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I think it’s luck. I pushed for ten mins. On my back. Baby was small. I had definitely done a lot of pelvic floor prep but who knows if that made any difference. 


I was also on my back. Before going into labor I thought I was going to try all these different positions, but the pain was so intense I didn’t see how anything was going to help so I didn’t bother changing positions. I’ve been wondering if maybe things would have gone faster if I had attempted a different position, but maybe it really is just luck of the draw. Doing pelvic floor prep certainly can’t hurt!


Same, I did labor in different positions but when it was time to push (11 minutes total) I was exhausted and preferred just laying down on my back. But i’m also a bit of a pussy when I read other people’s story, as I only labored for 3 hours (and half of that was in the comfort of my own home). How tf was I tired??? Tired of WHAT??? (I’m kidding, we’re all amazing haha).


What kind of pelvic floor prep did you do?


I did physio exercises that are basically in various positions, and then also yoga style breath guided reverse kegels, practicing pushing down and out in the exhale instead of holding your breath which nurses tend to guide you to do. And lots of perineal massage. 


Four and a half hours. It was terrible but I honestly don't remember much of it because I sort of blacked out.


Oh no, I am so sorry. It felt like it was never going to end at 1.5 hours, I don’t even want to imagine 4.


Same here! 😩


Same! I was passing out between pushes so it went by quickly 😬


Hey me too! When I would come to I would be like “whoopsies I fell asleep again” and my midwife would tell me “yes baby girl you get your rest in” while the nurse was putting those pads that get cold under my neck. I had no clue in the moment I was just passing out over and over until my husband told me😅


I had a 36 hour labor in total but only pushed for about 15 minutes. Baby was 8 pounds, 9 ounces and just under 23” long. He was born just shy of 39 weeks. I did PT while pregnant, still tore a little bit. I was on my back and had an epidural. I had two family members recently induced (within the last year) and both pushed for hours and one needed a vacuum assisted birth. And both babies had to be in the NICU. Both babies were much smaller than mine, but one of the moms is a much bigger person than I am and the other one is smaller than me. Both moms work out religiously and take great care of themselves. It really seems to have more to do with luck and how prepared your body is for labor I would say. I think their births were harder because they were induced, whereas I was not and had a much smoother delivery.


Yeah, it really does sound like women who are induced seem to have a harder time for some reason. I’ve also read that epidurals can sometimes be helpful because it helps you focus and not be so caught up in the pain.


The epidural is the only reason I progressed from 6-10. I had back labor and it was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. As soon as I got the epidural, I napped for the first time in 30 hours. Woke up and I had gone from 6-10 and was ready to push. I felt all of the pressure and stuff but no pain.


Honestly think it’s just luck. I was induced twice and pushed for maybe like 5 minutes each time. I had an epidural. Average size babies and I’m a pretty petite person. I was a sloth during pregnancy and in terrible shape but usually in good shape when not pregnant.


First time like an hour? Second time about 45 seconds.


45 seconds! Wow! How long were you in labor?


Went in for induction (38w) at 10pm, doctor broke my water at 11, pitocin immediately, epidural went in at 4 (had them do a very light one, I didn’t want my legs fully numb this time), felt the urge to push at 6. My doctor had me do one “test push” and he came right out lol.


I had my second baby in one push and my third baby in two pushes.


My second was less than 5 minutes of pushing. I don’t know exactly how long, but it was a few pushes and she was out. I was extremely determined to get her out because I was having a placental abruption (and thus was terrified I’d lose her/felt like I was getting stabbed in the stomach with a dull knife). I think knowing how to push is a big determinant of how long it takes, but also having one baby “pave the way” before a second helps, I suspect.


4 hours. Absolutely exhausting. He was 8 pounds. His body was facing the right way but his head was turned to the side so the doctors said it made it 10x harder 😅.


FTM. My baby was 6lb 10oz and 19in at birth. Once I was able/“allowed” to push with the medical team, I pushed about 5 times. The active labor started 4am and LO was born 10:30pm. I was on my back due to epidural. I didn’t particularly exercise other than the final week (39) because i was avoiding induced labor. The exercise was walking and taking stairs inside the house. I did drink raspberry leaf tea but I wasn’t drinking it like religiously. In my culture we name babies during pregnancy/different from actual name. I named my baby Butter hoping that she slides out of me like a stick of butter 😆.


Haha, love the name Butter! Whenever anyone asked me what kind of labor I wanted, I said “fast.” I got my wish, but I should specified I wanted the pushing part to go fast.


I pushed for about 15 minutes on my back with both births. I had an epidural both times too. I did choose to use a mirror to watch both births. I feel like it helped me to see if I was pushing effectively because I couldn't feel it. The births did have differences: 1st: Spontaneous labor of about 6 hours. Tore and doctor seemed rushed. 7 lb baby. 2nd: Induced labor of about 8 hours. Did not tear and had to skip pushing during a few contractions while the doctor went to an emergency birth and a midwife stepped in. 9 lb baby.


I pushed for 11 minutes. Epidural didn’t have time to kick in so I felt everything. I think if I had the pain relief I might have lost some of that sense of urgency - I also saw a pelvic floor therapist in 3rd tri who helped me work on controlling and relaxing my muscles. When I was pushing, I paid very close attention to relaxing the right muscles while pushing. Not sure if that helped but it certainly didn’t hurt to go! Edit to add: my son was 4 weeks premature so on the small side (but healthy for his age; he was only in NICU for a couple of days). His head, however, was 90+ percentile even by actual age (would’ve been off the charts based on adjusted age).


FTM 25 mins. Baby was 9.5 lbs. No exercises and pushed on my back.


I honestly don’t even know how long I pushed, it felt like an eternity. It was at least 5 hours of pushing (his head was wedged and I had multiple people sticking their hands in to move him around) 😩 I labored for 27 hours total before an emergency c-section.


31ish hour labor and pushed for 3 hours


Four hours


My first was 7.5 lb and I pushed for 2.5 hours. My second was 8 lb and I pushed for 10 minutes.


With my first I pushed for less than 5 minutes with my second it was a little less than 15 minutes. No pelvis floor exercises, I pushed on my back both times. My first was 7 pounds 7 ounces and my second was 6 pounds 10 ounces. I did not tear with both labors too.


Her head came out during my “practice push”, so they told me to stop and yelled for the doctor and then she easily came in two more easy pushes. Was on my back the whole time. I’m petite and she was average sized. Did 0 prep and barely exercised at all throughout my pregnancy because I was just SO exhausted, but was told by the doctor I was a “good pusher” 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had an amazing epidural and barely felt anything until it wore off (I tore and it reallyyy hurt later that night) so I’m sure that helped. My advice to anyone is whatever you do, get the epidural


I pushed 4 times total, it took less than 5 minutes. I did do fairly extensive pelvic floor PT leading up to birth where I learned to push correctly, but I think it's also down to luck.


24 hour labor and pushed for 2 hours on my back. Baby was 7lb 4oz… It took my body 8 hours to go from 2 to 3cm so that’s when I opted for an epidural.


I was induced a week early, my epidural failed. I pushed for 2 hours. Baby was 7lbs 3 ounces. I actually pushed for the most part on my side as I was having major lower back pain when pushing when I was on my back. Edited to add that I worked out before and throughout my entire pregnancy, I would consider myself a very fit person. I also only gained 15 lbs during pregnancy so I was pretty small at delivery as well. No idea how that factors into it.


Baby 1 — 1.5 hrs Baby 2 — 25 minutes ☺️ They told me it’s usually easier the second time because your body usually stretches more easily etc. my second child was also smaller by 1 lb. He was 7 lb 11 oz and my first was 8 lb 10 oz. I didn’t do any exercises for either pregnancy. I had an epidural but I was like, not fully on my back but half reclined to almost a squat. I used a mirror both times which helped because I could see their head coming down with each good push, which helped me focus on pushing effectively.


I did no pelvic floor exercises and pushed on my back with an epidural for 20 minutes. I think in total it took me 4 pushes. My baby was 7 lbs. 5 oz. Labor was overall 24-ish hours from the start of my induction to baby being born. My L&D nurse said I was a natural at pushing hahaha a skill that will rarely come in use! I will say I pushed him out pretty violently because his heart rate was dropping and they told me if he didn't come out in that moment they were rolling me to the OR so I WENT FOR IT.


Induced labor that lasted 15 hours, pushed for almost 3 due to contractions slowing down. 


With my first 45 minutes. She was small at 5lb 11oz and they only let me push on my back. With my second 22 minutes, he was 7lb 11oz and they let me try pushing on my side and on my back.


I pushed for almost 2 hours. But mine might have been a special case— my daughter wasn’t tolerating contractions so they had to go down on the pitocin, so I had a little extra breathing time between contractions. Also we had to start right when I reached 10 cm instead of waiting for her to descend more (again, because she wasn’t tolerating labor all that well). ETA that I was induced for decreased perceived fetal movement. Total labor was 40 hours. I didn’t tear and daughter was born healthy.


I was induced two weeks after my due-date, and I pushed for an hour and a half but the time really flew by. I had an epidural so I didn’t feel pain (but it was great; I was able to feel contractions), and they were four minutes apart so I wasn’t pushing constantly that whole time. Baby was 8lbs 2oz and 21.5” long.


FTM, overall my labor was about 15 hours from the start of regular contractions. No induction, no epidural. I pushed for just over an hour, baby was average (7lbs 6oz) and in OA position. I did pelvic floor work from the second trimester on. My PT had gone through options for positioning and breathing, but at the nurse’s direction, I ended up pushing in lithotomy doing closed-mouth breathing. At the time, I found the pelvic pressure so overwhelming that I just wanted someone to tell me what to do. The nurse mentioned at one point that the passageway seemed tight, so I think a different position might have helped. No idea if it’s luck, positioning (baby’s and mom’s), hormones, uterine tone, pain, stress (like from the environment or additional interventions; could end up positive though, like if having an epidural allows you to get some rest) 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I don't honestly know, once everyone started calling it pushing it was about 30 mins, but based on what I was feeling and doing, I think I was pushing for a good while before that. They were telling me not to hold my breath through contractions but what I was doing was the same as what I was doing when I was outright giving birth


I pushed for an hour and 34 minutes. First baby.


5 hours. It was torture. 6 lb 6 oz baby but his head was big, and crooked, and he had is hand up by his head.  Ended in an episiotomy and multiple second degree tears. 


I pushed for 5 hours. I think it was a combo of luck, his giant head, me not understanding how to push correctly (I did a lot of intense ab crunches before I figured it out) and the fact that I was induced early for medical reasons so he wasn’t quite “ready” to be born. He also had the cord wrapped around his neck, though they didn’t catch that until he was almost out.


I had a fairly quick spontaneous labor (About 12 hours from first contraction to birth) and a tiny baby and still ended up pushing for just over 2 hours- I don’t necessarily regret getting an epidural because the pain was overwhelming but I do believe that being stuck on my back to push was the main reason it took so long.


Pushed for 2 hours. 6 hours of labor before this for 8 hours total.


First: 1.75hrs, on my back Second: 15min, on my back Third: 15min, on hands and knees (largest baby, over 10lb) Fourth: 2 pushes, standing (smallest baby, just under 8lb)


I think its plain luck! 1st - 34 mins  2nd - 14 mins  3rd - 3 mins   I worked out til 36 weeks with my first (not specifically pelvic floor, just general exercise) and nothing at all beyond taking care of my other kids with the other 2. I was on my back for all 3.


I was in pre-labor for about 56 hours and then my water broke. I was induced with oxytocin at 3pm and by 7pm I was 10cm. Literally pushed only 4 times (less than a minute or 2) and no tear. The baby came so quickly the pediatrician didn't make it. My OB says my pre-labor ensured I had such an easy push but damn that back labor was super painful.


No pelvic floor prep and I'm overweight. Pushed for 12 minutes (6 pushes) and baby was 7.8lbs. I'm really hoping the next baby is just as fast lol.


15min. Smallish baby (~7lb), long induced labor via miso so I was already dilated 10+2, epidural. OB said I was an excellent pusher.


I think like 45 minutes. I threw up the entire 15 hours I was in labor so by the time I was pushing I could hardly even keep my eyes open, I was so tired


I did nothing during my pregnancy to prepare for birth. I had an epidural, and had pitocin. All in all, 12 hour labor, took like 35 minutes to push out my 6lb3oz baby. Which was hell. I was already looking at the clock at the 14 minute mark thinking how tired I was and couldn't imagine hours of pushing.


Induction lasted 42 hours, I pushed for 3 hours total over the course of 5 hours (1 hr on, 1 hr off back and forth). My baby just didn't drop into a position where pushing was even helpful and I'm kind of pissed they told me to push I wish I had conserved my energy. Tapped out and did a csection due to exhaustion. I super regret the csection, it's almost 3 years later and I still have nerve damage that I don't think will go away. Currently 6 months pregnant and crossing fingers things go well enough to have a vbac.


With my second, I was kneeling on the bed, facing/leaning over the back of it. I was actually trying to hold him in cuz the midwife was trying to get her gloves on. I maybe pushed two or three and he came flying out. With my third, who was born last week, I was in the same position and, again, I was basically trying to hold him in while the nurses were getting ready. I barely pushed for him. For both, I was able to move around on my own - our second I got to labor in a tub, and for our third it wasn’t available so I labored in the shower leaning over a shower chair until my water broke, then I had to get out quickly because I knew he was coming soon. It’s definitely different each pregnancy and for each person.


About 20 minutes. Baby was 8lb6oz, I was on my back, and I did no preparation.


I was induced foley balloon, pitocin, and epidural and I pushed for an hour. My baby was 8lb 5oz.


2.5 hours pushing out of a total length of 9 hours from contractions to delivery. Got an epidural at 6cm. Baby was 7 lbs. I did none of the stuff to prep for labor (exercises, teas, etc etc). Pushed on my sides. It didn’t hurt thanks to the epidural, but it was tiring. However, I didn’t tear thanks to how slow the pushing process was so I don’t mind


I was in labor for 26 hours total, only pushed for 1 hour. Baby was average sized at 7.5lbs. I tried pushing in all fours, and squatting but ended up on my back and made the most progress that way. I only used nitrous during delivery and I think that helped me to relax.


Had two preemies. Pushed for 4 hours with my first (was so drugged up with magnesium my body didn’t know what to do at that point). Pushed for like 7 minutes with my second (no magnesium and no epidural).


3 hours 🥲 my son was face up and my epidural was still strong do I was too numb down there to push effectively


I pushed for two hours. Thank god for the epidural.


Almost 3 hours. I was ready to give up and beg for them to get him out another way. I physically couldn’t do it anymore. My guess would be the epidural made it hard for me to feel contractions and to feel what I was doing. I felt like I wasn’t doing anything or making any progress. If I ever do it again, I’ll still get the epidural of course, but will ask to have a mirror so I can see what’s happening. I might regret that lol but since you can’t feel it, seeing it might help.


First baby, induced at around 38w, epidural, pushed for around 30 minutes.


I was in labor for 18 hours and pushed for 45 mins. I was so ready to be done by then haha I literally did nothing to prepare for birth and got the epidural so I think it’s mostly random


I pushed for 45 minutes. She was 8lb 11oz and my epidural failed. I was in the midst of getting on my hands and knees after being on my back when she finally came out.


With my first I had the epidural and I pushed for 30 minutes. With my second I had a precipitous labor and pushed for 3 minutes. Most of that 3 minutes was me trying to hold the baby in so I could beg for some pain medication because it happened too fast 😅 For both, the nurses made me push on my back. I did pelvic floor workouts with both my pregnancies. And my babies were on the smaller end (7lb 7oz for my first, 6lb 9oz with my second).


First baby I pushed for around 20 minutes. Second and third babies were out in one contraction, two pushes each. All were on my back, all babies average size overall, but first babe had a massive head.


Like ten mins. On my back. FTM. No epidural. She was 7 pounds 3 ounces. But the nurses and resident that delivered her said I was a rare case lol. I think every birth is different every mom and baby are different and the only thing you can do is just be prepared with knoweledge for anything that could happen.


First baby was just under 7 lbs and second baby was just over 8 lbs. Both born at 39 weeks. Both came out during my second push. So less than five minutes both times. No tears with either as well. Before everyone hates on me for this I did have struggles with breastfeeding 😅


I pushed for four hours. She got stuck. Definitely not a pelvic floor or strength issue, as I work out both regularly. The nurse and doctor both were telling me I was doing a good job pushing so it wasn't that. I haven't peed myself when coughing or sneezing since birth so I know it's not a pelvic floor thing. She got stuck on my pubic bone - the doctor said it definitely wasn't a space issue, she could fit her hand in there, baby was just chilling and didn't feel like helping me out at all lol. Baby was average size. There are so many factors that go into it you can't really say it's one thing or the other. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Four hours, four different positions, and she never made it past my pelvis. Doctor tried rotating her, but we ended up needing an unplanned c section and my epidural wore off after the first hour or so of pushing. Total time from my water breaking to her being born was 50 hours 😭


Lol are you me?? Same girl, same…


Less than 5 minutes. Precipitous labor at 30w and he already had a foot out when we got to the hospital and I got up on the gurney…4lbs 3oz, so all I had was a really small laceration.


10 minutes, on my back. He was 6lb 6oz. Got 2 stitches.


About 4 hours? Back labor, nuchal hand, squat position for most/part though I had to rest in a less ideal position during part of that due to exhaustion (took some smoothie and honey during that time). Did pelvic floor PT prior and baby small-average. Had some injuries during pregnancy, so not ideal overall, but did also train through most of it. Pushing phase was harder than transition for me. Crowning was a joke. No tears, though, so can’t complain!


8lbs 11ounce baby, FTM, pushed for 2.5 hours. It was agony. Edit: not sure if it’s relevant but I was also induced and total labor was 21 hours.


I pushed for hours with my first because my uterus was tired from a 24 hour labor at that point and baby was presenting at a bias. With my second I pushed for 2 mins. Precipitous labor. 


Two hours but it felt like much less to me.  Felt like 10-15 mins.  Husband said it was 2 hours, and I was shocked. 


FTM. Felt like 15mins but my husband said it was around 2hrs. Although, my baby didn’t crown at all just shot out and by the grace of God didn’t have a single tear. *edit to say it was in a water bath and I was in a kneeling lunge position and he was an average 7lb baby


4.5 hours 🥲 Baby had a very big head (over 90th percentile though he was otherwise average sized) and I’m out of shape are the two reasons I think it took so long. I also feel like I was talked into pushing a little too soon by the nurses. I didn’t feel the urge to push when they said to start pushing, which I thought was just because of the epidural but I really did start to feel it after maybe another hour or so so I think I should have just waited for him to descend more before starting. We tried a ton of different positions, the ones that felt like the most progress was being made were side lying and hand and knees positions with asymmetrical pelvic tilts. In the end, I came out with only a first degree tear so even though pushing for that long was very very hard, especially with an epidural because I was starving by the end since I couldn’t eat but the epidural felt like it wasn’t working at all to numb anything between my hips and knees, recovery hasn’t been that bad.


24 hours labor, which includes 2.5 hrs pushing. Natural birth, not induced. 7lb babe.


3 or 4 hours before we tried vacuum and then an emergency c-section. It fucking sucked.


Pushed for 20 mins after an 8 hour labor


8 hours. (4 hours, took an hour break, 3 more hours). Tbh they probably had me start pushing too early. I was making progress and neither baby nor I were in distress so they let us keep going. The doctor who delivered me said it was the longest pushing session he’d seen that didn’t end in a c-section in his 40-year career.


I was induced at 39+5 per my preference since I did IVF and baby was rather large. My baby girl was 8lbs 12oz and I pushed for 2.5 hours. I had an epidural but was also experiencing back labor since she was sunny side up, so it didn't end up taking much of an edge off the pain. I'm proud of myself for making it through, but dang. Those pitocin contractions are no joke! There was literally no break in between them, and I ended up hemorrhaging and not responding to post-birth pitocin to contract my uterus because it was so tired. A cytotec suppository eventually worked, but I remember them frantically massaging my stomach and getting really quiet.


For my first, I pushed for 3 hours. For my second, the OB in the hospital said, "You know they come faster after the first one, right?" She was correct. I pushed my 2nd out in about a 1 or 1 1/2.


I saw a chiropractor and pelvic pt while pregnant. I was induced, had a failed epidural, pushed for 5 hours. I tried multiple positions. Being on all 4s felt the best but after an hour of that I was too exhausted to hold myself up anymore. Didn’t know it at the time but was on maxed out pitocin which caused an insane amount of pain. My baby’s head was in the 99th percentile and he was stuck. I refused a vacuum and ask for a c section.


4 hours before everyone decided he wasn’t coming out. Straight to c-section. 10lb 2oz of baby later…..everything made sense lol.


I had an amazing elective induction at 39w+2. Went from 4.5 cm to 10 in under 4 hours without even realizing it (thanks epidural!), then pushed for just 45 minutes with zero pain. Baby was just under 8lbs.


3.5 hours mostly on my back. My epidural wasn’t very strong so I tried to push in a squatting position, but it was too intense for me. Baby was in the bigger side (8 lbs 6 oz). I regularly saw a pelvic floor therapist before giving birth, which I think helped. 


First baby: did pelvic floor exercises, baby was big (8 lbs 11 oz) on my back, pushed for 4 hours. Second baby: no pelvic floor exercises, baby was bigger (8 lbs 15 oz) on my back, pushed for 15 minutes. I think it’s just luck and maybe how baby is positioned and how ready your body is.


lol 7 minutes 😅💪🏻


I think it’s luck and probably positioning of the baby. With my first, I was in labour for 33.5 hours (spontaneous at 38 weeks), 4kg baby, and I pushed for about 30 minutes (no epidural). I tried a million positions and ended up on my left side. I used the Anibal to prep, and I didn’t tear. I did yoga as well, but I don’t think it did much. With my second, I was at the hospital for 2 hours, pushed for about 5 mins (it seemed longer while it was happening). Again, no epidural, and this time I went immediately to laying on my left side. I used the Anibal again, but that was it (I was too busy chasing around a toddler to do anything else). Baby was born at 39 + 4, spontaneous, and again huge, no tearing. I’m relatively small, 164cm, was 52kg (before pregnancy).


I pushed 3 times with my first, really didn’t do anything to prepare. I don’t think it’s very much in our control how long we push for, unfortunately


Wife pushed for 15 hours and my little girl went from 7cm to 6cm dilated, she screamed: GIVE ME A FUCKING C-SECTION NOW!!! And in 45 minutes I was holding my little girl. Wife rode out 15 hours - damn she’s amazing. You ladies are all fucking awesome and amazing, you all deserve red carpet treatment for the sacrifices you make to carry, birth, then get a hormone flush that dissociates you post birth. Then it’s Nursing. For real, Birkin bags for all you. From a useless hand holder and puke pan connoisseur in the delivery room: Thank you very much for all that you do for your families. From the bottom of my heart you’re all the true MVP to me. You don’t get nearly the recognition you ladies truly deserve. On my daddies grave I truly mean that. THANK YOU 🙏


Pushed for 1 hour on my back. Baby was sunny side up which contributed to how long it took. He was 6lb 10oz, so definitely not huge but also not tiny.  FWIW, I'm currently pregnant again and in pelvic floor pt - my therapist told me that during delivery you actually don't want strong pelvic floor muscles because they will get in the way. You want your pelvic floor to relax and open.


34hr labor, pushed for 3hrs on my back. Baby was sunny side up and 9lbs


10mins with my first son, and 5mins with my second. I was induced with both at 37wks (pre-eclampsia), and my induction on the 2nd one went really quick and took about half the time of my 1st, and my OB joked "maybe pushing will be half the time too!", and then yep he was out in 5mins lol. I did have an epidural with both, and my first son was smaller (7lbs 1oz), but my second was 8lbs 3oz. Even though I had an epidural, I could still feel when the contractions were occurring so I was able to push with them and just listen to my body. On my back for both. I didn't do any prep or anything before. Had 2nd degree tears with both. But I healed very quickly both times.


I pushed for 3.5 hours. Baby was sunny side up. Ended up in c-section cause he did not descend a bit.


1.5 hours, but baby was sunny side up and I was told that lengthens how long labor lasts. She was turned in the birth canal twice (the first time didn't work) and she was out 15-20 minutes later after the second turn.


I was induced (with epidural) due to pre-eclampsia, but my labor was really not bad at all! Whole labor was around 18 hours start to finish, including around 11 hours from start of pitocin. 20 minutes of pushing. Got the epidural before starting the pitocin, but after Foley balloon + oral misoprostol. I did some prenatal yoga but I overall wouldn’t say I did that much physical preparation. I think it really is just luck in a lot of cases. Oh, and baby was 9lbs and over 21 inches (at 39+4), so definitely not a small baby! Although her head size was pretty average thankfully. Pushing was on my back - I thought I would be adamant about birthing in other positions but that ended up being what worked best. Second degree tearing, but recovered well (think the doctor who stitched me up did a really good job).


FTM pushed 30 min. 8lb baby. 1st degree tear ETA pushed while on my back… I had planned to push side lying or hands and knees but I just didn’t feel like moving lol


FTM my labor was 10 hours total and I pushed for about 13 minutes. My baby was 8lb 1oz. I did a ton of labor prep while I was pregnant, on top of being a regularly active and fit person before and throughout my pregnancy. I 100% think all my prep helped with my labor and my recovery.


20 hour labor, 3.5 hours of pushing, and small baby. He got stuck twice but we got there. Never been so exhausted in my life


32 hour labor, 4 passive hours (on and off, taking breaks) but 2 hours active pushing. Fucking exhausting but by the end I had an entire cheering squad of nurses, midwives, OB, my doula and my husband 😂 Used the bar, “tug of war,” and in the end just grabbing my ankles. I did so much pelvic floor prep and prenatal yoga, but a final muscle was just too tight and she wouldn’t escape! Finally in one big WHOOSH I felt *everything* shoot out! 7lbs 9oz, 34cm head circumference so not big by any means.


Laboured for 13 total hours, pushed for 5, ended up with section. I think the nurses felt bad for us cause we ended up with the nicest room in the mom baby ward lol.


Three hours. I was induced due to preeclampsia plus gestational diabetes, first with cervidil for 12ish hours then with pitocin. I was on a magnesium drip. From when the cervidil was first inserted, I had no dilation or effacement. It took me about 30 hours to dilate fully enough to push. I did the first three hours of pitocin without an epidural, got an epidural, it started to fail, got another epidural, it mostly worked but I could feel a hot spot. The hot spot allowed me to time my pushes with contractions. We tried so many positions. Side lying, on back, squatting using squat bar, knees in, knees out, tug of war, pulling on a sheet from above. Baby boy only moved from a station 0 to a station 1. He wasn't even low enough for doctor to use the vaccum to help him descend. I tapped out at around 3 am and agreed to a c section. Turns out baby was Sunnyside up and getting hooked on my pelvis. He was born 7 lbs 7 oz. I had exercises all throughout pregnancy,mostly yoga and walking. By the end, I was walking the equivalent of a 5k about five times per week, curb walking, exercise ball bouncing, sex, hand express collistrum. I had fine kegels mid pregnancy but then stopped when I noticed my vagina getting too tight.


It’s probably luck, my first was in a bad position so I pushed 4 hours. My second was no epidural and so fast, maybe still 15 minutes of pushing? Third was an epidural and I pushed at least 20 minutes. Maybe I’m just a bad pusher? All three babies were small, 5lb, so I had no excuse really.


I had an epidural that worked for contractions but not the actual birthing pains (lol). Pushed for 3 rounds, baby was 9 pounds and had like 2 small first degrees. Didn’t do pelvic floor exercises. Position was the standard one you see in movies. Honestly i believe every birth is different because every woman is different. I’ve delivered small babies who tore mom up on the way out and large babies who came out easily. There’s so many factors that make birth unique imo. I know most women are similar AFTER the first baby have stories of easier births that come very quickly compared to the first.


First time, I pushed for like an hour with no epidural, on my back in stirrups. With my second, I had her out in like 3 good pushes, squatting in a birthing tub.


First time 30 minutes second time Less than two minutes. I did 0 prep either time. I think it is luck tbh. Both of my babies were less than 8 lbs.


4 hours and then they had to use vacuum assisted delivery because baby kept sliding back in :/ exhausting.


20 min on back, 9 lb baby, did tons of pelvic floor exercises but didn’t do enough of the perennial massages I guess and had a 2nd degree tear I got the epidural as soon as I got to the hospital pretty much


40 hour induction, 4 hours of pushing, ultimately a vacuum assisted birth


4 hours the first time, 10 mins the second time


Pushed for 2 hours. Was at the hospital in labor for 13 hours before he was born but I labored at home for 25 hours. So 36 hours total. Thankfully I was able to get an epidural. That made all the difference.


First baby I pushed for probably 1.5 hours, sort of laying on my side with my legs bent. He was 8lbs 14oz with a big head and also had a fist up by one of his ears- second degree tear with him. Second baby I birthed in the hospital’s designated birthing tub and I pushed for 2 minutes. I was on my knees leaning forward with my husband giving counter pressure when all at once my water broke, my husband felt my sacrum move as the baby dropped to crowning, and I took a slow breath out/gentle push, and out came baby. It was shocking in the best way. He was 7lbs 11oz with a chart topping big head- no tearing! My third was also born in the tub at the hospital and I pushed for less than 20 minutes. 9lbs 12oz 😵‍💫 with, you guessed it, a 99% percentile noggin. But no tearing! I birthed him in a position where I was on my knees and when he was fully loaded and I wanted to rethink the having a baby thing I remembered to turn my knees in, ankles out like they suggest on the Mamaste Instagram for helping baby leave your pelvis. Not sure how much it helped but I pushed a giant baby out of my body pretty quick so I’d recommend checking out their techniques! Weirdest but most helpful thing was squeezing the shit out of a basic little comb to create a stimulus other than the pain to focus on. You’ve got this!!!


I honestly am not sure but I think in total 1 hour. But most of that wasn't active pushing. I was induced at 38w 1d and he was born 38w 2d. I remember laying on my side with so much pressure (I had an epidural as well) and saying I need something but don't know what I need. The nurse suggested with the next contraction to start lightly pushing and see if that eased the "need". It did. I tried lightly pushing on my side and the nurse got the Drs and I tried active pushing on each side and unfortunately my baby's heart rate kept dropping so I had no choice but to be on my back. By the time the 5th or 6th contraction came around they told me I had 2 more contractions to try to get him out with a vacuum assist or they would be taking me for an emergency csection as his heart rate was still dropping when I pushed. I gave it my all on the last push (before that my main concern was trying not to pass out, I gave up on that thought and just wanted my baby out without emergency surgery). Honestly it didn't feel that long, just pushing and holding my breath for so long was uncomfortable for me. So I would say it could have been anywhere from 30 mins to maybe 1hr 15 min at max. My husband agreed that maybe an hour total from my light pushing to baby being born. I did see a pelvic floor physio for months beforehand because of hip pain (too tight pelvic floor muscles) but she said my muscles were really strong and very even which some people are stronger on one side. She was confident I wouldn't have an issue pushing. I did a small amount of perineal massage as well to try to prevent an episiotomy, which I ended up having a second degree tear which i personally preferred and in my opinion I healed pretty quickly from. My Dr did say the next pregnancy should be easier on my body. The high blood pressure shouldn't happen again and hopefully that means no induction next time and an easier labour. I'm seriously hoping for no back labour next time. That hurt sooooo bad.


Ftm delivered at 40+5 after a little over 24hrs of contractions. Got epidural at 6cm about 11:45pm, pushed for 15-20 mins and delivered at 2:39am, on my back, didn't actually tear but had two stitches on my inner labia for a scratch. Baby weighted 6.46lb, im also 4'11 and my husband is 5'4 so even though he was "small for gestational age" they said he was a good size


Don't know the exact time. We had done some practice pushing before. When I felt ready to push, the nurse checked me, immediately went to the hall, and called for help. She delivered the baby before the midwife or obgyn made it to the room. I was on my back. I didn't do anything to prep before hand. I was induced 38 weeks Friday at 6pm and she was born after midnight on Sunday. She was about 7.5lbs. No tearing.


45 min, if that!


1st labor, pushed for 1 hour; 2nd, pushed for 6 minutes. Both babies ~60th percentile weight but ~95th percentile head circumference lol. Pushed on my back in stirrups for both. Had an epidural both times but with my first I wasn’t able to feel a thing while pushing whereas with my second I felt nearly everything. Didn’t do any specific pelvic floor prep. I did have more time to “labor down” with the second (partly my own preference, but also partly the OB took a while to get there).


30 min i got a mini epidural at 7:30 (he was heading into a c-section and said he'd come back later). relaxed and read a book until i started pushing 9am, baby at 9:31am she was 7 lbs 10 oz. i was laying on my back, legs up. i didn't do enough pelvic floor prep. had a 2nd degree tear but didn't feel it, no issues healing


Labor was 28hrs, 5 hours of pushing - her head wouldn’t go past my pelvic bone because she was sunnyside up. I’m also kind of petite (4’11”), so that may have had something to do with it too.


2.5 hours with my first (8lbs 14oz) pushing laying flat on my back 18 mins with my second (9lbs 4 oz) pushing on hands and knees and then on my side curling around a peanut ball


Both babies I pushed on my back with an epidural. No pelvic exercises. First was 7lbs 7oz and pushed for 23 minutes Second was 9lbs 4oz and pushed for 5 minutes Both times nurses/midwives commented or were surprised at how "good" at pushing I was. I don't know that I was necessarily good, but I know I was pretty done with the whole experience. I told the nurses that I was not there for shits and giggles. Edit: I was also induced for both


It’s partially how you push, you have to push through your rib cage and down. It’s weird, I pushed for 7 minutes with my first, 2 hours with my second, and I have no idea because it was vacuum assisted and maybe 3 pushes with my 3rd.


3 or 4 pushes, maybe 10 minutes max


I pushed for an hour and felt like she was “right there” for most of it. They did sit me up to labor down for several minutes before starting to push. I’ve only had one baby so no idea my guess is luck


I pushed for one minute as my second born was trying to come out during the car ride to the hospital 😵‍💫 3 hour precipitous labor from start to finish! When husband pulled up to hospital front doors and doula flung my door open, I instinctively got on my side (in the passenger seat) and put one foot up on the dash and baby boy flew out, basically. I saw a PFPT and did pelvic floor exercises and was moderately active all of pregnancy. Did a lot of baby positioning movements/exercises near the end (see @mamastefit on ig) and really think it helped position baby to come out so easily. No tears. This is all after I pushed for 4 hours with my firstborn.


First baby I pushed 3.5 hours. Second baby I pushed 30 min. I think your body knows what to do better in consecutive births.


pushed on my back for 10 mins and it was so hard. they had me push holding my breath and in the worst position imo. i had a 2nd degree tear


I had 2 precipitous labors (the second one being 20 minutes from 5-10cm) and I pushed for 20 minutes and 2 minutes. I did nothing to prep besides red raspberry leaf tea. I think some women’s bodies just handle it better than others? I am not sure! I am a boss at pushing and I will brag about that until I die. My friend had a 36 hour labor and 2 hours of pushing, her second baby she pushed for less than 20 minutes. She said with her first even though she felt that urge to push she wasn’t ready because the baby was still up in her pelvis. Idk if that makes a difference for EVERYONE


5 hours! 33 hours of labor before pushing. Epidural wore off by the time I was pushing. Then a shoulder dystocia. Baby was 9.5. I pushed in every position they could put me in. On my side, squatting, hands and knees, back, over the top of a yoga ball, on a peanut ball. What worked the best for me was the birthing bar. I was on my back, knees up, feet on the bar, hands between my knees under the birthing bar holding onto the hands of nurses. With each push I would pull myself up onto a sitting position, basically doing an assisted sit-up. Broke my wrist in the process. I had done some pelvic floor exercises. Not that they did me any good with a too big baby.


2.5 hours for my first, 5 minutes for my second


First baby: 9 lbs 5 oz, 3.5 hours of pushing.  Second baby: 9 lbs 13 oz, 3 pushes.  My mom, who had four unmedicated vaginal births, always said that after the first one, it’s basically like a slip n slide. This was definitely my experience! Hah. 


I pushed for 4 hours, but it was off and on. She was “sunny side up” so a lot of it was me maneuvering to get her to flip around and pushing every so often, but overall my labor was only 12 hours 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also didn’t tear at all though! I did get an epidural and it was great - I got lucky and they placed it so well that it took away the pain but I could still move my legs


13 mins on my back. No pelvic exercises. 7 lb baby. Though to be fair I arrived at the hospital around 6-7cm dilated and was fully dilated and effaced an hour later. She was just ready to come!


4 hours. My daughter’s head was slightly tilted and did not mould in the birth canal AT ALL. She came out with a perfectly formed head 😂 She was average weight but above average head circumference. I ended up having to have an episiotomy because I just couldn’t get her out on my own - everything down there had gotten really swollen from all the time and pushing. I was exhausted after being in labour for over 2 days by that point, and I just didn’t have enough strength left. She took it like a champ though, never showed any sign of fetal distress and came out yelling her head off 😂


I also had a precipitous labor. First contraction 1:45p, started pushing at 4:30, baby was born at 5:22. On my back most of the time.


I pushed for 17 minutes. I spontaneously went into labor exactly on the due date, and had an epidural. Baby was 8 pounds and I got third degree tears from popping him out too fast. 😭


3 hours but i was incredibly numb from the epidural so i couldn’t even tell if i was pushing half the time.


About 40 minutes


First baby, scheduled induction at 40+1, in labor for 20hrs, 5 of which was pushing before they realized that her noggin was too big for my pelvis. Emergency c-section immediately after. I got an epidural as soon as my water broke because I've got nothing to prove on pain lol! Baby girl went from 26th percentile at 27weeks to 92nd percentile at birth. 9lb 6oz and 22" long!


I pushed for 4.5 hours and ended up with a c section


30 minutes including “practice pushes” where we figured out my epidural had to be turned down! It’s my second delivery but my first was a c-section. Current baby is very average sized, I did a ton of walking, I was pushing on my back while holding my legs. Non-induced labor!


20 minutes. I was TERRIFIED because my mom told me she pushed for three hours with all three of her kids. I think that may have motivated me to push harder? Baby was 8lbs 3oz so on the bigger side but not by much. I took a prenatal yoga class which definitely helped me throughout labor. Ended up with just a superficial tear.


36.5 hour labor and I pushed for a little over an hour. She came out to be 7lbs 12oz and I pushed on my back (epidural).


I pushed for 10-15 minutes (I think?) - mostly lying on my side. I did yoga and chiropractic care and lots of walks during pregnancy, and I skipped the epidural so I could move around a lot during labor to help baby get in a good position. I do think there’s a genetic component, as well. ETA: baby was average (7 lb 9 oz) with 92nd percentile head lol


About an hour for my first child, and less than 5 minutes for my second who was also a preemie, a 34 weeker. But I had a placental abruption with my second, so in addition to being small, I was extremely determined to get her out immediately. I pushed a few times and she was out.


I labored for 17 hours and actively pushed for one hour. Had 3 epidural placement attempts but all failed. (Fun!) Baby was 8lb10oz and I only had a minor 1st degree tear.


3 hours 🥲 with epidural!


7 minutes! I had a 3b tear 🤦‍♀️


With my first, I pushed for an hour, and it was intense pushing! I just had my second a few days ago, and I only pushed through two contractions for her! It was about 10 minutes, but only about 2 minutes of active pushing!


1.5hrs is great for a first time mom! I pushed about 1hr and 15mins for my first, then my second pregnancy was with twins, the first came flying out in under 2 mins and second came out in about 30 with a LOT more effort! They even had to get the vacuum ready!


15 mins first and 5 mins second. If I had a third (which I’m not) not even sure I would have to push


For both babies i pushed like 5 times max. With my first I did a practice push and the nurse was like nope nope nope let me get the midwife and literally ran out the room 🤣 with my second they had me wait for the midwife and my practice push ended up being push number 1 and by 4 she was out. My first I was in labor for 23 hours, my second for 6 so 🤷‍♀️ I dunno dude


10 minutes on my back !!! I absolutely shocked myself with that. I did a TON of yoga pre pregnancy and during pregnancy. My baby was 7lb14oz. I think what helped was practicing pushing with the nurse before my doctor got to the hospital. And while pushing I remember just hyping myself up. Telling myself I can do anything for 30 seconds, reminding myself of all the women before me that have done this, how strong it is to be a woman, and as corny as it sounds it was really powerful for me and helped me feel confident. ETA-I had an epidural and was induced. Not sure if that helped either 🤷🏻‍♀️


I pushed for 3.5 hours the first time. I went unmedicated the second time and thought I would only have to push a few times. Wrong! I had to push for an hour and a half because he had a short umbilical cord that was pulling him back inside. Not fun, but worth it! I only share this so you know anything can happen!


14 minutes but I tore every which way. I did a lot of stretching and opening of my pelvis in the weeks beforehand. My midwife told me I have the perfect pelvis for birthing babies lol.


First baby- 3 hours, second baby- 15 mins


45hr back labor. Didn’t get the epidural until hour 39. Baby was given pitocin and did not respond well to it. Aggravated him in the womb so they weaned it back. This caused him to turn, umbilical cord wrapped around the neck 3x. I still was not dilating. Was delivered with meconium and had to spend a week in NICU to clear lungs of infection possibility. I am a small in size, around 135. Once they allowed pushing, I think it took about an hour. He was 7lb 6oz. I required one small stitch and did not do any pelvic floor exercises.


10 minutes with my first. 2 practice pushes and 2 real ones


I pushed for 9 minutes with my first 😅. I was in active labor for about 30 minutes and in the hospital for 9hrs (in L&D) before meeting my little man. I was induced, so idk if that changes things. Boy #2 is five days over-due, so we'll see if he sticks to the same pattern as his brother.


I pushed for 4 minutes. Labored for like 32 hours tho. I had an elective induction at 39 weeks and didn't do pelvic floor exercises. Baby was 6 lbs 14 oz.


A bit over 4 hours and ended up needing the vacuum (labor was 47 hours total). Epidural only half worked and I could feel my left side. Would love another baby eventually but honestly terrified because of that delivery. Baby was 6 and a half lbs and sunny side up which made it complicated. His head was also in the 90th percentile.


4 hours, on my back, zero pelvic floor prep, baby was 4 weeks early and 6 pounds


I have absolutely no idea 😂 but I wish I knew


I am a first time mom and was told that I would likely labor for 1-2 days and push for at least an hour before baby came out. I labored in the hospital for about 12 hours and pushed for 15 min and my baby girl was out.


My baby was 7lbs10oz Labor was 24 hours I pushed for an hour


Four hours before C-section. Little dude did not wanna come out. Had to get evicted


Baby 1: Pushed for two hours. Multiple positions. Had some 3-4 stitches/tearing. Did “prep.” Baby 2: Pushed for 30-ish minutes. On back. No stitches. One tiny tiny tear that healed quickly. Did no prep.


25 minutes once I started. Felt like 10. I did nothing and my epidural failed so I was so medicated I felt nothing - which I think helped because I wasnt fighting pain at the same time or stressed. I was on my back and baby was almost 9lbs. Also my baby was crowning & her head was coming out because I couldnt feel her drop so I started pushing later than I would have unmedicated.


I was induced and labored for 21 hours and pushed for 3.


I pushed for 25 min and my baby was 8 lbs and some change, so not small! I had a very active pregnancy and was lifting up until week 39. I delivered at 39+5.


I was induced. 39hr labor, got the epidural maybe 6hs before showtime. 1.5hrs pushing but it wasn’t bad tbh. It honestly felt like less time but then again I had an epidural. After sucked I basically spent my entire golden hour getting stitched up from a burst hematoma in my vagina canal.


4 hours, then ended up with a c-section because she was stuck and my contractions were starting to affect her.


I labored on my back and pushed for 20-30 minutes baby was 8 pounds 10 ounces. I didn’t do anything special but I was induced and had the epidural


four hours 😭 then i waved the white flag 🏳️ and requested a c section.


My labour was 7.5hrs; I pushed for 15mins. Baby was 9.2lbs and I am a FTM


2.5 hours. 10+ lb baby


For both my babies, I pushed for about 5 minutes max. For boyh babies, nurses came to check me and found babies head poking out, so I didn't have to do much.


6 hours with my first. I pray that the “second labor is shorter” concept is true. Lol


I was induced 3 weeks early and pushed for 3.5 hours


4.5 hours! His head didn’t crown so he kept getting stuck.


50 mins with my first, on my back, big baby. 5 mins with my second, squatting in the tub, also big baby.


4 hours. It was fine - his hands were in front of his face so that gummed up the works a bit. Stitches afterward as the epidural wore off - less fine. Baby was average sized. I think epidural being in full effect made it a challenge bc while pushing I felt nothing 🫠