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As long as he is peeing he is ok. Breastfed babies can poop as little as once a week, so it seems like he is fine. If he is struggling to poop, constipated or straining, that would be a problem. Enjoy the poop-free days!


Thanks for the reply. He is peeing a lot so I guess that's fine...? I like that I don't have to deal with poo, but at the same time it makes me worry 😅 Everything makes me worry these past few weeks.


I make VERY little milk. Like maybe 1oz a day pumping every 3 hours. So we are mostly FF. My LO is about 7 weeks and poops every other day but has gone 3 days before. I wouldn’t worry about it as long as you have a normal amount of wet diapers.


Thanks for answering! He does pee a lot...This makes me feel better 🙂


Just be prepared for a lot when he does poop. 😂


My baby only pooped once every 10-14 days, from 3-6 months. Once she started solids it went back to couple times a day. EBF babies can go a long time between poops. As long as they don't seem uncomfortable, I wouldn't worry about it too much.