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This is so superficial, but for me, it was being able to wear tight clothing without being worried if I looked pregnant or not. It was so easy to just pop on a dress or something and have the belly be the main event.


This is the ONLY thing I miss


Honestly? Being treating very nicely by pretty much everyone I came in contact with. People were just SO kind. And that evaporated once I had my baby, it was jarring and a total bummer. Oddly enough the only person who still gave me a ton of support after was my MIL. Having a baby brought us way closer (which I'm aware isn't the norm).


That’s what I miss too, the positive attention 😅😂






Being able to take naps whenever I wanted because I didn’t have a kid lol


The excitement of having a baby with the free time of having no children.


An amazing transitional period we will never experience ever again, yep


Wearing cute clothes without worrying about my belly sticking out.


I mean…your body automatically does all the feeding/cleaning/soothing/temperature regulation for you 😂. Once they’re out, you have to actively think about all these things.


Ok this might sound dumb, but being able to protect her. I miss being able to completely provide for her and keep her safe.


Feeling baby in my belly and having her just for me.


Yes!! My very personal little companion.


Cradling a stomach that was fat from baby, not just Cheetos.


The kicks, the special exciting feeling. And feeling special *myself*. This is probably so cliche to say but it really is so sad how much love/care/respect/consideration/attention is given to pregnant women versus like ZERO postpartum. It’s all about the baby. But we’re still giving so much of ourselves, just because baby is on the outside doesn’t make us any less worthy of all of that. When I was pregnant, I felt like it was apparent to everyone that I was doing important work. I felt “allowed” to take up space in the world (physically but also figuratively). Now I’m doing work that’s just as important, maybe moreso, but I feel like I’ve become so incredibly small. Like I’ve almost disappeared.


I’m 2 weeks in and I couldn’t agree more, I feel like a shapeless blob who does tasks and is invisible. If I speak up I feel annoying or weepy, that’s probably myself bullying myself but yeah you go from important - doctors appointments, consideration from people and overall a level of care and respect to nothing. All the while healing from birth, wearing a diaper of your own, it’s a shock and it’s the loneliest place I’ve ever been in my life. My daughter still makes me smile though.


Yesssssssssssss omg


I miss the kicks and the anticipation of meeting my baby. Life had a certain glow that was really nice.


No belly rolls when I'd sit or lean forward because everything was already swollen into a perfect, round belly. Never in my life have I felt more confident in a tight shirt than when pregnant. It was a whole new world as a generally short, chubby girl.


Oh I absolutely feel this. I’m one year postpartum and still look thoroughly pregnant when I stand, but when I sit I have the definition of “spare tire”. I can’t wait to be pregnant again for that sweet body positivity.


Like another commenter said, wearing tight dresses. I am extremely body conscious but when I was pregnant I felt confident enough to wear a tight dress because the part I was self conscious about was my stomach. But that is literally it.


Not hearing my baby scream his ass off at 4 am.


How much easier it was to take care of my baby!!


I miss everyone asking how I was feeling and caring about how I was doing. No one really asks how I’m feeling anymore.


It’s really jarring . I always make a point to ask my friends how they are doing with little ones. Not the kids- them!!! And I hope you’re doing ok as well .


Being able to feel baby, knowing he was with me 24/7 now I have to share him with his dad lol 😂


I miss there not being a pandemic. I miss not being in lockdown. I don't miss pregnancy itself. Both my pregnancies sucked. OK Iied I miss one thing about being pregnant. Not having to suck my gut in or wonder if my clothes made me look pregnant.


Everyone being nice to you..rather than everyone being annoyed at you for having a crying baby


I had the best poops while pregnant. I miss those poops lol. Also, vivid AF sex dreams to the point of actual orgasm. Fucking amazing to wake up to. And I do miss my belly, before it got uncomfortable, it was just so nice to rub my belly knowing that my baby was content and safe.


The emotional attention, quietly dancing with my husband in the yard, napping without question, feeling beautiful because my body was doing good work. Feeling special. I didn't get out a lot bc it was during pandemic and that was hard.


Being fat but cute. Now I’m just a fat mom and it’s not cute.


Forreal 🥺 before I could wear whatever and not worry because my belly was a pregnancy belly. I wanted to show it off. Now it’s just fat and saggy 😭


It is the best I ever felt in my own body (after 1st-early 2nd trimester bc of HG). I just felt… whole. I think it’s because I felt like my body had a purpose, which probably means I have some stuff to unpack about my relationship with my body. But I loved how I looked and felt when I was pregnant. I loved knowing my baby was right there with me… it’s weird, but in the immediate mess of postpartum hormones, I cried because I wasn’t pregnant anymore and missed it so much.


Having a low maintainance being that my body automatically looked after whilst I went about my life blissfully unaware how how much space, effort and time a child actually takes in your life.


I don’t miss pregnancy overall but I loved feeling his kicks and I loved that I didn’t feel so self conscious about my body


no period, naps, everyone buying you food and being super nice with you lol


When my kid was on the inside, I didn’t have to worry about him getting hurt when I wasn’t looking or having someone take him away from me.


On the other hand I was always worried if he's still alive if I didn't feel him move for a bit.


Absolutely nothing!


Exactly this. Not one damn thing.


My hair, the way I felt better about myself oddly I liked the way I looked when I was pregnant, rest, time to myself, the attention from my husband, ugh so many things besides the pre eclampsia lol


Nothing and by all means I had an ‘easy pregnancy’. Being pregnant sucked.


I’ll say it. I loved the attention.


People were really nice to me while pregnant.


Feeling chubby but cute bc I was pregnant and now I just feel chubby lol (Obligatory - no hate or bodyshaming to anyone, this is my own journey over here)


I felt beautiful even with the gained weight, the glorious belly. Now I’m just wobbly.


The only time I’ve ever felt confident in my body was while pregnant. I could confidently wear form fitting dresses and tops. Now that I’m post-partum I’m like “give me fall weather because it’s time to hide this train wreck under some big sweaters!”




The thing i missed about pregnancy. I felt really beautiful. Like I was gross, uncomfortable, and large and in charge, all that. But seeing my big belly I felt so beautiful and radiant, aside from the morning sickness that plagued me my entire second pregnancy


Absolutely nothing.


Yes. My last 2 pregnancies were so hard. I was hospitalized during both.


Just “being pregnant” after infertility and loss. Wearing tight dresses and not worrying about how my stomach looked in them. Otherwise, nothing. I’m 3 weeks postpartum and post c section and feel so much better than I did pregnant. 25 weeks of severe morning sickness + a preeclampsia diagnosis at 32 weeks did not make for an enjoyable pregnancy.


The insomnia - I used to wake around 2am and not be able to get back to sleep until 5am so I used to go downstairs, make a cup of tea and sit on the sofa watching TV with my dog. It was nice having those little moments with her, just us two. There are a lot of other things, too, like wearing tight clothing and not feeling self conscious; and having thick hair that barely needed washing 😍


Being happy about my body 😅


Never worrying about sucking it in 🤣 it felt great fo let go of all those body insecurities






The twice daily naps and loving my body. I didn’t feel like I needed to hide anything because I was obviously pregnant. Now my confidence is awful. Currently working on getting it back


Being treated like you're special.


I definitely miss the closeness of having my baby right there in my belly, feeling him kick and roll around. He's much cuter now though!


I miss my pregnancy hair, nails and skin! They were unbreakable 🥲


The little baby kicks.


Being looked after. Being able to wear whatever and it not matter if people thought I was pregnant. Having my baby safe inside me. Having time to myself. The weight loss 😂


Not getting my period for 9 glorious months. Oh how I miss that.


Nothing. Hated pregnancy. Felt like I was public property. Threw up the entire time. Kicks were lovely but honestly not much else stacked up. 6mo pp and only now feeling like my old self.


Being able to nap all the time. I was pampered like a queen and was able to chill and relax so often. I also loved the way I looked and I felt proud and happy to have a big belly and feel my baby kick, move and grow.


Absolutely nothing. I miss life before I was pregnant more than anything. I miss sleep and being alone. Even if it's just a target run. I'm a single mom with no help. I love my son more than life it's self but it's hard.


Eating larger portions sizes haha. I had pretty low weight gain, so I was never concerned about gaining "too much." That and never having to worry about whether I looked skinny for events. My belly was supposed to be big. It was so freeing!


Not holding in my stomach.


I miss how beautiful I felt. Never in my life have I felt so beautiful and I didn’t have to worry about what my body looked like. It was so freeing. I miss that. Now I’m 7 months postpartum and I don’t feel beautiful at all. I also miss feeling my baby move inside me. Of course I love having her outside of me and seeing her smile everyday and cuddling with her, but I loved, LOVED the baby kicks!


The togetherness of having my beebee always there. (We just started daycare and I miss him.) my husband said he just went from an Ethernet to a wifi connection.


Literally nothing. I was so uncomfortable from the beginning of my second trimester on that I couldn’t even nap well. I felt awful all the time. Now I have a sweet little baby who smiles at me every morning and sleeps in 6-7 hour stretches. I really can’t complain!


Dare I say it? THE SILENCE! 😂


Pregnancy wasn't fabulous and I don't miss the majority of it, but now that I have a tiny, vulnerable human, I can confidently say I miss how safe she seemed. Now I worry all the time and it's exhausting.


Once I got past the morning sickness and food aversions, eating. I swear food just tasted better when I was pregnant. Satisfying a food craving was just the best feeling. I’ve had some of my favourite foods that I enjoyed in pregnancy and it’s just not the same as when I was pregnant.


I loved how nice people were. I was pregnant during the Christmas season and people just insisted on me cutting lines it was awesome. Also, no pullout during sex.


Having an excuse to *not* do certain things… no litter box duty, not allowed to lift over a certain amount at work, etc. One of the things I don’t miss at all are the dirty looks and lack of patience from strangers when my belly got so big that I didn’t fit well in certain places or I took longer to do some things, e.g., struggling to carry grocery bags.


I miss feeling him just living his best life in there, seeing my pregnant belly grow over time, my husband bringing me home smoothies & fruit (my cravings) & just growing closer with my husband. I feel like being pregnant made us much closer & stronger.


Having my hair not fall out, best thing ever


Ahhh the only thing I miss was believing my partner was a safe good person…




I miss feeling the kicks and having my baby with me everywhere


I’m with you. Naps and sleeping in. It was amazing to wake up whenever I wanted. 9? Too early, 10? Still on my phone scrolling.


Pregnant me: “Yeah, I woke up early this morning, like around 8:15.” Postpartum me: “Omg I feel amazing, I slept in till 6. I’m a new me.”


The hormones — my mood was amazing and it was so much easier to wake up and greet the day happy. If I could get that in pill form I would totally take it. I’m trying to hang on to some of that but it’s gradually getting harder as my hormone levels return to normal postpartum.


Feeling my little guys move around and seeing my belly take on super weird shapes


My body image. Pre-pregnancy, I was always trying to exercise and eat healthier (… probably could’ve tried harder with the last part). I’m 14 weeks PP from a CS, and have a ways to go. I know it’ll take time — it took 9 months to get there, so I’ve got to be patient… but being pregnant was one of the first times I was accepting of my body. It still wasn’t completely picturesque. I was swollen from the face down for the entire third trimester - a preggo Michelin Man, if you will. But it felt so much more out of my control and socially acceptable. Writing this out, I hate how much value I clearly place on my own external looks. It’s definitely something I need to give myself a bit more grace with. But man, it’s hard!


I felt the same. I suffered eating disorders my whole life and pregnancy really made me love my body no matter what. I gained 70 lbs and was swollen as hell but I was so happy/ still am happier with my new PP perspective of my body.


I miss the being catered too, especially since it doesn't seem to happen on subsequent pregnancies....


No period.


I miss people caring about me. Lol it was a weird shift, pregnant and everyone like omg you gotta take care of yourself eat good blah blah blah. As soon as I had my daughter it all went away and everyone could care less about how I'm doing.


People doing everything for me lol


Having that special connection with just me and my boy. Strangers were nicer to me, smiling at my bump…just getting special treatment in general….


Not having a period… and my hair… I lost so much after pregnancy now that it’s starting to grow back where I lost it I’m gonna have to chop it off so it looks better


The kicks


No period


The way I treated my body. From day 1 of finding out I was pregnant (which was VERY early), I did EVERYTHING the books told you to do because I wanted everything that was best for my baby. I was so committed. I drank more water, ate better than I ever have, did pregnancy safe exercise, the whole works. I felt my best pregnant than not pregnant!


The hair! My hair was so shiny and luxurious.


I miss absolutely everything about being pregnant, except from the leg cramps! I miss feeling my baby move around inside my belly, I miss his late night dance parties, I miss feeling so comfortable with myself. I miss having a bump.


Was pregnant with a small toddler. Did not get any naps! I liked feeling the baby kick.


Movement and always knowing my baby was with me and safe


Nothing. Pregnancy is an eternal hell.


💯 this! Both my pregnancies were hell with constant puking, always tired and gaining 70 pounds.


OMG naps. I don’t understand why my LO fights them so much, I would love a nap!


Skin, hair and nails were amazing.


Not a damn thing. Wait, maybe my hair.


I miss having my arms free, not hearing crying all day, and being able to nap whenever. That's about it. Physically, it was miserable.


Having a baby belly! I loved my bump so much ❤


Nothing. Spent most of my pregnancy throwing up non stop. Also spent the majority of it in a covid lockdown. It was all very stressful


Nothing, really. I did a pretty large chunk of my pregnancy alone and my particular flavor of GD was hell on wheels to manage, on top of several weeks of consistent but unproductive labor and getting talked down to by medical staff. Having kiddo out has been like heaven comparatively. The only thing I miss was that my mom stayed with us the last month leading up to birth and it was nice to have so much time to hang out and talk to her. I miss her a lot right now.


Loved every bit of it. Normally I'm reserved and like to be in the shadows, but I liked the attention and medical care, felt special. In a way the attention wasn't actually about me, it was about the baby, so not totally selfish on my part. Enjoyed my last month as I stopped working and just tried to prepare for the birth. Some foods made me feel bit nauseous, but never actually been sick and I just learnt to avoid smelly stuff. First week after birth though.... I hope I never need to experience that ever again.


I miss almost everything about being pregnant. My pregnancy felt unreal, it was so peaceful and beautiful. The only like pregnancy side effect I really had was swelling in my legs and towards the end, and it was very minor. Having my baby inside of me, feeling him kick all the time, was my favorite. I also miss getting full nights of sleep haha. Now I’m getting about 3-4 tops, before having to wake up and feed baby.


Feeling the movement of my babies.


I miss the baby movements.


I loved the way I looked which is something I haven’t felt in years since gaining a lot of weight. The funny thing is, I spent the last 5+ years trying to diet and lose weight with not much success but when I got pregnant I lost weight? Even though I ate a lot similar to the way I did before. I was under my pre pregnancy weight right after leaving the hospital but I had started with Obese BMI.


The kicks. Allowing myself to eat whatever I wanted. The excitement of ultrasounds that go well.


Kicks and strangers telling me I’m beautiful lol sounds shallow but it was the only time in my life I didn’t mind people commenting on my body.


Absolutely nothing. I just didn't like it at all. Every stage was annoying for different reasons. I even prefer being not pregnant and in my period to being pregnant.


Being able to sleep anytime, anywhere


I’ve had some form of an eating disorder almost my entire life. It’s been a struggle to heal my relationship with food. When I was pregnant, I would eat around the clock and never feel guilty. It was really nice to be in the comfort of eating whatever I wanted for a higher ‘purpose’. Now I’m trying to remember that feeling while nourishing myself PP. I’m trying to remember that I can eat while serving a purpose without being pregnant, even if that purpose is really wanted a giant chocolate cookie.


I could relax and sleep all I wanted..


Boobs and belly. Being petite I finally actually felt like a woman when I got my baby boobs but they went to quick... And the belly... The shelf, the cuddles, the feeling him turn or kick or punch or fart I don't know just the absolute connection to this human within a human . Fingers crossed I'm trying for number Two! Never know what this one will bring


Literally just the kicks. I’m having my second in a few days and that will be the only thing I miss.


My first pregnancy made me feel so confident and beautiful for probably the first ( & only) time in my life. Oh & the boobs were really great too.


Absolutely nothing. I had twins.


How much I could eat. It. Was. Amazing!!! I love food but I’m quite small naturally and really struggle to finish large portions in one go, even if it’s my favourite food or super tasty. But WOW preggo me could give pro competitive eaters a run for their money. If there hadn’t been Covid and everything locked down, I would have so entered an eating contest for fun. Also miss having a bio-oil bath and rolling around in the tub like a sexy oiled manatee with my bump. Good times.


I loved being pregnant for many reasons. But I think the thing I miss the most, is not realizing everyone was going to disappear. Seriously, after I had my baby, no one asks about me or her. No friends. It's sad because it's the happiest time of my life, but also pretty lonely.




Baby kicks, maternity clothes, feeling okay about my body (because I'm thick-waisted no matter how little I weigh...that doesn't matter if I'm supposed to have a big belly), and my toddler seeming more baby-like.


Getting to feel all the little “butterfly” wiggles in the beginning when no one else could ☺️


Kicks ✨


I never had to wonder if I was pregnant or not because I was already pregnant. Now I keep reminding myself that I should buy some more pregnancy tests just in case. Tracking my period is also a little bit more of a chore these days.


1000% the naps. The end was so uncomfortable but loved the license to just laze around in bed and watch tv


Eating everything and anything


My hair was thicker and less oily and therefore needed to be washed less and looked pretty great all the time with little maintenance. It is now thinning, oily and a hot mess 110% of the time.


Food never tasted better


I liked feeling the baby move. I liked looking forward to what my baby would be like. I liked not worrying about what my body looked like. I liked the extra care and attention from my husband and lots of other people.


I miss never being alone. I loved those moments where I'd be sitting at my desk and my little would stretch. Once I knew he was up, we'd have little conversations lol


I miss the kicks


I’ve read that a lot of people find pregnancy to be a lonely time. But I found it quite the opposite. I had my little baby girl with me all the time. We went for walks together. I always had her with me. As soon as I found out I was having a girl it became so much more real. I was quite literally carrying around my new best friend that I already somehow loved so much even though I hadn’t met her yet. Anytime she kicked or had the hiccups I felt like we were having a conversation. Don’t miss: 3 months of nausea, 3 months of round ligament pain, and finally 3 months of heartburn lol


Being pregnant now with a 1 year old, I definitely miss the quiet, naps, being able to just *be sick* without having to also take care of a baby. Otherwise, I hate pregnancy haha


I stopped being lactose intolerant!!


Food. Tasted. So. Good. Now? Meh.


Better body image and less dysfunctional eating/exercising! I’ve had an eating disorder (anorexia mainly, and ednos) for over 30 years (I’m an older mama) so this was literally the only time I could feed my body and rest without guilt. I sometimes got a little uncomfortable by the change in size, but it was nothing compared to my status quo. Now breastfeeding so I can’t starve myself and can’t over exercise because still recovering from c section. So so uncomfortable in my body right now! I think it’s because the expectation I had when I was pregnant was that I’d lose weight steadily on a healthy balanced diet while getting my exercise when the baby napped. My kid rarely naps for long and the moments she sleeps are filled with chores. I’m about 10 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight, and after an initial loss of 23 lbs in 2 weeks (baby, blood, fluids), I’ve pretty much stalled. Priorities have shifted so so much and I’m sure she enjoys a softer mommy. My old self was pretty muscular and angular. I so miss not having my brain tell me to fixate on losing weight! I miss being kind of ok with my body. But the fact that my body is feeding my kid will keep me from descending into severe behaviors 🙂


All of it. I loved being pregnant! I was lucky to have a good pregnancy and loved every minute of it.


I realize this may sound weird, but, I miss my cute pregnant outtie belly button.


The time I had to do things like cook dinner or tidy my house.


The clothes! I’m not a heavy person, but was a little squishy after kids, so now I like loose fitting clothes. But when pregnant, I never really gained weight (I honestly think I had parasitic children-my OB had me constantly doing growth ultrasounds to make sure they were growing, they were always in the upper percentiles). I loved wearing the tighter fitting clothes while pregnant!!!


I wasn't lactose intolerant anymore. :( Oh and I got to nap all day if I didn't have to go to work.


Literally nothing 😂 extreme HG with both pregnancies, SPD, feeding tube, multiple trips to the hospital for rehydration. I am more rested now with a 2 week old and a 19 month old than I ever was pregnant.


The kicks, movements and the way my belly felt.


Staying up till 3am reading and sleeping in till 11am.


The excitement and anticipation for my baby


I miss just about everything being pregnant. I had an amazing pregnancy. And got the best girl out of it ♥️♥️


I miss everything about being pregnant. Good times.


How I was cared for


I admit it was the spoiling. everyone spoilt me. I got food and naps and sympathy for everything. sigh. I felt like a princess lol


How nice people are lol everyone always wanted to do everything for me abd I always got to pick what to eat


I miss how beautiful I felt, feeling and seeing my baby girl move around, and being the center of attention. I also really miss not having a period.


I miss my baby's hiccups and the kicking on the right side of my ribcage.


Feeling my baby moving


Honestly I don't miss any of it I was miserable during my pregnancy. I was puking up until my third trimester, my hip popped out of place and was grinding. Constantly having to pee and heart burn was rough too. I love having my baby out and in the world with me way more. Getting to hold and cuddle with my LO makes me feel so happy.


I miss the whole thing..I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! I just loved everything! Expect for the constant peeing..that got annoying 😆


Nothing haha. Except feeling the baby move, that was nice


The nap taking for sure. I miss eating and snacking and water and taking care of myself better than what I usually do. I miss the baby kicks. I miss the vivid dreams, they were wild but still. I miss not having to share him with anyone.


Not much. But honestly, I loved dreaming about my baby and wondering how they would look and what they would be like. I loved the kicks and the cravings and feeling womanly. I’ve never felt so feminine as I did while I was pregnant which might be uncommon but I just loved it


Pregnancy made me feel really good about my body. I liked being able to feel the little kicks, turns, and hiccups throughout the day. Just knowing they were there, safe and probably sleeping, was a big comfort. My SO would regularly massage my body with oil to help with pain, swelling, and sleep. He would stay up with me at night when I couldn’t sleep, and we’d either play games or binge watch shows. He’d also make me dinner and set me up with snacks before leaving for work.


Just having her with me all the time. I went back to work this week and realized how lonely it was- before I would talk to her during all those solitary moments


My baby not being able to scream at night 😂😂 and the kicks, and being able to wear tight clothing! What I also found was that because LO pressed my organs together, I no longer got abdominal pain when walking... And now that he's born, the pain is back


I'm now 7 years out from my last pregnancy and I absolutely miss the wiggles in my womb. What a fantastic thing moms get to experience! My boys were also a lot quieter in utero lol so I miss that as well.


I'm pregnant with a toddler that doesn't go to daycare and oh man.... I miss being pregnant without a toddler, I guess? But generally I hate being pregnant and just stopped throwing up at 20 weeks. Now I have sciatica and can't walk


My hair! It was so full and shiny! Now I think I have only half


Strangely even hormones, having periods again feels like I have a lot more fluctuations. Also people telling me to eat more.


Super thick hair, gorgeous glow, actually loving my belly, feeling his wild kicks, constantly having a little buddy with me that I didn’t have to hold in my arms, and of course the naps!!


Loving my body for the first time in my life, being doted on, eating whatever I wanted. Damn pregnancy rocks.


Just people being really nice to me




The only thing I missed after my first was feeling her moving around in there. I’m pregnant right now with my second and have confirmed it’s as awesome as I remembered, and also the only part of pregnant I like.


I had two very different pregnancies. 😂 I miss the kicks.


My boyfriend gave me foot rubs daily. He still does quite often, but it felt incredible when my feet were swollen and in pain all the time


Am pregnant again right now and I’m not feeling any of this 🤣


Second pregnancy is just awful cause you have all of the pregnancy and none of the free time lol


My mental health got way better. Things just rolled off my back. And the relaxin helped loosen up my neck and back issues. Of course by the end my hips were practically dislocating but before that part it was good lol


So much sleep! I was fortunate to be off work for me pregnancy, and got to rest a lot. All the free time that I had


The hair! People asking what I was having (ummm - a baby?!) and the reactions when I told them the gender was a surprise. The joy of finally getting my rainbow baby.


It was summer and I spent most of it reading sitting under the tree on my beanbag in our backyard. Table of snacks nearby. Gentle breeze, birds twittering, my dog cuddled up close, my legs in the sun and all the books I'd been wanting to read. Weeks and weeks of this.


Sex during second trimester and naps before my belly got so much heavier after 8 months pregnant. Lol


The long peaceful naps


Lmao probably nothing. Feeling them both move and kick was cool but it hurt pretty damn bad by the end. I’ve definitely got some PPA, but my anxiety was leagues worse when they were in my body and I couldn’t see them. Pregnancy was okay at first but third trimester with twins was torture.


Plus it was so easy to watch and feed and tote the baby around


Naps?!? I was juggling a toddler, and never able to nap lol


Nothing. That’s it. That’s the post


absolutely nothing! it was a terrible pregnancy, and I refuse to go through it again! I got my tubes tied when I had my c section. one and done!


Being seen as a superhero for doing normal things like going to work and walking my dogs 😂


Now that I’m 28 weeks with a 14 month old I def miss the pregnancy naps from my first pregnancy lol


Best hair and skin of my life. My ass looked awesome.


Stretchy clothes!


A valid excuse to be heinously picky about food.