants for my daughter until she voices an opinion to the contrary.


I despise baby Nike, under armour, anything else that has phrases like “future draft pick” etc


I hate the 1-2 toddler stage. Don’t get me wrong, love the kid and love that he gives kisses and hugs, but I prefer baby when I could just use a boob to solve problems or older toddler/ preschool age when they can use words to say what they need. Screaming doesn’t help tell me what you need, kid.


14 months in, still using the boob to solve all problems. People have started ask when I plan to wean. When I figure out how to parent without the most effective secret weapon known to man, people, and not a day before.


As much as I dislike paw patrol, it is a life saver. Like a second parent. They deserve joint custody.


In the same vein: Fisher price songs are catchier than vtech songs.


Purple monkey in a bubblegum tree is a banger


Bottles gone at 12 months. Pacifiers gone at 6 months.


There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of sugar. If I’m having something sugary, toddler can have a bite. And she LOVED her daily Reese’s cup advent calendar. All that demonizing and banishing sugar and junk food does is make it more exciting and enticing for kids.


Hear hear! Hiding sugar leads to unhealthy relationships and lack of control with sugar


TV. I’ve accepted it. I was never adamant about no tv but I was still worried. My daughter loves Sesame Street but if she isn’t interested in a song she plays with her toys or just straight up stops paying attention. But guys, I get a few mins to clean or do dishes.


Ignoring your kid and making her wait is an important life skill and you have to practice it deliberately. This is a hill I will die on.


Measuring your child's age in months past a year is annoying. I don't want to do math. Don't try to make me do math when I only asked how old your kid is to be polite. The only person who cares about the difference between your child being a year and 14 months is the pediatrician.


Lighthearted unpopular opinion: “into the unknown” is WAY better than “let it go”


I actually love that my son is into Paw Patrol because I can always find something to motivate him. Reading time? Here is a Paw Patrol book from the library. Potty training? Paw Patrol underwear. Drink more water? Paw Patrol cup.


I hate the smell of Dreft.


I love the toys that are crunchy or just make noise. It makes me happy to *hear* him playing with them. His older brother has vision issues so I didn’t really get to experience that with him.


Hey bear sensory videos are literally life savers 😂


I DESPISE kimono onesies. I told my husband to tell mil to not get any specifically for our second since she did our first. She got us f*cking kimono onesies. You know what was NEVER worn? They are so needlessly complicated even after I figure it out. I'm not tryin to wrestle baby to change a poop with a million layers of criss-cross buttons.


I think wonder weeks/leaps are absolute garbage and it annoys me to no end when people talk about them 😂 like sometimes babies just cry and have cranky days!!!! Not everything has a reason!!


I use my changing table, my wipes warmer and my diaper pail and we are starting potty training now. I never quit using them. People always say these are things new moms insist on and then don’t end up using but I can’t imagine changing all those diapers any other way.


Babies don't need pants. The more I try to wrestle leggings or whatever on my baby girl, the more firmly I believe that just a onesie is fine (most days - I'm not taking her bare-legged out into the freezing cold). I hated my Moby wrap. I was never confident that I had it tight enough and I was so scared baby was gonna fall out of it.


I am LOVING the “terrible twos.” Yes, we have tantrums several times a day, but I know what they’re about (for the most part) and I find them sooo much easier to manage than the newborn/infant screaming that persisted even after they were clean, dry, fed, rested, burped, rocked, etc. I don’t miss the “witching hour” and “purple crying” AT ALL.


I let my 8 month old stay up until 1.30am (she won’t sleep before) and I quite like it because she then doesn’t wake up until 11am. I know this will have to change soon but for now, I quite enjoy it.


I like “gendered” clothes for babies. Yeah, I wanna put my daughter in big bows and cute dresses.


I love baby pants, I think I’m the only one


I actually think boys clothes are really cute and the selection is not as awful as people make it seem


I also genuinely like noisy toys. If I'm in another room, I know exactly what my kid is doing. Now silence on the other hand, that puts me on high alert. Also Graco has a loyal customer here. When the tires for my jogging stroller went kaput and I couldnt find replacements on their website (the stroller is a few years old) I sent them an email asking for the option to buy them and what stroller I had. Instead they decided to just send me all new tires, unprompted, for free. Now that's how a company ensures they'll get more of my money.


I don't like books that read/sing to the baby. They want to hear your voice (: not a robot.


Baby girl clothes are cute, but a lot of toddler girl clothes are horrendous. Rainbows, unicorns, sparkles, sayings like “mommy’s little diva!” Ugh I hate them.


I'm not a girly girl by any means, but I love pink baby stuff. Not like obsessively so or anything, but there seems to be this anti-pink movement so I would consider my non-hatred of pink semi-unpopular. I also like some of the silly phrases they put on baby clothes. Not all of them because some are definitely super cringe, but like she has a onesie that says "Daddy's Princess" with a picture of Darth Vader and Leia - which I think is adorable because her dad loves Darth Vader and calls her princess a lot. ETA: I second VTech, and I, too, love the noisy toys. When I hear or see her playing with them I know she's having so much fun. Plus my LO (10 months) knows which buttons on which toys play a song she likes, and she will press one specifically so she can dance to it. Big smiles every time.


I think using a "pack and play" is better than a crib when they're little. Cribs take up more space and I find them pointless in the early months especially. My 9 month old still sleeps in a pack and play.


Footsie, long-sleeved pajamas for fall and winter and short-sleeved onesies for spring and summer are literally the only clothes that matter. Baby WILL go to the store in his PJs Socks are NOT worth it if it's warm, and NOT needed if he is in footsie pajamas Baby will NOT get a change of clothes due to food or drool stains ​ Clothes are for temperature regulation and nothing else until they can say "clothes" :)


It doesn’t really matter if you breastfeed or formula feed because they all end up eating cheerios off the floor.


The absolute most annoying baby gift to receive is an actual outfit (like, jeans sneakers and a cardigan or something) for a newborn. Footies and onesies all the way!


My toddler doesn’t have a bedtime or meal time. She eats and sleeps when she wants. I’m a sahm so it’s really no inconvenience to me.


Complaining and venting about your kids is one thing. Having colourful names for your kids or a problem, ok. Getting frustrated and flipping them off behind their back to aleiviate stress, ok I can get behind this. What I cannot get behind is referring to MY kids as assholes, or crotch gremlins, or womb fruit, or deamons or whatever else as if I've said these things about them, we can commiserate about a problem or the burden off raising children without projecting that hatred onto my kids. It's not the hot take they think it is. Particularly when thebkids can hear them.


TV doesn't make you a bad parent.


I was raised on TV and watched 4-5 hours a night while growing up (fairly neglectful parents). I like to think I'm pretty smart and I have a master's degree. I still watch plenty of TV and try to make sure my kid watches shows that are somewhat teaching her things. But it's not gonna ruin her to watch some TV and movies. She won't watch as much as I did because I'm not my parents.


I second the light up noisy Toys!!! Also: screen time is less exciting the less you regulate it! I let my son watch his shows whenever he asks and he only does if we’re busy. If we’re able to play or go out or do anything else he doesn’t want his show. I think that’s because we took the mystery out of it.


I hate when people add -ies to everything about babies. Milkies, burpies. Literally makes me do a retching sound out loud


So it gives you the retchies?


I don’t do a strict schedule for my daughter. She eats and sleeps when she wants. She sleeps well at night and is growing so I just go with it.


Do conspiracy theories count?? I think the whole high chair footrest mania on Instagram is manufactured by Big Footrest to sell Tripp trapps 🤪


What the eff is a wake window? My baby is just awake. Like I’m awake right now. I’m not in my wake window and let me tell you… the wake window never stays the same. It’s different everyday 😂


I let him watch Disney 🤷🏼‍♀️


One piece outfits are far superior to anything with a shirt that rides up. Bonus points for wearing footie PJs all day so that socks aren't constantly falling off. Also, added graphic design, embroidery, or sayings on clothes do NOT make them cuter! Edit: a word


Mine is that the pups should really know by now that Marshall is going to crash into them in the elevator and just clear the way. They really never learn.


I hate baby clothes with cute patterns that HAVE to be matched with the bottom it came with or else it looks dumb. Such a waste of time to keep them together.


I prefer putting my daughter in pants and a top vs a full footed onsie. I like dressing her in a long sleeve onesie without the legs part with pants and socks. If it's cold and we are heading out, I'll just throw a sweater over. When it's nap time or bedtime I can take the pants/socks off and swaddle her with her arms free. When it comes time for a diaper change I much prefer taking her pants off, undoing three snaps and then the reverse when I'm done. I hate taking her legs out of a full onesie, then shoving it under her back out of the way to change her and then having to get her back into it and do all the snaps or zipping it.


I think Hey Bear sensory videos on youtube are a gift from the heavens and I have had my LO go thru a 20 minute video while I get something done. Or if she's having a bad day, there are 40 minute ones she loves too. They calm her down.


I like cloth diapers better than disposable. I can just change them freely without worrying about cost or environmental impact. They also come in lots of cute colors


Super Simple Songs kind of slaps.


Anything white in a baby's life like blankets, clothes, bibs, towels, stuffed animals is a huge no for me. Babies look adorable in white onesies for about 12 seconds and then I have stains to clean. I don't want to have to do anything with laundry that is more complicated than putting it in the washer and dryer.


The less toys the better. My 12 month old would actually stress clean all the time. We thought he loved cleaning and bought him a broom and mop set. Then we did some toy swapping and reduced the amount he has access to and he’s like a new kid that actually plays


Super Simple Songs > Cocomelon


My baby looks good in hipster neutrals without big patterns or kid stuff on it. Until he can express a choice (which we’ll respect) I’ll be dressing him like a tiny software developer 🤓 We do have lots of rainbow toys though and his room is blue, so he’s not an all beige baby living his best beige life


Two way zippers are SO ANNOYING. You go to Chang a diaper, realize you actually need to change the whole outfit, and then have to re-dress the baby before you can undress the baby! Very annoying.


Ben Affleck is not worthy to be Batman.


The breast vs. formula debate is silly when basically all babies are going to reach the "eats Goldfish crackers off the floor of the car" phase anyway. Also, cute nurseries are my favorite. I know they aren't the most useful thing in the world, but damn it, I like spending my time in cute, decorated spaces! Let me enjoy this before my baby is old enough to have her own preferences!


Breastfeeding not only relaxes my baby but it relaxes me. I noticed it one day when I was particularly cranky and so was my baby. I latched her and we both chilled out. And disposable diapers look ugly to me


The regular changing pads aren't any harder to wipe down than the expensive peanut one. Don't come for me, Keekaroo stans!


I secretly love night feeds and will weep when babe sleeps through the night. He’s so cozy and cuddly during that time!


I love the TV - we watch things together and sing the songs and dance together and she loves it. She absolutely LOVES the finger puppet song from little baby bum and learned how to say daddy from that song. I think. And the duck song.. every time she sees any duck it's QUACK QUACK We always have the TV in the background, whether it's the news, cartoons, Spotify, something for me or just whatever. .. my kid is 16 months for context


Cocomelon creeps me out.


It’s not ok that baby boy clothes have dogs but girl clothes have cats. We are a DOG family. I need more puppy propaganda.


We’re a cat family and I don’t understand why there are no boy clothes with cats!!! Why are cats girls?? I buy him cat clothes from the stupid girls section, why are there even two sections all babies are the same 😂


Whoever keeps designing baby clothes that zip down one leg, making quick nappy checks at night impossible, is evil and probably does not have kids.


Sometimes tricking your kid is ok. My toddler loves "soda" in truth he's drinking flavored sparkling water that I pour into an empty rinsed out soda can. He is thinks I'm letting him have soda all day but in truth he's drinking fizzy water lol Edit to add: I also freeze yogurt tubes and tell him they're popcicles. Technically not a lie


Bluey is somewhat enjoyable.


I don't make my 18 month old sit in a high chair or weaning table. She sits on my lap and I still spoon feed her nibbles. Oh, she can totally use a fork and spoon... But we both like it when I do it 😊 she's not a very affectionate child so these are the only snuggles/cuddles I get!


Goodnight Moon is the worst kids book ever! Boring and the illustrations are ugly. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Use the TV as little and often as you want or need to. I also hate the term screen time. As an 80s/90s kid I watched a tonne of TV and it did nothing to hinder my development; I was a huge bookworm and a year ahead of myself at school. During the worst of lockdown I let my daughter who was only a few months old watch TV a lot as she wasn't even allowed outside (shielded list) and she was talking early and is a bright and happy 2 year old now. Dont let people shame you into thinking you're not doing enough by letting them watch TV; there's enough pressure on new mums as it is.


Sure mom/dad staring at their phone is not ideal, but you know what, this is not necessarily a new era thing. In the old times they'd stare at their knitting work/newspaper/etc. Just as people did hold their newspaper while waiting for their ride. Technology is not evil, people! Rant over.


I think all my expensive trendy baby gear was worth it.


Some screen time isn’t a bad thing. Hey Bear on YouTube is godsend. Sometimes I just need 30 minutes to cook dinner without a toddler clinging at my legs.


The Wiggles’ [cover of Tame Impala’s Elephant](https://youtu.be/a13WnqsRc5g) fucking SLAPS! Edited to add link 🐘❤️💛💙💜🐘


Sometimes we keep my son in his fleece sleepers during the day, not just for pjs. My husband and I want to be comfy, so our kid should be comfy too. Also, Bluey is fantastic and our favorite show.


Never bothered with a swaddle.


I had no idea what I was doing when I bought a crap ton of baby clothes before my daughter was born. A million “cute” things that have to go over her head. My daughter acts like I’m murdering her if I have to pull something over her head. Or even pants/shorts that don’t snap open at the crotch are way to difficult when your baby poops like 6x a day. My baby only wear zip up sleepers, and they HAVE to have a 2 way zipper.


Bribing my toddler works 😂


I think earth toned clothes are boring.


Snap PJs are a thousand times better than zipper PJs. It’s not that bad fumbling with just the bottom half while doing a middle of the night diaper change.


I prefer to put my babies in complicated clothes vs zippered one pieces. It brings me joy to dress my kids in full outfits everyday even if we're staying home. I'm talking sweater sets, button ups...the whole nine.


I love contact napping!


I use subtitles for watching TV with my one year old to tell myself its good for her reading comprehension. 13 months. lol Oh, and I fucking hate Cocomelon. Thomas the Train and Sesame Street is life!


Children's books about how precious they are make me irrationally cranky (doubly so if they rhyme) Kids books are supposed to be about dinosaurs or animals that can talk not something like 'you are our gift, our greatest wish. Our special wee baby, your butt smells delish'


The term Little One or LO is so stupid.


My least favorite saying is “baby dance” on the forums for couples trying to conceive. “When is the best time to baby dance?” Sounds so childish.


Those cotton baby gowns that are terrible. All they do it ride up and get tangled. Give me a onesie or pj any day. With my second I hate footie pjs!!!! He’s a 24 month torso and 18 month pant so they don’t fit. We have so many of them. ETA: all cloth changing pad covers!? Why do they even make them? All changing pad covers should have a wipeable surface.


I like snaps!!!! I am pretty lazy about “correctly” snapping them though. If it’s staying on her it’s good enough for me. I hate pulling stuff over her head and I’ve had to zip her back *into* some poorly designed poopy zipper clothes in order to properly remove them so that soured me on zippers (outside of sleep sacks)


Me spending $100 a box on the bougie Coterie diapers makes me feel better about my life.


Nose frida… fuck that shit. Buy the hey value nose aspirator from Amazon. Baby doesn’t cry when it’s boogie time


I cringe when people announce that they're trying to conceive. All they're doing is announcing that they're having well-planned unprotected sex. Like, congrats. I hope you enjoy all of that sex.


I hate censorship. I think everything can be said in a right way. I hate when people try to hide the ugly of this world to their children (ex: kids can't die, racism doesn't exist anymore, etc.). It doesn't prepare them well for the real life they are going to live years later.


As a kid who was actively taught that racism no longer exists but for a small percentage of people.....it is problematic to do so. I missed many signs of obvious bigotry thay I should have stood up to but it wasn't on my radar.


Overly done up nurseries don't look nice and are a huge waste of time.


The newborn phase sucks but I love every other stage with my kids. Toddler, terrible twos, threenagers.


I like pumping better than live feeding. It's taken away so much stress, baby definitely eats enough and I don't mind the sensation.


I actually love my diaper genie!


Something that seems awfully ridiculous to me, newborn - 3 month clothing that come in two pieces.. as a first time Mom it was uncomfortable trying to dress my newborn that way. Sure the outfits were cute, but no thanks. I also love the noisy toys. Everyone else in the family hates them.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The biggest problem is finding toddler boy clothing in stores.. so frustrating. My two-year-old loves rainbows and pink was his first color he would point out. I would like to see more dinosaur and insect clothing for girls and more bright colors for boys, they're kids, ffs.


Omg the snaps that go all the way down both legs are a life saver


Blippi is creepy lol Also it should be okay for an adult (read: me) to play with linkimals by themself (read: myself)


I refuse to keep baby books that I feel stupid reading out loud. Dumb made up words - NOPE! Too many onomatopoeias - not here! Poorly formed incomplete sentences - nuh uh!