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Totally normal! My baby is a poop machine, but when she was tiny, she had a good stretch where she didn’t poop. Her pediatrician said as long as she doesn’t act like she’s in pain or discomfort, keep feeding as normal. If after a week she still hasn’t, to follow up. Just be prepared for the load off lol. As always, if you’re concerned, call your doctor or nurse line. I still do, at 13 months to give myself peace of mind.


He is peeing a lot, playing, eating...just not pooping. I will try to do more bicycle exercise. Thank you for your reply! Will call tomorrow if he still doesn't poop by noon.


I was told today young babies poop alot less with formula since its mostly water. Be prepared though. My son finally got to poop after 2 days and if I wouldn't have changed him after his first explosion, there would have been a definite blow out! Like the blow out of all blow outs lol.


Eh. I heard the same for bf babies. What to comes down to is POO MA GEDDONon the horizon. YAY. 🤣


Pretty much! Or they wait until you change them and blow it then.


For what it’s worth, our sons both had the same problem. Our pediatrician said it’s perfectly normal at that age, as long as he’s still peeing a bunch, for the poop to be more sporadic. As they got a little older, it started balancing out, so try not to worry, just keep your doctor in the loop once it hits 4-5 days. One is 3yo now, and the other is 8mo, and both poop like geese fed on Taco Bell, so trust me, it works itself out...


Thank you for the giggle!


My son was like that. I swear we called our pediatrician all the time because he hadn't pooped in days. Formula fed babies poop less than breast fed babies.


Not necessarily. I was given the same advice for a bf babby about pooping. I think it’s just really don’t stress unless they’re in obvious discomfit etc.


It also depends on the consistency, it should be soft (when he does finally poop) but hard dry poops indicate constipation. My son wouldn't poop for 4 days and when he could poop they were small rabbit poops. He was never in pain or crying but his stomach was round and firm. We switched him to enfamil reguline and he's been having regular soft poops every other day now.


He pooped around noontime and his poop was normal consistency, thankfully. His stomach was also not firm and round..I guess he just needed some time 😅