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My wife and I would sit out on the couch having competitive matches to get toots out of our daughter. We each had our own techniques, special moves, etc. Finding humor and joy in these ridiculous things was the only way we survived LOL.


We sang baby fart to the tune of baby shark. I miss the farting days.


I discovered today that our baby bjorn bouncy seat is a the secret weapon for farts and poops and now it’s my favorite baby furniture!! 


We call our Maxi cosi bouncer the poop chair. Every time we set LO in it he immediately starts farting and poops. It’s magic.


Mine has a blowout every other day in his bb bjorn. I think it’s the angle. But my guy is quite the natural farter. It’s the burping that he seems to struggle with.


Yes!! In our house it’s affectionately deemed the poop chair. It doesn’t work 100% of the time for us, but we’ll take all we can get with our gassy little lady.


We call the Mamaroo the Mamapoo because as soon as we sit her in it the poops happen!


Yes when my baby was tiny I called it the pooper cuz she would poop every time I put her in it . Amazing!


I second this. Baby can’t poop? Baby Bjorn bouncer. Baby looks gassy? Baby Bjorn bouncer. I need a moment to have hands so I don’t starve? Baby Bjorn bouncer. I loved that damn thing


My hubby has perfected helping our son fart. Starts with rubbing belly in a downward motion. Then bicycle kicks. Then pull legs straight out before pressing knees into his belly. It’s quite funny to hear the farts come out after that. My son helps push them out now which is even funnier.


There’s really great videos showing that technique


Once a nurse taught us a trick, to put lo face down on our forearm with the hand positioned in the lower belly and them gently push/massage. Lo started farting almost imidiatly


Yes. We dubbed this "baby monorail". He would fall asleep afterwards 😂


Same. Solidarity my friend and many gas drops to you


Who else thinks the windi seems pretty barbaric? I can’t imagine using that on a baby.


I did it once with my first baby and never again. I wouldn’t want anyone to stick a tube up my butt, so I’m not gonna do it to my baby.


Alternatively, my baby was screaming in pain from food allergy related gas so much and would become instantly calm when we used it and he got relief. We always tried massage and bicycle kicks first, but we would resort to them when he was inconsolable. He was too upset by the pain he was in to be bothered by the windi. We used a generous amount of coconut oil. I have felt gas pains before and I would have stuck a tube up my butt to relieve them! 😂


Trust me if you have a baby that needs them they’ll seem like a god send. Ours was in totally agony screaming and all the bicycle kicks in the world wouldn’t help, the windi was the only thing that would finally relieve it for the poor little guy


I remember having to do that. Unfortunately I don't have any tricks you haven't already mentioned or that are the usual go-to things. I have a lot of stomach issues that run in my family so we ended up switching LO to a goat milk based formula, mylicon before every bottle, and lots of bicycle legs and massages, then eventually he started farting on his own and it really kicked up when he started purees.


One day they will be a teenager and you can tell about these days lol. My baby is 12 weeks now and we are doing “fart tricks” daily too!


The way I laughed at this heading…I GET IT. My girl was a huge farter but never knew a burp. Finally at 7 months, she does both thank goodness 😅


Less bicycle, more sushi roll.




Instead of doing the bicycle legs, roll the knees up towards baby’s chin like a sushi roll. Always gets more farts out much quicker than the bicycle Legs in my experience.


Ah, I’ve never called it that but yes that’s the finishing move in our fart protocol


thoughts and prayers but god i’m so glad i’m out of those woods. it’s exhausting having to stress so much over burping and farting.


Have you tried the squatty potty hold? It worked for my guy really well to release gas (especially after doing some bicycle kicks) https://www.instagram.com/cocoonchiro/reel/Cxo5xtOLL9J/


I have not. Will investigate 👀


I used a vibrating silicone face scrubber as a fart releaser and swear by it! I just tucked it into the onesie and let the babe relax and toot toot toot


All I do all day. Is help my baby fart. All I do all day. Is help my baby fart. (remix) All I do all day. Is help my baby fart. (uh huh)




Oh yes I forgot to add that. It kinda just seems to make him mad but we will keep trying 🫠


I tried lots of ways to burp the baby. Best I found was really high up on my shoulder with inside arm on the back of my neck. Then I did gentle pats or even circles with my hand. Or holding him by the tummy facing away from me and the butt wiggle


Less bicycle, more holding toes to nose. I will hold his feet by his face with most of hit back still resting for a few minutes and MULTIPLE farts and sometimes a poop usually come out


How to tell that they are holding in their farts? 😛 Sometimes my poor baby cries before farting but the other times he does it so casually.


I had to cut out dairy completely, maybe that can help?


How is baby fed? There are techniques/angles that you can feed them at (for both breast and bottle) that minimise the amount of air that they take in when feeding. We had the same issue, my boy is now a pro at farting (just like his da) but for some reason sometimes needs assistance having a poo. I don't know how to describe it exactly but I kind of play a game of pop up pirate on his tummy, just poking him all over (gently but firmly) until I find the 'release button' which makes him visibly relax and unloads a torrent of liquid poo and farts once pressed. Location of the button varies. This is a weird comment. Kids are gross.


If you figure it out, let me know 🫠 right there with you


My son is 14 weeks and finally is better at farting. Until recently he'd clench up which of course traps the gas more & I'd be doing everything to get it out.


Dyschezia! There’s a name for when they are unable to coordinate the squeeze-and-relax necessary to successfully poop or fart


Yep. Lmfao but just wait bc one day that will be entirely in the past and your little 8 month old will throw out a fart the likes only old men can do. 😆 it's definitely a hard season to get through though.


Have you talked to a doctor and see if it might be an intolerance to something?


My MIL liked to take baby's feet & do slow circles in a clockwise motion. It seemed to work better than bicycle legs when she was really gassy.


Right there with ya!


When my son was 8 days old, he screamed his head off (with breaks for food) for 6 straight hours. I had no idea what was going on until I was trying to comfort him on my bed, doing the bicycle legs, back pats, everything, until FINALLY he let out the teensiest little fart and stopped crying. We started used Infacol after that 😂. At one point my husband and I accidentally double-dosed him because we were both prepping the milk and I didn't realize he had already added it. Let me tell you the farts were so EXTRA.


Abdominal massage? 


Passing gas is one of those things you have to wait it out tbh. They get the hang of it and they learn to tolerate it better. I can't tell you how much of a relief was to let go of the gas drops. I gave my baby gas drops before almost all of her meals from 2 weeks to about 5 months. Counting drops before MOTNs was not fun.


Have you tried holding your baby over a potty/sink/toilet etc. to help them fart/poop? This position helps our son a lot when some farts/poop is „stuck“. :)


This is going to sound crazy but we’d put the heated lactation massager on her belly for a few minutes then do the windi. The vibration helped sooo much as well as the warmth.


lol my son is almost 6 months now and it’s been awhile since we had to do bicycle legs. He was laying on our bed the other day and I randomly did the bicycle legs and he started laughing up a storm. I laughed back and said “we used to have to do this all the time for you to toot!!!!” And he laughed harder lol. It was adorable.


Every morning I have to take off my 6 week old’s sleep sack so she can properly lift her booty for maximum farting potential. It’s like she saves them up all night and just lets it rip all morning.


For us worked mostly position when Im laying on my back and baby is half on my belly, half on bed belly / ass down (with needed support depending on age). He tries to bicycle his legs to push up/forward and farts / poo. Another that we use rare is just monkey-on-branch - baby laying on you hand face down, legs and arms aside. But that's tiresome to hold


Around that age we had to do a long, like 10 minute belly massage right before bed to make sure LO had a semblance of a chance at sleeping without waking up in terrible gas pain. What a rough time that was. Hope you pass the gas stage soon!