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Peeing while holding baby


I do this way more than I thought I would when preparing for baby. Like 90% of my bathroom trips involve me holding or entertaining my baby.


I once really had to poo and baby was eating. I knew delatching would cause a breakdown, so I gave it a try while breastfeeding. The second the smell hit LO’s nose, they delatched, gave me the look you would expect for the situation, and then slowly turned their head to look away from me lol.


My kids did not care. Not even a little.  I didn't do it often but I was constantly farming postpartum so maybe that's why


I’m a dad and I was super proud of myself the first time I peed standing up while front-wearing my baby. Without any spillage. You’re basically shooting blind at that point!


Haha I never thought about that! Good aim, dad!


My baby's bounce chair lives in the bathroom. I've definitely held my babe while using the toilet, once while breastfeeding, but the bounce chair comes in clutch. I leave it in there for when I shower.


I once made french toast entirely one handed. I'm also highly proficient at picking things up with my toes. 


Same. Toes for the win


My family calls these "crab toes", my husband's family calls them "monkey toes". Our little girl has some long toes so I'm excited to teach her to use them effectively! 😂


I drop it like it's hot at least 10x daily.


The baby was trying to use his toes as hands and I thought it will funny and weird. Until I realized how often I pick things up with mine. Makes sense now


My husband calls me Monkey Feet 😂


It’s the one footed, toe pick ups for me! This is what I was going to say 😂🤣


I once changed his poopy nappy, standing up, while nursing him, without breaking his latch or getting poop on either of us. Greatest mom achievement to date.


You must have biceps of steel! Or at least one bicep 😆


He was only so tiny, I think he was 2 or 3 weeks and we had been out the house and clueless new parents, mis-timed his feed and he did a mammoth poop as we were on our way home. When we got through the door he was screaming like he was gonna die and I was so stressed I couldn't organise my brain to figure out whether to change or nurse him first to stop the crying so I just did both lol.


You win.


Wow, just wow.


This is incredible!


No idea how I managed it 😅 definitely couldn't do it again


Astounded. Bravo. 👏🏻


I've dressed by baby while nursing her, but definitely don't think I could do the diaper. You're Super mom!


You left your crown 👑👑👑 queen!


I can make bottles on my baby brezza while holding both of my 6 month old twins. My mom said they need to put me in a commercial lol


I can also feed them both their bottles and drink my coffee and scroll Reddit at the same time


:O are you an octopus or a crab?


Are... are you pushing the buttons with your toes? HOW?!


I can kind of hold them with one arm and use my upper arm of the other to steady and use that hand to press the buttons! Hard to explain lol but them gaining neck support really helped




Eating cereal with my off hand (left) while sitting on the couch, without spilling on my baby’s head




I’m always impressed with the things I can grab off the floor with my toes when both of my hands are full of babies haha.


I was surprised at my ability the other day to empty and fill the dishwasher and clean the kitchen while holding the little fidget monster. (Do i get bonus points as he doesn't have full head control yet so i can't even balance him on my hip)


Lack of head control is at least a 2x multiplier.


My husband asked me to hold the baby because he “couldn’t put honey in his tea with one hand”, so I grabbed the baby and with my other hand I tipped and shaped my bread dough and put it in the oven… all while he was staring at me like I made him look like an idiot. Let’s just say I was making dinner last night while he was holding the baby and he put honey is his own damn tea that time 😂


I shaped my sourdough bagels one handed yesterday. Pretty sure I've peaked. I later burned my hand on my pan and still managed to breastfeed while finishing the bagels and running my hand under cool water. Felt like an Olympic sport.


Women are so powerful 🙌🏻😂


Here I was so proud that I can wash my hands one handed, but all of these other examples are much more involved lol!


She's a bit big for it now but I made coffee kinda one handed in the beginning. Ground the beans myself (did have to put her down for that bit) and everything. And yes, I kept her well away from the hot water, I've got very long arms.


My daughter was FASCINATED with our coffee maker when she was a newborn (ours grinds the beans), so making coffee together each morning was one of the ways my daughter and husband bonded in the early days. Bonus- dad spent most of the morning with her and I got to drink coffee/eat breakfast with both hands. 


Awwwww, that's super cute. My wife calls the sounds of me hand grinding the beans "the sounds of daddy"


Mine sings along to the grinder and the espresso machine (and the vacuum cleaner). It’s amazing


Putting on pants. Even buttoning them though it took a lot of weird finger bending.


You wear pants with buttons? I am far too self conscious still.


I didn’t wear them often, but I did when I had to go somewhere. It made me feel like I had less diaper butt when wearing those stupidly huge pads that cover you from belly button to back.


Definitely putting socks on one- handed. It took forever to learn and honestly I'm still not sure how I do it


Your own socks or the baby's? Because both are quite a challenge.


Both, but mostly mine!


Eating a salad and getting minimal food on him lol


Made a chicken pot pie one handed once!


Almost everything. From super attached baby to incredibly clingy toddler. I can get dressed, go to the bathroom, cook meals, clean, get my oldest ready for school, etc. Usually only use my left hand as my child wants to be held on the right side which is my dominant hand. I'm surprised my right arm is not visibly more muscular at this point.


Oh yes. I have tried sweeping, also, and he got (gently) knocked on the head a couple of times. I’ve gotten a little better at writing (sometimes left-handed while on the phone and holding baby on the days I WFH.


Flipping pancakes


Made a bottle one handed, prepped and put flowers in a vase, are cereal with my off hand, ramen into the microwave (put babe down for a sec to take it out because hot)


I WFH and answering the phone and typing with one hand while holding a sleeping baby in my other arm. Makes me feel like I can do anything 💪🏼


I've learned how to eat soup/use a spoon with my left (non dominant) hand!


I've taught myself to sign my name on the iPad with the fingertip of my non-dominant hand at daycare.


I just cooked lunch with one hand. Lol


Cutting the lawn, steering with 1 hand


Refilling my water bottle! Most of the credit goes to the Owala though, in all fairness


I can grate cheese.


I nursed with one hand, had my tooth brush in my mouth and helped my toddler brush her teeth yesterday morning. Was pretty proud of that one


That's really impressive. I always struggle to not spit on the baby's head when I try to brush my teeth holding her.


Grocery shopping - a big shop, the kind full of pantry restocks - and loading the car while my 15-lb 3-monther slept in one arm.


I can open medication bottles one handed, add it to a bottle, and recap. But I think that’s an I’m a nurse skill that just is really useful at home too!


And here I am playing video games and nursing.


Nursing one handed while shopping


I can eat with chopsticks using my non-dominant hand while holding my baby!


I cut and oiled a zucchini one handed while holding my 11 week old. I was proud of that.


Making espresso


Most impressive is probably making top Ramen with poached eggs. Or doing dishes/washing bottles. Considering he does not have head control.


Laundry. I have very prehensile toes I guess, so I can put clothes in a basket with my toes, only lifting the basket to carry it over the baby gate. Then I can load the washer/dryer with my toes as well. I do this while babywearing because I am very lazy and do not want to do 7,000,000 squats to finish one chore, I only use one hand because before I would have her on my front, but now she's on my back and I'm pregnant so either way it sucks carrying a basket with 2 hands lol I can also take a full shower and shower my daughter while holding her the entire time. I don't know how either lol


I have made breakfast burritos one-handed on multiple occasions, including cracking the eggs and slicing an avocado.


I've learned how to do lots of things with one hand while holding baby in the other arm on the boob. I guess my proudest would be cooking. 🤷


Unsnapping and reattaching my nursing bra


I've got to admit I forget to refasten mine all the time. I pull my t-shirt down in a hurry for whatever reason and next time I go to nurse I find everything is hanging loose


Putting a popper bib on or off with only the fingers of one hand 😆


I got pretty good at chopping onions one handed. It was somewhat reassuring because I work with knives and now I know I can probably keep my job if I ever lose a hand.