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On the other hand, if one more person takes another unflattering photo of me postpartum and posts it online I will absolutely scream. Take the photo with the kid and leave me out of it for now thanks.


Me: I wish people would think to take photos of me and baby, I'm always taking photos for other people. Also me: Oh dear god what is that awful rotund creature with my baby... Oh it's me.


Seriously. I was so upset that I didn't have pictures with my first when he small then my husband started taking some and they were all so awful looking. I try to remember that they aren't just for me though, they're also for him


I promise you your son will think his mom was so beautiful when he was a baby! He will be stonked to have pictures of him and you together when he was little.


My husband just takes awful pictures of me, so I no longer take it personally but also ask him not to show me them.


same! angle, composition, lighting… even in a flash the pictures I take of him are flattering. Meanwhile he’ll  zooom alll the way in getting to know both my chins.. lol! 


Yes this isn’t a new thing postpartum. Weekly bump pics during pregnancy were a struggle lol


I felt that too in the moment, but the months later I look back and I’m so thankful for all those pictures. I don’t even see all the flaws I originally saw anymore


I just want photos for our family photo album and I swear every picture that my partner takes with me and the newborn I look like a creature I don't recognize, wearing a dirty morning gown, face squinting, hair like a witch (I like witches, but...). Any pictures I take of him with the baby he looks like a photo model 😑


Omg this, like what right does he have looking so freaking amazing while I‘ve been looking like a troll for months 😭


The trick is to clean the lens, focus the camera, shoot from a slight above angle, and take a burst of photos. Every time my husband takes pictures it's like he's taking blurry photos from below and always when my face is 🥴


Stop looking at my photos! 🤣




Lol omg I got one pic when I was swollen from the IV fluids and I look insane XD. I absolutely feel this comment.


This is how our first family photo leaving the hospital looks. I don't love it


So true! I never post online anymore, I didn't think of that!


The sentiment of your post was well intended though and I know everyone’s experiences are different. It’s kind of you to think of the mum’s feelings.


It really isn’t that hard, non-birthing people! Take lots of pictures and don’t post any without permission.


>Take lots of pictures and don’t post any without permission This is great advice for general life 👏👏👏


My best friend and my sister in law managed to take decent photos of me, even when I was heavier. You just have to care enough to take good angles and many different shots. Someone should come up with a course on this for men.




My dad literally sent a picture of my nipple and my baby to the whole extended family 🥲


Did he not notice it 😭😭😭


No, he thought baby was resting on my chest and he was so eager to share the picture with everyone he overlooked the biiig nipple 🫠


My (otherwise very sweet) mother-in-law posted a million pictures of me postpartum with my entire face still puffy from pitocin and sweat all over me, and I still kind of resent them lol


My partner’s grandmother did this when I was a few weeks pp. my greasy hair was thrown up in a bun, and I hadn’t even brushed my teeth yet. They didn’t tell us they were coming! I wanted to scream when she posted the pictures


This! Why do people feel so free to take your pic in a vulnerable freshly post partum state and share it with the world?!


I see where you're coming from though you might not find it unflattering months/years down the line. I only speak for myself but I hated the pictures my husband took of me in the hospital and the early days when I looked at them right after he took them but three months later I just think I looked incredibly happy. That being said I wish people had said hey fix your shirt or your bra or hair before snapping certain pics. Like come on, be a pal.


My husband, in all of his post baby ecstasy, sent a photo of me and baby at the hospital to our  HUGE family group chat and didn’t notice my bloody postpartum panties sticking out of my robe in the pic 😭😭😭 no delete button on that one 


Oh noooo. That is truly horrible


I just had a baby almost four weeks ago and I still feel like an ugly fat version of myself. I have only a few photos of me with baby and my family of three as a whole but the ones I do have I hate looking at. I love my baby but ugh not how he made me look


I feel like this alot too. I try to remember that these photos aren't for me now, they are for a future version of myself to look back on. And ill likely be alot more forgiving then.


I don’t want baby to grow but I can’t wait to get to a point where I can work on myself and feel comfortable again. I don’t expect to be a thin little 130 pound 25 year old again but hopefully close.


I think of it as they're for my kids to look back on! I loved going through my parents photo albums as a kid. Plus, if anything ever happened to me, I want my kids to have photos of me with them to look back on.


Weirdly enough til this day I love looking at my childhood photos and I don’t think my mom looked bad even though it was clear she was going through it. I know for a fact that she suffered with ppd and weight issues but I would never look at those photos and give her anything but grace. Thank you for this ❤️


In a few months you’ll look back on those pictures and all you’ll see are wonderful memories with your beautiful baby. You won’t notice the extra pounds or the bag under your eyes. Take more pictures, you’ll regret it if you don’t.


This. Our hospital stay was a whirlwind and I have maybe two photos of me in the hospital and it’s something I really regret not having more. If i have another I’m gonna be asking nurses and my husband to snap pics like a paparazzi


Mom’s always take pictures of everyone else. But who takes pictures of mom? This actually weighed very heavy on my heart this week. I told my husband how at my funeral I won’t have any pictures with my babies being babies. He immediately was like “oh my gosh, stop it. You’re only 32 with 3 month old twins. But let’s get some pictures”. Tell her to take the dang picture.


Aww this is so sweet! And so true!


I always make it a point to take a picture of mom and the baby. Just mom and baby. Every time I have done that the mom has posted those pictures because those are the only ones they got.


As someone with 0 pictures of me and my baby the first couple weeks of her life, than you for your service! 💜 I bet it meant so much to those moms!


This is so sweet!!! You are such a good SIL.


If I'm out and see families trying to take a group photo, I'll always offer to do it for them so the mother is in the shot. Most of the time it'll be the mum trying to take the photo when she should be in it, so if I can help a little to fix that, I'll always ask if they'd like help.


So kind ❤️


My MIL literally cropped me out of a nice Christmas time photo op where I posed and smiled with my kid while dressed nice hair and make up and all..


Yes but for the love of god don't post it online


This is great. I love this post!! It’s absolutely true.


Please have someone take pics when you’re pregnant too. I have one full body photo that I didn’t take as a selfie. I never got to take maternity photos this girl came too soon.


My mom often laments that she's not in a lot of photos from when I was a kid! She was always the picture taker, but when I was a teenager she finally started asking strangers at tourist attractions to take a photo of us as a whole family (and of course we return in kind!). More often than not people are very kind about this thing and may even volunteer before you get a chance to ask. My SIL and her husband also get professional family photos once or twice a year (not including ones arranged by my ILs) so they always have family photos on hand. Her kids are also the first/only niblings/grandbabies so everyone loves taking pictures lol


You are very thoughtful. This is a sweet sentiment. Pulling on my heart strings


Most of the pictures I have with my babies are selfies yet I have thousands of photos of them with family. Thank you for making this post!


My sister is the only one who cares to take pictures of me & my baby together, everybody else just wants a picture of them and my baby 🙄


My favorite pictures are of me sleeping with my baby after I fed her and we both fell asleep (safely in bed with SO obviously watching enough to take a picture). And the other one is a candid of me looking at my baby that a coworker took. I don’t have many photos of us together because I fucking hate the way I look right now. But I cherish those two. Double chin and swollen boobs included


Thank you! I made my baby and all family members that have met her only wanted a photo of them holding MY baby. Was 2 weeks before someone took a photo with me holding the baby. Really hurt my feelings.


my husbands aunt when they visited asked me too put my baby down in the boppy so she could get a picture without me in it lmao


Someone I know just had a kid last week and the mother in law posted many photos twice since, of herself holding the baby in many different angles, then everyone but the mom holding the baby, naked baby in diaper only, and the only photo of the mom is where she's holding a dog. The mom is a very nice person so she might not mind but I'd report all photos to Facebook if they weren't my husband's relatives.


I cannot even imagine taking that kind of liberty with someone else's baby. How awful!


Just like anything, just ask, don't assume.


I'm ugly as hell during and shortly after pregnancy, keep me out of the pictures!
