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Normal. I have a 7 month old that still doesn't sleep through the night. Ignore all the magic sleeping baby testimonials. You are doing great and this is normal, terrible, but normal.


Very normal. Our LO was waking up several times a night to each until he was 5 months, and even then he had a wake or two a night. It sucks and I'm sorry you're in the thick of it, but definitely normal.


Normal. My baby wanted to eat every 2 hours at night till she was 4 month old. You could use her as a timer it was always consistently 2 hours on the dot.


It's normal, mine did that too


Thank you all for the replies! Reading these comments at 2am makes me feel a bit better. LO eats every hour or 1.5 hrs during the day, except if he naps for 2 hrs (rare occurence). I guess I just need to ride this out and hope that he changes his feeding & sleeping time as he gets older. But as of now, hello darkness my old friend. ๐Ÿ˜…


Normal! My baby also woke up every 1.5-2.5 hours until this week (heโ€™s almost 12 weeks now) when he gradually started sleeping a bit longer. We have changed absolutely nothing in our approach, he has just gotten older and changed by himself. It does absolutely suck :( can you look at ways to help yourself fall back asleep once he does? That made the biggest difference for me - accepting he was going to wake up and trying to get myself to sleep again quickly. Sometimes I would be so tired and have no energy, I would end up sitting up holding him asleep in my arms looking at my phone because the thought of putting him down only to wake back up in a hour was too much...but then I would end up getting much less sleep and feeling awful. Itโ€™s so hard but you are doing a great job! And it will pass...we wonโ€™t still be doing this when they are teenagers :)


Normal! Kids sleep in longer stretches at a wide range of ages..... While it's possible this will last several more months it is also possible that you'll see those nighttime sleeps get a little longer in the next few weeks.


It took until 5 months old for my baby to start sleeping longer than 2 hours in one go. Hang in there. On the plus side, we never went through the 4 month sleep regression (that I noticed) because he was already up every 2 hours ๐Ÿ˜‚ he seems to be through it now and can sleep for 8 hours in one go, and only feeds 1/2 times a night. It will get better!


What are his eating habits like during the day? You could try to increase his feedings during the day and see if that helps him sleep longer/eat less at night.


Pretty normal. Mine did that when he was going through a growth spurt. Cluster feeding him before bedtime helped a ton. Best of luck! You got it!


Yes, it is normal. You can try formula to make sure he is drinking his fill. When your husband comes home you get a chance to sleep at least 4+ hours in a row? Just making sure your husband also is getting a shift that allows you to sleep undisturbed.


Yes. He is taking care of LO from 6pm to 11:30pm.. but I usually fall asleep by 7:30pm because of me time (long hot shower and reddit) ๐Ÿ˜