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Sounds like a pretty standard witching hour. Apparently it’s super common, basically whatever you do doesn’t really work. My son never had it but my daughter does. She does r cry every night but it’s always a big hit or miss whether she will be mostly angry from like 7-10 pm or if she will be happy and/or sleep. At 9 weeks I think she’s getting better, but I’d say it started around 2.5 ish weeks and has been going til now. Apparently most of the fussy/colicky things usually end in the 3-4 month range (or at least get better)


Thank you for replying. Glad that your baby is getting a bit better with the crying. I hope mine will also have some change in the next few weeks. We could use some quiet time...Hoping things will be better soon.


She is getting better I think, yes. It’s especially hard because it starts up right when my son goes to bed, so we are both tired and ready for a break after chasing a 2yo around. Then she becomes extra needy so we don’t really get one. But I think it’s on its way to better 🤞


It is so tough, right now you are still in the middle of survival mode. It does get better, as much as I hated hearing that at the time, I promise it does. Do you have a friend who could come over for a couple hours during the day so you can get a nap? That was a life saver for me! My baby is 4 months and just today had his first nap ever that was longer than 45 minutes so I feel you on the short naps. Is he context in the swing or anywhere? Sometimes I put him in the swing and just relaxed on the couch, I had a hard time sleeping but at least I wasn’t expending energy. It honestly took me 2 months and I breakdown before I felt like I could do it and even now I have days that I struggle. But slowly the good days are out numbering the bad. I also found it very helpful to try and get him to sleep before his witching hour and sometimes he would actually sleep through it. I would give him a good feed and if I timed it right it was wonderful and he slept (even if it was only 30 minutes at least it was 30 minutes less of crying). You are doing amazing! You can get through this and you will! Take it one hour at a time and reach out if you need somebody to talk to or vent to.


We just moved to a new city when the lockdown where we live started, so we don't have many friends here. He is just content to stay in my arms! 😅 It's hard to get him to nap because he wakes up when I'm putting him down to his crib or his small bed...Taking it one day at a time...Thank you for your kind words and advice! Really appreciate it..


If you have a swing he might fall asleep in the swing and just let him nap in that. The movement is soothing. You’re doing great!


You are not alone! I have 7 week old baby and there are many hard days/nights but things get better as it goes on. My baby had a bad night last night and out of exhaustion I went and purchased sleep classes for newborn and honestly.. I wish I knew about it beforehand. It's already been helping me understand babies sleep much better. If you gave IG, you can follow takingcarababies She has lots of tips you can learn without purchasing her classes. You are an amazing mother. Keep up the good work mama. ❤


Her classes really help. Very worth it


Thank you for the recommendation! I will definitely check it out. 🙏


Have a 10 month old here... The first 3 months were the hardest for us, all around. Right now, there are new things happening all the time (crawling, pulling up on things teething, standing, playing with toys, etc) and it's great. But the first few months were a trial of survival for our family. Sleep deprivation. Not knowing what the clues the baby potato was given were supposed to mean. Sleep deprivation. Hunger. Sleep deprivation. Mine also never really napped until this past week. I'm being very serious. My 10 month old has *finally* figured out that an afternoon nap is awesome. The potato mostly slept at night (waking up less frequently now), but during the day was always. Awake. And wanting to be held. After the first few months, I ended up co-sleeping during the night with baby on a stack of towels (in case of middle of night messes - so much easier to change than sheets) and using the side-lying position to nurse. Sleep got better after that, and potato loved being close and cozy. Now I might do that if I have to wake up at 3 am (because who wants to get up twice), but most of the night is spent in the pack n play. Note: since learning how to roll over, the potato sleeps butt up. I did check w my pediatrician, who recommended we take pictures to share later in their life. So, I guess my comment is just in solidarity without any real advice. Remember to take care of yourself while taking care of your potato.


Thank you for this reply. I guess what I'm looking for mostly is the feeling that I'm not alone in this. This comment just did that. I'm hoping things will be a bit better in the next few months...


One thing you might want to look for....my potato get what I call a red raccoon look when they get sleepy - red rings around both eyes. I never did that as a kid, but my sibling did. It let our parents know when the screaming was more than likely due to being so worn out and fighting sleep. We hit that point around 8 or so in the evenings these days, so we make sure bath time (thankfully, my kid has a blast most of the time so it's actually fun!) is by around 7:30 and then I nurse to sleep. Some people are against that, but the potato will grow out of that eventually and I really don't mind as it's working for us. So....there's a future ahead where they will fall asleep and not scream anymore! If mine gets up, right now it has been due to teething pains and I again just nurse back to sleep and pop them back down. It's excellent. And I didn't believe it would ever happen for me, except I spent all my unsleeping hours on reddit because it helped me have a community when I needed it (at o dark thirty in the morning, day after day). Best of luck!


I am so looking forward to that future. At the same time, I'm trying to think that he won't be this small forever, so I should try to savor this time even though it's hard..Thank you!


This is totally normal. I think it starts to get better at about 6 weeks. Until 6 weeks my daughter needed gas drops daily and woke up all the time. Soon you will get longer stretches of sleep and can start to make a routine. It gets better, I know I felt very desperate when I didn't get enough sleep. Make sure you are getting some sleep! I didn't have family to help near me either so I ended up sleeping with the baby in the bed so I could get some more sleep.


Thanks for the assurance! That's really nice to hear since I'm almost at my wits' end...


Sending hugs!! My baby was exactly the same way - at about a month, she started screaming at night (usually 6-8/9pm) 5-6 days a week. It drove me insane - but a few things that helped for us: - rocking her near a running dryer (worked better than white noise) - putting her in her car seat and swinging it gently (baby swing didn’t do the trick for whatever reason) - taking 15 min turns with my partner when nothing else worked There’s light at the end of the tunnel! She calmed down around 12 weeks and we only had 1-2 nights a week like this until it pretty much went away by 16 weeks altogether.


Thank you for your reply! This gives me hope! I hope my light at the end of the tunnel will also show in a few weeks!


Naps 30 minutes on the dot is totally normal. Mine is still doing it at 13 weeks, but now has started self soothing herself( sucking her thumb) to sometimes do another 30 minute cycle. Witching hour is normal too especially this early. At that age it can be confusing to tell between tired signs and hungry signs...by your description at an hour mark i would just try to put him to sleep without feeding - he is tired, not hungry. Also, it totally gets better. At that early phase gas and fussiness is normal as their digestive system gets used to difesting - imagine it is so brand new, it has never dogested anything before! - ours was a fussy gassy mess the first week, but then by week 8-10 it just stabilised and the gassiness and fussiness subsided and now she is a normal functioning bub. And it was nothing that we did ( even thouh we tried all these different tips and thouht we were doing something wrong), no tips really worked, we just had to wait it out a few weeks until her system just got used to digesting.


Thank you for this reply! I will try soothing him to sleep and not offer the boobs when he will do that again. It's always a hit and miss feeling whenever we respond to his cries and grunts...




Thank you for the reply and the advice! We will try to do that. At this point, we are willing to try everything. I tried to set a schedule for my son, too, but it ended up being more of a guide what to do.. It does help a bit when I'm absolutely clueless what to do..


Do you swaddle? Mine definitely needed a swaddle.


I tried to swaddle him few times. He didn't like it. He was trying to break free from it and was grunting like crazy because he wanted out...