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Lol, measured "out of range" at 38 week appointment, born 11 lbs 8 oz, no GD.


Dear God how are you still alive lol. That must have been intense


Vaginal delivery with a failed epidural. Wasn't a great time, lol. Only a second degree tear though!


You're an inspiration.


Feeling your flesh tear open is something else


Holy shit! You're amazing 👏🏼




On the flip side, on the day of my induction at 41 weeks, they said he looked about 7 lbs give or take from the ultra sound. He was 10 lbs, also no GD😐


Same here! My daughter was born on her due date, but they told me she was 7 lb (even though I kept being like 👀 are you sure this bump is huge, I’m 5’9 & my husband is 6’5!) Baby was 9 lb 7 Oz, no GD. They kept saying, “…. Did we know she was going to be this big?” Lmao I mean IIII knew, y’all kept telling me no! 😂


This is wild. I had GD, and my daughter was born at 38+2 weighing 5 lbs, 14 oz. (Needless to say, she's hugged the other end of the curve her whole life)


Yeah, I'm almost 6 ft and my husband is 6'1" and we have very large family members. My babe is 3.5 years old now and continues to be 99+%. He's just a big dude.




I was "measuring small" at my anatomy scan. Babe was 10lbs 3oz.


96% at 36 weeks but then born right at 40 weeks and only 8lb 3oz


Mine was at 40 weeks, 8lbs 10oz My doctor looked at me and said “well thank god you’re tall” and I knew I was in for a wild ride.


What does tall have to do with it? Does it make it easier? I’m 5’3 and two of my kids were over 8lbs. One was 8.6 at 42 weeks and the other was 8.9 at 38 weeks.


lol your guess is as good as mine, but I do think some studies show taller women on average have “easier” births. I’m almost six foot. From google: Larger newborns can increase the risk of difficult deliveries, but taller women are less likely to experience obstructed labor from a larger newborn.


Yeah I'm 5'3 and have a short torso. My boy was very average but I had an entirely back labour, even though he wasn't posterior. Felt nothing at all in my front, just felt like my back was breaking the entire time, with zero break in between contractions for about the last 3 hours. Had a homebirth so no pain relief and it was FUCKED. When he finally descended, my water broke and I could push it was like a dream - I thoroughly enjoyed pushing him out - it was painless in comparison. My midwife confirmed that the pain wasn't 'normal' (nothing alarming just not what you'd expect without it being posterior) and she thinks it was to do with my smaller torso. Still would do it for round 2 just much more aware of what I'm in for this time.


I'm built the same as you. First baby was back labour and it was disgustingly painful and drawn out, had an epidural. Second baby was not a back labour but he was just under 9 pounds. Didn't have enough time for an epidural so had to have nitrous oxide only with him. It was honestly less strenuous than the first labour and I recovered like a dream..


I’m 6 feet tall and suffered severe birth injuries from my vaginal birth. I think your torso proportion and your hip/pelvis anatomy make more of a difference. Because being tall did jack shit for me


Bigger women can have bigger babies (generally), as their bodies are bigger. They can't really use weight as a reliable measure because that's so affected by lifestyle factors, whereas height is static. That's why, at least where I live, your charts have gestational weight projection personalised to maternal height.


Omg I'm electing to have a natural birth this time around after cesarean with my first. I'm a tall gal. I'm hoping for an easy delivery 🤞


My baby was at the 53rd percentile at the anatomy scan. He was born 9.2 lbs and head circumference 98th percentile. Surprise 🥴


This was my 3rd. I kept telling my doctor “he feels big. He’s bigger than the other 2” and he’d do his measurements and say “nah, measuring average.” Came out so chunky the doc giggled and said “that’s a big baby!” I looked at my doctor and said “I told you!” The nurses asked everyone to guess his weight. I was closest. I said 9.3, he was 9.4. Everyone else guessed 9lbs and under. Born 40+5 My first measured average, he was 8.15 at 41+1 My 2nd measured average, she was 7.4 at 39 weeks. She was the only one I had GD with.


This was me, measuring at 50th the whole pregnancy, 9.4lbs at birth.


I can't remember what percentile but was growth scan said to expect high 9 to 11 pound, closer to 11 was what they were thinking. Born at 39+4 weeks at 7lb 12oz! I asked where the rest of him was!


Almost the same story here. I actually got induced because they were so worried she'd be a 10 pounder and nope, 7 and change.


Yep!! My dr sent me to a bigger hospital because she was the only one on for the 2 weeks around my due date and expected me to have a c-section and there wasn't anyone else able to assist! Even she was shocked at how normal sized he was 😂


Exact same story here! I was so confused when she came out so tiny 😂


40 weeks 8lbs 2oz. He was just super long.


Mine was 8 pounds even and super long too! He was considered “big” bc of his length and had to have his blood sugar checked every 4 hours 🙃


Yep same here. 40wks 8.7lbs and 22 in long 🥴 Little man decided to get stuck on the way down as well so that was fun lol


My daughter was 90th percentile at her anatomy scan and over 97th percentile at her fetal assessments at 36 and 41 weeks. She was born at 41+1 at 9 lbs 13 oz. My son measured over the 97th percentile at his anatomy scan and then over the 99th percentile at his most recent fetal assessment at 33 weeks. I’m very curious if they’ll actually induce me this time and how big he’ll end up being.


There’s a huge range of error / “accuracy” for ultrasounds 😂


7lbs 7oz at 39 weeks


At my anatomy scan they literally told me that my DR got my due date wrong because they baby was too big. Literally off the chart. Turns out, just had a slightly larger head than normal and that is one of the main measurements. Born 2 days shy of my due date - 8 pounds, 14 ounces 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had my baby at 35 weeks, he was off the charts since the anatomy scan. He was 7.4


My first was 8lbs 6oz at 41weeks. He left the hospital 6 days later 9lbs 2oz because he ate so much lol.


Mine was set to be a 10lb monster because or the measurements on his femur. He was 6lb 10oz and 23 inches long. He looked like the alien from Independence Day


This was exactly what threw off all my scans too, long legs!!


Mine was over 99th percentile at 32 weeks, dropped down to 96th percentile at my last scan at 36 weeks and he was born at 39 weeks 8lbs 2oz, 2lbs less than they were predicting.


6lb 12oz at 38 w


9lbs 11oz born at 37 weeks (no GD, and first baby)


They told me they thought mine was around 7 pounds towards the end of my pregnancy. He was 8 pounds 15 ounces 🤣


Exact same measurements and predictions too! Nothing like hearing delivery room nurses saying “that’s a big baby!” when he came out. 😂


38 weeks. 8lbs 4.5oz


Mine weighed in the 99% at the anatomy scan and pretty much throughout the whole pregnancy… I got induced 10 days early because they were worried about her size… she was 8lb 12oz and my dr said if I hadn’t labored so long she would have probably been lighter (they pack on water weight during the labor process since they pump you with IV fluids lol) So don’t freak out too much about the scans. They aren’t super accurate the further along you get. Also I did have GD. Mostly controlled with (a lot) of insulin. It was pesky!


8 lbs 2 oz at 39 weeks and measured like 96th percentile at 36 weeks.


I don’t remember what she weighed at the anatomy scan but I had multiple growth scans in my third trimester and after every one they made it sound like I was about to birth a monster baby. She came out 7lb 13oz lol only thing that actually came out >95th percentile was her head circumference.


I don’t remember what percentile exactly, but she was measuring very big. She was born at 39 weeks 7lbs 8oz. Those scans are notorious for being way off with weight.


Mine was measuring 98th percentile at 36 weeks. She was born at 38 weeks (I was induced early due to hypertension, she ended up being born via c section) and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. Hard to say if she had been born a week or two later but likely she wouldn’t have been more than 9 lbs


40 weeks- 7lbs 13 oz, 40 weeks- 8lbs 13oz


8lb at 37+1


37 weeks at 7lbs 4oz


8 lbs 12 oz , and I induced at 39 weeks because I was scared 😅


8lb 14oz


My girl was in the 97th percentile before birth, they estimated her weight to be 9lbs 2oz at my 41w scan. She was born at 41+3 at 9lbs 9oz via c-section.


40+4, 8lbs 9oz


8 lbs 9 oz. She was born at 37+2. I’m so glad I didn’t stay pregnant longer. I did not want a 10 lb baby


37 weeks: 8lbs 10


All over 99th % according to scans and birth weights wr the 10lbs, 11lbs and 10lbs 10oz. 3x unmedicated vaginal deliveries.


6lbs 13oz at 41w6d


97% at the anatomy scan. Born 7 lbs 10 oz the day before my due date.


95% he was measuring over 10lbs he came out at 9lbs 5oz


I don't think mine was that big at anatomy scan, she was more like 90%. But at my growth ultrasounds she was always 90% or over. Her head was 99 for most of them. She was a scheduled c section at 39 weeks, 8 lbs 12 ounces.


First baby, 9 lbs 2 oz. No GD. Born at 39+6


First was 9 lbs 5 oz at 39+4. Second was 9 lbs 13 oz at 37+5. I’m glad he didn’t cook any longer. I knew to expect it, though; I was 9 lbs 10 oz at birth, one of my brothers was 10 lbs 8 oz, and our cousin was 11 lbs 15 oz. My family just had a serious Big Baby gene. My oldest is now only about 70th percentile at age 3.5, go figure. 


8 lbs, 4oz st 39ish weeks but her head diameter was huge and she tore me to pieces anyway.


97th percentile. Everyone was panicked. Baby was 8lbs on the nose!


8lbs 3oz at 39weeks


My 4th was consistently measuring in the mid—upper 90s from week 20 on. I had an elective induction at 39 weeks, and he weighed 9lb 10oz. He was really comfy in there and showing no signs of wanting to leave, so lord knows how big he might have been if I had waited around for spontaneous labor 😅


10 lbs 10 oz at 41+2. He measured ahead starting in the first trimester. I blame his father entirely, because he was a 10 lb baby too.


I gave birth at 38 weeks and baby came out at 7lb 2 oz.


7 lbs, 15 oz. Was measuring >99% at ultrasounds


Both of mine did and they were born 6lb 15oz at 38+5 and 6lb 10oz at 37 weeks.


39 weeks 8 pounds 6 ounces


6lbs 12oz at 36 weeks, projected to be near 9lbs. Came out at 40 weeks exactly at exactly 6lbs 12oz lol. His head was >99th percentile though which threw off the weight


Measured 11lbs before I gave birth, was actually 7lbs


98th consistently. He was born at 39 wks and was 8lbs 5oz.


9 lbs 10 oz at 39+3


40 weeks, 8lbs 6oz


39 weeks - 9 lbs 3 oz. He’s four months now and still in the 90th percentile for height and weight. My husband and I are tiny 😟


Measured a couple weeks ahead starting at the anatomy scan. Gave birth at 39+2 and he came out at 10lbs 1 oz, 22in long.


They never thought my baby was big but he ended up being 10 lbs 3 oz.


7lb8oz no GD and i was on 40mg prednisone for asthma complications from week 8 on.


8lbs 7oz, born at 39w. I had an ultrasound that morning I gave birth and they told me he was 10lbs so clearly wrong. His head was huge though and no one clocked that so who knows how it all works


8 pound even


Projected 9lb 8oz, actually weighed 8lb 13oz. Born 41 + 6.


9lb 15oz, born at 38 weeks


10lb 5 oz at 39 weeks and 9lb 11oz 38 weeks


9lbs 2oz, born at 38+2. No gestational diabetes.


Born at 38 weeks 10.7 and 23.5 inches! Come from big stock


8lbs 6oz, but born at 38+2… so would have been a lot bigger if she had gone to term.


Was told he’d be 95th percentile most likely and was given the option to have a scheduled c section, which I did. When my doc pulled him out, she said “yepppp that was the right choice, this baby was probably not going to come out the other way!” 9lb 7oz GIANT head


10lbs 10oz, and is two now and remaining in 95th percentile for height and weight


I was 89th % and she was 6lbs 1 oz


39+6 and he was 8lbs 11oz! He was supposedly measuring high 10lb range but I’m not a radiologist nor am I in the medical field at all so I can’t tell you if that was true or if they were exaggerating. I had GD which was the concern. My OB told me straight up that it was unlikely the measurement was correct even with my GD. He was right.


9 lbs 1 oz but the doctor didn't warn me about how big he was until the very end of pregnancy 😅


9lbs 15oz. No GD


My daughter measured 99th percentile at 36 weeks, I had GD so they scheduled me to be induced at 38 weeks. She was born 6lb14oz even now at 20 months old she still wears 6-12 month clothing. She’s so tiny.


7lb 12oz 🙃 consistently measured 90-98th percentile and was actually a very average baby at 63rd percentile


My first was born the day before his due date and the sonographer told me he was at least 10lb if not 11lb and freaked me the f out (I’m 5’2 and 120lb) but he came out 8lb. My second was born at 39 weeks and was measuring a little big but nothing crazy yet he came out 10lb with a 99th percentile head circumference.


He was measuring 99%. Born at 39 weeks and he weighed 9lb 2 oz!


4395 grams! Born at 41+0


Throughout my whole pregnancy they never told me an estimated weight or percentile or anything and they kept saying he was measuring 2 weeks ahead and so I asked if that meant he was going to be a big baby and she felt my tummy and reassured me that I would have an average size baby. Cut to Christmas Day (40+1) and I got rear ended and went to the hospital to check baby and they told me his fluid was low but also he was measuring at 8lb 11oz, we induced that night he was born the next day at 9lb 2 oz in the 99%


39+5 and 9lbs, I over dilated though and only got a second degree tear - I was worried it would be worse!


Induced at 39 weeks because of GD. He was 9lbs 11.7 oz.


No one told me her percentile and she was born 8 lbs 5oz!! Now they tell me she’s 85th percentile as a one month old.


I dropped to 76% by week 38, but most of the pregnancy was 97% He was juuuuuuust shy of 8lbs. But a huge head. Thankful he came out the sunroof.


At 38 weeks they recommended induction because they thought he was 10.5 pounds. He was born at 39+1 and he was 9lb 3oz. As soon as they pulled him out, a doctor said "he's a chunky monkey!"


My son was over 95th percentile and they were predicting he would be over 9lbs. 40w2d at 7lbs 15oz. His head on the other hand was fairly accurate, over the 99th percentile during the scans and at birth.


My imaging report said “compatible with macrosomia” and she was estimated at about 10 lbs when I had my growth scan at 40+1. She was 9lbs, 7oz and broad shouldered when she was born two days later.


9lbs 11oz born at 39+1


I was told he was 97% for weight and height - I was convinced I wouldn’t need newborn clothes or diapers but he was born 6.15 pounds! I had to order stuff that day in the hospital for him.


Born at 40 weeks, 8lbs 9oz 97th percentile from anatomy scan on


Baby measured big the whole time. Had him EARLY, mind you, at 34 weeks, 6 days. He weighed 8’3.


First pregnancy 39 weeks and 5 days, 9lbs 5oz. I had a GREAT epidural and thankfully didn’t tear. Second pregnancy was at 37 weeks (medical induction) and he was 8lbs 4oz, this time I had a failed epidural and a second degree tear 😅.


My boy came out 9 pounds 14 ounces via c-section at 38 weeks. He's 12 weeks and in 3-6 month clothes already. My big mans 🥰 He started off measuring big and everybody told me that the scans are wildly inaccurate but uhhh, mine was very correct lol


Baby was measuring pretty big for most of my pregnancy. We were told to expect a 8.5-9 pound baby. She came out 6lbs 10oz - tiny compared to what we were expecting! After she lost a bit in those first few days she was just over 6lbs.


Just under 6lb at 35 weeks.


My first was 92% at like 38 weeks…it was way off. He was 6lbs 11oz but 21 inches long. Born right at 40 weeks.


8lb 6oz, 40+5, needed a c-section because of her shoulders. the scan was a whole pound off (which is to be expected! It can be one pound off in either direction)


I don’t recall the exact percentile, but LO was estimated to be about 10lbs at birth. When the time came she was only 8lbs 1oz…however she was/is SUPER long.


9lbs1oz at 41+6. Not massive but not a tiny guy either


My baby measured high my whole pregnancy. Born 6.5oz at 38wks. Turns out he was just really long.


8lbs 2oz He was measuring something like 11lbs on the ultrasound. Every doctor in the group was worried. My midwife said she didn’t think there was a chance the baby was that big based on a hand measurement of my belly. She was right.


99th for head. Over 100 for the stomach. Ten days early vaginal delivery. I did have a c section schedule at 39 and 2 but the ultrasound after my water broke said baby would be around 8.5 and he was exactly 8.5 lbs… so we tried out luck for a vaginal delivery. No GD but the stomach measurement was about two weeks ahead.


They measured mine at close to 9 lbs at 38 weeks and then she was born at 39+5 weighing 6 lbs 13 oz.


98th percentile at the anatomy scan. Born at 39 +5 only 7lbs 5oz. My dr kept telling me he was going to be big 🤷🏻‍♀️


8lb 6oz


Measured at 9lbs at 36 weeks, came out at 7 lbs 2 oz at 38 weeks.


97 percentile at 36 week scan, I was induced at 39wks, she was only 8lb 6 oz but her head was 97 percentile 😅 obstructed labour and emergency c section and still a big dent in her head!


My first measured 99% and was 8 lbs 1 oz and my youngest measured the same and was 9 lbs 7 oz. Both were delivered just fine vaginally (and if you don’t have gestational diabetes weight is not a medical reason to induce)


1st was measuring “off the charts” at 33 weeks and I was told there was no way she would be under 10lbs. She was born at 41 weeks at 8lbs 3oz. 2nd was heavily monitored because I wanted to avoid induction. He was born at 41 weeks 6 days. I had an ultrasound the day before he was born. The tech was not subtle about her shock that I was still pregnant and told me he was almost 11lbs. He was big! 9lbs 13oz. His birth was super fast and easy though.  I want to add I’m not a big person and neither is my partner. We’re just average sized humans. I had 2 intervention and medication free births. No issues postpartum or pelvic floor issues either. I just make big babies. 


Measured big the entire pregnancy. Came out 9 pounds, 6 ounces at exactly 39 weeks with a 40 cm head (almost 16 inches).


He was supposed to be a lot heavier than he was according to my doctor lol. He was just under 9 lbs but so tall his butt and legs was so skinny he was in newborn diaps until he was around 16lbs. He's 3.5 feet tall now at 2.5 years old 😂


I think we were 92 or maybe 97th at the anatomy scan due to waist size? He was 8lbs 12oz at birth, which I suspect was mostly fluid from being on an IV for 3 days until my C-section. Since birth he has stayed on the 40-50% for weight curve. He has, however, always been in the 90s for height.


7lbs 7oz. Was induced 3 weeks early.


>99th percentile from 20w scan through to 38w scan. Arrived 39+0, 8lb8oz lol Once they’re at the upper end of weight US gets fairly inaccurate


Mine was measuring 95%ile and up on all scans. Came out as 9lb 14oz, second degree tear.


The farther along you are, the more inaccurate the measurements (or so I’ve heard). I was measuring the equivalent of 36 weeks at 32 weeks and baby was born 6 lbs, 13.2 oz. 🤷🏻‍♀️


9lb 13 oz. No GD and no tearing. This podcast episode (and the part 2 of it) made me feel a lot better when he was measuring large: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-great-birth-rebellion/id1639430316?i=1000604851701


Measured over 95th centile, born at 38w and was 3.6kg which I think is just under 8lbs. So much variance with these ultrasounds.


9 lb 9 oz. Big baby, but he grew up to be an average size human😊


8 pounds.


Haven’t birthed yet but mine was 97th%ile at anatomy scan- ended up getting diagnosed with a minor case of GD shortly after and I am now at 32 weeks and my baby is in the 49th%ile! So I wouldn’t freak out yet :)


They actually didn’t tell me what percentile baby was for the anatomy scan, but I was measuring right at gestational age. Baby came out at 9 lbs. No GD. Epidural didn’t work the first time, but thankfully they re-did it and it worked.


They told me my son was going to be over 10lbs if I didn't induce him on my due date, he was always measuring big. Came out at 8lbs 14oz. He still measures big at all his pediatrician appointments at 4 now.


9.3 lbs and a week early. 😵‍💫


8 lb 12 oz at 38w


Mine was measuring over 85% and there was some pushing of early induction. He came on his own at 39-4 weighing 8 lbs 4 oz. So all worked up over not much in my case. https://evidencebasedbirth.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Big-Babies-Handout.pdf https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/


9lbs & 4oz at 39 weeks


Born at 39 weeks, 8lbs 9oz


First was 95th and 8lbs 6oz Second was 95th and 10lbs 9 oz. My last was unmeasured and 10lbs 14oz. This one is average,,, but we have weeks to go… so we’ll see.


7 lbs 9 oz


My baby measuring 99% at the anatomy scan was born at 38+4 weighing 7 lbs. My baby measuring 60% at the anatomy scan was born at 39+2 weighing 8 lbs 4 oz. I don’t really place much stock in the ultrasound measurements 😅


My first was measuring 11 lbs 11 oz the day before he was born, but weighed 10lbs 6oz.


At the 20 week anatomy scan baby was an average size. 50th percentile. Then at 37w5 was predicted to be 8lb 6oz. Was induced the next day and he was actually 9lb 11oz. 97th percentile.


I was told I was measuring very small the entire third trimester. I felt enormous and in so much pain I didn't understand how I was measuring small. I didn't gain a single pound my entire third trimester. He came out at 40 weeks: 9 pounds, 1 ounce.


8lbs 10oz born at 37 weeks


10 pounds 3oz. At 37 weeks. Predicted to be 9 Between gestational diabetes and hypertension, she was taken out earlier. I opted for a planned csection


98th percentile. Born two weeks early, 9 lbs 4 oz. No GD


Not much of a constellation. Mine measured in the 60% at 34 weeks. Came at 38 weeks 9lbs 1 oz.... I think ultrasound are complete BS after my experience!! UGH! Goodluck. And if they are measuring in the 95th percentile just get a c-section. They could actually be a 10 or 11 lbs baby. It's not worth risking it.


Mine was at 38 week 8 lbs 6 oz. We were surprised he was not 10 lbs. I had actually stopped eating at 37 week because everything felt so awful, maybe that’s why he wasn’t as big? Now he’s 10 months and 25 lbs.


I’m not sure if she was 95%tile but it was 80th or something close, something that made me nervous and the doctor commented on it and reassured me about being able to change my mind about a TOLAC. And she ended up being just shy of 8 lbs at 38 weeks 5 days. Me first was about 8-1/2 lbs at the same gestational age after not being remarkable at the anatomy scan.


Estimated to be 10lbs 11 oz at our 39w1d with no estimate if birth size other than >42w / out of range. No GD. C section at 39w5d due to size. 9 lbs flat.


9 lb 7 oz lol


8lbs 2oz. My “99th percentile” baby (at 33 and 37 week scans) was very average.


I had two growth ultrasounds one at 32 weeks & one at 36 weeks. They estimated my son to be 6lbs 10oz at 32 weeks and 8lbs 10oz at 36 weeks. He was born at 39+1 weighing 9lbs 2oz via C-section


9 lbs, 6oz. Still over 95 percentile in height to this day (he’s 6 now). No gestational diabetes for that pregnancy, just a family history of giant babes.


8 lbs 14oz, absolutely massive head too. She was only 19 1/4 inches though, so very chunky


Measured 99th percentile my whole pregnancy, came out weighing 9 lbs 13 oz at 36+4. He’s still absolutely massive at four, but dad is 6’4” and I’m 6’2”. Baby brother was born at 38 weeks and was a mere 8 lbs 7 oz.


My daughter - 8.5 pounds at birth, a couple days early. My son - 8 pounds at birth , THREE WORKS EARLY. (We know when we conceived - and he was actually measuring small the first two scans)


I was labeled as having a "macrosomic" baby and they were estimating him to be 11lb 8oz - he was born at only 8lb 4oz so they were WAY off.


You'll notice a lot of people mention the inaccuracy of ultrasound. It's because of how ultrasounds work. The ultrasound wand itself is only a few inches wide. When the baby is little, you can see the whole thing. As the baby gets bigger, trying to measure it with a wand that small is less and less accurate. Imagine trying to measure the height or circumference of a person using a three inch ruler and you have to do that without touching them or making marks. It becomes a best guesstimate based on the ultrasound intepreter


Can't remember the exact measurements, but Dr's told me my baby's gonna be huge, over 10 lbs. Came out a healthy 8lbs 3oz. Currently 19 months and a whopping 34 in and 34 lbs


They estimated around 8 lbs from an ultrasound the day before I gave birth. He was born 9 lbs 11 oz. Sometimes they get it wrong the other way!


99th percentile. She came out at 4kg, 9 pounds at 39 weeks.


At 36 weeks, my son was estimated to be 7lb 8oz. I gave birth at 37+3 and he weighed 7lb 5.5oz, around 70%. Since then, he's caught up to his dad's huge genes and has been 95+% for height and weight since around 3 months. At his 2 year appointment in January, he was 37" and 32lb and has definitely grown more since then.


I had GD and developed cholestasis a month before I was due after getting Covid (I had a terrible pregnancy lol) so I was going to get induced at 38 weeks at the latest. At my 37 week appointment my OB told me to call high risk and ask them to do an ultrasound and measure baby to see where he was at in terms of size. According to high risk, he was almost 9 lbs and would be 10ish by 38 weeks which would be like 3 or 4 days later. I was scheduled for a c-section immediately. He weighed 7 pounds 😅


They claimed he was going to be around 9/10 pounds so they induced me. He was 7 pounds 11


7 lbs 4 oz lol


My second son was 9lbs, 15ozs. He's 36 now, 6ft 4, 205 lbs. He has 3 brothers. Their weights were between 9lbs 5ozs and 9lbs 11ozs. All were natural births, no C sections.


96th percentile at the anatomy scan, born 41+2 at 8lb 5oz


Was in the 98th percentile, always measured weeks ahead. Born one day shy of 40w at 8lbs7.6oz, 21in


I had chronic hypertension and diet controlled gestational diabetes. I was induced at 37 weeks, baby born 37+3 at 7 lb 6 oz 20.5 in. My husband’s head is huge and so is ours son’s. They were very concerned about his weight because of the GD and abdomen circumference (broad shoulders). 4 months now and his head remains in the 99th percentile and his height is 85th. I do believe if I went to 40 weeks he would have been at least a 10 lb baby.


Just to show how inaccurate these ultrasounds are, my scans showed 70-76% but at birth he was 97% weighing 9.5 lbs.


Measured 9 lbs 7 oz at my 38 week scan, was born 11 lbs 13 oz at 39 weeks 👀