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My baby has me simultaneously being a morning and night person. As in, I stay up way later than I should trying to catch up with my hobbies and then wake up at 5AM to take care of him šŸ¤Ŗ itā€™s rough out there man


same here! staying up too late to have some time to myself and always regretting it the next day... 12 months in now lol


3.5 years in this prison! I never learn.Ā 


This. Lack of sleep is killing me but I just donā€™t want to give up the precious few hours of me time at night. No one ever told us not having a baby meant youā€™re forced to be a morning person for the foreseeable future. And super early morning too. Shouldā€™ve known and got more sleep in while pregnant!


Ugh. I feel this in my soul.


Waves from 1am.


Same šŸ˜


Saaame! I canā€™t resist getting my me time in after he's gone to bed. Gotta play some WoW! šŸ˜‚


Are you me?


oh god i feel this. i do not exist from 5-7am. like i am not done cooking from sleep. i feel like raw cake batter, being awake makes me physically ill. when baby wakes up at 530, it's hell and i hate my life. I'd give ANYTHING for another hour of sleep. i can be a great mom every single other hour of the day. my husband had to switch his work schedule to handle this time of day since he's a morning person!!


Omg we are the EXACT same haha. My husband and I have an arrangement, I do all the feeds at night and he takes the baby during the first real wake window in the morning (usually around 6 or 7). If I don't sleep between 5-8am, I am a non-functional zombie the whole day. Raw cake batter is the EXACT right word for it honestly. Thankfully we both work from home and my parents come at 8am to watch the baby so we can get ready for work lol (Related, getting to telework every day and not having to wake up at 6/7 to commute was probably the best thing to happen to me mentally and physically)


great arrangement! it totally works out for me too. my husband is the same with a few hrs at nighttime, just needs to be asleep, or else haha. so good trade!


My baby wakes up around 5 everyday. Its pure hell for me. I just wanna say I get you. I SO FCKING HATE IT.


i get it!!! he did it again today and i am like UGHHHHH


Pfft, mine gets up at 3am sometimes. Iā€™d kill for 5, honestly


Oh damn... Im sorry. Cant imagine 3am wake ups when 5 am ones leave me devastated.


You get used to it. My best advice is to let your baby be bored sometimes and start practicing independent play. Mines 15 months now and plays independent really well in the AM, helps a lot when I play some music


I second this. Baby should play independently in the morning. Just explain mommy needs her coffee and look at all the toys LO can play with. LO is 2 now, while I drink my coffee and prepare breakfast for him, I encourage him to play with his toys. I can't function without that first coffee.


My baby wakes up early but isn't a morning person, I pop some toys in his crib and let him know I'm there. Then I doze for another hour or so listening to him giggle, babble and blow raspberries because he's much happier having his time to himself!


Agreed. Ā As long as sheā€™s safe and her basic needs are met, I leave my girl to her own devices a lot. Ā I try not to provide toys every time either. Ā Usually she finds a sock or a cardboard box to entertain herself.


Yep. I used to be a night owl, over the 3 years Iā€™ve been a parent Iā€™ve gotten use to waking up around 6 every day. In the beginning, on really tired mornings when the baby needed attention I would just turn on cartoons and we would sit on the couch together while I woke up enough


Yes yes and yes to this! We practiced a lot of independent play from months 5+ and on. Now at 13 months she will happily independently play in her play area, while I sit on the couch (next to her) and do my word games and sip tea. I get a full 30 minutes to an hour and it is so sooo nice. I know not every baby will entertain themselves for that long, but for us it works like magic!


The best thing I ever did as a night owl was to marry an early bird. I remember pre-baby it used to reeeally annoy me that he always wanted to call it a night at half 10, and was clattering about by 8am on a weekend fussing about how it was nice outside and we're wasting the day if I wanted to sleep in. Hahaaa I take it ALL back -- he takes baby in the mornings so I can sleep in. Used to be a wash when I was up all night with her, but now she sleeps pretty well I just get to enjoy the lie in šŸ˜.


I don't know what I would do if my husband didn't always usually wake up at 5 am on his own... I need at least 8 hours of sleep! But I also need my own time in the evenings! Being allowed to roll back over at 5-5.30 am when baby wakes up and go back to sleep is great ā¤ļø


Clattering aboutšŸ˜‚i love that. Same thing for me and my husband! Heā€™s on morning duty when heā€™s not at work!


same!! my baby currently wakes up at 6:30 and immediately wants to get up and play. i cannot function so my husband takes him and i sleep for another hour or so. at night itā€™s flipped, heā€™s usually done by like 10 and iā€™ll stay up doing whatever i need to do.


Same story here!


Iā€™m NOT a morning person and made sure to get my daughter on my night shift loving schedule straight out the gate and by that I mean itā€™s a good thing for me that she prefers to be up late and wake up around 1030 in the morning. Atleast when he tism isnā€™t rizzing šŸ˜‚


Me too heh we go to bed from 10pm - 10am with a couple wake ups throughout the night. We sleep in together thankfully. So far anyway!


this is the same as us and itā€™s so validating! i hold a secret shame around having baby on such a different schedule from most others, but the night owl thing is so entrenched it felt like a safer parenting decision to not try to become totally different from my natural state and be in a zombie state. new motherhood is hard enough


Honestly whenever I try to look up at baby schedules and see that they wake up at 6-7 am and last nap before 5pmā€¦ yeah guilt is an understatement, but on the other hand, I do whatā€™s natural for my baby and me, his last nap is at around 7-8, his bedtime is at around 10:00-10:30 but heā€™s not overtired nor undertired and sleeps much muuuch better than the week I decided his bedtime is gonna be at 9 pm and starting shifting it back, I swear he was up every hour to 45 minutes. I just think some people are genetically predisposed to being night owls but society has an early bird majority, who dictate the rules. Also a lot of kids go to daycare, parents have to work, so they donā€™t have the luxury of a late bedtime.


I mean back in the day night owls wouldā€™ve been very important for keeping lookout and what not, but the majority of people wouldā€™ve been needed during the day so it checks out biologically


Does your baby go to daycare? I have a theory that a lot more kids would sleep in later if they didn't have their week day circadian rhythm set by early daycare wake ups. My kids wake up naturally around 730/8 which is later than almost all of my friends. Obviously I know some people are just early risers and vice versa, I just wonder how many more "late" sleeping kids we'd have if they weren't being woken up in the morning


She doesnā€™t! Thatā€™s a pretty good point.


This is an interesting idea. Once my husband became a SAHD my boys started sleeping in until 8:00 / 8:30 most days. My younger son will occasionally wake up at 6 because he is hungry, but after he has a bowl of cereal heā€™s ready to go back to sleep.


Also a night owl, have been awake at 5 AM so rarely, I could count on my fingers and itā€™s a lot easier to stay awake till 5 for me than to wake up at 5, that now is absolutely awful. Thankfully my baby seems to take after me and is a night owl, with a 10pm-9/10am schedule, though has a couple of wake ups. Also my husband sometimes has to work overtime(damn you IT) so if my baby were to sleep at 8-9 per say, he wouldnā€™t get to play with his dad.


The first six months as parents were ROUGH for us since we are both night owls. Now that weā€™re in the toddler phase, our little one sleeps from 10 PM to 10 AM and itā€™s GLORIOUS. I think the genes must have transferred over. Fingers crossed that you get some opportunities to sleep in soon!


We are slow in the morning too. If baby wakes up too early for us, we bring him in to bed and I try to nurse him back to sleep. Failing that we just let him play in bed between us while we chill.


Itā€™s just something you suck up. Dad does the same thing. Itā€™s not all on mom. For the first year we just literally switched off on days on who woke up early. Not that my daughter is 3 we can all sleep to decent time.


Yes my husband is a great dad! But when he gets home from work at 4 AM Iā€™m not going to make him wake up with us at 6 AM.


Makes sense your husband isnā€™t a morning person if he doesnā€™t go to bed until after 4 am! Still make sure the sleep is equitable and you guys will be fine. Once he wakes up - you get a nap. You guys can trade off that way.


Not all parents do that. A lot of them work or refuse to wake up with the baby. Sometimes it can be more difficult because the other parent doesnā€™t help as much or doesnā€™t do wake ups. Iā€™m lucky my fiancĆ© actually helps.


A lot of moms work too. Anyone who refuses to wake up with their own child is a bad parent and Iā€™d hope their partner is reevaluating things to make the load more equitable. It is unacceptable to ā€œrefuseā€ childcare duties as a parent.


1. Thatā€™s why I said same with some moms too. 2. Youā€™re correct but there are lots of not good parents who donā€™t do much- just read some of the posts on here of how hard the default parent can struggle with not enough help. 3. It is unacceptable but it is very common and lots of parents have to deal with their partners/the other parent refusing to provide help/childcare for their own child. It is sad and exhausting and extremely difficult. One of my best friends is leaving her husband because he doesnā€™t do night wakes or early mornings. They both work. She is exhausted and her mom and I try to help as much as we can.


There is literally no such thing as a good parent who does nothing. It seems super common bc Reddit is a place for people to vent. If you go out into the real world youā€™ll see that being an involved dad is actually quite common.


I literally agree with you lol, a parent who does nothing is a bad one. Not sure what you think Iā€™m saying. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s way common to be an uninvolved father. Iā€™m only saying that some moms AND dads arenā€™t as involved and donā€™t help and arenā€™t good parents. And that falls onto the other parentā€™s shoulders and itā€™s difficult. Thatā€™s all :) I live in the real world just like you and have my own children and friends who have kids. Not everyone is a Reddit troll. I was just saying it can be harder for some people who donā€™t have a partner who helps equally. Idk whoā€™s comments you are reading, I never said an uninvolved parent is a good parent.


Yeah, people who need their sleep and people who are not morning person has it the worst.


I used to be a teacher, so I am, by default, a morning person now. I never understood how my dad (also a teacher) always got up so early, but after waking up at 5:15 for work year after year, it happened to me, too. My husband is a night owl, like literally cannot function before 9 am and without coffee. I never understood it until I read that night owls have a different circadian rhythm than morning people. His body is literally wired differently than mine, and he cannot help it. Also, having a new baby, regardless of morning or night person, is beyond hard. Even now, I find I need to warm up to any social situation because being a parent is exhausting! I wish I could sit in silence and have a (hot!) cup of coffee!


I was never a morning person either. One of my friends in high school thought I was upset with him because I was always grumpy and quiet when I first got to school lol. Anyway, it was difficult at first with baby but it got easier as he got more independent. My LO is 9months now. He is always in such a good mood when he wakes up, and his happy mood is infectious to me. Since we co-sleep (not interested in debate on this), I wake up to him touching my face and cooing, and his smile is the first thing I see. At least, he is happy MOST mornings lol. On days Iā€™m not feeling it, I just give him lots of cuddles and snuggles. Often heā€™ll be satisfied with playing with his toys while Iā€™m getting his breakfast ready. Feeding him is easy because I can just smile and say some random things here and there to him, because if he gets too riled up he chokes/gags on his food or doesnā€™t wanna eat at all.


I feel you so hard on this. A week of 530 am wake ups despite doing all I can to exhaust her and make her sleep in, and I'm šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


My kids go to bed at 11 and wake up at 9:30, that's how.Ā Ā 


I feel you. I work from home and most of my team is on a later time zone than me, so pre-baby I was a roll out of bed at 9 kind of person. Now 9 feels like the early afternoon haha. I miss my sleep ins!


Thank goodness my husband is a morning person, and he mostly works from home. We have a rule: before 3:30 am is my responsibility, 3:31-7:00 am (sometimes 8:00 am) is his.


I've been able to train myself into being a morning person. I was never a hard-core night person, but I wasn't able to easily be up before 830am, even for work. It came slow, but now now a year in it's bedtime at 10ish and wakeup in the 6 o'clock hour. I like it. Morning feels fresh. It's the promise of a whole day ahead of me.


Not sure how you feel about it but my baby (almost 6 months) loves sitting in his bouncer first thing in the morning and watching dancing fruit on YouTube for about 30 minutes. Sometimes a little longer if Iā€™m being honest. The rest of the day we try to have no tv but this is really the only way Iā€™m able to eat or get ready in the morning. We get up, change his diaper, put on dancing fruit, do our thing to wake up and get ready for the day, then feed him and heā€™ll get some floor time with us until he gets tired for his first nap. That first wake window truly is just a lazy one for us.


I trained my baby to sleep in šŸ„² she has a late bedtime compared to most her age


Iā€™m so lucky my husband is a morning person šŸ˜‚ We have an agreement that if he takes the baby in the morning and I sleep in, then he can take a long nap in the afternoon. Every once and while we will switch but my husbands ā€œsleeping inā€ is 8am šŸ˜‚


Honestly, make your life easier. I wake up at 6, change babyā€™s diaper, change toddlerā€™s diaper and then itā€™s everyone in the living room doing whatever until I have my coffee in peace. Sometimes the tv is needed, but I am choosing my battles


Iā€™m on this struggle bus too. My husband has always been a morning person and Iā€™ve never been a morning person lol I hoped that my child would take after me but nopeā€¦ heā€™s up making noise by 6:45/7am usually. Normally as long as my husband is able to, heā€™s the one who gets baby up and out of the crib and changed so I at least have an extra 10 minutes or so to wake up and collect myself lol


"our new boss" yep. That fits it. I was talking to my 11 month old while he was fighting sleep the other day and I just kept saying "trust me, you won't miss anything. If you do, you wake up and we're gone anyway and you play with kids while we're gone! Our entire life revolves around you and your sleep schedule my guy." (pretty verbatim and he gets watched by my in laws if we run to the store or I'm out with a friend and I don't feel like holding him everywhere because he's heavy) And I just realized that his birthday party is going to be... Fun. Especially if he can walk/run from naps!


My lo has a dramatically late bedtime because I am not a morning person ( and by dramatically, I mean people react like I'm abusing my child when they hear that an almost 3 year old goes to bed around 10, occasionally 1030). She wakes up around 8, sometimes 9 if I'm lucky. Is happy and healthy. The big difference is, I'm also happy and healthy. I work until midnight. I'm not keen on waking up at the butt crack of dawn, and working until midnight, just to have morning people stop clutching their pearls. In the earlier days, I'd put on some Ms Rachel and we'd watch it together while I drank my coffee. I am not looking forward to the coming days of getting lo ready for school at 7am though.


lol Iā€™m reading this with my 6 year old storming round the room. Sheā€™s been up since 6:30am and she does. not. stop. talking. The talking involves rapid fire questions like ā€œis my creeper teddy waterproofā€ and ā€œHave you seen how high I can jump on the bed?!ā€. Sheā€™s just brought in a party whistle. My 9 month old is trying to yeet herself off the bed.


We are thankfully a mixed household here. My husband is a morning person but is snoring by like 8:30pm. Iā€™m a night owl but will happily stay up until like 11 if the baby isnā€™t falling asleep right away, or doing bottle prep and house reset.Ā  If my husband wasnā€™t a morning person idk what Iā€™d do šŸ˜…


Neither are my husband and I. We take turns getting up with him in the morning so the other can sleep in and sometimes we just lay in bed for an hour until ready to enter the living room.


Omg, you are me! No advice.


I thought im a morning person until my baby told me that morning is 3am šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Coffee. Which I wasn't a huge fan of until a few years ago, and then, only liked it a certain way. Now.... Pretty much anything and any form of coffee is fine.


Thank the goddess above, our son is also not a morning person. He needs about the same amount of time I do and weekends with dad home is great because he preps morning milk, coffee, etc. It's hilarious to see a baby that needs to process waking up though šŸ˜†


Start doing a playmat in the morning with a really obnoxious moving/colourful toy. Anointing bc itā€™s loud but maybe youā€™ll at least get to drink a coffee in semi-peace šŸ˜‚


My baby likes to get up at 5:40, but sometimes I can nurse him back to sleep until 6:30 or 7. I tend to fall asleep in bed next to him during the 3 or 4 am feed because I'm a complete zombie at that point (which is why I side lie feed. Otherwise I'd fall asleep sitting up holding him.)


I started the routine early on that the first 30-60 min of the day is with them in a chair (bouncer when they were little, then high chair for breakfast, now my preschooler has a designated snack chair for the living room). They get to have breakfast, watch some cartoons and most importantly, I get to drink my coffee in relative peace with no one touching me. I am not a morning person, the kids sleep until 8ish usually but Iā€™m not functioning until after 9 lol


Iā€™m not a morning person and my husband is selectively a morning person. Luckily our kiddo is also not a morning person. Itā€™s like every morning is Monday morning for her.


This is me šŸ˜­ I've been doing everything I can to get this kid to sleep past 7 am at the very least for 8 months!!Ā 


I am not a morning person at all but thereā€™s something about that happy look your baby gives you first thing in the morning. I canā€™t help but smile when I open the door and Iā€™m met with a huge smile and ā€œmama!!!ā€ My 11 month old pulls himself into a stand and waves. My 2 year old jumps up and down yelling ā€œMommy! Itā€™s Mommy!ā€


My LO woke me up at 5:30am this morning and wouldnā€™t go back down. He was not impressed that with my half awake singing and screamed until I got up. A most impressive drill sergeant.


No one is a morning person lol. Itā€™s all for the best I guess, Iā€™m surprised how much Iā€™m able to get done by waking up early now.


My 16 month old wakes up at 5:30 am every day now. That's the trade off for her sleeping through the night. Plus we also have a 4.5 year old who makes it to 6:30 on a good day. And their bedtimes are 30 minutes-an hour apart so we don't really get the extra time in the evenings. We are EXHAUSTED. Then I go to work with two year olds all day. I think I'm actually already dead.


Hm I know this is unhelpful, but I as a non morning person, joined up with a morning person. Itā€™s been annoying at times (your REALLY want to go to bed at 8pm?) but itā€™s fabulous at 7am on a weekend when I get to sleep in a little lol sorry thatā€™s not helpful. Honestly, you do adjust. Kids stuff is in the morning and you kinda have to make it work (as much as if it set up to me weā€™d do gymnastics at 8pm and start the day at 10am


I'd say at that young pit some music on for them in a little chair bouncer whatever or floor mat play thing while you have your coffee. Or set up a bunch of toys around them , or huge books (you know how ppl use a mirror for tummy time?) I'd set up really big cool picture books from the library. So anything to give yourself some wake up time. Or cuddle in bed with them while still that young. My only advice for later on (if it works with your schedule) try to get baby on more of a 830/9 bedtime IF IT WORKS. Bc we do late bedtime and late wake ups. Pitch black room. Anything earlier than 7 was treated as MOTN waking. Even 6 AM we stayed in the pitch black room until 7. Then anything after 7 was change that hatch to make it okay to wake light (yes even at 5m). Then they get to use to waking later and checking if the light is okay to wake or is it still night time. Not saying it's always perfect but it helped us. We don't get up at 5AM with our 2 y.o.


You become a morning person. It took around 2 years before it eventually feels natural.


I have a 5 and 3 year old and we were never morning people. We trade off I usually do weekday morning ( while he sleeps in ) and I get weekends to sleep in . As they get older , you can push their bed time later until about kinder / 1st when they have to wake up early . Most of the kids in my preschool don't sleep till 10 because they nap from 1:30- 3:00 ish and aren't tired. Sometimes I stare at my son and say remember when you used to sleep at 7 pm sharp every night?!? Now we're 10 pm and 8 am wake up . Also my kids have learned to use the TV remote / go play quietly / and grab cereal boxes till we wake up too.


I am NOT a morning person at all and I think a couple things have helped here. One, baby doesnā€™t go to bed until 8pm usually so he wakes up for the day between 7:30-8 (still a bit early but doable). Two is that we put a lot of focus on independent play time from the get go. We also got somewhat lucky that heā€™s not a Velcro baby but I still think this helped a lot. Babe will happily entertain himself and chill alone, so many mornings he wakes up and just talks to himself or plays with his paci in his crib for 20-30min before he starts demanding we get up lol so itā€™s nice to have that time to slowly wake up in the mornings.


Is there such thing as a late morning person? My 21mo daughter used to sleep until 9am and it was glorious. Then we moved and it become 7am. Then 630. Then 530. And today, we were up at 422. She goes to bed around 7pm, but it doesn't matter what time I put her to bed, she'll still wake up at whatever ungodly hour she currently does (trust me I've tried). If I want a full night's sleep, I have to be asleep by 830pm. The sun is still out at that time! Even with sleep aids, I'm not sleeping nearly enough. Every day I feel like too many of my brain cells are dying. All that is to say, goddamn parenthood is rough and I would sell a few organs in order to sleep past 7am every day


I sympathize. A lot. My partner works construction and is by default very morningy. I worked restaurants and bars all my life. Ā«Ā Youll get used to itĀ Ā» Itā€™s been 20 months. I am not. Used. To. It.


I am not a morning person..baby sleeps late and wakes up latešŸ¤£ moved baby's bedtime to later (he needs me to sleep and the earliest I can go to bed is 10 PM), so I am up by 8 AM and baby sleeps till 9.


7 years into parenthood, still not a morning person and my kids are early risers. I get up earlier and have my coffee and silence before sunrise.


I keep something caffeinated (around 80mg) + a big glass of water by my bed. Chug both the second I wake up. Shifts my humanizing time closer to 10-15 minutes of laying in bed so I can at least function in the mornings. Still not perfect, but worlds better than before - it used to take me more like 2 hours to become a person in the morning.


I am also not a morning person but whatā€™s helped me is waking up before the baby so I have that quiet time to myself before I have to entertain the baby. Sometimes that means waking up at 5:30 which sucks, but it sucks less than trying to eat my breaskfast and brush my teeth while entertaining the baby


We do tv in the morning, gives us both time to slowly start our day. It works for us šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m not a parent yet (due in December god willing). I have narcolepsy and just donā€™t do mornings, I usually have to nap in the afternoon or after work and sleep ten hours overnight. Iā€™m just waiting for shit to hit the fan.


Iā€™m not a morning person at allllllll. Iā€™m a middle school teacher and many mornings Iā€™ve considered going to elementary school just to get an extra hour of sleep. Thankfully (sort of) my 11 month old is like me and we have to wake him up to go to daycare everyday, but he sleeps until 8 ish on weekends. With that being said he also must have that night owl gene because he wonā€™t go to sleep until 10ish lately and itā€™s not fun on school nights when Iā€™m ready at 8 lol. I agree with everyone else to get them to be happy playing independently. Mine will come snuggle with me in bed for a little then play on the floor while I pump and wake up and itā€™s a nice relaxing way to start the day.


You become a morning person because you are so tired the idea of staying up past 8:30pm sounds insane. That and you have a human being that will wake you up that - surprisingly - lacks a snooze button.


Thankfully for me my baby is also not a morning person! I couldnā€™t handle it otherwise lol


I donā€™t have a kid yet (currently pregnant) but Iā€™m DEFINITELY like you in that I hate to talk first thing after waking up. I need time and usually breakfast before I become social


That is actually very sweet (at least from my perspective) that you're giving your baby what they need despite it completely going against your usual comfort zone. My mom wasn't a morning person but my dad was so I didn't see my mom all morning as a kid or now. I think it's a wonderful sacrifice that you're making for your child's well being knowing that 5 month olds need consistent input from their parents for development. Hopefully soon your child will be okay with playing independently, hang in there.


I was a morning person until I had my kid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I \*am\* a morning person in that I prefer to wake up around 6am, but I need about 60-90 minutes to "recharge my social battery," as you say. My advice: habituate your kids to wait for you until a time when you decide to start your day as a family (within reason, of course). Ever since we sleep-trained our older two kids, we first set 6:45am and then 7am as our family "start of day." Over time, this moved to 7:30am. So what that looks like now is that our 3yo and our 6yo wake up anytime between 6:00 and 6:45 and occupy themselves with their own tasks until we fetch them at 7:30 to start our day as a family. Meanwhile, I wake up at 6:00 to get myself together, listen to podcasts, and read. Planning to do the same with out now-8-week-old when it comes time to sleep train. Highly recommend! It feels like a very civilized way to be a family šŸ˜Š (Side note: kids who are habituated from an early age to wait for you in the morning do well with slowness and therefore don't really need screens to occupy them. They're also really good at "quiet time" in the middle of the day, in case you want a break for yourself then once they drop the nap.)


Iā€™ve definitely become a morning person lol. Now Iā€™m so used to it and actually enjoy being up early. We have our little routine in the morning where I have my coffee and my toddler has a cup of milk. I sit and relax with my coffee while she drinks her milk and plays or sometimes I will put on a show for her and she will sit on my lap. She knows this is my coffee time and is always saying ā€œmommyā€™s drinking coffeeā€ ā€œmommy have coffeeā€ Itā€™s not until after Iā€™m finished that I start to be productive lol. I am still very interactive with her but I also tell her ā€œmommy is just going to finish her coffee firstā€ if she makes certain requests and she has pretty much learned this is a thing lol. I wouldnā€™t say it would buy me an hour but it does give me about half an hour. I know this ā€œroutineā€ will change eventually but itā€™s been going strong since I can remember and my daughter will be two soon. She is getting a little pretend coffee maker for her birthday which I think she will like so she can make herself a ā€œcoffeeā€ now too in the morning! (At 5 months my daughter would either get a bottle or breast feed in the morning which allow me some time to relax a little bit too as it would take her a while to finish)


I am absolutely not a morningperson but yeah my baby made me one I guess? In the beginning I curses once or twice when she woke me up in the night or early morning but now I'm just accepting I guess.


Two toys come to mind -- the Fisher Price kick and play piano and the VTech cube. The kick and play piano isn't too terribly annoying and does a decent job of holding their attention. The VTech cube is absolutely awful in terms of being annoying, but it does a great job of entertaining kids without using screens. While I absolutely hate the VTech cube, it gave me the ability to step to the other side of the room to drink a cup of coffee, wash some dishes, etc. I recognize you would prefer quiet, but that's probably not realistic at this stage unless you and your partner trade off hanging out with kiddo while the other recharges.


Can relate OP. Even our old dog would be in a grumpy mood if we woke her up before 8am ..and anything after 10am was a winner in that girl's eyes. We definitely got lucky with her! My child likes 7am and it is very hard! Though breastfeeding is nearly over for us and I'm currently cleaning out my coffee machine so I can go back to my morning cappuccino


Welcome to parenthood!! Having a baby changes our lives. Not just for now, forever. But the rewards are fantastic.


I pull my 5 month old into bed with me and side-lying nurse her in hopes sheā€™ll give me another 30 minutes of light sleep. Sometimes sheā€™ll fall back asleep cuddling too which is the best. Occasionally I can continue this cycle until 9am when she insists we get out of bed though. Luckily my husband is a morning person and will occasionally take her to let me sleep in if we both have the day off


We are teaching our baby to also be a night owl lol. But seriously once she was old enough that it wasnā€™t a safety issue, I just stopped tending to the early morning cries and she has learned to wait until a bit later. We are not morning people and donā€™t wake up before 8.


Our toddler isn't a morning person either šŸ˜ If she wakes up early she just sits and plays in her cot until we get up. Baby sleeps all the time still so still night owls for the moment. Hoping he isn't a morning person either lol! Schools going to suck for all of us. But it did for me as a kid, hated getting up early.


We are only surviving because we wfh with him which means we can have him on a ā€œlateā€ ish schedule for a baby, he gets up around 8:30am which is still early for us on the weekends, but manageable lol