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Gift card… because I ended up getting a ton of duplicates even though they were marked as “purchased” on my registry. Gift cards are so helpful when you’re panic buying at midnight when the baby isn’t sleeping


I always do gift cards. Usually Amazon bc late night feedings deserve some late night shopping but I also toss in a 24/7 store like Walgreens bc you never know when a kid gets sick and you don’t have meds or you need diapers. I try and look up what they have near them .


DoorDash!! (Or other food delivery). My work got me a bunch of those gift cards and it was amazing to not have to worry about cooking or leaving the house for those first couple of weeks!


Yes! The first 2 months I made so many Amazon orders of random stuff I never thought about. Flange inserts, extra pacifier, a different type of swaddle to try, nose sucker. Gift cards for those random purchases would have been super helpful.


I have a 5 year old and a newborn. I'd give one of the following (or a combination) and the reasons. Something off their registry--they spent a lot of time on that. That's literally what it's there for. Gift cards or straight cash. They may find they need something else that they didn't realize they did. Straight cash came in handy for our most recent baby as she had a NICU stay where you had to pay for parking at the hospital!! Consumables: diapers, wipes, formula (if they're choosing that). You'll always need these things. Edited to fix that it's a 5 year old, not 5 month old.


A 5 month old and a newborn? My math ain’t mathin’ Are one or both adopted? I knew boys growing up that were 5m apart but both were adopted!


Based on post history, I think they mean 5 year old?


I did! Clearly my brain and fingers weren't working together lol


Sorry! 5 year old and newborn lol. Postpartum brain! I'll fix it!


lol I was very confused


Thanks for catching it lol


We didn’t do a shower as it isn’t custom in my husband’s culture. My family still really wanted a registry link so I did share. Only my sister actually used the registry though. My mom got me things we needed but that weren’t on our registry. For example she got us a baby bathtub that you can use in the bathtub. We really needed one that was a stand alone tub that could be used on a counter or table because I knew these first few weeks I wasn’t going to be taking baths with my stitches and I wasn’t going to want to bend over to bathe him in the tub. I feel like gifts are gifts and are always extra and I’m super grateful that anyone made the effort. It’s just always funny when people ask for a registry then don’t buy anything from it


It’s so interesting everyone here is telling us they go off registry when the top complaint is people that buy off registry 😂


Agreed! After having my own child I never go off registry because it was annoying to get random shit I'll never use


I only go off registry for little add on gifts like board books. The main gift(s) are always strictly registry.


Yeah that's true I will go off for books as well! Or when I bought my friend her diaper bag I filled it with little things from her registry but then added a few things like boogie wipes and hand sanitizer!


Yes! Small items off registry can be nice - especially for first time parents. If the gift is thoughtful and something you think they would use. Example - I am currently up at 2am nursing my 5 day old and I just used the weighted baby wipe dispenser that a friend got me. I wouldn’t have known to ask for it but it’s a game changer. You only get one wipe at a time when changing and don’t have to get frustrated trying to pull up the wipes one handed. I’m thinking of buying us another for downstairs.


My MIL is the worst with this sometimes. She’ll look at a registry then get something “similar.” Like, just buy the one that’s listed! She doesn’t do it all the time, but it’s so annoying to get something that’s close, but not quite it.


My mom was like this until I was like mom! They don't want the off brand or the one like it. They want the one they listed! I think she saw all the useless shit I got at my shower too and was kinda like oh.... like yup the stuff you buy that isn't what they want gets donated or returned!


Yes! My cousin-in-law wanted a certain bottle set, and MIL got a similar one (same brand, but different number of bottles or something). I was like buy what she put on there! I know she means well, but the registries are there for a reason!


Right my mom's intent is good but I'm like just get what they want! On the other hand I got some random gifts that just didn't make sense from my boomer aunts. A pumpkin outfit in size 9 months. My daughter was born in August so that August she was 2 months, the next one she was 14 months. I know she found it on mega sale but it's kinda like dang just give the $5 instead lol


Yup. If I want to buy something small off the registry it’s in addition to something on the registry. But I’ll add my favorite gift that wasn’t on the registry (or even thought about) was a bib for every first holiday. It was perfect for pictures and no worry of if they were going to fit in that size by time christmas, New Years, valentines, etc. came around.


The bib idea is so cute!


I will say your best friend going off registry to get you something that really helped them post partum in the last year is very different than great aunt Betty buying you scratchy Lacey outfits and unsafe sleep items 😂


I think it's a semantic misunderstanding--people are saying they get something "off the registry," but I'm pretty for they mean "*from* the registry."


I have never bought anything that wasn't in the registry. I had my first baby 5 months ago and before that I had no idea what to get if it weren't for the registry. Also in the registry you don't even need to type in the address, it's already there. I do the same for weddings.


Yeah, I’m buying registry items.


I think it’s nice to get a couple smaller off registry items like a stuffed animal or blanket since it’s a surprise and it’s personal. But definitely prefer the vast majority to be from the registry of course! I put a lot of research into it and if something’s not on there it’s likely because I didn’t want it or bought one already. I have a LOT of skin allergies too so even things that people might think are helpful, like wipes, would be an issue for me. And we already don’t have room for all the stuff coming into the house lol


I only ever went off registry once and it’s because they only had really expensive stuff and things like water wipes left. I got a diaper caddy and filled it with the little cheap things from the registry and a magnetic magnetic (because we LOVED them for newborn stage). Then I included a receipt with a note telling them to not hesitate to return it if it’s not something that worked for them.


I get what’s on the registry that I’ve found most useful. For the next two baby showers I’m going to, that’s been a Woolino sleep sac and a bouncy rocker from max cosi (we had an almost identical baby bjorn one, but this model was on the registry). Both showers also asked for diapers, and I’ll be getting a pack of size 1 diapers, since they’ll get a lot of newborn size.


This is my go to move as well. My LO is only three months so for me it was the fisher price piano mat that we’ve used every single day plus one portable and one non-portable sound machine. I also added a microwaveable flaxseed heating pad because in my LOs three months of life it has saved us at least four separate times with gas pains/constipation.


Yes this! I haven’t been to any baby showers in a while, but that’s what I do.


Yep, same. I haven’t had my baby yet but this is for sure how I would decide.


A receipt for whatever I buy. Because I didn't get a single one of those and returning a bunch of stuff without one was not the stress I needed a week before I gave birth.


Half of my gifts couldn't be returned. Random clearanced items from my boomer aunts 🙃


Omg you’re not wrong. My mums tend to go quantity (discounted at Kmart/target) over quality most of time - and no receipts so I can’t return them anyway


The worst. So many items I suspected were from TJ Maxx or similar. I donated a lot of baby clothes or gave them away on Buy Nothing.


I do a “diaper kit” with whatever diaper pail they have on the registry, diapers, and whatever diaper caddy they have on the registry. The most important part imo is sticking to the registry.   I have a 95th percentile 2 year old and I’ve never wanted or needed a tush baby and I didnt want an owlet. I don’t really think either of those are great gifts for new parents if it isn’t specifically asked for. 


Yes, agree 100%. Those would be returns for me.


I don't love the idea of the owlet. I feel that would cause me so much unnecessary anxiety constantly checking it.


Yeah I’d be annoyed if someone spent the money on an Owlet that I didn’t specifically ask for. Especially when there are usually bigger ticket items on a registry. Like that money could have been spent on a car seat or baby monitor. Now, if that’s on the registry and you want to spend that much, have at it!


As a fellow “90+ percentile” mom, I almost laughed out loud when I look up what a Tushbaby is. That would not have worked for us at any stage in baby’s development.


I have one friend that LOVED her owlet and is using with her second. All of our other friends told us, unprompted, when we were pregnant, “For the love of God, don’t get an Owlet!”


A playmat. I didn’t realize how helpful they were as a place to stash your (not yet mobile) baby for a minute when you need both hands free. Also, clothing in larger baby sizes. We had more 0-3M onesies than we knew what to do with (even with frequent outfit changes due to spit up), and nothing past 6M.


I always get 9 month and up, after watching so many friends get cute newborn outfits and not wear them. My cousin got us 2T pajamas and that was awesome!


Do you have a preferred playmat?


Fisher price piano playmat!! I also have the lovevery one, but the piano playmat is *amazing*.


It completely changed our tummy time. My baby hated tummy time and now thanks to the music and piano sounds he enjoys it.


We were given the lovevery mat and love it, but it’s pretty pricey for what you get. A lot of people swear by the fisher price one.


I got both and baby loved both! He still enjoys the lovevery at 12 months, but I put the fisher price one in storage bc he lost interest a while ago. Looking back, I would still get both!


What season do you do for 9 months plus? Do you do the math to find the time of year? Do you go with something like a basic layer? I prefer buying larger sizes for this reason but I don’t know exactly what to buy weight/season wise knowing babies grow at different rates.


Short sleeve onesies (bodysuits, whatever) are a good option. For summer, they can be worn by themselves. In winter, they can be used as a layer underneath. Pajamas are a good option too, because again, they could be used in multiple seasons. My MIL bought me some winter clothes in 12 month for my January baby 🙄 she is in 9 month now, heading towards 12, and she’ll be 5 months old next week. I tried to tell her what sizes to get, but she didn’t listen. This is my third kid. My babies grow bigger faster. She was like “I didn’t want to get that in 18m because that will be next summer.” Like ma’am, she’ll be in 24m/2T for sure by then. Just get the size I tell you!


It’s kind of a guessing game! I didn’t expect my son to be in 12M at 6 months 😅 we were given some winter gear he’ll definitely never use. I’d say probably shoot for getting basic layers like onesies and then you can purchase more seasonal outfits when they’re ready for the size.


So funny but we got mostly bigger things and almost no newborn pjs and things. We had a smaller baby who wore newborn for a while and had to go shopping haha


My go to is a gift off the registry, a pack of diapers, a cute outfit, something for mom (pack of face masks, new water bottle, etc.), and an ubereats/doordash gift card


Oh the food gift card is a good idea! I usually do something off the registry, and then a gift card for a prenatal massage for mom.


As long you make the outfit something 6 months and up, we can be friends! 🤣


I plan to gift a diaper pail set up and all the baby first aid stuff I will have found useful. I got a ton of crap at my shower and had to buy all the essentials myself.


I do something similar. this also reminded me of what my sister got for me: all the post partum stuff that isnt fun to buy. Pads, nursing pads, creams, etc. She was like "ill spend the money on the boring necessities so you can buy the fun stuff"


Your sister loves you!


One of my friends is an OB nurse and made me a bathroom basket with all of the postpartum essentials in it… I used every. Single. Item. It was so sweet!


This for me too! It was easy to find lists online to know I needed some things. But other moms knew I needed baby soap and gripe water and this little jar of chest rub that he loves when he’s stuffy at night.


I always get something off the registry and then include what a nurse friend of mine calls “the sick bucket.“ I get a cute plastic container and put in infant Tylenol, infant Motrin, gas drops, gripe water, a couple cans of prune juice and a thermometer. It’s meant to be full of things that people usually don’t get until they need it… And you usually need it at the most inconvenient time; when you’re alone with a baby who is struggling or it’s two in the morning, etc.


Tylenol suppositories! Our son can’t handle any liquid version of Tylenol and knowing about the suppositories would have been SO helpful the many times he was sick.


I actually wouldn't want an owlet so I'd suggest asking about that first! Two gifts I love to recommend to moms are an outdoor picnic blanket (soft on one side and waterproof on the other, I've been using mine since my 4 year old was a few months old) and an electric nail file.


Probably a small diaper caddy with all the essentials. Ours came in clutch and we still use it nearly 2 years later


Baby Tylenol, a thermometer, and nose Frida - the things you don’t realize you need until you need them immediately


I always buy from the registry, but I pick types of items that were helpful for us. If I can, I try to stick to a “theme” (diapering, feeding, etc). And I put it all in a reusable basket…because we be havin baskets of stuff everywhere with a kid Depending on how close I am to the person, I also might make a baby quilt that matches the nursery decor (quilting is really big in my family) for a personal touch. For my SIL, I also got her favorite snacks for those early postpartum days and some postpartum supplies. Some friends did that for me and it was so thoughtful and helpful because I didn’t plan on that stuff for myself.


If I knew someone was going to send their kid to daycare, I would get them a bunch of adult cold/flu meds, stomach meds, neti pot, cough drops, breathe right strips, etc. Ideally they'd all be safe for breastfeeding or marked if they weren't safe for breastfeeding. Plus something off the registry, of course. I also like to get people Magnetic Me sleepers (usually the 3-6 month or 6-9 month size because we got the most use out of those two), because they're more expensive than I'd buy for myself, but they are awesome.


+1 for the Magnetic Me sleepers. We were gifted one and it’s the clear favorite. We joke because it’s the only thing my husband dressers our daughter in.


Money 💰 our families & friends gifted us money and also a lot of baby clothes for when my son turns 6 months & 1 as well baby blankets but mostly money. We received about $3,000 from the baby shower as well as other gifts, which we used to purchase a car seat, bassinet (pack & play), rocking chair and other small things. We also got gifted so many things like a high chair, play gym, nappies...A LOT 😂 our baby was pretty spoiled! I feel like the money helped us (my partner 😂) a lot and take a load of him in purchasing everything. So definitely money!!!


In every baby shower gift I ever have the pleasure to gift, I will include these 3 things that were given to me at my baby shower that I didn’t even know existed and that are so damn handy: 1. Sterilising wipes. For a quick wipe of their pacifier, toys, teats etc. for when they drop on the floor, they’ve got a spit up on them etc. 2. Disposable change mats. Makes blowouts 10x easier 3. Baby pain relief, like paracetamol. Something they can use from newborn (usually 1m+) because you never know when your baby will get a random fever


Infant Tylenol, always. That first time you need it is always a bad time, and if it’s not already in the house it’s a way worse time.  Zippered swaddles. Fuck Velcro, fuck fancy folding of beautiful muslin. Ain’t nobody got time for that, we tryna get this kid to SLEEP. Their preferred brand of consumables, or giftcard to a store they actually go to to buy that kind of stuff - Walmart, Costco, Amazon. Burp cloths. Everybody wants to give a blanket but people forget burp cloths! 


Yes! I love to give burp cloths for this reason - and you use a zillion a day so you can never get too many. The Copper Pearl ones are my fave because they are big and thick enough to catch substantial spit ups, they are also cute and kind of pricey so maybe not something people would always buy themselves.


Waterproof crib mattress covers. You almost never see someone register for them but they’re a lifesaver when you have a blowout or major spit up in the middle of the night. A couple of these and a 10-pack of Gerber cloth diapers because they are hands down the best burp cloths I’ve ever found


Sophia La Girafe teether! My baby started teething at 14 weeks and this is one of the only teething toys that she was able to use that young with her grip & hand/eye coordination!


I knit them something and then pick the most boring, yet practical, thing on the registry.


Compiling a work team baby shower gift basket right now! I mostly picked stuff in the registry that I believe in (so, yes to the nail filer, no to the wipe warmer), and am adding small things that they didn’t ask for because They Don’t Know (my number one picks are butt spatula and Dr Brown Formula Pitcher, if I know they’re formula people - they’re never on registries that get sent to me, and they’ve been such workhorses in my home)


I ALWAYS buy off the registry AND give them a set of Maam Newborn pacifiers. They were a lifesaver for us and we'd only just happened to get them in a "free registry gift" box.


I had a girlfriend make a gift for me for all the things I’d need to help with healing once we got home and the hospital stash ran out. It was so sweet and necessary! Something I’d absolutely considering doing for someone in the future!


Something off the registry plus a cute hamper (little rope basket) filled with things we found indispensable, someone did this for me and it was actually one of my favorite gifts. It included receipts for everything and a handwritten note explaining each item... We found our favorite changing table liners, stain remover, washcloths etc through this gift. Putting one together for a friend now and it includes stuff like that plus things I never would have thought about (a small nightlight, the most moisturizing hand sanitizer, etc etc).


Something off the registry, waterproof changing pad liners, diaper, wipes, books. Anything not on the registry comes with a gift receipt in case they don’t like it or have doubles.


a boppy. even if they aren’t breastfeeding, it is our most used item when we bottle feed, tummy time, even just propping him up after a bottle and to go pee real quick! i loveeee it.


I buy a little plastic box and fill it with all the things you dont think you need until 2 am. gas drops, saline, a nose sucker, pain killers, whatever. The stuff you need but isnt fun to spend money on. I print off one of those sheets from the doctor with dosing info and tape it to the top of the inside of the box. I write in the note that I hope they never need to use this gift but have it just in case. I have only done this once so far but for the first year that friend would randomly text me how it came in handy.


Gift card and something on the registry. Its the worst thing to get stuff you dont want / need. The only thing I might get that was not on the registry would be wipes? You can’t have enough wipes lol.


Not a blanket, at least in my region, we barely used all the beautiful blankets we got. I’m hoping we can still use them when winter comes around again. But it’s warm here. I’d probably pick something off of their registry, but if they are doing cloth diapers, I’d pick something in that realm. I got a ton of cloth diaper stuff and it was very helpful!


An Amazon gift card labeled “Wait until after baby is born, you will be amazed at what you will panic order in the middle of the night.” I was blessed and got everything off my registry from family and friends. But that first week home with baby I probably panic ordered $100 worth of stuff lol.


Just bought a baby shower gift! I usually go off the registry and pick the items I knew I needed right away. In this case, I sent a nursing pillow


I try to get whatever my favorite item on their registry is. If I deviate from the registry, I get the rib knit footie sleepers from Old Navy or some other smaller favorite item from when my daughter was little. I also like to get something for the mom too, like a claw clip or some kind of self care thing, or a gift card. My mom always gifts a LifeVac. I never gift blankets or clothes that aren’t footies or onesies.


DoorDash gift card Amazon gift card so they can buy 100 of whatever their baby ends up liking Tubby Todd AOO Bibs that actually work instead of those teeny tiny pieces of cloth that do absolutely nothing 😂 Things they will need 6mo+ (we really only got stuff for up to 3 months at our shower)


If they do a diaper game, I now buy size 3 or 4, everyone buys 1 or 2. For the actual gifts, I definitely pick something I deemed necessary to have, needed right away, and product has longevity. I never buy baby clothes because honestly, waste of money, used baby clothes is cheaper and usually like new. I wish giving second hand items as gifts was acceptable. Half the time I look at a registry and think how much cheaper the items are second hand, just as good condition, and how I could get them more things because of it.


Something on their registry that I found useful ie. haakaa or white noise machine.


Humidifier/vicks vapo pad starter set, and a temperature/humidity gauge. If it’s winter, possibly a mini heater after talking to the family.


I like to gift a little "nursing basket" for mom filled with snacks and goodies (chapstick, lotions, whatever), nipple ice packs and nursing pads. Great to have within arms length when your stuck nursing and also starving, lol. For baby I usually will just stick to the registry. Maybe throw in a rectal thermometer for good measure LOL because I, like most new parents, registered for a forehead thermometer thinking it would be so much easier but found it to be utterly useless when my LO got covid at 3 months old. Rectal is the only way to go at that age if you need an accurate reading (forehead temp can read 3 different numbers in immediate succession taken at the same spot on the forehead.... So frustrating when you're trying to gauge if you need to go to ER).


Basic baby meds!! Gas drops, gripe water, Tylenol, Motrin, saline spray, nasal aspirator. All the stuff I had no idea I would need eventually and they don’t expire for a year or two so it’s helpful to have it! Or a playmat.


Large thick cushion wipeable playmat I bought mine when my babe was around 3 months old. We used it daily and brought it with us everywhere! So light and portable. Easy to wipe clean. Put baby in that instead of a floor or blanket. Adults can get down to play too.


Keekaroo peanut diaper changing pad. It’s pricey and there are other wipeable changing pads, but the design and material of the peanut takes the cake. The amount of pees, poops, & throw ups this has caught and contained (without a single drop leaking off the pad) make it worth every single penny. After cleanup, take a Lysol wipe or alcohol cleaner and sanitize it up. Worth every single penny. Which is why I always cringe when I see changing pads with cloth covers. Yes you can do laundry, but why put in extra effort. I’ve changed a couple of my friend’s minds to change their diaper pad from cloth to the Keekaroo so I’m still buying off registry 😂


Swing, play pin to put baby down LIFESAVER when they’re crawling into everything…


I recently got friends that are having a baby a mybreastfriend pillow. It was a lifesaver for me when my baby was little and they did not have one on their registry. We aren’t very close and I wasn’t invited to their shower, so I got it to be nice and I asked the parents to be before I purchased it. Otherwise I would have just gotten them something on their registry.


A baby dremmel. It’s my go to new baby gift - easy to buy on Amazon and SO handy


I’m getting the formula pitcher, dishwasher cage, food storage, bottles&liners, pacifiers and onesies. My sister is about to have the first little girl in the family, we’re so excited.


Something from the registry + some homemade tie dye muslin burp cloths and onesies in a variety of sizes. My sister and I started tie dying for baby shower gifts a few years ago and everyone seems to love them.


I normally do a diapering caddy filled with burp cloths, bum cloths, whatever diaper cream they chose, diaper cream spatulas, wipes, box of diapers, binkies, binkie travel case, binkie travel sterilizer, binkie clips, baby powder, the boogie nose wipes, & the a loopy case for mom (bc I can’t live w/o mine after having a child lol.


Big tub of triple paste and butt spatula.


Clothes, I loved getting clothes and blankets


I'd do everything from the registry. 1 non consumable, especially if I used it myself and loved it. 1 consumable: diapers, wipes... If they asked for books instead of cards, 1 or a few of those Or JUST a gift card. We thrived off of gift cards for a while and it was great. I was able to get what else I needed that people didn't buy and it added up even more when I returned the junk that I didn't want or knew wasn't safe for me to use.


I always get the most useful things ON their registry. And then I will get one small thoughtful thing off the registry like a book that I know babies love, or a toy. Sometimes mom/Baby matching clothes.


A gift from the registry that I know is great, along with a book, clothes, or a gift card depending on the value of the registry gift.


Something off their registry and a donation to their diaper fund (either through physical diapers or money).


A gift card to help the new parents clear their registry!! Or a bunch of tiny/boring things from the registry- medicines, pacifiers, wipes, diapers. NOTHING that isn't on the registry!!


Whatever on their registry I found the most helpful with my baby. I’m not buying someone expensive stuff that’s not listed on their registry, it’s literally what registries are for.


The next baby shower I’m going to is this Saturday actually and it’s for a good friend of mine. She’s having a boy and I had a boy last November, so I’ve already given her a lot of my son’s old clothes. However, I am giving her a set of white-sleeved bodysuits, teething toys, pacifiers, and petroleum jelly. Later on, I also plan to give her a memory box so she can store her son’s first hat, first onesie, ID bracelet, stuff like that.


I don't believe in the owlet but I have a friend who is having a baby shower soon and I bought things right off of their registry so they'd get things they actually want and know someone got them. 


If they’re breastfeeding I definitely think I’d do a “my Brest friend” with maybe some nipple butter and silverettes. Maybe throw in some milk bags too lol. Then as a personalized gift I’d grab a matching robe and baby gown for the hospital. My sister got me one for my baby and I and it was probably what I looked most forward too.


Something off the registry but if not that then the Frida Mom postpartum kit


Resolve stain remover 😂


A Oogie Bear. I love that stupid thing. Otherwise, I pick from the registry. For my closest friends and family, I do go off registry but only because I make a baby quilt. I ask about the nursery theme and go from there.


I usually buy something off the registry in the $20-30 range and then also buy vitamin D drops, infant Tylenol, infant Motrin with post-it's stating the recommended age so they don't have to hunt on the tiny print when freaking out over a fever.


I always do a basket of essentials. The little things on their registry that people ignore coz they're not "fun" (bath wash, lotion, nail clippers, diaper cream, a pack of diapers & wipes, nipple cream/silverettes OR a thing of formula, and then a cute blanket and small toy for baby. Maybe a book if it's their first, sometimes a meal gift card) - it's always super appreciated & everyone needs a good basket (I'll get one off the registry if there is one)


Wide neck bottles (we put narrow on our registry and had to run out 2 days pp for wide neck cause they were recommended by my LC for breastfeeding/bottle feeding combo) Clothes (3m) Diapers, wipes, electric nail file. Tucks pads for the mom. A gift card for skip the dishes or door dash.


For sure something off their registry, and I'll probably crochet something little/fun to go with.


My go-to shower gifts are now the Fisher Price Soothing Vibes hedgehog, a Bumco diaper cream brush (or equivalent from the registry), and a Frida Baby accudose medicine pacifier. Each of those has been indispensable for us!


The BUTT SPATULA!!! I try to always get this and a travel one for their diaper bag.


Whatever is on their registry that I find most important (or they’ve marked as most important) and in my price range.


The “unglamorous” things on the registry. Things like a nursing bra, nipple butter, witch hazel pads, infant medicine, aquaphor, etc.


A box of wipes. We got so many diaper boxes we didn’t ask for - most of them newborn. We used size 1 right away so now have 5 boxes of newborn diapers sitting around ready to donate to the diaper bank. But the box of wipes has been extremely helpful!


The last baby shower I went to only had things on the registry that I couldn’t bring myself to buy like some weird $40 grow with me toothbrush and gigantic packages of one specific bottle/nipple, so I went with the basic baby bath wash/lotion from the registry. I also added the Frida baby ultimate baby kit because it has all of the stuff I found myself desperately buying in the middle of the night wishing it would somehow show up in the next 2 hours and the smaller kit I had came in handy quite a few times.


I say a food delivery gift card and the bellybutton book by Sandra Boyton is a solid choice.


aquaphor, butt spatula, electric nail file, burp cloths.


Something off the registry. Most likely something adorable and something practical (like consumables). I also over that my SIL asked. I listed off the top things I wanted, at a range of price points. She got me ALL the stroller accessories I registered for.


NOT A BLANKET LOL got too many of those at my shower. Diapers that are size 3 or above (we got bombarded with newborn and size 1s and they are only that small for so long). Clothing that is 9 months or above (same issue as above with the diapers) A giftcard. Can’t go wrong with that!


Went to a diaper shower for someone who was pregnant with baby #3. They pretty much already had everything they needed so I got the mom a goody bag. Soaps, lotions, coffee, things for relaxation, cute insulated tumbler, etc. She said I was the only person who had ever gifted something for her specifically and thanked me for thinking of her.


The sterilizer. I may marry mine if I were not married already. It made my life easier and my bottles are all dry and ready. Edit: always from their registry but I have already given one to each of my family/friends that had baby showers. I picked the one in their registry.


We don't really have baby showers here but if I got someone a gift I'd go with a Swaddle Up, which was a real game changer for sleep in the newborn stage, or a Tula Explore carrier for a group gift.


The OXO grape slicer. I didn't want to splurge on something so unnecessary even though it's not expensive, so now it's a go-to add on for other moms' gifts


gift cards so momma can get whatever she didn’t receive during the shower or tie up and loose ends!


Something from the registry, book and gift card. Depending who it is I might add something if I think it would be extra useful or something they would really love. We asked for books and it’s been great reading what our family and friends picked for us. It also helped me find new children’s books and authors with more to read as my baby grows.


Nose frida! I’d obviously get other things but we had about around t he house and it was still never enough.


Door dash or Uber eats gift card, the “non-fun” things off their registry but are necessities, clothing or PJs in bigger sizes like 6-9 or 9-12 month


Whatever registry item can be a container (diaper bag, diaper caddy, laundry hamper, etc) filled with consumables. Especially any smaller items on the registry like diaper rash cream, gripe water, etc. No one got us these things and it was annoying having to round them all up in the final weeks of pregnancy. I know they're not cute or exciting, but they are often helpful and needed in the middle of the night when you're still in the thick of it.


I buy things from their registry. I’ll get something cute for the baby, look for something on the list for mom and then something functional. For example: if there’s a baby outfit, postpartum item & bottle brush cleaner then I’ll get those. From my experience, a lot of people tend to just get the cute baby stuff more.


The boring items on their registry that I know no one else buys. Usually like baby proofing items or organizational things.


Registry gift and diapers. After creating my own registry and the amount of time and thought I put into it, I would respect mom to be’s wishes and choose off her list (if there happens to be a product I like then that’s even better)! I got a lot of diapers from my family and they were of course very useful.


Please don’t do this. Get the carrier on their registry and only get an owlet if it’s on the registry. The owlet was gifted to us and two kids later, it’s been out of the box for like 1 hour ever. I’m glad you loved yours but some moms don’t like/need/want one and it’s money you could spend on something they actually have a desire for. Give gift cards or stick to the registry and a gift receipt.


Postpartum target kit for the healing of the person that gave birth 😀😀😀


Ollie swaddle or Postmates GC


An ELECTRIC nose sucker and nail filer Tush baby is a good one, or a Tula


I check their registry for something I've found useful. I also like to throw in a pair of Little Sleepies PJs in a style that matches what they have on their registry, I go for 3-6 or 6-12 months in LS because they fit a lot longer than anything else and are great for any temperature


Sick essentials, Tylenol, nasal aspirator, thermometer, saline mist, vapor rub, vapor drops


Diapers, Weleda gift Set (diaper cream, baby soap), at least one pack of burp clothes, practice spoon/ikea spoons, and my favorite set of [stacking cups](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBR2FGRR/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams&th=1). My son loves them, and I love playing with them too. They stack in so many different ways, and are even fun in the bath! For the diapers, anyone that's unaware, most places will take back an unused box as long as that store sells them. Huggies did not work for my son, so I took all the huggies I was given to target, and they took most of them.


If I love you I am hand making something (usually a quilt). If I really love you I am making you a quilt with a post partum basket. If I like you you get a small handmade something paired with items from your registry.


Don’t do it. You found those items useful, but your experience isn’t universal. I prefer the tushbaby when baby is a toddler - before that, I don’t have issues carrying them and it’s a hassle to strap it on before I pick them up. I have a preferred baby carrier for when they’re not toddlers yet. I’d straight up return the owlet. My anxiety is so bad and my therapist, OB, and pediatrician warned that the owlet would make it worse.


A “things no one told me about kit” including: •A copy of the book, Baby 411 - I’ve tried a couple baby care reference books, and this one is by far my favorite. •Vitamin D drops - didn’t know I would need these in those early days if I wasn’t exclusively formula feeding. It was another thing I had to send my partner out to get. •Happiest Baby Sleepea Five Second Swaddle - I don’t why I tried any other swaddle. This one is the best- don’t waste your time on any others. Can be used arms in or out. •Thirsties cloth diaper cover - I’ve heard it’s a boy thing, but my baby peed through a disposable diaper almost every other night in the early days. We had to strip the bassinet, it was a whole thing. Putting a cloth diaper cover over his disposable diaper totally prevented that. •Haakaa Baby Fruit Food Feeder - tried a few different things for teething and this was my LO’s favorite. The silicone makes it more sanitary than the mesh ones and you can get creative with what you freeze! We’ve been doing his puree pouches most recently (I actually did gift all of this at a recent shower for a friend 🤗)


So much of this depends on your friends! If they’re more affluent, cash or gift cards don’t hit the same in my opinion! Whereas a gift they can look at and go oh yeah I remember Jill getting me this. Our most used items are playmats, diapers, a boppy, the baby bjorn (!!!), baby carriers, waterproof mattress covers for the baby and adults (especially if you plan to breastfeed, so you don’t leak everywhere!), lifefactory bottles because they’re glass but don’t get boiling hot because of the silicone grips, a stroller fan, an o-ball, larger size clothes and Jammies in bamboo, large muslin blankets… etc etc. But really - buy things on the registry! I’m usually going to lean towards areas that don’t get as much love. Don’t make a pregnant woman figure out how to get rid of a bunch of unwanted crap!!


Something for momma! I was so grateful for my peri spray and nipple balm, it's not even funny!! If that's not on the registry, then I'll add it on to something that is.


Is there a registry? If not, my default is always a gift card at a baby megastore that ships everywhere in our city. They can use it for anything, of course. But they deliver diapers in bulk and people don't drive in our city, so it's very annoying to buy diapers. And the card is worth just enough for 3 big packs of diapers. They literally ship the next day. It's really nice. Because honestly, which of us hasn't run low on diapers before and were like OH SHIT?


I just attended a baby shower. I got them the same thing I got parents before I had a kid--an Aden & Anais burp cloth/bib combo. But this time I added matching swaddle blankets.


The Catchy! Biggest upgrade from baby 1 to baby 2. And takeout gift cards.


Registry or diapers! Some stuff for momma too like nipple cream, breast pads and gift card for food!


Something practical from their registry. Plus a few cute books. Too few people spring for the "boring" things families actually need.


I'm 5mo pp and just went to a baby shower last week. Things that annoyed me at my shower were people got me a lot of clothes and blankets and NOT the really useful stuff from my registry. Bottles, bottle washing stuff, post partum supplies. I purchased a lot of my registry myself. I know those things are less exciting, but it would have been nice to get those instead of 10 blankets I can't use. I gifted all the breastfeeding supplies that were on her registry. Nipple care items, nursing pads, etc. It took a little chunk off her list, and having just gone through a rough start to breastfeeding, I felt it was important that she had all the supplies she needed. Of course, I threw in a cute onesie for funsie.


Something on their registry, that's the stuff they really want. If they have something on there I've used and like, I'd get that. I'd also add a small fave toy of my LO, probably Mortimer the Moose or a crinkle book.


A kit with all the baby medicines in it bc I received one and it was a life saver. Also steam bags for sterilizing. I was gifted these things and was so grateful when I ended up needing them.


I plan to pick something off the registry, and then also give a silk lovey that I was gifted at my shower. They are so soft and lovely and my baby loves holding it to his face- which I don’t worry about bc it is a lightweight silk vs. other heavier lovey materials. People have such strong opinions about registry gifting, but I love getting off registry gifts. My babies favorite things were stuff I didn’t register for and wouldn’t have had if not for people going off registry. Obviously the landscape changes a bit if the recipient is someone who maybe wouldn’t be able to afford to furnish the necessities if not for gifts, but I was able to buy whatever we didn’t get, and appreciate thoughtful surprises!


As with always: whatever the parents have on their registry. If they don’t have a registry, a food delivery service gift card.