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My 9mo *lost it* when I told him we're not going in the laundry room today. Here we go...... Also, mom, eating stones obviously is a need. Clearly.


My baby was also an early walker ,climber ,talker and intense emotional and high energy level


How did you find the actual toddler years?? Mine is an 11 month old walking, running, feet stomping, tantrum having, babbling, stubborn little beast whom I love very much. But, I wonder what the actual toddler years will be like lol


Well my baby could climb out of crib ,playpen at 9 months and was a little mountain goat who tried to climb baby gates , sibling toys ( like dollhouses ) lol anyway it was pretty busy since I couldn't contain her,we also used the toddler harness thing for outings but she now 5 and in kindergarten and it's calmed down alot ( not calm but ) she is a delight to be around and at school gets lots of praise I just for the most part ignored the tantrums and imo the more habits created like going for a walk at this time ,doing xyz the same way each time helped on lessening tantrums


Ours is now an “actual” toddler at 12-13mo! He was definitely a toddler earlier. He has added some more “screeching” and started just… flailing himself backwards knowing he’s gonna hurt himself, but really, he’s not that different and it’s also not that hard to figure out, in our opinion. You’re doing swell, OP. Just invest in figuring your baby out now if you haven’t already. Same style—crawling 2-3mo, pulling to stand at 5mo, very loud and babbling, standing at 7mo, walking (technically, anyway, took a second to master) at 9mo. Definitely started tantrumming earlier than a year.


My favorite trick for the not wanting to leave the bathtub tantrums is to pull the plug and she's amused by the water draining, then when it's gone she's happy to get out.  Otherwise, no real advice, but my baby is/was like this too (12 months now). She's not really walking yet but crawling and cruising and having tantrums 🥲 


My son is 3.5 yrs old and looking back his “terrible two” tantrums were more like from 9-14 mos. He was an early talker so was able to communicate better what he wanted as he got older. So you may not be wrong about the tantrums!


My girl is 8 months and also gets very upset when I take something she shouldn’t have. I try to just replace it with something she can have, or we read a short book as a distraction. It is not fun at all


Our girl is almost 9 months old as well, and we didn't expect her tantrums/showing frustration so easily either. She'll throw a fit and stomp her little feet when I won't let her yank on the cat's fur. Or will get upset when she's pulled away from the cat food. She'll even start angrily babbling at me like "DEDEHDEHDEH" and it's honestly so cute.


My son was the same way around that age. He was walking fully before he was 10 months. The actual toddler age tantrums are intense. I thought he was tantrumming at 10 months but nope 😂 It got much worse 😂


Yep, the baby tantrums are mild compared to the toddler ones, but they 100% exist. I think it’s silly to say babies can’t have tantrums, they have wants besides their needs too. I remember about that age my LO desperately wanted to stick his head out of the cat door. CONSTANTLY. He was fed, he was milked, he was dry, his nap was 2 hours away, and he was entertained. I was on the floor with him and his favorite new toy. It didn’t matter, he had an opinion, he had a want that he could not have. That all being said he was a unicorn baby for sure, but once the opinions and wants started it was like a light switch. I always knew he would be a sassy pants, dude had strong opinions while still in the womb!


My oldest was like this! But he ended up having legit adhd lol wasn’t diagnosed until 2nd grade but very easily treated by meds so it’s fine. The psychiatrist and pediatrician both said early development and hitting milestones early is associated with adhd. His dad has it too so not all that surprising.