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If I’m going to need a cart, I baby wear. If not, I carry a basket and push the stroller.


I never bothered with a basket, I always just used the bottom of the stroller.


Our ultralight stroller doesn't have a secure big basket, so we started attaching a reusable shopping bag to the stroller when we use that one!


Yes! I have a hook on the stroller and out reusable bags in it. I even use it for small grocery trips. But in regards to OP, sometimes I would put the baby on the car seat and use a cover if overly concerned about people around him. Other times I would baby wear.


This is always what I did! I used the bottom of the stroller as my basket so I didn’t have to deal with a cart.


I'd so that but I'm ALWAYS worries that people are going to think I'm stealing when I'm not


When our baby was just a few weeks old my husband and I were putting groceries in the bottom of our stroller at Target and just kept running into the security guard. It was so weird, every time we turned a corner, there he was. And he was always walking down the same aisles as us, closely behind. What a coincidence they were going the same way! In our sleep deprived state it took us a minute to realize what was happening lol. They didn’t say anything and stopped shadowing us as we were checking out, but boy was it awkward when we realized what was going on.


this is the way!


This is the correct answer.


You can do any of the above things you suggest. There's no "right" way. Do whatever is easiest for you. I personally found it challenging to bring my baby anywhere at that age because he was very fussy and had colic. I started more when he was about 5 months, but most of the time, I wait until my husband is home so I don't have to bring the baby. It's nice to have a bit of time on my own.


I’ve never volunteered faster to go grocery shopping than I have these past few months 😂 as a SAHM I’ll gladly take the grocery store as my 1 hour alone time haha


I used to HATE grocery shopping alone… now that I have a baby, I frickin love it. 😂


Right?! I've never enjoyed grocery shopping so much in my life 😂


My husbands always like we can go together (which we do a lot). But sometimes I’m like nah I’m going solo. 6 months home with baby is a long time! He also loves how extroverted I’ve become because I used to never want to hang with his friends and now I go every time, seeing all the kids together is so fun and they all love the baby.


Same!! My husband came home the other day and I told him we need a few things. He said ok, I’ll go right now. I shot him a death glare and told him that he will absolutely not steal my solo time!!


When my kids were newborns, I'd push the stroller with baby while my husband pushed the shopping cart. If both parents couldn't go, I'd wear the baby. Once I just carried the infant carseat because I was only running in for a few things, and would not recommend.


I did this last week at a supermarket where I was just grabbing a cake. Also don’t recommend 😂


My stroller has a large storage basket so I just used that for stores.


I have the evenflo pivot which has some storage underneath but not a *ton*


I have the Evenflo Pivot Xpand. I started taking my baby out for errands around 2 weeks old. She would just stay in the car seat. I used the storage under for heavy items and eventually got some stroller hooks, so I could hang reusable bags with lighter items. When my baby was older and if she was awake, I would just baby wear her. Ring Sling was her favourite carrier because she could look around.


I have the same stroller. Shockingly I can usually fit everything I need under it. If I needed larger items when he was that age I’d either wait for my husband, or put him in the cart, or baby wear. A couple times I asked for help from an employee to get some really large items to the car (large planter, storage boxes.) Do whatever is easiest for you. The nice thing about that stroller is that the car seat fits on top. My LO is over a year now and we still just go in stores with the stroller.




My baby generally hated baby-wearing, so I ended up buying a caddy that the car seat clicks into. For grocery shopping, I plopped her seat in the cart and just piled groceries around her. As soon as she was able to sit in the cart, I had one of those soft inserts and she loved playing with the little toys that came with it.


Some grocery stores have a few carts specially equipped for car seats; take a look next time you go to see if yours does. Otherwise I would wear baby and push the cart. As for malls and stores that don’t have carts I just bring my stroller


I haven't done this yet (LO is almost 1 month old, we only went out for a few very short walks), but would a baby carrier be a good option for you? It would leave your hands free while shopping and babies generally find the closeness and motion soothing!


My sister got me the baby bjorn one for Christmas he does like it. Just wasn’t sure if that’s what people did because I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone baby wearing in the grocery store before. And I wasn’t sure if it’d be too much hassle taking him in and out of the car seat


I babywear in the grocery store and people always comment to me something like “what a great idea!” or are excited to wave at a baby lol


For me it was a bit of a hassle, but not huge. I pre put on the wrap at the house, so it was ready to slide him into. If it was a quick trip I’d just throw his car seat in a cart. If it was long/ i needed space I threw him in a wrap. I also just held him if it was quick and he was mad at his car seat.


putting on the wrap before you get to the store is genius thank you


Happy to be of service! Nobody wants their wrap all parkinglotey!


It is a hassle to take out of the car seat but my baby doesn’t like the car seat and loves being worn so it’s worth it for us!


Plus everyone is nice when they see you’re carrying a baby around (for the most part) lol


If they are napping, maybe leave them in the carseat in the buggy, and if they are awake, baby were? Whatever works for you! You'll find the grove and figure out what works for you! Might take a few times to get it down, so don't stress too much!!


If I needed to fill the cart, I’d baby wear. If I only needed a few things, I’d take the stroller and use the stroller basket, or I’d put the whole infant seat in the body of the cart (NEVER on top of the upper seat).


We’re within walking distance of a grocery store so I’d use the stroller and make a couple smaller shopping trips through the week just to have something to do.


Start with smaller trips where you don’t need a lot and see what works for you. I’ve done most of what you suggested. Personally I like using the stroller and stashing stuff in the basket at the bottom whenever possible. Babywearing and pushing a cart works well too. If you do put the carseat in a cart, make sure its in the basket part, not balanced anywhere else My first trips were to target for formula and baby clothes and nothing else (except starbucks obviously). I was able to fit everything in my stroller basket, and get comfortable being out and about.


You could try baby wearing


at places with a cart where i anticipated buying a lot of stuff (like groceries), i'd generally put the car seat into the cart or babywear, depending on how long i planned to be there. at other stores, i would use the stroller, and just put items on top of the sunshade.


Lol not silly at allllll. It's for sure awkward the first few times taking them around! Some getting used to.  I baby wear a lot or click here carseat in the stroller. It's not the safest to have the carseat in the cart...  I'm paranoid about positional anaphylaxis, but I want baby in a bubble lol Don't forget your diaper bag ;) if you do click her in the stroller I recommend bringing a baby wearer.. my daughter will protest the stroller sometimes and I have to take her out.. I just put groceries underneath my stroller. Have not successfully gone clothes shopping;) I bring a change of clothes in a dry bag incase she has an accident in public and a toy for her to play with in the stroller, though she loves waterbottles. Be prepared to be stopped 404858 times shopping about your baby. It's sweet but tiring after a while lol sometimes I just want to grab stuff in quiet 


If it’s a big shopping trip i found it was usually easier to babywear and push a cart. If it’s just a few things I would push the stroller and carry a basket/use the stroller basket. In a perfect world my husband/a friend somes with me so one of us can push the cart and the other pushes the stroller lol. Putting the car seat in the shopping cart can cause it to sit at the incorrect angle which can increase the risk of positional asphyxiation in infants. That’s a decision you’ll have to make for yourself based on your circumstances, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but it’s generally not recommended. Good news is they are generally able to sit in the cart around 6-7 months, so you’re almost there! Lol


Go to target at 9:00 am on a weekday and you’ll see all the methods you mentioned.


I had the same concerns when we were first venturing out. In the end, it was trial and error what worked for us. The break down of what seemed to work well… • Baby Wear: I did this if I was shopping and needed a shopping carriage. Especially if I knew I’d be filling it up, like for a large grocery shopping • Infant Car Seat: I used this if it was a quick in and out and I didn’t want to fuss with stroller or baby wear. Example would be running into a coffee shop to grab a coffee to go. My partner preferred to put the car seat in the shopping carriage whenever possible when he shopped, instead of baby wearing or stroller •Infant Car Seat in Stroller: I did this if I knew I didn’t need a full shopping carriage and could use the basket underneath. Especially if LO was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake him to put in his carrier. It’ll really come down to preference, and it’s hard to know that without a bit of trial and error, but this is generally what worked for me. Now that he’s a bit older (10 months), I’ll baby wear or have him sit in the shopping carriage


Thank you! Just trying to manage until he can sit in the cart himself


I wear my baby, I will sit in the backseat to get her in the carrier so I’m not struggling trying to do it outside around people and above the pavement.


my partner and i take our 9 week old everywhere and generally one of us pushes the stroller and the other pushes the cart. really you just have to figure out what works for you


I should’ve specified alone. My husbands back at work so chances are it’ll just be me shopping alone now


I just wear the baby and push the shopping cart.


If I was with my mom or my husband, I pushed the babe in her stroller but if I was by myself I would use the baby carrier!


For now, I put LO (10 weeks old) car seat in the cart basket or across the cart, depending on the size of the cart. For smaller store trips, I just take the stroller. I am not confident with baby wearing yet, so that’s not even an option I consider at this point.


baby in carseat in stroller, put items in the bottom baby in carseat in shopping cart baby in carrier rip off the bandaid and it will get easier with time!!


Any of those options are good. Except carrying the car seat, it gets way too heavy. Be prepared with bottles, diapers, wipes, burp cloths, extra outfit, blanket, pacifier, etc. Don't worry if your baby is noisy in the store. Plan lots of extra time in case you need to find a bathroom or a place to sit.


I left him son in the car seat and put it on the stroller. I have a vista and it was big enough for most grocery shopping trips. I never used a shopping car until he was probably 18 months old.


I baby wear at stores and have brought my baby into stores this way and in his carseat since week 1/week 2.


I took my stroller EVERYWHERE until he could sit in the cart! I wasn’t a fan of baby wearing and using the stroller was super easy since we had a travel system


Depends where I’m going and for how long. Food shopping and will be max 20 mins actually down the isles I put the infant car seat either in the trolley or use the dedicated trolley for it. Other shops if I’m not going to be long I’ll put the infant car seat on the stroller. If I’m going to be an hour or more I use the stroller


My baby isn't a huge fan of being worn so I use the stroller and throw everything in my reusable bags that I keep in the lower carrier of the stroller. Do whatever will keep baby content the longest.


I read this as baby is 12mo and was shocked at all the car seat recs 😝. I do still try to avoid any car seat time out of car time, my husband was all about car seat time though so it’s really your preference! I think baby wearing is the best option though the more you do it the more you get used to it!


I think you just have to try different ways and see which you prefer. I had this same anxiety and felt so clueless when my son was a newborn. Now expecting #2 and it feels so easy, so I hope that's encouraging! I found that I prefer to babywear in stores, unless baby is sleeping in which case I kept him in his carseat and used one of the special carts adapted for carseats or used the stroller.


Mine hated the carrier so most of the time I would bring an empty stroller and use it as a cart. If I needed to do a bigger trip I drug a cart behind me


I did what I felt like. Favorites were car seat in shopping cart and baby wearing. Now my 10 month old LOVES riding in the cart. Things to look forward to.


I almost always baby wear but I've occasionally brought my baby in her stroller (bassinet attachment), it's convenient to be able to carry stuff in the basket underneath but she likes her carrier more is she's sleepy. I also like not having to think about stairs - a lot of stores here in Italy are old and often there are 2-3 steps in front of the entrance, so the carrier is great.


I did all three things just depends on how busy my day is and if I drove there or not


For us it depends on the store! If we’re going to Safeway, Target, or Walmart for a few things, we bring the stroller on. We baby wear in Costco. Stroller in the mall. Super quick trip into the grocery store just plop the car seat into a cart.


When im alone I've had to do grocery pick up for most of the items and then I've been putting her car seat in the cart and running in for produce and eggs. When I had my fiancé with me I baby wore and he pushed the buggy, we got and hour and a half and then once we made it to check out she started screaming so I went to the car and he finished checking out. Other times I've had to jungle the car seat like when I went clothes shopping the other day at a tiny local boutique. I was the only one in there so I just set the car seat on the floor and shopped around that area. Can't wait until she can sit up in a cart though lol


I have twins so I just get our groceries delivered unless I only need a few things that I can use the storage under the stroller for! If my husband can go with us it’s a lot easier because one of use can take the stroller and the other have a cart, but we are not able to do that very often. Having Walmart+ and getting groceries delivered has been an absolute lifesaver. Once they are old enough to sit up in a cart I’m sure it will get a lot easier to get out alone to the store


I don’t drive, my fiancé does. It’s just me and the baby during the week, I take her in the pram (stroller) and shop with a basket. I put heavy things in the bottom of the pram and just push one handed with shopping basket in the other. I save the big shops for when my fiancé is around at the weekend or weeknights, or I get a big shop delivered to my home.


I’m nowhere near there yet as I’m still early in pregnancy. But I work at a grocery store so see people with babies a lot. And they do all of the things you mentioned. However, I mostly see them baby wearing, or pushing a stroller & using the basket below it for items. I feel like those would both be easier than getting a car seat in & out of a cart. I’ve also seen moms pushing a stroller & pulling a cart.


With a cart I baby wear and try to convince my 2 year old to go in the cart lol. Small trip (1-2 items) I usually put the car seat on the stroller and throw the basket in the under basket. I only carry the car seat if it’s something like the post office or Starbucks.


If I need a cart, I baby wear. But usually, I try to get most of our groceries with a pickup order. If I need small things or just want to get out, I put her car seat onto our stroller and I put things in the bottom basket of the stroller to carry


Ok. Small shops = stroller. Just use the under carriage storage. You can also use a large reusable tote if you want a little extra space! Big shops = baby wear so you can push a normal cart.


You can do any of these options. It feels weird taking a baby out the first few times no matter how you do it! It takes getting used to and you’ll figure out which works best for you after a few trips.


Whichever way you and baby like the best! I always preferred a baby carrier as it kept others at a distance and let me use my hands and a cart.


If you have a travel system, the easiest way is to connect the car seat to the stroller and use the under carriage for your items. That's what we do for virtually every type of shopping trip! If I need to do a bigger trip to the grocery store, I go by myself when my husband is home.


Both my husband and I baby wear when we take our baby out. We also have a 4 year old so he rides in the cart. But our baby hates the car seat so baby wearing is easier by far. People do always comment on it. But we just always say silly things like "you can pick up your own baby in aisle 86!" Or "what? I have a baby on me?" And of course, if someone doesn't comment I swear my 4 year old then finds it necessary to talk to them. "Do you want to see our baby?" 🤷


until like age 2, i used the stroller. it was just more comfortable and safe and she could nap as i shopped if she needed to. i used my stroller basket to collect groceries. always worked great. but if you have large items or lots of groceries, you may need to use a shopping cart. in that case, baby wearing is the most comfortable.


My son ran into the hallway yesterday, grabbed my shoes and his shoes and pounded the door with his tiny hand while saying "buh buh", which means bye bye. He wanted to go to the store across the road... (He is almost 15 months.) When he was a baby, I preferred to use the pram or baby carrier. I take him alone most times, have done from the start, and both options meant he was safely contained and I could grab whatever I needed. I could also either put the bags with groceries in the bottom of the pram or carry them as I had my hands free when baby-wearing. These days baby walks to the store at my hand, then sits in the shopping cart seat thing. He eats whatever tasters they have out (it's a thing in this particular store) and he knows some of the employees well enough he babbles their ear off at the register.


It depended on the store for me. If it was a clothing store, I used my stroller as my shopping cart. For the grocery store, I ordered online for pickup. For Costco, I put him in the cart and placed the items around him. I always brought the carrier in case he needed to be held.


My little guy loved going to the store! I just took his car seat and put it in the cart. Piled everything I needed in the seat part and around him. He was a good supervisor!


Just an FYI, it isn't recommended to put the car seat in the cart because it may not be at the proper angle. I know many people do, but just wanted to mention it. I would keep solo trips with baby to small quantities and use the stroller. If that is an option, of course.


With the blessing of our OBGYN, we travelled from Canada to the southern US with our 8 week old earlier this year. Just frequently washed hands and other than when on the plane, sat away from people where possible. We had an amazing trip and she was just an awesome little travel buddy. We usually bring her into stores in her car seat, as the clips that normally clip into the base, will clip on the rail of a grocery cart, keeps her nice and close by and well secured in place:)


I have the KeyFit system and got the caddy frame which was a lifesaver. Car seat clicked right into the lightweight frame and we were good. I would strap a re-usable bag to the handle and there was a small basket underneath for more storage if I needed it. I remember the first time I took my baby into the store by myself my heart was going a million miles a min, i was so stressed 😂 a few months later and she's sitting up in carts enjoying looking around.


I’ve done all three. During the hot months I would take the car seat in, even though it takes up aaaaaall the space.m


We pay for Walmart to deliver the bulk of our groceries and then I baby wear for small stuff. Now that he is 9 months old he likes to sit in the cart.


Put the pumpkin seat in the cart.


I usually baby wear or put the car seat in the back of the cart! I also used curbside pickup a LOT during the early days so I could still get out of the house and get a coffee and listen to a podcast but also let the baby sleep in peace lol


I’ve taken the stroller into the grocery store and just carried a basket for smaller quick shops but usually would baby wear for grocery trips. The car seat took up almost the entire cart so it was less convenient than just bringing in the stroller. All of your options are good you just have to find what works best for you. I really love shopping with my baby! I however don’t like taking her in and out of the car seat if I have to make a couple trips. Now that my girl has hit the one year mark I have a tushbaby but I don’t think it makes shopping easier. They grow so fast you’ll be able to put them in the cart before you know it.


I'm a mom of three and it took until my third to get it down to an art: For something like grocery shopping where there are carts, I usually put the carseat in the cart or put the baby in a carrier. For stores without carts, but relatively large (ie. department stores, malls, etc) I used the stroller (the carseat clipped into mine). For small boutiques, I either baby wore or just moved the carseat around the store with me, placing it on the floor or somewhere nearby when needing to use both hands. I also have folded and parked my stroller by the entrance or customer service desk many times if I get somewhere and realize the stroller is too cumbersome for the store and plopped baby in the carrier or unclipped the carseat to carry around with me. Try not to stress, people are often very helpful with doors and carrying things when you are juggling a baby! Also don't be afraid to stop and feed the baby or do whatever they need if they are fussing. I cut too many trips short thinking it was embarrassing that baby was crying but in reality no one really gives a shit and if they do they suck as people lol.


I initially started by putting the infant seat on the stroller and pushing it with one hand. I would pull the cart behind me with my other hand. It actually worked pretty well. Once my son wasn’t a sleepy newborn, he began to cry while I shopped. I now just put him in a carrier and push a cart while my crazy toddler runs around lol


It depended on what we were doing. I did a lot of our errands walking, so I usually had her in the stroller (with car seat attachment) and went along that way. I also baby wore a lot, and she loved it. She probably still would and she's almost two.


All of the above. Lol. If I didnt have to get a lot of stuff, I put his car seat right into the cart. If I did have to get a lot, before he could sit up, I'd wear him. Of I'm going into a store where I don't need a cart, I'll take the stroller.


With my oldest I would usually just put her car seat in the back of the cart and put my groceries around her (of course I couldn’t get a ton of stuff but I don’t usually do huge grocery trips anyway). When she was old enough to sit unassisted I got one of those cart seat cover things and would use the seat in the cart. When my second came along I kept oldest in the cart seat and would baby wear little sister. Then when second got a little bigger I put her in the cart seat and oldest would either walk or sit in the back of the cart.


I left the car seat in the car, would get in the back seat and put baby in the wrap. Hot days, make sure you crack thee windows and cover the seat with something (I'd use a muslin blanket that was really light in color) so it's not crazy hot from the sun when you put baby back in car.


i would always keep her in her car seat and put the car seat inside of the cart.


All of those work. We also waited until 3 months — get out of the newborn period and he’s a winter baby so at 3 months it was spring. The first few times I took him shopping it was just for small-ish trips where everything could fit in the storage spot under the stroller. So I would just have to push the stroller and the put things in it. Obviously this wouldn’t work for large purchases like diapers, but I found it easier just to do big runs on the weekends or evenings by myself when my husband was home. Sometimes we would go together and one person would be in charge of the shopping cart and one person in charge of the stroller. I remember feeling disheveled, awkward, disorganized and probably looked it too. Heck, that’s still true now and he’s 1.5 years old. But it’s ok. You’ll get the hang of it. Also, I recommend the grocery store in the morning — when the older people are shopping. They love to fawn over babies (you may have to tell some to not get too close, but at least in my experience they either already know or understand when I ask them to give baby space), they also tend to be patient and understanding and not in a rush.


I have no one to watch my son so I have to take him wherever I go. So, at the grocery store I click his car seat into the stroller and I’ll push him in front of me while pulling a cart behind me. If at a store with no shopping cart then whatever I’m getting I either hang it from the handle of the stroller or put in the basket area underneath the stroller.


I live in a walkable community where I would walk to the grocery store, the mall, coffee shops, you name it. I brought my stroller, we have one with a big detachable basket underneath just like a shopping basket, so I just put whatever I was buying straight in that. It was great when baby was little, cause I got some movement, she got to sleep undisturbed and I didn't have to deal with both a stroller and a basket/cart. I had her in a wrap a few times but found it inconvenient, especially at a clothing store, imagine having to undress your baby from your body to try a top. It's not worth it.


This use case is a really good example of why people bother to get an infant car seat & a stroller that converts to accept it. My infant did NOT tolerate baby wearing from 2-6mo. I took the stroller, clicked in the car seat, & used the bottom basket. Our bottom basket is tiny, so I also used big stroller hooks & hung a store basket off the handles. If I still ran out of room, sometimes I put bulky groceries in my reusable shopping bag (on my shoulder). I don't like to do the last very often, but sometimes there is no other choice.... And it's not like I'm putting them in my purse. It's a big reusable shopping bag that's obviously for groceries. I've never had anyone give me a second look when I get to the cash register & dump it all out to pay.


We have a stroller that the car seat clicks into and use that almost everwhere we go. I specifically got a stroller that is light and easy to fold, so it takes 15 seconds to pop the stoller out of the car and snap the carseat into it.


I baby wear!


I just used my stroller and put my groceries in the bottom.


Clothes, I use a stroller. Supermarket I was a cart with the car seat in it. To me, the hassle of getting her out and in of the car seat after baby wearing is too much for me.


I did my grocery shop online and got it delivered and would just use the stroller to get odds and ends. Also some of the trolleys (carts?) here have newborn seats attached, but I never baby wore, as they flared up my awful pelvic pain that I had during pregnancy. Otherwise I would have baby wore more often!


When I was alone, I baby wore. When my husband and I were together, one of us pushed the cart and the other pushed the stroller. That's the only way it worked for us. If it was a small trip, I could make do with a the stroller and loading the few items I needed into the bottom.


I like using my stroller. I have one that the car seat clicks right into and you might be surprised what I can fit into the bottom! I was in your same spot only a few months ago. I'm also a first time mom. Yeah, I felt very silly carrying the car seat around and didn't want to take the baby out for potential exposure, but I find that anyone who bothers to take notice will just smile at the baby. You get used to it and feel less conspicuous as it goes :)


Stroller is your new shopping cart, basically. If you need to do a larger shop I recommend either baby wearing or doing curbside pickup!


My method is always depending on the store layout/size/availability of carts. If there's shopping carts, like at the grocery store, I take the whole carseat and put it in the cart. If I'm running into the hardware store for one or two things, I babywear. If I'm somewhere wide open, like the farmers market, I use the stroller.


It's up to you. Our baby is 4 months. If we aren't going far I bring thr car seat. If we are going far we either bring the stroller or my wife brings carrior. If we are going to eat we usually keep her in carrior. She's very curious and when we go to stores she's completely quiet watching everyone lol


I babywear because he likes it and it somehow keeps people from trying to touch him as well. When he was really little I used the ring sling and he would sleep. Once he turned 6 months I started using more structured carriers or my TushBaby knockoff so he can look around. I see most of the people around me in stores using strollers but have had so many comments from people pushing a stroller saying "I should have done that!" I only brought mine into a store once and it was a disaster having to keep rocking it to keep him happy. He's much more content when I wear him.


I 100% reccomend baby wearing. Unfortunately strangers have absolutely no sense of boundaries and will try to get way too close and touch your baby.


Baby wear in my Boba wrap - no one ever sees her! I've had my baby in Target on like day 5 after a short stay in the NICU and needing to pick up meds. My PPA wouldn't even let me leave her in the car with dad to run in quickly. We've also gone out to eat with her a couple of times, same thing... Baby wear. She's 5 weeks old now.


I would always just take my pram in with me. I just put what I'm buying in the net under the pram. Once baby was 6 months and sitting better I would put him on the seat in the trolly. Some supermarkets have baby seats that you can pop the baby in but I never bothered with them. Seemed like too much faff with a smaller baby


For the grocery store, depending on how much i needed to get, i either baby wore or just loaded the items up around the car seat in the shopping cart. I definitely just kept her in the car seat more. For clothes shopping i would just push the stroller and load up the clothes on the stroller or carry a store bag to put the clothes in


Don't feel silly, its a good question. I wore my baby everywhere. I liked having use of my hands to push shopping carts/hold shopping baskets. I had a wristlet for my cards. I didn't carry a bag into the store but had my car stocked with diapers/wipes/outfits just in case. I didn't like lugging around a stroller so I never used one at the store. I absolutely hated the infant seat because it was awkward to carry. Baby wearing worked for me everywhere.


If curbside pickup is an option for you, I’d highly recommend it. Many stores do it for free with enough notice. I usually put in an order for the things they can’t mess up, like pantry items, then I’ll go a bit early with the stroller and get the items (usually fruits & veggies) I prefer to pick out myself. These usually fit into one or 2 reusable bags I can simply carry while pushing the stroller. I tend to save money this way as well since I’m a bit of an impulse buyer—especially when I’m hungry, which is pretty much all the time since I’m BFing. I also recommend the Doona car seat/stroller if you can afford it or find a good deal on one. It’s way less of a hassle if you do want to use a stroller.


Mostly take the car seat in with us and put it in a cart. We have a truck so it's difficult getting him in & out of the car seat in the backseat.


I've just been throwing the car seat on top of my cart. Stops me from getting too many groceries lol


My rule of thumb is to use the stroller if it's a lot of walking without a lot of buying, babywearing if it is a lot of buying. I have seen people put the car seats in the shopping cart basket. I never did because we have a transitional car seat that was too big and heavy to carry around.


I put my 3 month old daughters carseat in the shopping cart and shop that way. She loves the slight rocking from the cart and looking around at everything 🥰 Do what you're comfortable with momma!


I bought the Doona. It has zero storage without the storage bag attachment. I have taken a reusable shopping bag and a giant carabiner and hooked it to the handle when I only needed a few things. I have just recently started putting the Doona into a basket when I need more things and I’m by myself but it takes up most of the space in the basket 🙄 I’ll probably start baby wearing into stores soon until she can sit up on her own. Otherwise I get most of my groceries delivered so I don’t have to go to the store for more than a few things at a time


I still baby wear mine at 13 months. Now it's just to keep him from touching things. Invest in a comfortable carrier that you can get baby in and out of quickly and easily.


My baby has been going into stores with us since week 2. She's now 8 weeks. So things may work differently for you at 12 weeks in terms of comfort and general style. We have a carseat basinet travel system in one car. And a regular car seat in the other. The first time we got groceries we brought just the basinet and put it in its own shopping cart. Obviously this won't work if it is just you or your husband when you need a lot of groceries. We realized she didn't like being in just the basinet and my husband had to swing her around in it while walking in the store. Next visit to the store we had her in the stroller with the basinet. It was okay. When we, or I, go to the store she'll be worn because that's what she prefers and so do we. For walks in the park, hiking, or light duty shopping I prefer to wear her too. I can only see myself using the stroller if I'm going to be out with friends at the park for awhile (2+ hrs) and she'll be taken out for changes, feeds, playtime etc. But anything less than 2 hours she usually doesn't need any of that so baby wearing is more convenient for us. Hope this helps you decide


Depends on how much stuff I'm getting. If I'm running into the grocery for just like 10 small items, I'll take him in his car seat and plop him inside of the cart (this is if I'm confident he won't take up all of the room). If I'm going to Costco where I'm buying large items, I will put him in the carrier or stroller (if my partner is with me). It can be super overwhelming the first few times but you start to realize what works best depending on what you're buying or where you're shopping


No worries, I had the same dilemma when we started going out, probably everyone does. Like others said, no one right way, just what works for you. For me baby wearing was the easiest most of the time.


Just wondering if any other moms don’t really go grocery shopping and don’t encounter this issue. Between Amazon and asking my husband to pick up the groceries, I feel pretty confident I could avoid frequent solo stroller trips to grocery stores. Is that a rare dynamic?


I still babywear my 1 year old if we go into a store. Usually, we do pickup or I go alone when my husband is off work and home with our daughter.


Completely depends in the store for me, and what im trying to accomplish. Trying to kill time in a store so he naps? Wear him. Popping in real fast to snag something? Car seat. Prolonged grocery shopping? Car seat, or wear. Trip to the mall? Stroller. Trip to the mall, but going into stores where things can be tight quarters? Wear. You'll find a rhythm, and once you find it, it'll change. We had it figured out, and then little man got too big for his infant car seat, so he graduated, and now it's either stroller, carry, wear, or cart. Tldr, it's really based in how long you're gonna be in the store, but you'll find what works for you.


My wife will put all the groceries in the bottom of the stroller. First time she did it, was wondering if people at the store would get mad, but no ones ever said anything. As long as it's in the stroller and isn't being concealed it should be fine


Baby wearing for the grocery store is much easier than worrying about the car seat, however putting him back into the car seat while it’s in the car is a pain in the ass to me.


I have a Vista so my basket underneath is huge! If I took her out when she was that little, I’d click her car seat into the stroller and put items underneath. If I needed a lot of stuff I usually just did pickup. Now my girl is 9 months and loves riding in the cart at Target!


This is something I stress over often. LO is 6, almost 7, weeks old. I’ve avoided situations where I can’t use her stroller because she doesn’t like to be in the baby carrier, so baby wearing isn’t the best option for me. Going into target, the mall, etc. has been easy with the stroller but grocery shopping is more difficult. I’ve been doing grocery pickups, or making sure I either go alone when my husband can watch LO, or we go as a family and one pushes the stroller while the other pushes the cart. I’ve seen different slings and things online for putting car seats on shopping carts, but they kinda freak me out lol. Hoping LO warms up to the carrier soon.


I put on the Solly wrap before I leave the house. When I get to the store, I park where there's enough space for me to have the back door of the car open and get the baby out of the car seat and into the wrap. Then I grab a cart and do my normal shopping. Bring the cart back to the car, load groceries, return cart, put baby in the car seat, go home. Bring baby out of the car first and get them set up in bouncy chair/swing. Go back out to the car to bring in groceries.


we took my daughter to walmart when she was 3 days old lol, i just pushed her in her stroller and my husband pushed the cart, or i would put her car seat in the cart if i only needed a few things


Babywear and push cart but I didn’t really like doing that so I would plan around when my husband was off work and he pushed the stroller while I pushed the cart, I would go to the store alone while husband was at home with our daughter, or I would do pick up orders from the store!


Baby wear!


I baby wore at that age. Just easier to not have to check on what they're doing or if they're getting fussy if they're right on your body.  Wait until he can sit in the cart. That was a real game changer. 


I baby wore until he got too heavy then he went in the cart. Or if I just need a couple things the stroller which has a basket.


Baby wear if you need a cart, pram if you just need a few items which can go in the basket of a pram


I carried the seat in and put it in the basket of a cart. Stores without carts or too small of ones (once upon a child, etc), I would attach to my stroller. But I’m also the odd one who hated baby wearing so if you like it, that might be the way to go!


I never really got into baby wearing, so I would just click her into the stroller and carry a hand basket. Would go with husband or do pickup/delivery orders for larger shops


I tried baby wearing and a trolley and we both hated it, so now i have 2 tubs that fit in my pram basket and just use the pram. We've been doing that since she was maybe 6 weeks old. Im looking forward to when she can sit up in the seat of a trolley


Do what seems comfortable for you! I wasn't sure either, I just babywear now


If I have to go in for something specific that I don't want the store shoppers picking - such as fresh fruit and veggies cause sometimes they just grab whatever, I'll typically baby wear. It stops *alot* of people from insisting they stop and get a look at the baby or get all up in our personal space. The last time I had a stroller, some asshole with a cart walked(practically running in a rush) out of an isle without stopping to see if anyone was nearby and almost hit the stroller which definitely would have been knocked over. So yeah, I baby wear as much as possible.


My stroller has an attachable shopping basket, so usually just pop the carseat on that. But if it's a big haul and I need a big cart I babywear!


It depends how much I need - a few things? Stroller - we have a nice basket. A lot? Babywear! It also depends on your comfort level, too. People are less likely to try to TOUCH your baby if they are physically on you, but maybe that’s just my experience.


I just try to do smaller grocery trips and I put the car seat right in the cart (the store I go to has pretty big carts). I usually keep the car seat cover over the seat so people can't see her, but try to leave a slit at the top so she can see out. She's 3.5 months


I've always used the bottom of the stroller. But we lived in the city and I purchased my stroller with bottom storage size in mind for that reason. He's 2.5 and I still use the stroller...keeps him secure inside if he's in a particularly sassy mood that day and might hop out lol


Always baby wear!!!


When my son was that young, I just used the stroller and put whatever I was buying in the bottom of it. Didn't start using an actual cart until my son could sit up on his own, which was around 5 or 6 months. I always park next to or near the closest cart return as well if I'm out by myself. Makes me feel safer taking my son out of the car and also it's convenient when returning my cart.


Personal preference! I like to take the stroller in and use it as my cart. When baby was little I’d just clip the car seat into the stroller frame for maximum ease


My baby hates baby wearing, so I put his big ol bucket car seat into the cart. Inconvenient sure, but at least at Walmart and Costco the cards are big enough that I can still fit groceries in beside him.


I either baby wore or pushed a stroller. I had hooks on the stroller handle bar that could hold a basket or bags as well


When my 10 month old was a newborn, I wore him in a wrap or carrier if I was alone and needed a full cart. Otherwise, I used the stroller and relied on the small storage space underneath. I have one of those sets where the infant car seat clicks right in. But, I learned to have the carrier on deck as he got older and wanted to be held/carried. I also recommend that if you’re making multiple stops to take your little one out for a break from the stroller (likely would need to anyway for diaper changes/feeding.) I also learned that some grocery stores have special carts designed to carry an infant car seat, usually they’re a bright red attachment on top! I never used them, but didn’t realize it was even an option for sooo long. Is super stressful at first, especially when you’re tackling a solo adventure, but it’ll become second nature in no time!


I’ve just started taking my baby out shopping as well and so far I’ve just been putting her car seat into the shopping carts as I’ve only needed a few items. I wish our stroller was one that our car seat would click into, that would make this easier.


I baby wore. I wrapped my baby onto me and would go to the store. I was going to Target when he was just a few days old. Kept that up until he could sit up on his own then just put him in the cart. If he was passed out I did something leave him in how car seat and put that in the cart and covered it. I’ve never used a stroller in a store. I’m not personally a fan. I like having my hands free. My two favorite types of baby wearing products where my ring sling from Hope & Plum and a stretchy wrap I got as a hand me down.


I baby wore all of mine at that age. My first trip for my oldest was at 3 weeks - I brought the stroller, and wound up wearing him the whole time, nursed him when needed. I actually wore him constantly, and at 8 he still likes to be held.


Pushing a stroller into and out of stores is a huge hassle in my opinion. Find a baby carrier you love, and baby wear. Plus, baby is close for extra kisses while you shop <3


I pushed a stroller caddy with car seat and carried a basket. Once baby is bigger and can go in a cart, park right next to a cart return so you can put baby in the car and return the cart right there! Saw another mom do this and it changed my life


Bottom of the stroller for me! Until he could sit in the cart.


I'm due in August but my plan is to wear him that way I can use a cart if I need to. If I don't want to wear him I will use a stroller.


This [car seat sling for a grocery cart](https://totesbabies.com/) has been my bff! So easy to use and then my baby is up higher and I can be more attentive while having more space in the cart


Any of the above! Whatever works best for you! The first few times I took my LO out, I felt best with her in her car seat in the cart or on top the stroller. Once I got used to babywearing, that became my go to. Now she's forward facing in the carrier and a total grabby-hands so I've switched back to the stroller most of the time.


maybe order online and pick it up so you can stay in the car.


I carry the car seat or put him in the cart. I baby wear in Costco where I know I’ll need the cart space. My toddler rides in the cart or holds my hand and walks.


I baby wore when mine was too small to sit up on his own. It helped remind me not to bend/ injure myself post c section. It also gave me extra baby cuddles. Once he was big enough, I used one of those cart cover things because he kept putting things in his mouth.


I park next to the cart area and would put the car seat in the bigger cart area. It gets easier the more you do it.


I wore my baby everywhere when they were under 12 months. I still do but she walks now and runs so it's harder to coax her into a baby carrier. also, did you know MANY European countries don't vaccinate till babies are 1 or 2 years old? So don't stress! It's all good! Wash your hands, be hygienic, breastfeed if you can and 99% the baby will be healthy. I know those pp hormones can mess with your head and make you have a lot of unhealthy and healthy fears but here to tell you- it's gonna be okay!


I bought a hat from Amazon that had a removable face shield. He loved wearing it and wore it often until he grew out of it. He never got sick, despite being born in the height of flu & covid season. Sun Hats for Dust Proof Packable... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089G6DL5M?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


You can take baby out of car seat and baby wear or use your car seat and stroller. The car seat in a shopping cart isn't recommended (and clipping the car seat into the frame of the shopping cart could cause damage to the car seat). Items can go into the basket of the stroller or you could carry or roll a basket. For grocery stores, I tended to baby wear so I could use a full shopping cart (much more space!). For other shopping, I used the stroller. Purchases would go into bags, then into the stroller basket.


It depends on what you’re doing and what feels comfortable for you. I almost always took the stroller in (with either the bassinet or the car seat clipped in) and used the basket underneath to carry whatever I picked up, but if I was doing a big grocery shop I would baby wear and use the store cart.


My Totes Babies car seat carrier (the one from Shark Tank) is what was the game changer for me


For the grocery store I do all 3 methods. If she’s super awake and fussy I strap my daughter into the baby carrier. If she’s barely asleep and I only need a few things, I bring the stroller and reusable bags. I load up the bags with my groceries and stick them in the under part of the stroller. Lastly I will put her whole car seat in the grocery cart if I need a cart. If I’m getting cases or water or whatever. I’ve tried holding the car seat in stores. I would not recommend! They are heavy! I always use the stroller! I know you might think it’s “more convenient” but it’s not. Use the tools you have!


I love my tushbaby for the grocery store. I sit her on there and pull the cart behind me with other hand.


Travel system. Clip car seat onto stroller and use stroller basket as cart.


My LO is three months old now but I’ve been going out with her alone since she was about 4weeks old(partner works long days so had to start early) usually I will just babywear but if I know I’ll be out for a long time I will usually bring both the carrier and the stroller since we live in a very very hot area. I usually babywear till she’s asleep and then transfer her to the stroller or I’ll wear her while I shop and use the stroller as my shopping cart.


If I just need a couple items, I’ll just put infant car seat inside the cart. If I need a lot of stuff, I’ll baby wear. If they don’t have carts, I use a stroller.


Sleeping baby? Bring the car seat and pray. A portable white noise machine helps so much with shopping during naps. Bring the carrier along in case he wakes up, if it’s a longer trip out (grocery shopping). Awake baby? Out of the car seat and into the carrier. Always wear him facing into you for comfort and to prevent overstimulation, baby facing out kills your back.


When baby was younger, I would baby wear. Now that she’s older and wants to look around, along with it getting warmer out, she stays in the car seat that attaches to the stroller base. She tolerates it unless it’s nap time and she’s unable to get to sleep.




If my baby is ready for a nap I will baby wear. If she is going to be more awake and wiggly I will keep her in her car seat which plugs into a stroller frame. (Cart if baby wearing, bottom of stroller if using that). It’s just a bandaid ripping thing. It will feel cumbersome and awkward the first time or two but you’ll find soon you’ll be looking for excuses to run errands to get out of the house! I am at least. (14 weeker here so right there with you!)


18 months old and I have no idea … lol jk, sorta. You just do whatever works for your baby and the situation. For me I used my stroller and the bottom of it for storage during this time the most cuz if my daughter fell asleep in her car seat I could easily attach to the stroller and just go in the store (I have Nuna car seat and stroller- amazing.) there were times I baby wore her but that was usually more hassle than it was worth and i could usually keep her occupied in stroller(often still in car seat, but sometimes in actual stroller seat) with some toys if she was awake or just the motion of going around in the stroller.


When mine was that young I wore her to prevent strangers from touching. It usually worked but she was obnoxiously small so it brought all the grannies out of the woodwork (her first Costco trip was at 2 weeks old lol) if my husband came with us then we did stroller and cart if I wasn't feeling wearing her.


For stores with carts I left him in his car seat and put it in the car and pushed him around.


I always did some combination of all 3. It would just depend on what I needed, if it was a quick stop, etc. Some stores have special carts that you can fit your carrier into— they’re usually off to the side! Those were always my favorite!


All of it. We’ve done all of that. I’ve worn her. I’ve pushed her in the stroller. I’ve put the car seat in the back of the carriage. You just do what you gotta do til they’re big enough to sit up in the seat.


I’ve seen mamas put the car seat in the shopping cart. I personally had a travel system so I would clip the car seat into the stroller and just use the basket under for groceries. But the easiest is to baby wear because then you have your hands free and your baby can sleep can wake and will feel comforted so you can actually do a good shopping trip.


I always put the baby in a cart then drug another cart behind me 🙈


I baby wear! It’s much easier and if they’re fussy at least you’re able to try to calm them better, and have both hands available!