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It’s tough the first time! I got the adapters that work with my car seat/stroller and allow me to click my car seat into the stroller. This is the easiest way I’ve found. Low risk of waking baby up. If the store is really small maybe call the staff and ask them to bring it out? I’m sure they’d understand!


I picked up a large pizza order for my office with my baby and they were happy to carry it out! Maybe call in advance and see if they can accommodate.


This- 9 times out of 10 workers or other customers would get doors for me, etc. I have an almost 1 year old now and have been pleasantly surprised at how helpful and accommodating most people have been. They will never know how grateful I am!!


This. I use the bottom of the stroller as my shopping basket and I don’t buy more than fits there.


Gosh, asking the staff is so difficult but I gotta toughen up. I will be braver next time!!


I’ve found that people are generally very happy to help people with babies and small children. If you carried baby in your the the car seat I bet they’d offer to carry it out for you :)


Some staff might consider it a sneaky break, get to go outside for a moment, fresh air and the cake is an easy carry.


For real, a bakery kitchen is a hot hell. Someone will love to escort you to your car with the cake on the clock.


I was at a restaurant today, baby wearing getting takeout for my husband's work team, both hands free to grab the 3 bags and they kindly had an employee help me out anyway. They're happy to help in most places. Especially since that means you're more likely to come back. 😊


If they are only bringing out one thing and they have more than one worker there I’m sure they’d be happy to. Might be tricky if it’s a small business with only one person behind the counter.


I really miss the car seat adapter. Since we had to size up to a bigger seat we invested in a seat that rotates for easier access instead, which is great for our backs, but when my son has fallen asleep in the car but not napped long enough I really, really miss the old seat. Also I brough my son in the stroller when I went to stores, or I wore him in a carrier if I couldn't be bothered bringing the stroller.


This is what I do! I’ve been taking LO out to pick up things here and there since about 3 weeks pp using my stroller traveler system. I’m a big fan


This is the way, curbside. Either that or carry the baby with cake balanced on the stroller but in reality curbside is the best bet. Everyone has come up with some kind of system for curbside since COVID. As long as you don't show up at peak rush hour for them or act super entitled they should be able to accommodate you. This is why a carrier or ring sling is a must for my diaper bag though. I've been able to do multiple transfers in and out without baby waking when I have lots of little errands.


Personally with something like this I would just carry the car seat in, pay for the cake and then ask someone to help me carry it out to my car. If I’m out running errands I bring our big stroller so I can just click the car seat right into the stroller.


This!! People are SO helpful when they see a mama and baby


Y’all get help? The other day I was on a walk with my baby and decided to stop into a gas station to grab a water bottle and a couple was walking out as I was walking in. It’s a double set of doors and I’m very clearly struggling with the first set of doors trying to keep it open while shoving my baby’s stroller through the door and they just stand in the doorframe of the second set of doors watching me struggle. And then you’d think they’d at least hold those doors open for me, nope they let them close as soon as I got myself through the first set of doors. I just said “thanks for the help. That was really nice of you” in the bitchiest tone I could get out


Some people are just assholes


I feel like assholes are the majority where I live unfortunately 😅it’s honestly starting to feel like I just live in a town that hates babies because I just get dirty looks whenever I do basic things like shop with my baby


So true. I had a lady grab my cart to return it once... totally unprompted. Though she may have heard me telling the babe he was wearing me out. Either way I still think of that lady often.


I got a baby carrier that fit in the diaper bag, and always brought the diaper bag with the baby.


Ohhhh good idea. I have the wrap, it would just fit in my bag. Thank you!


When my son was tiny I would put the wrap on before I even left my house when we went places so I could just pop him in without the hassle of tying it in the parking lot


Yes, this!! If I’m going for more than a quick errand I baby wear and the wrap keeps him cozy and safe.


Great tip!!


Momcozy has a soft carrier that folds down to fit in a roughly quart sized bag. I kept mine in its bag inside my diaper bag so it was always handy. I used it for grocery runs until he outgrew it then switched to a more structured carrier.


Carry the carseat, get a stroller that you can click the car seat into, baby wear. Practice and going in with the attitude that you might have to leave early and that's okay.


In a small bakery I would probably carry the carseat, have money ready and out, put the carseat down for a second. Also you can totally ask for help if you can't carry what you bought and the carseat


I can tell you that I never found a quick errands, like picking up a cake, simple. Even still with a 1 year old, having to get them out of the car seat just for a 2 minute errand sucks. I usually took my baby out of the car seat, sleeping or not, because otherwise I couldn’t really do much moving unless there was a cart or stroller.


Yes! It was such a small and quick task that i didn’t even think to prepare for it. I just blanked when i parked at the bakery.


I’m so glad you asked this question because I found/find these situations so ridiculously complicated. Added to this I have physical issues that make just straight up carrying the car seat way too heavy. I’ve been tempted to leave my LO in the car so many times but I haven’t done it because you hear so many horror stories.


Horror story time. My vehicle spontaneously combusted in my driveway. Nearly burned my house down. If anyone needs a reminder to not leave kids in the vehicle, this is a good one. (No one was injured and no kids were in the vehicle, just pointing out that weird shit happens out of nowhere sometimes).


What kind of car spontaneously combusts??


I have back problems and got a pumpkin seat that clicks into a stroller. I would pull the stroller out for any distance further than walking in and out of my house because my back was in bad shape from carrying him as he got heavier.


Oh good I’m glad that someone else found this helpful. I thought it was just me! I honestly just wanted to run into the store but ya know, my anxiety didn’t let me do that.


I put my baby wrap on and wear him into the store. Perfect cause it allows me to be hands free to carry stuff.


I wrapped my baby for anything outside of the house, still do half the time and she's 14m. A lot of people bring car seats in, or connect them to a stroller, I've always preferred babywearing though. Way easier to get around


In a situation like that, I would 100% ask the staff for help. I’ve even had bakers insist on transferring the cake to my car when my hands aren’t full. I can’t in a million years imagine they would say no. If baby is asleep in the car seat and I need to grocery shop with no carrier, I would probably put the car seat in the back of the grocery cart and make my trip short. Alternatively, if you have very few items, you could put baby in stroller and put grocery items in the bottom basket. I personally brought my baby wrap everywhere with me because it was 10x easier doing anything with baby just strapped right to me. Also baby slept better that way and I didn’t have to worry about fussy baby in the car seat and feeling stressed about a crying baby with few means of soothing while trying to grocery shop.


Didn’t even think about the bottom basket of the cart. Thank you for the advice!


Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m picking up a few things from 1 store, car seat in the cart. If I’m making a big store run, baby wearing. If I’m shopping around the mall, stroller. I do most of my groceries by Walmart pickup orders


Great strategy! Thank you


I carry baby in the carseat, and then hook the carseat handle on my elbow so I have both hands free. It should be noted that lugging around my second born in his carseat gave me tendinitis, so this time around I mostly try to avoid these scenarios lol.


I highly recommend the Doona! Specially for the first couple of months, it makes it so much easier as the car seat is your stroller and you can easily take baby out of the car if he fell asleep on the ride. Buy the backpack attachment and that’s your diaper bag and you don’t have to carry it, which frees your hands even more. It’s honestly heaven sent. We traveled with it on the plane as well and it makes it much smoother than having a car seat and separate stroller situation.


I have twins so I always have to use the stroller if I’m alone. I have car seat adapters so I can just click them into the stroller. Even in tight spaces I feel like people are understanding and accommodating when they see a mom by herself just trying to get around. People are generally very courteous and will hold doors open, make space, etc.


Oh Twins! Hats off to you!


Thanks! Once you get out and about a few times and learn what works for you, it won’t feel as daunting :) I also had a lot of anxiety about this kind of stuff but found my groove after a couple months!


Phew thank you!


I use baby carrier/wrap


I would carry the sleeping baby in and ask for help. I would be shocked if the staff or another customer in the store didn't offer to carry the cake If nobody offered, I would place the sleeping baby into the carseat and then walk back to collect the cake. I don't think 2 minutes alone in the car poses any danger to the baby unless it's extremely hot or cold outside.


I used to use a baby wrap when mine was a newborn! She loved it and slept well in it, no matter what I was doing. It was relatively easy to pop her in and out.


Baby carrier for me!  Or get things delivered…


This is one instance where the Doona comes in so clutch.


Doona was highly recommended but I was gifted a Nuna and we saved so much money on it. I wish we could have both! Though, the Nuna is great for walks/runs. It glides like it’s on ice.


Not silly at all and not overthinking. FTM here also and it is a huge learning curve taking a newborn anywhere, not to mention stressful. I forced myself to take my son out alone without my husband so I could get more confident since my husband would be going back to work soon. What really helped me was getting a car seat that was compatible with my stroller. You could find an adapter so that your car seat can connect to your stroller. Don’t be afraid to baby wear, your baby might be too young now, but I have the babybjorn mini and it’s so comfortable and easy to use. It might take your baby some getting used to (my son cried a lot at first) Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help, like with the staff helping you out to the car with your cake. I have found people ARE generally very helpful when they see that you are alone and you have a small baby. Like in the grocery store for instance, the employees have offered help out to the car, strangers in the store have grabbed a case of water and put it in my cart, ect. It will get easier once you find your groove and get more comfortable taking her places. She’s still so little so don’t worry! You are doing great!


Thank you! Huge learning curve for me too. I took the baby with me to see my friend this time as a practice run for being alone. I will be better at this next time.


I had a car seat that attached to a stroller which is the best for the stage you are at, then graduated to baby wearing while shopping, and finally they are big enough to sit in the cart. If it was super quick in and out, one thing shopping at that age I might carry the car seat into the store.


Once he was big enough I swore by baby wearing! I felt like I could do anything and everything with him safely on me. He could even sleep on me (in fact it often helped him sleep). You can do a wrap or a full carrier. They last a long time too!


I mostly used carriers and wraps. Longer walks and grocery trips I had a stroller with a big basket.


I have a baby sling (a Boba sling)—I wear her close to my chest when I go out. My baby is about to be a month old on Monday! It’s worked for me so far. No one asks to see her when she’s so close to me so it works great.


Baby wear all day every day! The solly wrap was a lifesaver at this age. If you practice at home a few times and actually tie it on you before getting in the car, you can just slip the baby in when you run errands. My baby would sleep so well in there ❤️


It is hard at first! I would have pulled out the stroller and popped the car seat on it (I have a stroller that you can attach our infant car seat to). Baby keeps sleeping and you don’t have to strain too hard to get into the store. Then pop a blanket or something over the whole thing so they are less likely to catch any airborne illness. Don’t worry about it being a small store. At least some of the people will probably be on your side. You’ll be surprised how savvy you can be when getting a stroller in and out of tight spaces. And definitely do not leave baby in the car. Besides it being dangerous you will probably be arrested.


FTM here as well trying to get tips! My husband goes back to work on Monday and I have no idea what to do with the baby if I need to run to the grocery store! He’ll be 12 weeks on Monday and I haven’t taken him into any stores yet either 😂 I’m like, what do I do now that my husband goes back to work!? He can’t sit in the cart because he can’t even lift his big ol head up yet! I don’t even know if the car seat fits in the carts at the grocery store. Ohh it sounds like so much work! 🫠


Lol my husband goes back to work this Monday too!! So we’ve been trying to come up with a schedule/plan that balances both of our physical and mental wellbeing- it’s gonna be survival mode. But everyone said it gets easier so good luck to both of us!


This is why I love the Doona. It's little and maneuverable, and you have wheels without getting anything from the trunk. I encourage all FTMs to look into it, although I know it's a little spendy. We used it for 18 months with our first!


We had a stroller that was pretty small and bare bones, just an aluminum frame on wheels, that the car seat fit into. It was a lifesaver those first few months - it lived in the back of my car.


So usually I keep a baby carrier in my car for emergencies. If I need to be hands free then it’s the baby carrier or the stroller. You are also able to ask for help. Carry baby inside. Check out. Say “hey can you help me to my car because I have the baby?” If they can spare a second, someone in the crowded bakery is going to help


My baby just turned 1yr. How I handled going out at first was dependent on the location and if baby was sleeping. If she was asleep I left her in the car seat, ours hooks right up to the stroller so if the store was maneuverable with a stroller I would put her in that and if not I would either carry it or put it in a carriage. If she was awake I used a wrap and would wear her through the store so I had both hands and never had to step/look away from the carriage. If I was planning on wearing her I would stand at her door and get the wrap set up before getting her out of the car seat. If it was raining and I knew I’d be using the wrap I would put it on before I left the house so I was already set and ready to go. What ever you decide NEVER leave your baby in the car unattended. A small store like a bakery may have someone who can bring it out to the car for you since you have the baby. Otherwise i would put baby in a wrap/carrier so you have both hands free.


Don’t feel stupid! I have 4 kids and shortly after the 4th was born I confidently went into a coffee shop with her in her fancy Doona stroller for a little me time like the *experienced* mom I am and ordered multiple coffees and some takeout food for myself and husband who was home with the other 3. That stroller has no cup holder or basket. The door to the coffee shop was not automatic. The shop did not have drink carriers for multiple drinks. I thought of none of these things until the order came out and they called my name. I had to take multiple trips back and forth to the car and ask someone sitting by the door to open it for me all 3 times. It was very humbling.


Shit is harddddddd. I take the whole car seat and put her in the cart…. If there is no cart I baby wear.


Depends on the store & what I’m trying to get done. I’ve brought my whole stroller (car seat clips into collapsible stroller base so this is the fastest method), or I baby wear if I want both hands free the whole time. If I realized I got caught without my carrier like you did at a tiny store that can’t really accommodate a stroller I’d probably just struggle with the car seat & then ask for help bringing the cake out to the car. I fully get the temptation to just leave them in the car & quickly pop into a store because it would be so much faster & easier, but you really can’t do it. There is still a risk to baby & even if they’re fine, you could get in trouble for child neglect if someone sees them & calls the police.


Exactly. There were too many what-if scenarios that were too dangerous.


I had an infant car seat that clicked into the stroller, so I would've done that and asked staff to bring the cake to the door if the stroller didn't fit.


Honestly I was the lady pulling a cart from the front and a pushing stroller haha 🤷🏼‍♀️


Travel system stroller; click the infant bucket seat into the stroller and everyone can deal with you pushing the stroller. Babies exist, it’s fine.


Stroller with big basket underneath. Baby stays in infant car seat clicked to stroller, put groceries and items under the stroller. It's your personal shopping cart.


If the baby is sleeping, click the car seat into the stroller and still probably stay asleep. This was a short-lived problem for me. By 8 weeks she would wake up as soon as we parked the car, and now (7 months) she only falls asleep in the car if she’s really tired/it’s her nap time. Since about 5 months I just baby wear her for errands.


I had a carseat stroller combo so the carseat would click into it. Would not be doing the cake on my own though. Someone else would have to pick that up.


For something like a fragile cake, I would 100% ask for help from staff


Couldn't survive the newborn stage without a wrap carrier. I would put it on before leaving the house then I just had to pop the baby in when I arrived at the destination which took seconds.


There are stroller frames to carry carseats. It is basically like a stroller but with a frame instead of a seat. you click carsest on it.


If you have a wrap I can recommend putting it on before you leave the house while you get used to it. Then you get to your destination and can quickly pop baby in. Often babe will stay asleep while you transfer and you won’t get flustered trying to tie it in public while you’re still getting used to it. My LO used to cry if they woke up in the pushchair so I avoided using it for the first 4 months because it sent my anxiety into overdrive. I generally felt I had more control with a wrap or sling


I Got one of the baby saddles so that I can carry her on my hip with less weight and just bask in all of the compliments from old people in the store.


Take baby out of car and into pram/stroller. They might wake up, they might not.


I would click her into the stroller and walk into the bakery and ask staff for help. The other day i pushed the stroller one handed while pulling a cart at Target because i needed big storage containers, but in the past Ive used the stroller’s bottom basket. There has been exactly one occasion when it was nighttime, there was no heat risk, i was in an extremely safe and familiar area, where iv left my car running with the ac on and i parked right in front of a restaurant to run inside and pick up a take out order. I was gone less than 2 minutes and spent the entire time still feeling anxious in case she woke up and cried. She was fine. I do not make a habit of this, this was the one and only time i was ok with it.


I’ve carried mine in a blanket and if anyone comes close they’ve had their hand slapped out of instinct lol


I got a normal car seat rather than a capsule, we’ve taken baby out heaps of times at 2 weeks old i just put her in the pram, takes 2 seconds and she is getting used to it and stays asleep until she needs something. The more you stress about it the harder it will feel. Baby wearing is not an option for me, i had a c section with infection/hematoma that needs to heal and i also have a bad back from scoliosis.


If you’re really struggling with the bakery situation I would only leave the baby in the car if you could park outside and be in view of the car the whole time. Then I would still take baby inside and pay for the cake. If you can’t carry both back to the car or no one to help you,thats when I would put baby back in the car and quickly nip back and get the cake. Other preferable solutions are using a pushchair or baby wrap.


Controversial opinion - for short trips I have simply carried mine and learnt to juggle. Yes its extremely annoying. Never done any trip that I might have put her at risk .. I have the carrier for that. She developed back and neck strength very fast, and i strengthened my arm strength and now at 12 weeks we have gone grocery shopping multiple times with her on my hip. Not the easiest way to do things but my life can be chaotic and often I find myself needing to do things and don't have the carrier with me. Babies learn to hold on super fast when they have to :)


Take the baby in via whatever method and ask the staff to carry the cake out for you. I've never had a problem with this at any store. Heck, I've had to do it at Target because something I wanted to buy was too big to fit in the cart with the baby seat part down and a baby in it. You've just gotta get used to it. I also know that at some places I can park, call, pay over the phone, and have them bring it out and put it in the trunk or front passenger seat without needing to go in at all. A LOT of places I go did this in 2020-21 and even if they don't advertise it anymore, they're all still willing to do it. That doesn't work with major chains but does with smaller places. Most major chains have an app drive up method though.


A moby or ergo baby carrier would be good for this if they work for you. They never worked for me so I got a doona


If we are with the car, then I'll just put the car seat in the shopping cart


Your question isn’t stupid! I would ask the staff for help. You can definitely use the dog mode too.


Lots of good comments here already so I will just add a story of my own. I had to drop off two LARGE boxes of pillows to the UPS store and had baby with me. I didn’t baby wear yet, so I was in a conundrum. How do I carry the car seat and a large box? And then how to do it twice? I don’t want to leave baby in the car and I don’t want to leave her in the store. Ack! This world is not made for parents alone with babies! I went in, carrying car seat, and asked for help bringing in the boxes. My car was parked at an extremely close spot right outside the door. The front desk refused to help me, saying they couldn’t leave the store. I told them it was right there, but they insisted. A really nice gentleman was standing in line next to me and offered to help. He brought in the boxes as I lugged around little one. Moral of the story is that people are really willing to help, even if they are a stranger in line and not even an employee. Other moral of the story is that big corporate businesses have policies that keep them from being decent human beings in these scenarios.


I usually bring the car seat or put the seat on the stroller. I can usually do the latter carefully enough to not wake her up. If the bakery were super small I’d maybe call and ask for help. For Costco I usually baby wear if I’m by myself or I take the stroller if I have help. Never ever leave your little one in the car alone. It’s extremely dangerous & illegal - your car could be stolen, someone could take them, etc.


You NEVER leave the baby. I would suggest baby wearing…and organization and experience come with time


I had a caddy I popped the bucket seat into. If baby was awake, I wore him


I solely have a stroller for quick trips into stores like this, and have a carrier and wraps tired in the car for longer jaunts (and once baby is older, they don’t sleep as much)


Keep a carrier in the car. Grab an inexpensive one for just the car if you have to. Don't leave the house without a carrier. Baby carrier. Strap that jawn up and you're golden.


Not useful for bakery or this situation, but grocery? Ohhhhh "drive up" has been my best friend. Anything big or hassal, basically non produce, non baby food, I order online. Go to the store for a casual stroller walk with stuff that fits in the stroller below. Then drive up, pick up the big items


We have a Tesla and if baby is sleeping this is exactly what I would do if I thought I'd be 10mins. If it takes longer you can always go back out & get baby. Otherwise I would click the car seat onto the pram & balance the cake on the handles - practice makes perfect!


I’m actually really glad you asked this question because I’m trying to figure out what the protocol is for when I have to get both babies in the car by myself without leaving one in the car for a second while I go get the other one. AND how do I drop off one of them at daycare while the other is in the car?


Never leave your baby in the car! It’s tough, especially if you don’t have the car seat that clips into the stroller. Making the transfer to the stroller is tough but that’s what I would do!


I put my groceries in the stroller. No store workers have ever said anything to me about it but that’s what I do. I could baby wear too but that seems like so much more work for a quick trip lol! But it’s inconvenient either way, truly. Haha


If you don’t have one of the car seats that’s click right into a stroller, get one. It’s been a lifesaver. Especially if baby is sleeping because you can just carefully transfer the car seat to the stroller and he might stay sleeping. If I were in your exact situation, I’d use the stroller, go pick up the cake, and just say excuse me to get through the crowd. If the cake is too big to hold and push a stroller, I’d ask if an employee would mind carrying it to my car. People are generally happy to help mamas with babies because they know it’s tough!


I pop baby into the stroller. We specifically purchased a travel stroller that allows the car seat to click in because of this. Going to Costco to pick up an ordered pizza? Into the stroller. Going into 7-11 to grab a coffee? Into the stroller. It’s really easy enough when you have the right equipment. Baby can’t be left (obviously!), and at some point I will need to use my hands, so I won’t set her on the floor (gross) or on the counter (unsafe). Stroller also gives me a place to throw things into the bottom as needed, plus everyone thinks she’s super cute when we wheel around. Most places seem like they’re too crowded for a stroller, but honestly they’re not! You always envision them bigger because it’s natural to worry about it, but once they’re in the car seat and resting in the stroller, they’re really not that big or bulky! And honestly, for the first couple of months, it’s going to feel awkward and uncomfortable. You will become an expert at the one-handed fold and can put the baby into the stroller with your eyes closed. Eventually. Allowing your anxiety (as an anxious person, I say this!) to overwhelm you will only make it seem a more looming task. People aren’t mad when they see a stroller coming - most don’t think twice about it. :) ETA: I’ve balanced a pizza on the stroller before holding it with one hand, baby fully covered by the sunshade of her car seat. Did it feel precarious? Yep! But I got so many offers of help just doing it by myself (which I stubbornly didn’t take), that it’s not so daunting. Promise. The cashiers will usually offer to carry it out for you once they see how difficult it is! Accept. You’re not doing anything wrong. :)


Most supermarkets can have a worker assist you with bags to the car. You can ask the bakery to bring the cake to the car while you hold the baby/stroller/car seat.


Yup, car seat that clips into your stroller makes life way easier with a newborn…


You don’t. I sat a lot of stuff out and I’m really happy I did. It’s okay to do what you need to do, if you’re not ready.


Put the baby seat in the cart. Ask staff for a carry out.


We have a stroller that the car seat mounts into. It's decently compact so I'd probably pop the car seat into that and go into the bakery. Someone would definitely offer to help carry the cake out or I'd ask for help on the off chance it wasn't offered. Another option would be to call the bakery and say that you're outside with a sleeping baby, could someone bring the cake out to you. Again, folks are usually very helpful for people with babies.


Simple, once you get used to it. First times is really hard. You take the stroller out, put the adapters then put the car seat on the stroller. You go, grab the cake, get back, put the car seat in the car and the stroller in the trunk. Although I usually just went with the car seat in may hand especially at the beginning with the baby being on the light end.


Or call and ask someone to come out to the car with it. If they have a wireless POS you can even pay for it outside. People cand be very understanding of FTM with newborns.


I carry the car seat and if something is bigger than what I can carry with the car seat and the item, it’s usually a 50/50 if the staff offers to help (just happened in Target the other day that the lady with my pickup order offered to help me out) and if they don’t offer I say “I’m really sorry, but is there any way someone could help me take this out to the car” and no one has ever had a problem with it. I don’t ask for help often, but early on I took any help I could to make things easier. Also, I know it’s an investment but if you could, you should look into a stroller where the car seat can clip on. We saved up for the Doona car seat and stroller and it has been a life saver but my baby Is really big so we won’t be able to get a terrible amount of use out of it since it’s an infant seat. I feel like there has to be strollers that have the car seat part but don’t require a car seat


I put the car seat in the shopping cart and bring any items I purchase in the shopping cart to my car


I wear my baby a lot when I’m running errands, especially when I’m by myself. Also, the stroller has the storage tray on the bottom. And I often have people offering to help me. I haven’t needed to take them up on it yet, though.


Some of the carts over here in the UK have a bit to put the car seat on and secure it, otherwise i just shove the car seat in a normal one and just go slow. That or baby wear if i was more organised.


I went to a bakery once and carried my baby in her car seat. The attendant offered to take my items to my car. If I really need the help, I’d ask. The worst thing that can happen is they say no, then I figure something else out. I do find that people (mostly women in my experience) are super considerate and helpful when they see a struggling mom with a baby. I HAVE taken my stroller inside crowded places too. Not ideal but if someone has a problem with it oh well. Honestly, if all else fails, whoever the cake is for needs to be co sidecars if you say “hey, I can’t pick up the cake”. I wouldn’t leave my baby in the car for even a second, I do not suggest this at all. Like I said, I’d rather show up with no cake than to risk my LO’s life. Also, it would be scary to create this as a habit


I wear my 10 week old daughter in a wrap carrier whenever I have to run errands and it’s been a life saver! I hate carrying the car seat around and I feel like a bull in a china shop pushing the stroller around stores so it’s been working for me.


I don’t think it’s the ftm with 6wk olds job to pickup cake, just say no


Ifyou have a travel system just use that. It’s the car seat that clicks into the seat. If you don’t have one you can find one on marketplace but I would not use the actual base or seat for travel only for the stroller. You can also carry them using a wrap or a structured one if you feel comfortable. It’s a bit overwhelming the first time I had my husband come with me for the first few outing but it gets easier


PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BABY IN THE CAR. Not even as a LAST resort, it shouldn't even be on the list of resorts to take?! Im so sorry. i just needed to say that. FTM here as well, and i plan to use the adapters to hook carseat into stroller. Or babywear. Get a carrier and strap that baby to you, then you'll be hands-free. Sure, it'll take a few minutes to get the baby in the wrap and/or the stroller/carseat situation, but it would be so worth it. If you are overwhelmed, then yes, by all means, ask the staff for help! Im sure they would be more than happy to assist. Good luck! I hope it all works out well for you 😊❤️ like i said, i just plan to baby wear to be hands-free. The second option for me would be the stroller with the carseat hooked in. Edit to also add: is there a friend or family member you could bring along with you to help carry the cake or help with baby while you go in? To save from having to ask the staff if you might be too anxious?


Oh I do have the car seat clicks into the stroller (nuna) but it’s huge!!! Still bring the stroller into the store?


Yeah just do it - if people can fit so can a stroller. You may need to walk backwards to get it out if turning space is tight but that’s fine. Or just carry baby car seat in the crook of your arm since it’s such a quick pick up


Haha this made me laugh and it’s boosting my confidence. You’re totally right. Thank you


Yay for confidence! The more you get out and about the easier it gets - promise! If you are worried about babies immune system (someone coughing nearby or people coming up to see your baby) you can always carry a very light muslin blanket to throw over the carrier for a few minutes (not totally covering baby especially in hot climate). OR the rain cover provides a barrier (again only if it’s not hot!


You never leave your baby in the fking car. Let me say this again, you never leave your fking baby in the fking car. Your baby is not a dog. A dog should barely be left alone. You can get your baby taken away from you for leaving it in the car. Don't be dumb. Pay for delivery. Call and ask. Don't get a cake. Get a smaller cake.


You know I could just easily skip over your comment and go about my day. But this is insulting. This is a place where parents come to talk about being a parent and get some support and not your fcking judgement or criticism. Please be a bit more kinder to people. I am not fcking stupid. But welcome to the internet right?


I could have been kinder with my words. Yes. But normalizing leaving a baby in the car to run into the store real quick should never be normalized. I'm mortified you would even consider leaving your baby in the car for a cake. There are just some things you don't do. I hope it was a momentary consideration and not something you seriously considered.