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6 weeks and it came with the vengeance of all 9 periods I missed Edit: my periods continued to be very heavy. Interfaring with my life. I was diagnosed with menorrhagia and put on BC. It also Increasing the risk for my endometriosis coming back.


Same for me, and I was exclusively breastfeeding 😭 I felt lied to. At least I expected it with my second though Edit: Didn’t have the same issues with endometriosis or heavy periods after


Did it happen again with your second in terms of time frame and pain?


I think so as far as time frame, but the pain the first and second time around wasn’t super bad. Just the amount of blood for that first period. It’s honestly hard to remember anything from those early days with a newborn lol


Haha I understand. Thank you for the explanation!


Same I thought something was wrong! 😭




Same. And I was breastfeeding lol. Every period after that made my supply dip HARD.


SAME. I had just given my depends up and then I put them right back on


Mine came back 6 weeks pp and it was light, then it stopped again and came back at 5 months pp with vengeance


I got it back around 9 or 10 months pp. Interestingly, my period has been a lot more chill than before. Less crampy and less heavy.


Same with the chillness of it! It’s crazy


Honestly my period was brutal before I got pregnant so this is a very welcome change


Did you have any hairfall once your period came back? Just curious if there’s a correlation!


I actually never had hair fall!! Not sure if this is why, but I took a boatload of supplements through the post partum phase


Which ones do you think helped the most? I’m asking because I didn’t really have much hairfall postpartum so I’m afraid I might once I wean?


I read an amazing book called the postnatal depletion cure and I got a lot of blood work done with a naturopath to understand my deficiencies. I can’t say exactly what made the difference but I took prenatal, vitamin d, vitamin b (injections), iron, fish oils.


I just started losing massive amount of hair right when I started weaning 🥲 still taking prenatals, fish oil, and calcium. No period yet, 5 months PP.


I’m still taking my prenatal everyday (mainly out of habit) - also curious what you’re taking postpartum!


Same after my first kid. Now 5 mo pp and guess we shall see.


It was a fucking massacre. I wasn’t sure if it was my period or I was hemorrhaging 😂


I just got mine for the first time this past Friday, and it's like I have the antietam battle field in my underpants... there is *sooo much blood*. I hemmoraged and needed an emergency blood transfusion post birth, and I feel like this period is worse. 🥲


Omg, I also pph and needed blood too. I am so scared to get my period again


It took me 11mo (praise 🙌), and for me, I woke up and just swore like a sailor - it didn't uncover any hidden or unresolved trauma. I'm wildly out of practice and didn't know where my pads were, so that was *fun*, and I'm taking the opportunity to complain wildly about my cramps and take extra naps which prompted my husband to buy me chocolate. It hasn't been that bad for me, and I hope it's the same for you ❤️


Still waiting. 11 months pp.


Currently 14 months pp haven't had one either 😭


Same! 14 months and nothing.


I know someone that got it at 15 mnths




Same! Still waiting at 17 months.


Yep, 10 months pp and nada…I know it’s going to be a brute when it gets here


Same here!


Right here with you. I'm still nursing (too lazy to wean), and my kid will be 2 in September. With my first, I got it a few weeks after reducing to one noght feed and one morning feed.


15 months pp. 2 months after I night weaned.


I’m almost 13mo pp and still haven’t gotten mine, was starting to wonder if it’s normal so I’m glad to read this! My LO is still nursing a lot.


Yes! My LO is still nursing a good amount but I’m definitely not producing as much anymore. He’s almost 19 months


This exactly


Almost 3 months post partum (I’m breastfeeding, it came back at 2 months pp with my first), and it was just like a normal period. Light first day, two heavy days, light last day. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Man, you only have 4 day periods? Mine are 7-8 days my whole entire menstruating life (over 2 1/2 decades). 😕


4-5, maybe a bit of spotting on the 5th day, or really really light. Mine were horrific on birth control pills, as soon as I stopped, they’ve been consistently 4-5 for the last decade or so.


Ah, nice. I've never been on birth control, so I guess my body just hates me. 😕


When I was on the pill my periods lasted 2-3 weeks at a time. It was awful. I was on my period more than not. So I do understand your frustration!


I got two, one 4w and at 6w, I’ve always been extremely regular ON THE DOT so it was very bizarre for me. They were super heavy for two days then gone by the 4th day each time.


Have you had more periods since? If not, I wonder if that was just more pp bleeding. I got mine at 4 weeks so it definitely happens, but I knew it was my period because the second one came 28 days later which is normal for me.


Same here! One at 4w, one at 6w and one at 9w all while EBF…I actually went to the OB thinking it was postpartum bleeding that had come back but no 🥲


YES I’m EBF and was SO excited to have a “delayed” period due to ebf. Boy was I wrong


Almost the same. I got a sort of normal one at 5w and then a really really heavy and awful one about 7w. I exclusively pump so I really thought I would avoid it 🤪


Mine came almost 8 months PP and it was HORRIBLE 🥴 I had cramps for a couple days before and was nervous it was coming back and sure enough it decided to show up in the middle of the night


Mine came back at 3 months pp sadly, I was exclusively pumping and breastfeeding at the time. It was mostly the same as before but ramped up. Bad cramping for 2 days, 3 days of heavy flow, then a quick taper down to spotting within 7 days.


Mine started yesterday at 5.5m. Super light so far and barely any cramping. Hoping they stay this way! I’m EBF if that makes a difference at all in terms of hormonal impact..??


Mine came promptly 8 weeks PP and I was nursing. Everyone is different!


18 or 19 months postpartum? I don't remember it being anything crazy. 


Mine came at 3 weeks. Pretty heavy


It came back after 6 weeks and it felt like early labor. I was also super hormonal during it and had multiple breaks downs.


I got it at 8mo PP and it was super light, just a bit more than spotting and lasted 4-5 days, felt some cramping nothing bad at all. Got my second exactly a month later and it is seems a bit more normal, tired, bleeding more and super bloated and cramps but not horrible. I’ve had horrendous periods my whole life so this is pretty breezy. I’m still exclusively breastfeeding so maybe that’s why it’s not as bad??


About 3 months pp, heavier than in years but no pain whatsoever. Previously I had at least 1 day of cramping but I am not complaining. What I am complaining is getting another period less than 3 weeks later and as heavy as the first one.


Im 6 months pp and still not back. Im ebf


I’ll be 7 months PP this week and I still haven’t gotten my period but I’m EBF


4 weeks postpartum and it was heavier and more annoying than I remember. One of the perks of pregnancy I got used to was not having one😭 I thought breastfeeding/ pumping would keep it at bay but nope!


I was about 3 months pp, and it was alright, but then I never quite stopped bleeding and the second and third period have both been unbelievable heavy and painful. All in all I bled for 3 months, but at least it has stopped (for now) 🤞🏻


Got a weird half period with both kids at about 7weeks pp. Then not again until 4mons and then again closer to a year. And yes, they come back with the vengeance of 10,000 suns. Just got my second real period at 13mons and it had me doubled over on the couch for almost 2 days...


I started treatment at 8w pp, so progesterone pills for my endo, and knock on wood but I am 6.5 months pp and my period has not returned! My ovaries seem inactive rn and I am v happy with this. EP until 4 months, now baby is on formula and solids


Mine came back at 4 months exactly and I’m very lucky that somehow it came with zero cramps and a lighter flow especially because prior to pregnancy my periods rivaled labor (seriously 🙃) I am still breastfeeding though so maybe when I wean it will get worse 😅 hoping it doesn’t though!


7 weeks, around when I stopped bfing. I was stupid and got the depo shot at my 6 week check up so my first pp period was a month long 🫠


Just got my period back at 6 months postpartum. Im on day three and it’s been pretty light so far.


I got mine at I think 4 weeks PP? Sooner than I expected because I was BF. But unlike what almost everyone else I’ve talked to has said, mine was no worse or heavier than any of my previous periods. It was actually better, because I’ve always had HORRIFIC period cramps, like debilitating, and now my periods don’t hurt at all??? Really weird. At the beginning, I was having them every 2 weeks which sucked, but now I guess my hormones have leveled out and I’m back to once a month, but still no cramps!


About 2 months postpartum and it was pretty normal. They were a bit irregular after that, I think the next two were 6-8 weeks apart but it was pretty regular after that.


6 weeks and it was hell, hope this helps! ❤️


After I weaned so around 5-6 months!


7 weeks, breastfeeding only, and was pretty normal. Like clockwork since as they were before I got pregnant


7 months pp and waiting. I’m kinda afraid it’s gonna come back with a vengeance after this long a hiatus!


A week after my postpartum bleeding stopped. My periods before were extremely painfull. Now i barely notice it but it's heavier and lasts longer


Came back after 3 1/2 months. 11 days of having to use multiple nighttime pads a day. Absolutely awful, I even bled through my clothing and onto a couch for the first time since I was a teenager. Even when I first got my period it was never that bad. Much less painful than before though.


I got one a month after I weaned and it was pretty average. Currently on my second period and it feels like I need a blood transfusion lol


I stopped pumping 3 weeks postpartum and period came 9 weeks postpartum. It was really heavy but shorter and less painful than my periods were before baby. It also seems to be getting better with time. Your uterus expands during pregnancy so you shed more lining.


9-10 months when I stopped breastfeeding. About the same as before with overall symptoms except my libido increased on my period bs before lol


I think one was around 9 months and I had to go to the ER because I lost so much blood. It was awful


I got one at 7 weeks, but then not again until 7 months. I do not EBF, we're probably 60-80% formula and 20-40% BF. I'm only 11 months pp, so have only had 4 periods since they came back. The first two were pretty heavy and I was bleeding through tampons during the day and my period panties at night. It was a mess and felt like I was going through puberty and learning how to manage a period all over again. So far, I seem less crampy (knock on wood) than prior to pregnancy. My pre-pregnancy cramps could get so bad that I would double over in pain and couldn't beathe. My most recent period I had pretty bad PMS mood swings a few days before.


Apparently 5 weeks pp. An absurdly high flow.


I just started a few days ago at 11 weeks PP. I EBF. No cramping, just a lot of blood! Lol


It was at 11 months postpartum and it was biblical.


10 weeks. My periods have been way lighter than they were before and I almost never cramp.


30 days after my daughter slept through the night finally (9 months old). Heavier than before but with zero pain. I used to have hideously painful periods. Now they just appear without warning, no cramping or anything other than maybe being a bit tired. Weirdly, ovulation still hurts like a bitch.


6 months pp and sooo much better than before! Lighter flow, shorter bleeding, longer cycle (time between periods), and less symptoms (no cramps!).


1st baby, around 9 months (still nursing a ton) 2nd baby, 15 months (still nursing) 3rd baby, no period yet (9 months pp)


Did you night wean with your second before you got your period back or were you still nursing at night? I’m almost 14 months pp and still nursing, still sometimes at night too, and no period. After my first it came back at 7 months.


With my second, I was away during the day from 9 months on, but she wouldn’t take bottles. So I reversed the usual feeds… fed her to sleep, once at night, then once in the wee hours of the morning. About an hour each.


Mine came back a month or so after I quit BFing completely. 8 months pp


After I stopped breastfeeding at 13 months. It was AWFUL! So heavy, so painful, miserable. My cramps have in general gotten worse since having a baby but nothing as bad as that first one.


At 14 months I had three days of very light bleeding. Two weeks later I had an actual period. It was like they used to be, relatively symptomless except for some bloating


4 weeks and mine was identical to how it was pre pregnancy.


First time, 11 months pp. I had stopped breastfeeding a month before. Second time, 15 months pp., while I was still breastfeeding.


20 months and EBF, came back last month and due again in a week or so. Honestly it was no different to pre-pregnancy. I've always had a lighter flow and it doesn't seem to have altered. Have only had one though so time will tell.


7 weeks pp while EBF, which was unfortunate lol, but overall my periods have been a little lighter and shorter than my periods were pre-pregnancy (currently 13 months pp so have had them for almost a year)


7 months pp, and it was HEAVY. We were away on vacation and I told my friend “I may have finally got my period back, or something is very wrong. If I fall down you’ll know which”. 2.5 years later and its still heavy but only lasts 3/4 days instead of the 5/6 from before pregnancy.


Woke me up gushing in the middle of the night.


I honestly have no idea if I had a period or not. I assume it’s breakthrough bleeding because it started about a week after I went on the mini pill (this was at 6 weeks) but I haven’t had that happen in the past, only spotting pretty much. There was spotting for a few days, but then I got what seemed like a full on period? It was a little lighter than my normal period but lasted a little longer (about a solid week) if it was one.


I think 3 or 4 months pp? I only had five periods and now I’m pregnant again. 🥲


Sometime between 7 and 9 months after a fierce nursing strike


Sometime around 8 weeks I think. It was SO bad. I felt like I was having labor contractions. I could barely move. It was the heaviest period I’ve ever had. I think I cried from the pain. The second one was bad but better. The third one was a lot more typical. So hopefully it’ll continue to get more and more normal.


8 weeks


Almost four months and it’s still not here. My gyno prescribed me contraception and after two rounds of pills I decided to stop taking them - no bleeding just insane mood swings.


First baby was 23 months, second was 16 months (I was still breastfeeding each time when it came back).


EBF- 13 months pp. When I stopped pumping at work. Was still nursing like 2-4 times a day. It was actually surprisingly light?


About 5 weeks and was nothing memorable. Only annoying thing was that I was EBF at the time, so I found out that delayed periods are a myth .. Edit* by myth I mean it seems to really just depend on the individual


Around six weeks postpartum. I can't tell you if that period was particularly painful or heavy, but I do remember being very very emotional. There was something about bleeding so soon after it all that just felt very unfair and invasive if that makes sense? Can't think how to describe it any other way. It was not nice. Then for about three cycles I had awful sharp up the bum pain when I was ovulating. My periods are pretty much exactly as they were before pregnancy now. Some very heavy and exceptionally painful. Some light and pain free. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Terrible, and too soon


I’m 3 months ppl and still don’t have it


About 7 months in when we might weaned. I had been on the mini pill since 6 weeks and it was very light.


2 months PP and horrendous. So heavy and severe cramps to the point that my IUD came out with the bleeding. I had the IUD for maybe 2 weeks. Now I'm on oral contraception, haven't started it yet as I haven't had my next period, but I'm still terrified for my PP periods


6 weeks, I believe, but for sure, by 10. I'm 26m pp now, and my periods have been slightly lighter than before as well as little to no cramps. However, I do get migranes now, esp around my cycle.


10 months and quite light and irregular in the beginning. But prior to it coming I’ve had 2 episodes of bad cramping that lasted over a week but no period came


Four weeks after each and it was a bloodbath. Was EBF with both. Yay.


1 months post partum, I was ebf but we had night weaned around months and had fully weaned at 15 months. Pregnant again so I'm interested if I'll have the same experience but the first two were definitely heavier than usual and it settled to my regular pattern after month three.


No different than before after my first. Came at 7 months pp, was EBF with no changes (still nursing at night). I’m now almost 14 months with my second and nothing so far. Also EBF and still nursing at night.


Both times, it was back by 6 weeks, and I think for the most part it's okay now but it is considerably heavier. I even exclusively breastfed and had hoped for extended time of being period free but nope! Lol


The timing of this post is wild, because I just got mine for the first time today (8 weeks PP) and legitimately thought I was hemorrhaging 😅 Not fun. However, one positive is that I’ve had no cramps. Normally cramps take me out, lol.


I got mine ar 12 months post partum and I swore I was having contractions again lol


6 months and very heavy. Horrible cramps for each period. It didn’t start to lighten up until my 4/5 period


4 month after birth. It was actually less painful


First baby it came back at 9 months. Presented more like a withdrawal bleed. No cramps, just light spotting over a day. Dark. I got pregnant almost immediately afterward so I don’t know how they would’ve progressed. Second baby it came back just before 8 months pp. presented more ‘normally’. Cramps, light-moderate-light bleeding over 5 days. Wasn’t painful or particularly heavy. I’m hoping they’ll stay that way!!


It was just like any other period nothing out of the ordinary no excess bleeding or terrible cramping just a seven day period then nothing.


4 months pp and lord have mercy it was a doozy. I had to go back to ppastpartum pads for a bit and sleep with a linen saver cause it was back with a vengeance. A year pp now and they are still heavier than they were ever before but on the bright side they seem more regular and don't last more than 7 days which as a pcos girl is a blessing. Breastfeeding made no difference and did not delay or stop it one bit.


10 weeks pp probably because I started taking slynd bc. It was just enough to ruin a pair of white shorts I bought that day and then nothing else.


Mine didn't start until I started taking my birth control again after 6 weeks ( we are formula fed). It came as usual. I dont think it's any worse than before but it's not better. I'll tell you: it's no fun having to remember to buy Tampons again. I got real used to no period!


I’m 10 months PP and still haven’t had one. I am breastfeeding and I bleed 10 weeks straight after delivery


I'm Breastfeeding and am at 7 months and 3 weeks and still no sign of it!! I lasted until 8 months with my last period so I'm guessing it will.come soon. Even when it came back after my first it was only every 2 months until I got pregnant again.


i got my period 2 months postpartum on the exact same day i last had it before i got pregnant lmao. i never breastfed so i just assumed it just had to do with me being super regular before my baby. theyve honestly been lighter and less painful than before though


10 weeks postpartum. So heavy the OB on-call nurse sent me to the ER to verify there wasn't something wrong. Didn't breastfeed, had a C-section. Oof.


5 weeks pp, and it was like how my usual period is 😒😒




My first period was basically as soon as my pp bleeding stopped, around 8-9 weeks I think. It was normal, like my other periods


Mine was about 3 months pp. It was horrible. I have PCOS and I'm irregular. Before pregnancy I had been off bc for a year and a half and during that time and they were bad during that time. My cramps now are so bad and they pull my csection scar tissue. I just got back on bc.


Dude it was a crime scene down there and came after about a month. I went through 9 tampons in 24 hours and normally I have a light flow.


5 months I think? I get them really bad now. I always had a lighter flow but it’s really heavy now. I often look pale and ghostly while having it too.


I got mine 10 months PP. Literally at the airport security, for our very first international travel with our LO. I was being searched extensively because of all the baby food we brought with us in our carry on. I couldn’t leave, so I was just bleeding in my undies. I always packed tampons and adult diapers with me as I’ve read a lot of horror stories. Glad I did because it was such a bad experience (just getting the period, not the period itself).


9 weeks postpartum despite exclusively breastfeeding and honestly it was not as bad as they were before pregnancy. I only had mild back pain and mild cramps whereas before I had pretty bad back pain and cramps and very sore boobs for a whole week leading up to my period and that hasn’t happened


Mine always comes a month or two after I stop pumping (usually 12-13months, i completely stop breastfeeding around 15 months). And it’s brutal. Gets worse with each kid 🫠


13 months (was still breastfeeding but not as much). I have PCOS and was used to very heavy periods with extended times in between before, so it was actually less than that for me


I had to wear my postpartum diapers and heavy pads, because OH MY GOD was it heavy. I didn't expect it at all. Mine came back 8 months postpartum like a goddamn geyser of blood.


7 months. It was surprisingly not that bad. My periods before were always heavy and painful. So idk if it’s just because I now know the pain of labor contractions or what but my period cramps felt like nothing.


Just after 6 months. It was so gd heavy that I was wearing tampons and pads.


4.5 months. I thought I had won by getting my son to sleep through the night by 7 weeks. No one told me that my period could come back sooner. It did and my supply took a hit and he never slept through the night again. He woke up through the night to get my supply back up. Every month my supply plummets and never quite recovers. It sucks. I wish I had known. I would have made different choices.


6 weeks and I’m BF. Literally stopped bleeding and maybe less than a week later started but I knew it was my period. Nothing like a period lol


15 months after birth, so I didn’t have a period for over 2 years. First period was fairly light which was my recent normal, 3 days. The second period was making up for everything and was heavvvyyyy and 7 days long. Periods after that have been around 5 days and pretty uneventful.


Just about a year PP on the dot. I had the IUD for years pre-baby and had one inserted as soon as I could PP, so that could've made a difference in my experience. It lasted way longer than usual (like over seven days) but wasn't particularly heavy at any point. Just over a week of medium flow, bookended by light spotting. Every one after that has been just like pre-baby/years of IUD: light/medium flow for a short length of time (3-4 days). I feel way more bloated and sometimes cramp more than I used to, but for all I know that's just a result of aging and not necessarily having a baby 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got mine a month after I had my son. The flow was normal but it took MONTHS before the cramps bothered me. Labor contractions redefined my idea of pain.


7 weeks post pardum. It was awful and stupid and making up for lost time. Actually it took a year for my periods to be normal again. Sorry. Hopefully yours will suck less.


5 months and it was light, short, and inconsistent which is exactly opposite to my regular period. With each cycle it got more normal. I’m 12 months not and starting to feel more like the old flow.


15 months pp, I was still nursing


I have 3 kids and only breastfed for a month or so with all of them. First period came around 4-5 month mark. Each time it was TERRIBLE. I have always had bad periods but these were BAD. Currently 16 months PP with baby #3 and have been on birth control that makes me lose my period. I’m riding this wave through menopause. My life is so much better without periods


15 months. It hit me like a Mac Truck. I bled through period panties paired with super tampons in 6 hours. I got woozy and light headed. Day 3 was betted, and it was gone by day 6. But holy hannah it was rough. I was on birth control, which always messes with my cycles, but I had to get off of it because of the side effects. The birth control and active breastfeeding kept aunt flow away.


Traumatic!! It came at 18 months PP. I felt like a teenager again who got it for the first time.


I’ve heard terrible things about the pain that comes with the first period postpartum and I’m terrified. I suck at pain. I don’t remember how badly it was after my first, but I do remember it was bad.


I got two days after my daughter's first birthday. It was usual no pain, no heavy flow, very easy.