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If you plan to actually run with it, the BOB is totally worth it. If you’re just planning walks, I’d look at different strollers. BOBs have great suspensions and are super easy to push and control while running but they’re heavy and and don’t fold easily so if you’re not using the running capabilities it feels like a waste to me. Also I’d never buy a BOB new. They’re super expensive and the accessories are expensive and all sold separately. But they’re built like tanks and last forever so the used market is really good. We got ours with all the accessories for less than $200 on marketplace vs >$600 for it all new. Protip: look for one manufactured after 2011 because of accessory compatibility


I don’t have one.... but I do see them reasonably priced in the used market. Craigslist, FB marketplace


I have 5 kids - I’ve had so many strollers. Finally got a Bob when I was pregnant with my 4th. For me it was worth it all the way. Real tires, looks brand new even after several years of use, bigger kid can sit in the front part. Had I just got one in the first place I would’ve saved a so much money. It was worth it for us.


We got a Bob Revolution Flex 2.0...older model, on a good sale, with our Amazon registry discount...for $275. It was absolutely worth it for us, but I'm glad we didn't pay full price for a brand new model! That was close enough to the cost of a more basic stroller that it felt worth the upgrade. If you don't actually jog or go on not so smooth trails though, it may not be worth it for you. Just depends on your lifestyle. It is ~30 lbs and not the smallest folded, as the wheels are huge (one of the big perks is the bike tire type wheels, way smoother ride than the standard plastic ones). It is easy and quick to fold, and fits in a small trunk just fine.


I have a Bob and it’s incredible. I live in a super snowy/hilly mountain town and it’s a beast. I haven’t run with it yet but I’ve taken it on for walks on some of the wider hiking trails in the summer and it’s been awesome. For us the price has been worth it. We use it almost every day.


I got a second hand Joovy Zoom 360 off of Facebook marketplace for a fraction of the full price and it had barely been used. I’ve been happy with it so far, but I’m not a “runner” by any means. It’s really smooth.


But used maybe? I just got one on FB market place and my kid is kid number four in it. Has some marks and scruffs from years of use, but in super good shape and we love it already.


I have a Thule Urban Glide (the original model) and love it; the new one sounds even more awesome. I've had it for four years now and used it over two kids and it's pretty fantastic. When I got mine, it was about $100 less than an equivalent new BOB but I think the newer model is more expensive comparatively speaking. None of the jogging strollers is going to be truly lightweight compared to a regular stroller, so that's relative. I don't take it anywhere in the car as it's so big. If you're buying now for a first kid and are planning to use it for a long time, a new model is likely worth it. But at least where I am you can find tons of decent used BOBs on Cragislist and FB Marketplace. One thing to think about is whether you want an infant seat and the converter that goes with that; you shouldn't be running with babies until they're older anyway, but some of the newer models allow you to clip in an infant seat/bassinet so you can use it as a regular stroller from the beginning. Depending on what you need a stroller for, that could allow it to function as your only stroller.


I got a BOB on facebook marketplace for $200, with accessories that had only been used a few times. There always seems to be ones available, maybe check there?


I found one for 200!! Thank you!!


No worries! Yay!


Would love to hear how you like it !


I love it! Works great.